This country is in deep trouble


Senior Member
Feb 27, 2011
After reading the threads on the Iraq war and the lib myths that came with it, I had no idea we were this far gone until now
we won the war in Iraq and to try and re gain the political capital that Obama had 30 months ago there are some people on this message board that the truth means nothing

its pure desperation and it the very thing the terrorist want us to be doing

we have well over 10% real UE
we are in debt so far we are now just printing money, we stopped borrowing it
we are done in IRAQ and all you hear about it on this message board is what a failure it was

Politics has taken a front seat and common sense has been packed away in the trunk. Both sides are guilty of it because it has become a tit for tat business.
After reading the threads on the Iraq war and the lib myths that came with it, I had no idea we were this far gone until now
we won the war in Iraq and to try and re gain the political capital that Obama had 30 months ago there are some people on this message board that the truth means nothing

its pure desperation and it the very thing the terrorist want us to be doing

we have well over 10% real UE
we are in debt so far we are now just printing money, we stopped borrowing it
we are done in IRAQ and all you hear about it on this message board is what a failure it was


Clinton started it. He made politics blood sport and homogenized the Dem Party with Republicans as their real enemy
politics has taken a front seat and common sense has been packed away in the trunk. Both sides are guilty of it because it has become a tit for tat business.

what dr drock
and that group is writing is not tit for tat bud
both sides are not guilty of what there doing

i am at a loss for words
to watch people become desperate to find new ways to run this country down and treat the iraqi success and sacrifice as its a game
there was mistakes made, but not that many
the president and the people spoke as one in 2003 and i can see now why in 2012 every bodies just quite
these people have spent all of there time repeating myth after myth after myth after myth until it became the truth
after reading the threads on the iraq war and the lib myths that came with it, i had no idea we were this far gone until now
we won the war in iraq and to try and re gain the political capital that obama had 30 months ago there are some people on this message board that the truth means nothing

its pure desperation and it the very thing the terrorist want us to be doing

we have well over 10% real ue
we are in debt so far we are now just printing money, we stopped borrowing it
we are done in iraq and all you hear about it on this message board is what a failure it was

i am at a lose for words
how did we get here people?

clinton started it. He made politics blood sport and homogenized the dem party with republicans as their real enemy

frank these people have taken it to another level
i think the country is tired of it
i think obama gets thrown out in 2012

i never dreamed the the day would come we would have the success that was iraq and no one celebrates
Guess you'll just have to accept that the warmongering quasi-fascist goose-stepping authoritarian militarized nation you dream of is going to remain a dream, at least for now.
Define "won".
Do you mean establish a stable friendly democracy in the Middle East? A Democracy it is yes, but I would not describe it as stable or friendly. The government is friendlier to Iran than it is to us.

Do you mean how we got the oil? Because we didn't. From a conqueror's standpoint, we lost.

Do you mean how we found the WMDs? I don't see any.

The only way I could see that we won is if you were a weapon's manufacturer.

Also on your point of Republicans vs Democrats, they are very similar, but where they differ they make a fuss that is exponentially bigger than the actual problem. (ex: Abortion, gay marriage, Gun control) It's a bloody show.
Guess you'll just have to accept that the warmongering quasi-fascist goose-stepping authoritarian militarized nation you dream of is going to remain a dream, at least for now.

You forgot social welfare/engineering, war on poverty, war on everything else within the confines of our own borders.
Yeah, we're in deep. The state of the union is in dire straits. We may have one more shot next year but I seriously doubt it.

Your right
hell the least of our worries is the debt
these kids that are radicals are driven to madness in bringing harm to this country
this Iraq thread started as a legitimate piece that I thought would have some good debate and maybe even find a couple of "I didn't know that"
with in it
Politically this thing has went from Bush lied to we did it so china could by Iraqi oil and Iran could move in
politics has taken a front seat and common sense has been packed away in the trunk. Both sides are guilty of it because it has become a tit for tat business.

what dr drock
and that group is writing is not tit for tat bud
both sides are not guilty of what there doing

i am at a loss for words
to watch people become desperate to find new ways to run this country down and treat the iraqi success and sacrifice as its a game
there was mistakes made, but not that many
the president and the people spoke as one in 2003 and i can see now why in 2012 every bodies just quite
these people have spent all of there time repeating myth after myth after myth after myth until it became the truth

Well I havnt clicked on the Iraq threads. Like threads about racism and religion Ive learned that nothing but hot tempers are accomplished in those threads. I can be a big enough jerk without intentionally subjecting myself to pointless arguments. I have no problems with the wars beyond the fact that they should have been funded and we should have went in, stomped the enemy and ended them appropriately. I understand the we broke it we fix it mentality but were broke and the time for that has passed. Both presidents made mistakes in this war and we are now paying for it financially.

