This claim about Biden having dementia feels desperate

Don’t get me wrong. Biden says some stupid shit. At least once a month this occurs. It’s more than a candidate for president should. He’s an old man. What can you do? Dementia though? It’s a stretch.

it’s a stretch because it serves as a distraction from Trump. Trump supporters are well aware just how incredibly stupid Trump sounds on a daily basis so they have to deflect to Biden so we won’t all notice. It doesn’t work.

Like 2016, there is this false equivalency crap people have about the two candidates. Sure, Biden and Hillary are deeply flawed candidates, but let’s not kid ourselves about Trump. His incompetence and emotional immaturity is unprecedented. If you went back in time to your past self living under Obama’s administration and you told him or her that the next president will brag on TV about saying 5 words in order, how would your past self react?

It's all part of Trump's strategy to trash Biden. If Biden has dementia - then Trump is totally batshit insane.

The economy was rocking under Trump.

Biden was VP to one of the slowest recoveries we've ever experienced.

Everyone claims Obama/Biden did such a great funny.

The economy generally comes back to a baseline.

Reagan had it there in months after the crash of 1987.

Obama rode this thing like a good little lefty and almost turned it into a depression.

Funny. You're a really stupid little troll. The Great Bush Recession was much worse than anything Reagan dealt with.

"Reagan had it there in months after the crash of 1987."

Don’t get me wrong. Biden says some stupid shit. At least once a month this occurs. It’s more than a candidate for president should. He’s an old man. What can you do? Dementia though? It’s a stretch.

it’s a stretch because it serves as a distraction from Trump. Trump supporters are well aware just how incredibly stupid Trump sounds on a daily basis so they have to deflect to Biden so we won’t all notice. It doesn’t work.

Like 2016, there is this false equivalency crap people have about the two candidates. Sure, Biden and Hillary are deeply flawed candidates, but let’s not kid ourselves about Trump. His incompetence and emotional immaturity is unprecedented. If you went back in time to your past self living under Obama’s administration and you told him or her that the next president will brag on TV about saying 5 words in order, how would your past self react?
This is A POTUS Trump supporter voted in 2016 and wiill in 2020 along with 85 million other people The USA is a great Country 32 % are Democtrrate like You and 9 % are black something, Joe Biden is a sexual pwervert and a liar he knows excatly what he is Tring to do, he goes were the wind takes him and lies 24 7 like Obama, CNN and Drunk Nancy Pelosi want me to list the eveil things that Democrates tried to do in the last 4 years and today 1-4.500? Ameerica has had enogh of the dirty politics we want leaders and to show how stupid the Democrates and CNN are they blame the cornavirus on POTUS Trump, Well the way to deal with this is through the ballot box inperson in 2020 and that is what America will do , Leader McConell holds the Senate we get rid of 50 women int the house and Drunk Nancy Pelosi, Jim Joprdan is the new speaker of the house, POTUS Trump wins by a ladlide and we put America back to being Great Again
Don’t get me wrong. Biden says some stupid shit. At least once a month this occurs. It’s more than a candidate for president should. He’s an old man. What can you do? Dementia though? It’s a stretch.

it’s a stretch because it serves as a distraction from Trump. Trump supporters are well aware just how incredibly stupid Trump sounds on a daily basis so they have to deflect to Biden so we won’t all notice. It doesn’t work.

