This country ranks No. 1 for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness (its not America)

...Norway ranked the No. 1...
Yeah... it's easy... when you've been hunkered down under the American Shield throughout the Cold War and leaning on them for any serious national defense.

Really amazing, how much you can do, when you're not forced to sink tons of money into your own Defense, even in the face of Aggressive Communism during the Cold War.

There is no need for Norway to waste money on defence in 2017 considering nobody is going to invade Norway.
Ever heard of the Russian Fleet?

Any clue where it's based?

Any clue what countries the fleet has to pass through on its way to the North Sea and the Atlantic beyond?

And, as an example of control of the outlets of the Baltic, and a related invasion of Norway within Living Memory...

Operation Weserübung - Wikipedia

But... thank you for playing, nonetheless.
Norway has been under the NATO (American) umbrella since its founding. They have the luxury of spending their military dollars on social benefits for their nearly pure white population.
Yes. I said the same thing (about their freedom to spend on social programming) earlier in this series.
What else does most western europe countries have over America
1. Low prison population. In America we have the biggest on earth as everything is illegal!
2. Getting sick can fucking destroy your life here in America...That doesn't happen in western europe.

Oh'yesss, loserterianism is so fucking free and wonderful. About as free as living in somalia and wondering if you're going to get blown away in the middle of the night.
Feel free to pack your bags and move. What will you do when you get there?

Schedule his subtractadicktomy.
It is a political argument. But don't blame conservatives, liberals are among the worst for threatening to leave the country. Tell me this: How many liberals, progressives, and Democrat entertainment personalities threatened to move when Trump was elected? Was it not a "political argument" then? Aren't you being a little disingenuous?

So how many of those shitheads actually did move out of the country? Any of them? What a fucking bunch of hypocrites.
liberals and progressives travel more I have LOL but good point. The whole thing is just irrelevant. The country of the middle class are going to hell slowly under Pander to the rich GOP tax rates and policy... I can tell you it really pisses me off when right-wingers tell me that love it or leave it. It's not possible for most people. Seems only millionaires doctors Rich retired can do it... Unless you marry one.
Keep your socialism to yourselves, it doesn’t work for the rest of us.
Socialism which is fair capitalism with a good safety net is good for everybody. Socialism certainly doesn't say you can't have guns or your case sell them. Yours wouldn't be such a growth industry without all this poverty and stress of course... Gun dealers are one group it doesn't want reform and Fair capitalism... Love fear and stress...

How about those Bills? Snow is fun when you don't have to drive.

I always laugh out out whenever you claim that socialism is a form of capitalism.
And I always feel a little ill when you always think socialism is communism and communism is socialism. I've had many political conversations around the world and only Republicans can't get through their heads what everyone else in the world knows. Socialism is always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. Even the United States is basically a social democracy, even though it is run by greedy idiot billionaires who brainwash fools like you. Terminal brainwashed GOP functional morons. European countries and Canada and New Zealand etc are socialist, admit it and are definitely capitalists. Jesus Christ you're stupid. Oops, brainwashed functional idiot.
Tens of thousands of economist don't know that, so you're obviously full of shit.
Socialism cannot work for most Americans, That’s why it has failed 100% of the time in history ~ long term
Socialism has never failed. Communism always fails God damn it what is wrong with you people

Of course socialism is a failure. Have you ever heard of someone who prospered from it? Accumulated great wealth, houses, land, etc?

How does socialism help a person get those things? Personally, being poor sucks, especially for socialists I imagine. To believe in an economic pyramid scheme whose motto is "from those according to their abilities, to those according to their needs", is nothing more than good old Biblical greed and envy.

I have what I have, and I earned it. You don't have what I have, so you demand that I share it with you?. Fuck that. Get your own.
All the rich people in Europe and there are plenty of them. And Canada and New Zealand and Australia Japan. Look up brainwashed LOL

It's pretty obvious even to the brainwashed rabble like yourself, that they didn't become wealthy by giving it all to the state.
Who said any such thing, dingbat? So duped...

You're the one who's a duped fool, believing in giving your hard earned profit to the government, to distribute among the have-nots.

Fuck that noise.
The highest gdp per capita on the planet are in social democratic societies

Hmmmm, no, a lot of them are oil rich monarchies in the middle east. The ones in europe all got rich when they were pure capitalist. Now they are frittering away their wealth.

The highest educated population are in social democratic societies

That goes along with being wealthy.

The most political freedom are in social democratic societies

Not really. They have speech codes in Europe. It's against the law to say or publish certain ideas.

Every single one of the top 10 gdp countries on earth are social democratic societies.

China is a social democracy?
It is a political argument. But don't blame conservatives, liberals are among the worst for threatening to leave the country. Tell me this: How many liberals, progressives, and Democrat entertainment personalities threatened to move when Trump was elected? Was it not a "political argument" then? Aren't you being a little disingenuous?

So how many of those shitheads actually did move out of the country? Any of them? What a fucking bunch of hypocrites.
liberals and progressives travel more I have LOL but good point. The whole thing is just irrelevant. The country of the middle class are going to hell slowly under Pander to the rich GOP tax rates and policy... I can tell you it really pisses me off when right-wingers tell me that love it or leave it. It's not possible for most people. Seems only millionaires doctors Rich retired can do it... Unless you marry one.
Keep your socialism to yourselves, it doesn’t work for the rest of us.
Socialism which is fair capitalism with a good safety net is good for everybody. Socialism certainly doesn't say you can't have guns or your case sell them. Yours wouldn't be such a growth industry without all this poverty and stress of course... Gun dealers are one group it doesn't want reform and Fair capitalism... Love fear and stress...