^^^^^ That statement in a war thread would gain me attacks from both sides. Nothing would be accomplished except for higher blood pressure so I avoid those topics.

Yeah, we're in deep. The state of the union is in dire straits. We may have one more shot next year but I seriously doubt it.

Your right
hell the least of our worries is the debt
these kids that are radicals are driven to madness in bringing harm to this country
this Iraq thread started as a legitimate piece that I thought would have some good debate and maybe even find a couple of "I didn't know that"
with in it
Politically this thing has went from Bush lied to we did it so china could by Iraqi oil and Iran could move in

Which is exactly what happened.
Guess you'll just have to accept that the warmongering quasi-fascist goose-stepping authoritarian militarized nation you dream of is going to remain a dream, at least for now.

find one word were that is what any of this was about
who said anything about war bud
one word
war was brought to our front door
war was given 18 months in Iraq to be peace
Guess you'll just have to accept that the warmongering quasi-fascist goose-stepping authoritarian militarized nation you dream of is going to remain a dream, at least for now.

You forgot social welfare/engineering, war on poverty, war on everything else within the confines of our own borders.

Haven't seen any sign that he dreams of those things. He does seem to get bent out of shape that the rest of us aren't as enthused as he is about slaughtering wogs, though.
Yeah, we're in deep. The state of the union is in dire straits. We may have one more shot next year but I seriously doubt it.

Your right
hell the least of our worries is the debt
these kids that are radicals are driven to madness in bringing harm to this country
this Iraq thread started as a legitimate piece that I thought would have some good debate and maybe even find a couple of "I didn't know that"
with in it
Politically this thing has went from Bush lied to we did it so china could by Iraqi oil and Iran could move in

Which is exactly what happened.

No what happened is the lying got BHO elected and look what it got us
you libs used the honor of the american service people and the great things they did over seas as a toy to play with
What a way to gain power bud, to lose it as fast as you got it
Guess you'll just have to accept that the warmongering quasi-fascist goose-stepping authoritarian militarized nation you dream of is going to remain a dream, at least for now.

You forgot social welfare/engineering, war on poverty, war on everything else within the confines of our own borders.

Haven't seen any sign that he dreams of those things. He does seem to get bent out of shape that the rest of us aren't as enthused as he is about slaughtering wogs, though.

Bottom line: we'll not survive as a republic with endless wars, endless social engineering welfare. We don't have the money. We'll fall onto the ash heap as so many other countries have done throughout the annals of history.
No what happened is the lying got BHO elected and look what it got us

As far as slaughtering wogs is concerned, it's got us too much of the same crap we had under Bush that you dream of. We should be out of Iraq and Afghanistan now and Guantanamo should be closed. At this point the blame falls on Obama, who has continued the warmongering, not on Bush who initiated it.

What a way to gain power bud, to lose it as fast as you got it

If you mean our power, or at least our willingness, to slaughter wogs, we can't lose that fast enough. We aren't supposed to be the world's bully. It's high time we remembered that.

It's also high time you did.
Guess you'll just have to accept that the warmongering quasi-fascist goose-stepping authoritarian militarized nation you dream of is going to remain a dream, at least for now.

You forgot social welfare/engineering, war on poverty, war on everything else within the confines of our own borders.

they also forgot the reason we were over there to start with
people jumping out of buildings to there death instead of burning to death
and all of sudden we are suppose to "define terror"
Saddam's "terror" is not as bad as OBL "terror"
Saddam murdered 1 million of his own people and to liken this great nation and the sacrifie it did to goose stepping over him?
no what happened is the lying got bho elected and look what it got us

as far as slaughtering wogs is concerned, it's got us too much of the same crap we had under bush that you dream of. We should be out of iraq and afghanistan now and guantanamo should be closed. At this point the blame falls on obama, who has continued the warmongering, not on bush who initiated it.

what a way to gain power bud, to lose it as fast as you got it

if you mean our power, or at least our willingness, to slaughter wogs, we can't lose that fast enough. We aren't supposed to be the world's bully. It's high time we remembered that.

It's also high time you did.
Saddam killed 1 million of his own people
they brought that shit to our front door and the snubbed there nose at us bud
saddam had 18 months to do the right thing

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