Like 2016, there is this false equivalency crap people have about the two candidates. Sure, Biden and Hillary are deeply flawed candidates, but let’s not kid ourselves about Trump. His incompetence and emotional immaturity is unprecedented. If you went back in time to your past self living under Obama’s administration and you told him or her that the next president will brag on TV about saying 5 words in order, how would your past self react?
This is A POTUS Trump supporter voted in 2016 and wiill in 2020 along with 85 million other people The USA is a great Country 32 % are Democtrrate like You and 9 % are black something, Joe Biden is a sexual pwervert and a liar he knows excatly what he is Tring to do, he goes were the wind takes him and lies 24 7 like Obama, CNN and Drunk Nancy Pelosi want me to list the eveil things that Democrates tried to do in the last 4 years and today 1-4.500? Ameerica has had enogh of the dirty politics we want leaders and to show how stupid the Democrates and CNN are they blame the cornavirus on POTUS Trump, Well the way to deal with this is through the ballot box inperson in 2020 and that is what America will do , Leader McConell holds the Senate we get rid of 50 women int the house and Drunk Nancy Pelosi, Jim Joprdan is the new speaker of the house, POTUS Trump wins by a ladlide and we put America back to being Great Again
Drink some more gin. You'll feel better Tomorrow morning.

DJT is a disgrace. Everything he touches turns to shit and minimizes your ability to post on the interwebs. Go figure.
1. I feel that the Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr., will win.

2. Of course, I plan to vote for President Trump, for the election of Mr. Biden would simply ratify the chaos of recent months caused by very bad folks.

3. Mr. Biden is clearly a mentally frail gentleman. These are more than "senior moments." (I am 83.)

4. Yes, he will become our nominal president. But the power behind the throne will be his woke VP and his woke Cabinet and his woke House and his woke Senate.

5. Many people who put the Dems in power on Nov. 3 will come to bitterly regret it, but it will be too late. Truth realized too late is surely a good definition of Hell.
Don’t get me wrong. Biden says some stupid shit. At least once a month this occurs. It’s more than a candidate for president should. He’s an old man. What can you do? Dementia though? It’s a stretch.

it’s a stretch because it serves as a distraction from Trump. Trump supporters are well aware just how incredibly stupid Trump sounds on a daily basis so they have to deflect to Biden so we won’t all notice. It doesn’t work.

Like 2016, there is this false equivalency crap people have about the two candidates. Sure, Biden and Hillary are deeply flawed candidates, but let’s not kid ourselves about Trump. His incompetence and emotional immaturity is unprecedented. If you went back in time to your past self living under Obama’s administration and you told him or her that the next president will brag on TV about saying 5 words in order, how would your past self react?
I don't think there is any doubt that there is age-related cognitive decline, but that's not the same as dementia.

But, of course, our current political climate demands that we turn virtually everything into silly hyperbole, and intellectual honesty is no longer a priority.

Nutters have zero credibility. They appear to exist to fling poo only.
Don’t get me wrong. Biden says some stupid shit. At least once a month this occurs. It’s more than a candidate for president should. He’s an old man. What can you do? Dementia though? It’s a stretch.

it’s a stretch because it serves as a distraction from Trump. Trump supporters are well aware just how incredibly stupid Trump sounds on a daily basis so they have to deflect to Biden so we won’t all notice. It doesn’t work.

Like 2016, there is this false equivalency crap people have about the two candidates. Sure, Biden and Hillary are deeply flawed candidates, but let’s not kid ourselves about Trump. His incompetence and emotional immaturity is unprecedented. If you went back in time to your past self living under Obama’s administration and you told him or her that the next president will brag on TV about saying 5 words in order, how would your past self react?
This is A POTUS Trump supporter voted in 2016 and wiill in 2020 along with 85 million other people The USA is a great Country 32 % are Democtrrate like You and 9 % are black something, Joe Biden is a sexual pwervert and a liar he knows excatly what he is Tring to do, he goes were the wind takes him and lies 24 7 like Obama, CNN and Drunk Nancy Pelosi want me to list the eveil things that Democrates tried to do in the last 4 years and today 1-4.500? Ameerica has had enogh of the dirty politics we want leaders and to show how stupid the Democrates and CNN are they blame the cornavirus on POTUS Trump, Well the way to deal with this is through the ballot box inperson in 2020 and that is what America will do , Leader McConell holds the Senate we get rid of 50 women int the house and Drunk Nancy Pelosi, Jim Joprdan is the new speaker of the house, POTUS Trump wins by a ladlide and we put America back to being Great Again
Drink some more gin. You'll feel better Tomorrow morning.

