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This congressman should be president

A president can’t stop a war – just start illegal ones.

Only the people can end our unwarranted involvement in the ME; and that won’t happen because the people are too ignorant, stupid, and frightened to do so.
There are holes in Mr. Duncan's story.
1st. = Mr. Duncan states he himself voted for the authorization for use of force in Iraq that G. W. requested.
2nd. = Anyone with half a brain should have known, WITHOUT any doubt, if G. W. Bush were to become POTUS we were going to war in Iraq; period. In this case, it is obvious that Mr. Duncan does not possess half a brain.
3rd = Mr. Duncan has demonstrated he is part of the PROBLEM; NOT a piece of any solution.
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Trump is not a war monger...he is the clean up man....cleaning up Bush's and the magic Kenyans messes....Only an idiot would think he could snap his finger and get us out of it just like that....this will take some time...
Trump is not a war monger...he is the clean up man....cleaning up Bush's and the magic Kenyans messes....Only an idiot would think he could snap his finger and get us out of it just like that....this will take some time...
Cheeto certainly wasted no time getting conned into bombing Assad, twice, with little to no evidence that he did anything.
Trump is not a war monger...he is the clean up man....cleaning up Bush's and the magic Kenyans messes....Only an idiot would think he could snap his finger and get us out of it just like that....this will take some time...

soon as you get out of a fantasyland that reagan was not a warmonger,a traiter to america who catered to corporations and got the ball rolling for the destruction of america that each president has expanded on,you might be taken seriously someday here.:abgg2q.jpg::iyfyus.jpg::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

You did get ONE part right there in your rambling,He cant snap his finger and fix it but he CAN do what Kennedy did which was slowly pull out of vietnam so we would comepletely be out by 1965. Trumps actions show he is same as Bush and Obama.:D
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Trump is not a war monger...he is the clean up man....cleaning up Bush's and the magic Kenyans messes....Only an idiot would think he could snap his finger and get us out of it just like that....this will take some time...
Cheeto certainly wasted no time getting conned into bombing Assad, twice, with little to no evidence that he did anything.
Oh my god for ONCE you did not troll Now that was not too hard now was it?:D sure is nice when you are not trolling,was fun watching you take him to school as I always do on his heros warmongers motherfucker bastard traiter Reagan and Trump.:D
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A president can’t stop a war – just start illegal ones.

Only the people can end our unwarranted involvement in the ME; and that won’t happen because the people are too ignorant, stupid, and frightened to do so.

Uh yeah they can as Kennedy tried to do and paid the deadly price for it by doing so. Back then a president could not because back then,people trusted their government and though they could do no wrong,that they served the people and looked out for our interests. NOW though people know better and understand how corrupt our government really is and how evil they are so if the CIA tried to kill trump as they did kennedy it would not work now because they would not be able to cover it up now as they did back then especially in this day and age with the internet and like Oddball said,the fact he went along with our corrupt government and bombed Assad even without a shread of evidence he had chemical weapons is the proof in the pudding right there he has no intentions of trying to end it as kennedy tried which is the proof in the pudding he is a warmonger same as traiters Bush and Obama.:D

You sure nailed one thing there in your post though,the sheep in america are ignorant and stupid and too frighted to stand up to them.you sure got THAT part right.:2up:
How did it come to pass that you believed I was looking for your approval?

Oh I wasnt.I was just saying it was a refreshing change to see you NOT troll for once in your life here,its a miracle i never thought would happen.:2up:

ESPECIALLY since you took that asswipe Rambuntious to school who runs off from evidence that warmonger Reagan ran the most corrupt administration ever and we are STILL paying for his corrupt policys today.:abgg2q.jpg:

that was WHY that was my most favorite post from you ever here since i hate sad excuse asswipes like him who cant deal with reality they have been braiwnashed by the likes of rush Limbuah and the CIA media that Reagan was a good president.:rofl::rofl::rofl::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:
This was from a couple years ago but it is a problem still going on so it is still current obviously.

This man is a patriot.He tells it like it is.

Unlike warmongers Bush,Obama,and now Trump he is a true patriot and tells it like it is.He would actually DO what he says he is going to do.

Stop Fighting Middle East's Wars

10 Years of Needless War
You cant ignore them. You have to kill them often often or they spread like a disease. Honestly, we arent doing enough.
A president can’t stop a war – just start illegal ones.

Only the people can end our unwarranted involvement in the ME; and that won’t happen because the people are too ignorant, stupid, and frightened to do so.

His party took us to IRAQ and we fucked it up. And while taking our eye off the Afghanistan ball to go to Iraq, we blew that as well. Then all the COLLATERAL chaos and bloodshed ensued and WE left the ME in chaos.

Thanks George!
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Trump is not a war monger...he is the clean up man....cleaning up Bush's and the magic Kenyans messes....Only an idiot would think he could snap his finger and get us out of it just like that....this will take some time...
Cheeto certainly wasted no time getting conned into bombing Assad, twice, with little to no evidence that he did anything.
And last month when Assad's troops were amassing on a town filled with innocent people Trump told them to back off and leave the civilians alone Assad listened and backed off....sometimes you need to play your bluff and you had better have proof that you will do what you say you will....what would you like better?....Obama's red line?.....
This was from a couple years ago but it is a problem still going on so it is still current obviously.

This man is a patriot.He tells it like it is.

