This claim about Biden having dementia feels desperate

That may be true - but Biden is still a genius compared to Trump.
Is there a doctor in the house ? Hurry!

Biden is a buffoon and career hack , but Obama was the most evil man in American history
Don’t get me wrong. Biden says some stupid shit. At least once a month this occurs. It’s more than a candidate for president should. He’s an old man. What can you do? Dementia though? It’s a stretch.

it’s a stretch because it serves as a distraction from Trump. Trump supporters are well aware just how incredibly stupid Trump sounds on a daily basis so they have to deflect to Biden so we won’t all notice. It doesn’t work.

Like 2016, there is this false equivalency crap people have about the two candidates. Sure, Biden and Hillary are deeply flawed candidates, but let’s not kid ourselves about Trump. His incompetence and emotional immaturity is unprecedented. If you went back in time to your past self living under Obama’s administration and you told him or her that the next president will brag on TV about saying 5 words in order, how would your past self react?
/—-/ Does Trump speaks to blank walls? Your guy does.

I’ll tell you what I find pathetic. I can admit Biden’s Weird shortcomings as you can see by my thread. You on the other hand are too much of a pussy to acknowledge how moronic Trump is on any level. You pretend he is just normal. I don’t get why you can’t just man up and try to be objective.

/——/ Trump is a “in your face“ New Yorker. Pleanty others are the same way. You attack him and he hits back twice as hard. Trump keeps his campaign promises and delivered a robust economy with the lowest UE rate in history. So you can say whatever trash you want, but it’s just not true.

See this is what I’m talking about. You’re just deflecting. It’s such a pussy move. Be a man for fuck sake.

/—-/ I’m not deflecting anything. I reject you assessment of Trump. You expect me to accept whatever you say about Trump to excuse away Dementia Joe. It’s not happening.

You already know I am right about Trump constantly saying stupid shit is the thing. You just lack the stones to admit it. It’s pretty sad really.

/——/ And you lack the stones to admit all you have is Strawman arguments. Orange Man Bad. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

While you are a cultist sheep incapable of being critical of your dear leader. It’s pitiful.

/—-/ Why aren’t your democRATs leaders and dementia Joe doing something to end the destruction of private and federal property Washington? Why are your “leaders” turning a blind eye to it and resisting Federal help? You attack Trump who is trying to return law and order.
/—-/ Why aren’t your democRATs leaders and dementia Joe doing something to end the destruction of private and federal property Washington? Why are your “leaders” turning a blind eye to it and resisting Federal help? You attack Trump who is trying to return law and order.
Because those so-called "leaders" are one of them, themselves. Every bit as responsible for the rioting, looting, arson, traffic blocking, etc. as the ones out in the streets doing it.
Maybe even MORE responsible for it.
Gee, thanks for starting this Biden dementia shit all over again. BTW, Hillary was not a "deeply flawed candidate" - unless you believed all the conspiracy shit the NaziCons were throwing at her.

So her inability to beat a reality television show huckster wasn't a flaw?

Don’t get me wrong. Biden says some stupid shit. At least once a month this occurs. It’s more than a candidate for president should. He’s an old man. What can you do? Dementia though? It’s a stretch.

it’s a stretch because it serves as a distraction from Trump. Trump supporters are well aware just how incredibly stupid Trump sounds on a daily basis so they have to deflect to Biden so we won’t all notice. It doesn’t work.

Like 2016, there is this false equivalency crap people have about the two candidates. Sure, Biden and Hillary are deeply flawed candidates, but let’s not kid ourselves about Trump. His incompetence and emotional immaturity is unprecedented. If you went back in time to your past self living under Obama’s administration and you told him or her that the next president will brag on TV about saying 5 words in order, how would your past self react?

Fuckin' Billy you just don't know much. I've lived dementia, while you've never registered anything in your life. Biden has clear early signs dementia. The ONLY reason it's not advanced yet is they work with him daily, he's in training, and everything is rehearsed. You know, what you would label a "leader"?

That and your threads are ironic. Here you say your opponents are desperate while all your threads bleed & plea desperation.
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Gee, thanks for starting this Biden dementia shit all over again. BTW, Hillary was not a "deeply flawed candidate" - unless you believed all the conspiracy shit the NaziCons were throwing at her.

So her inability to beat a reality television show huckster wasn't a flaw?

I didn’t say this shit. Lakhota did. Why did you quote me saying it?

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