DJT is a disgrace. Everything he touches turns to shit and minimizes your ability to post on the interwebs. Go figure.
lets put it this way Russian Vodka is what Drunk Nancy Drinks I like Budwizwer and brats in Wisconsin and YOU JOE Biden is now 5 % behind POTUS Trump and the Democrate Govenor of Wisconsin evers he dose not make a move unless The Wisconsin Legislator Speaker a Republican allows him to so have another shot Hillary fan
Don’t get me wrong. Biden says some stupid shit. At least once a month this occurs. It’s more than a candidate for president should. He’s an old man. What can you do? Dementia though? It’s a stretch.

it’s a stretch because it serves as a distraction from Trump. Trump supporters are well aware just how incredibly stupid Trump sounds on a daily basis so they have to deflect to Biden so we won’t all notice. It doesn’t work.

Like 2016, there is this false equivalency crap people have about the two candidates. Sure, Biden and Hillary are deeply flawed candidates, but let’s not kid ourselves about Trump. His incompetence and emotional immaturity is unprecedented. If you went back in time to your past self living under Obama’s administration and you told him or her that the next president will brag on TV about saying 5 words in order, how would your past self react?
Biden can hardly string together a phrase, let alone 5 words in order.

He's gone.
Don’t get me wrong. Biden says some stupid shit. At least once a month this occurs. It’s more than a candidate for president should. He’s an old man. What can you do? Dementia though? It’s a stretch.

it’s a stretch because it serves as a distraction from Trump. Trump supporters are well aware just how incredibly stupid Trump sounds on a daily basis so they have to deflect to Biden so we won’t all notice. It doesn’t work.

Like 2016, there is this false equivalency crap people have about the two candidates. Sure, Biden and Hillary are deeply flawed candidates, but let’s not kid ourselves about Trump. His incompetence and emotional immaturity is unprecedented. If you went back in time to your past self living under Obama’s administration and you told him or her that the next president will brag on TV about saying 5 words in order, how would your past self react?

It's all part of Trump's strategy to trash Biden. If Biden has dementia - then Trump is totally batshit insane.

The economy was rocking under Trump.

Biden was VP to one of the slowest recoveries we've ever experienced.

Everyone claims Obama/Biden did such a great funny.

The economy generally comes back to a baseline.

Reagan had it there in months after the crash of 1987.

Obama rode this thing like a good little lefty and almost turned it into a depression.

Funny. You're a really stupid little troll. The Great Bush Recession was much worse than anything Reagan dealt with.

Reagan had it a lot worse than Obama and had us rolling again in eight months. I watched my portfolio grow back real fast.

If the Obama/Biden recovery were any slower, it would be in reverse.

As to stupid, tell me what you'd like to compare in terms of knowledge and I'll be happy to meet you anywhere on the board to discuss.

Of course, you'll need to pull your head out of Adam Schitt's ass first.
At least Reagan didn’t bailout the crooks who crashed the economy while doing little for the people, as Ears did.
Don’t get me wrong. Biden says some stupid shit. At least once a month this occurs. It’s more than a candidate for president should. He’s an old man. What can you do? Dementia though? It’s a stretch.

it’s a stretch because it serves as a distraction from Trump. Trump supporters are well aware just how incredibly stupid Trump sounds on a daily basis so they have to deflect to Biden so we won’t all notice. It doesn’t work.

Like 2016, there is this false equivalency crap people have about the two candidates. Sure, Biden and Hillary are deeply flawed candidates, but let’s not kid ourselves about Trump. His incompetence and emotional immaturity is unprecedented. If you went back in time to your past self living under Obama’s administration and you told him or her that the next president will brag on TV about saying 5 words in order, how would your past self react?

It's all part of Trump's strategy to trash Biden. If Biden has dementia - then Trump is totally batshit insane.

The economy was rocking under Trump.

Biden was VP to one of the slowest recoveries we've ever experienced.