Unlike warmongers Bush,Obama,and now Trump he is a true patriot and tells it like it is.He would actually DO what he says he is going to do.

Stop Fighting Middle East's Wars

10 Years of Needless War
War-mongers....I always find the title to be a bit silly. Mankind/people-kind have been at war since the beginning. To think that there will ever be universal permanent peace on this planet is to be naïve. From the first time a human/hominid picked up a rock or branch and hit someone else with it, humans have been killing each other. The proverbial caveman would bash in the head of another male competing for the same woman, or a cavewoman would cave in the skull of another cavewoman that she thought was in competition for the same male. There are still remote tribes competing violenty. There's a tribe in the south pacific that is so insistent that outsiders keep out, they shoot arrows at low flying planes.....hate. Islam's core principles include killing those who leave their religion and speak against it. It advocates imprisonment and death to homosexuals and Muslims are killing Muslims that they don't consider true Muslims. Political leaders advocate violence to gain supremacy over opposing political ideologies. Neighbors hate and sometimes kill neighbors over boundary disputes, loud music, pets crapping in their yards, poor people can hate the rich....and of course, there's jealousy. You just have to look at the behavior of people taking sides in our current political atmosphere. People wearing black pants, black hoodies and red or black masks run around bashing in store windows and attacking people that don't agree with their anarchist ideology. People harass people that don't share their ideology. We are from the family of primates and we've always had a violent streak in our heritage and always will.
Gene Roddenberry created the series, Star Trek and its premise was that mankind no longer had war, racism, hatred or, greed. Yet....his series always focused on war and friction...but with aliens. Aliens it seemed, couldn't rise above war. Cardassians, Klingons, Romulans, Ferengi and the Borg were always stirring up troubles by conflict/war. You see, having a dramatic sci-fi space show, would be boring to our human audience, without conflict and enemies. Deep down, it's part of our male nature.
If you look across our planet, we currently have two prominent ideologies that want to bring down the United States and the west:
1. Islam. It's goal is without dispute, world domination via any and all manner necessary, even making temporary alliances with those they consider to be the enemy of Islam, but useful for the time being (i.e., Saudi Arabia and the US or, Syria and Russia). As for terrorists, to Islam, they are "freedom fighters," a para-military arm of the religion. To die fighting an infidel guarantees the deceased will enter paradise. To migrate to an infidel region/nation and work to convert it to Islam, guarantees entry into paradise. As to the conflict between the Shiite and Sunni sects, each considers the other to not be "true" Muslims.
2. Communism/Marxism. It's goal world domination and the equal distribution of wealth to all, but only ensuring that all will be equally poor.
It stifles innovation and the personal goal to get ahead in the world, since there is no actual reward for the innovation, hence Communist nations steal technologies from the US. Where it sees individual freedoms/liberties, it feels it must destroy it and replace it with lock-step mentality and everyone marching to the same ideology and those that refuse, end up in "re-education camps or disappear.
Trump is not a war monger...he is the clean up man....cleaning up Bush's and the magic Kenyans messes....Only an idiot would think he could snap his finger and get us out of it just like that....this will take some time...
Cheeto certainly wasted no time getting conned into bombing Assad, twice, with little to no evidence that he did anything.
Trump listening to the crying whining Demon-crats on matters concerning war is his akillies hill.. He's learning now.
A president can’t stop a war – just start illegal ones.

Only the people can end our unwarranted involvement in the ME; and that won’t happen because the people are too ignorant, stupid, and frightened to do so.

His party took us to IRAQ and we fucked it up. And while taking our eye off the Afghanistan ball to go to Iraq, we blew that as well. Then all the COLLATERAL chaos and bloodshed ensued and WE left the ME in chaos.

Thanks George!
the world is fucked up that he is not in prison for taking us to Iraq instead of afghanistan hense proof both parties are corrupt the fact Obama SHOULD have prosecuted him for that but did not.
Trump is not a war monger...he is the clean up man....cleaning up Bush's and the magic Kenyans messes....Only an idiot would think he could snap his finger and get us out of it just like that....this will take some time...
Cheeto certainly wasted no time getting conned into bombing Assad, twice, with little to no evidence that he did anything.
And last month when Assad's troops were amassing on a town filled with innocent people Trump told them to back off and leave the civilians alone Assad listened and backed off....sometimes you need to play your bluff and you had better have proof that you will do what you say you will....what would you like better?....Obama's red line?.....

soon as you deal with reality and evidence that Reagan ran the most corrupt administration ever, and was responsible for ruining the middle class catering to the corporations and only giving tax cuts to the upper 10% rich and wealthy, you cant stand toe to toe with me on that.,I have always owned your sorry ass on that one so i have a hard time believing you are not falling for trump propaganda the way you fell for CIA lamestream media propaganda and the likes of blowhards Rush Limbaugh over the years.:haha::iyfyus.jpg:
soon as you deal with reality and evidence that Reagan ran the most corrupt administration ever, and was responsible for ruining the middle class catering to the corporations and only giving tax cuts to the upper 10% rich and wealthy, you cant stand toe to toe with me on that.,I have always owned your sorry ass on that one so i have a hard time believing you are not falling for trump propaganda the way you fell for CIA lamestream media propaganda and the likes of blowhards Rush Limbaugh over the years.:haha::iyfyus.jpg:


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