Everyone claims Obama/Biden did such a great funny.

The economy generally comes back to a baseline.

Reagan had it there in months after the crash of 1987.

Obama rode this thing like a good little lefty and almost turned it into a depression.

An economy handed off to him by Barack Obama. All he had to do was find a way NOT to fuck it.....and he found that way.
Like it or not, job creation and growth was better under Obama. Average growth per quarter was better under Obama. (where's that 4% that Trump promised?)
When are we going to stop these lies? The desperation on the Trump side of the aisle is palpable. Absolutely nothing is sticking the way it did in 2016.
Biden (with all his gaffes) is head and shoulders above Trump.
Don’t get me wrong. Biden says some stupid shit. At least once a month this occurs. It’s more than a candidate for president should. He’s an old man. What can you do? Dementia though? It’s a stretch.

Not a stretch.

He isn't being challenged like Trump is right now. He is not being stressed. As bad as he looks and sounds....he'd be totally fucked if he were in the WH. I can barely consider the shitshow it would be.

it’s a stretch because it serves as a distraction from Trump. Trump supporters are well aware just how incredibly stupid Trump sounds on a daily basis so they have to deflect to Biden so we won’t all notice. It doesn’t work.

It's no distraction.

Trump sounds fine and you are full of shit.

Are you really that inebriated ?

Like 2016, there is this false equivalency crap people have about the two candidates. Sure, Biden and Hillary are deeply flawed candidates, but let’s not kid ourselves about Trump. His incompetence and emotional maturity is unprecedented. If you went back in time to your past self living under Obama’s administration and you told him or her that the next president will brag on TV about saying 5 words in order, how would your past self react?

OMG...where did this come from ?

You really think this constitutes an argument of any kind ? For what ?

The question is: Is Joe Biden dealing with onset dementia ?

The answer is yes ?

Put down the booze and stop posting.....
Lol you try way too hard.

You don't try hard enough.
Somehow I succeed.

Based on the drivel you post here, I doubt it.
he probaly diose so lets test him to find out and I America would like a Pyco annalist report on his overall behavior proven documents excist that shows his is a liar, a sexual pervert the 58 women that will testify to that at the first Debate will show that , he lied about Obama/Joe Biden Care, what he graduated in in college is level of intelegence the lowest in the class, he lied about the bills he supported in 15 years in the Senate, He lied about General Flynn, along with Obama, Clapper and Shiff, he was the worst VP of the US and he lied about Russia and China collusion in the 2016 POTUS election. He thinks he is running for the Senate in 2020 now who would vote for someone like that?
Don’t get me wrong. Biden says some stupid shit. At least once a month this occurs. It’s more than a candidate for president should. He’s an old man. What can you do? Dementia though? It’s a stretch.

it’s a stretch because it serves as a distraction from Trump. Trump supporters are well aware just how incredibly stupid Trump sounds on a daily basis so they have to deflect to Biden so we won’t all notice. It doesn’t work.

Like 2016, there is this false equivalency crap people have about the two candidates. Sure, Biden and Hillary are deeply flawed candidates, but let’s not kid ourselves about Trump. His incompetence and emotional immaturity is unprecedented. If you went back in time to your past self living under Obama’s administration and you told him or her that the next president will brag on TV about saying 5 words in order, how would your past self react?
This is A POTUS Trump supporter voted in 2016 and wiill in 2020 along with 85 million other people The USA is a great Country 32 % are Democtrrate like You and 9 % are black something, Joe Biden is a sexual pwervert and a liar he knows excatly what he is Tring to do, he goes were the wind takes him and lies 24 7 like Obama, CNN and Drunk Nancy Pelosi want me to list the eveil things that Democrates tried to do in the last 4 years and today 1-4.500? Ameerica has had enogh of the dirty politics we want leaders and to show how stupid the Democrates and CNN are they blame the cornavirus on POTUS Trump, Well the way to deal with this is through the ballot box inperson in 2020 and that is what America will do , Leader McConell holds the Senate we get rid of 50 women int the house and Drunk Nancy Pelosi, Jim Joprdan is the new speaker of the house, POTUS Trump wins by a ladlide and we put America back to being Great Again
Drink some more gin. You'll feel better Tomorrow morning.

DJT is a disgrace. Everything he touches turns to shit and minimizes your ability to post on the interwebs. Go figure.
lets put it this way Russian Vodka is what Drunk Nancy Drinks I like Budwizwer and brats in Wisconsin and YOU JOE Biden is now 5 % behind POTUS Trump and the Democrate Govenor of Wisconsin evers he dose not make a move unless The Wisconsin Legislator Speaker a Republican allows him to so have another shot Hillary fan

This is why you should never post when you're drunk..or hungover. :) Spelling, punctuation, logical thought all goes out the window. It's just a lot of vowel movements (RIP Robin Williams).
Don’t get me wrong. Biden says some stupid shit. At least once a month this occurs. It’s more than a candidate for president should. He’s an old man. What can you do? Dementia though? It’s a stretch.

it’s a stretch because it serves as a distraction from Trump. Trump supporters are well aware just how incredibly stupid Trump sounds on a daily basis so they have to deflect to Biden so we won’t all notice. It doesn’t work.

Like 2016, there is this false equivalency crap people have about the two candidates. Sure, Biden and Hillary are deeply flawed candidates, but let’s not kid ourselves about Trump. His incompetence and emotional immaturity is unprecedented. If you went back in time to your past self living under Obama’s administration and you told him or her that the next president will brag on TV about saying 5 words in order, how would your past self react?

It's all part of Trump's strategy to trash Biden. If Biden has dementia - then Trump is totally batshit insane.

The economy was rocking under Trump.

Biden was VP to one of the slowest recoveries we've ever experienced.

Everyone claims Obama/Biden did such a great funny.

The economy generally comes back to a baseline.

Reagan had it there in months after the crash of 1987.

Obama rode this thing like a good little lefty and almost turned it into a depression.
Obama and the Dems would have turned it into a great depression if they got cap&tax passed. The 2010 Republican revolution and Ted Kennedy's brain cancer saved our economy from certain doom. C&T likely would have been an unrecoverable blow to the US economy. A knockout punch.
Don’t get me wrong. Biden says some stupid shit. At least once a month this occurs. It’s more than a candidate for president should. He’s an old man. What can you do? Dementia though? It’s a stretch.

it’s a stretch because it serves as a distraction from Trump. Trump supporters are well aware just how incredibly stupid Trump sounds on a daily basis so they have to deflect to Biden so we won’t all notice. It doesn’t work.

Like 2016, there is this false equivalency crap people have about the two candidates. Sure, Biden and Hillary are deeply flawed candidates, but let’s not kid ourselves about Trump. His incompetence and emotional immaturity is unprecedented. If you went back in time to your past self living under Obama’s administration and you told him or her that the next president will brag on TV about saying 5 words in order, how would your past self react?
Biden is only allowed out of his cage once in of course...he only says something incredibly stupid whenever he's allowed to freelance.
Don’t get me wrong. Biden says some stupid shit. At least once a month this occurs. It’s more than a candidate for president should. He’s an old man. What can you do? Dementia though? It’s a stretch.

it’s a stretch because it serves as a distraction from Trump. Trump supporters are well aware just how incredibly stupid Trump sounds on a daily basis so they have to deflect to Biden so we won’t all notice. It doesn’t work.

Like 2016, there is this false equivalency crap people have about the two candidates. Sure, Biden and Hillary are deeply flawed candidates, but let’s not kid ourselves about Trump. His incompetence and emotional immaturity is unprecedented. If you went back in time to your past self living under Obama’s administration and you told him or her that the next president will brag on TV about saying 5 words in order, how would your past self react?
Agreed.its a tired tactic. Remember when Hillary fainted and she was suddenly on her death bed? Grow up people. Fight on policy and personality and use a little intellect please

When does Biden produce any policy.

He can't fucking remember his wife.
He has been talking about policy constantly. If you listened to something other than conservative sound bites you’d know that. Try stepping out of your bubble

Oh....and let's not forget....he's tied up with Bernie Sanders...who I actually like in many ways (but his policy goals are simply stupid)....which means Biden has adopted some of the most ridiculous bullshit in the poltical arena.
Thats your opinion. Many people like what Bernie has to say.

Anti Bernie democrats were pissed he got some much air because his policies were simply bankruptcy in another form.

I liked him because he was bringing up the issues (I don't hear a lot about health care these days in terms of policy...but Obamacare has done little to help....we still have huge issues). But his answers don't do well at all. With me or many others. Including a lot of democrats.

Good points.. I agree about Bernie brought up great issues didn’t have economic luck sensible solutions. We’ve also never had a real effort to get Obamacare done right. It been fought be over half our legislature for over 7 years

But Hillary blamed the Bernie Bros for staying home.

Since Biden (who has never had an original thought his entire career) needs them....he just latched right on.
If that’s how you want to see it then fine. But it’s a pretty childish outlook
Don’t get me wrong. Biden says some stupid shit. At least once a month this occurs. It’s more than a candidate for president should. He’s an old man. What can you do? Dementia though? It’s a stretch.

I don't think there is any doubt that there is age-related cognitive decline, but that's not the same as dementia.

Dementia: (click links)

Cognitive changes
Psychological changes

Last edited:
Don’t get me wrong. Biden says some stupid shit. At least once a month this occurs. It’s more than a candidate for president should. He’s an old man. What can you do? Dementia though? It’s a stretch.

it’s a stretch because it serves as a distraction from Trump. Trump supporters are well aware just how incredibly stupid Trump sounds on a daily basis so they have to deflect to Biden so we won’t all notice. It doesn’t work.

Like 2016, there is this false equivalency crap people have about the two candidates. Sure, Biden and Hillary are deeply flawed candidates, but let’s not kid ourselves about Trump. His incompetence and emotional immaturity is unprecedented. If you went back in time to your past self living under Obama’s administration and you told him or her that the next president will brag on TV about saying 5 words in order, how would your past self react?

Well, he takes the test, Trump hands over tax returns. Easy.
Don’t get me wrong. Biden says some stupid shit. At least once a month this occurs. It’s more than a candidate for president should. He’s an old man. What can you do? Dementia though? It’s a stretch.

it’s a stretch because it serves as a distraction from Trump. Trump supporters are well aware just how incredibly stupid Trump sounds on a daily basis so they have to deflect to Biden so we won’t all notice. It doesn’t work.

Like 2016, there is this false equivalency crap people have about the two candidates. Sure, Biden and Hillary are deeply flawed candidates, but let’s not kid ourselves about Trump. His incompetence and emotional immaturity is unprecedented. If you went back in time to your past self living under Obama’s administration and you told him or her that the next president will brag on TV about saying 5 words in order, how would your past self react?
the guy is deeply flawed and to old you say?.....and yet you and your people put him up there and support should be ashamed of yourselves.....
Don’t get me wrong. Biden says some stupid shit. At least once a month this occurs. It’s more than a candidate for president should. He’s an old man. What can you do? Dementia though? It’s a stretch.

it’s a stretch because it serves as a distraction from Trump. Trump supporters are well aware just how incredibly stupid Trump sounds on a daily basis so they have to deflect to Biden so we won’t all notice. It doesn’t work.

Like 2016, there is this false equivalency crap people have about the two candidates. Sure, Biden and Hillary are deeply flawed candidates, but let’s not kid ourselves about Trump. His incompetence and emotional immaturity is unprecedented. If you went back in time to your past self living under Obama’s administration and you told him or her that the next president will brag on TV about saying 5 words in order, how would your past self react?

Biden is just fine.

That means you have dementia also if you think he is "fine".

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