How about those Bills? Snow is fun when you don't have to drive.

I always laugh out out whenever you claim that socialism is a form of capitalism.
And I always feel a little ill when you always think socialism is communism and communism is socialism. I've had many political conversations around the world and only Republicans can't get through their heads what everyone else in the world knows. Socialism is always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. Even the United States is basically a social democracy, even though it is run by greedy idiot billionaires who brainwash fools like you. Terminal brainwashed GOP functional morons. European countries and Canada and New Zealand etc are socialist, admit it and are definitely capitalists. Jesus Christ you're stupid. Oops, brainwashed functional idiot.

The only stupid brainwashed dysfunctional idiots are those who believe socialism actually works. If it was such a good idea, Bernie would have won.

Bot even he realized how stupid the idea of socialism is, given that he took a large payoff from Hillary and bought himself a new mansion.

You've been played a fool and you're too dumb to even realize it. :laugh:
Maybe not. But you're more likely to see one that is closer to what you want. I mean, if it's a choice between something you really hate and something you don't like that much, the latter is better.

Not really. Definitely not good enough for me. That's why I've written my own name in the last two Presidential elections.

Also, there are other people in the country. Surely the people should have a say in who runs their own country.

I don't trust most people to get a McDonald's order right, nevermind choose a President.
This country ranks No. 1 for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness (its not America)
This country ranks No. 1 for ‘life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness’ (it’s not America)
Norway ranked the No. 1 place for happiness and personal freedom, according to an analysis of three separate studies on life expectancy by the World Bank, on civil liberties from Freedom House, a New York-based nonprofit that conducts research on advocacy and democracy, on happiness from the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), a group linked to the United Nations, and on rule of law from the World Justice Project, a Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit.


The U.S. has seen its happiness slide happiness over the last decade. In 2007, it ranked No. 3 among the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development countries. Last year, it was 19th, down from 13th the year before. “The predominant political discourse in the United States is aimed at raising economic growth, with the goal of restoring the American Dream and the happiness that is supposed to accompany it. But the data show conclusively that this is the wrong approach,” the report concluded.

For those interviewed in the report, perception is reality. At least, as far as their happiness is concerned and, experts say, the divisive political climate likely hasn’t helped. “The United States can and should raise happiness by addressing America’s multi-faceted social crisis — rising inequality, corruption, isolation, and distrust — rather than focusing exclusively or even mainly on economic growth, especially since the concrete proposals along these lines would exacerbate rather than ameliorate the deepening social crisis,” the report said.


The U.S showed less social support, less sense of personal freedom, lower donations, and more perceived corruption of government and business, it said. “America’s crisis is, in short, a social crisis, not an economic crisis… Almost all of the policy discourse in Washington, D.C. centers on naïve attempts to raise the economic growth rate, as if a higher growth rate would somehow heal the deepening divisions and angst in American society. This kind of growth-only agenda is doubly wrong-headed.”

Social democracies lead the world!!! High political freedom, strong safetynet, educated population and high GDP per capita!

WTF does America have??? Low political freedom, weak safetynet that a certain party wants to do away with all together and to hell with the suffering poor, one of the lowest in education but the religious like it that way and a dropping GDP per capita.

America is becoming a second world country.

Hope you enjoy moving there.

Btw second world nation is a communist nation. You're whining about the us becoming a nation that adopts policies you advocate
liberals and progressives travel more I have LOL but good point. The whole thing is just irrelevant. The country of the middle class are going to hell slowly under Pander to the rich GOP tax rates and policy... I can tell you it really pisses me off when right-wingers tell me that love it or leave it. It's not possible for most people. Seems only millionaires doctors Rich retired can do it... Unless you marry one.
Keep your socialism to yourselves, it doesn’t work for the rest of us.
Socialism which is fair capitalism with a good safety net is good for everybody. Socialism certainly doesn't say you can't have guns or your case sell them. Yours wouldn't be such a growth industry without all this poverty and stress of course... Gun dealers are one group it doesn't want reform and Fair capitalism... Love fear and stress...

How about those Bills? Snow is fun when you don't have to drive.

I always laugh out out whenever you claim that socialism is a form of capitalism.
And I always feel a little ill when you always think socialism is communism and communism is socialism. I've had many political conversations around the world and only Republicans can't get through their heads what everyone else in the world knows. Socialism is always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. Even the United States is basically a social democracy, even though it is run by greedy idiot billionaires who brainwash fools like you. Terminal brainwashed GOP functional morons. European countries and Canada and New Zealand etc are socialist, admit it and are definitely capitalists. Jesus Christ you're stupid. Oops, brainwashed functional idiot.
Tens of thousands of economist don't know that, so you're obviously full of shit.
You mean a few Economists that work for fox and other b******* GOP organizations... Dupe.
This country ranks No. 1 for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness (its not America)
This country ranks No. 1 for ‘life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness’ (it’s not America)
Norway ranked the No. 1 place for happiness and personal freedom, according to an analysis of three separate studies on life expectancy by the World Bank, on civil liberties from Freedom House, a New York-based nonprofit that conducts research on advocacy and democracy, on happiness from the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), a group linked to the United Nations, and on rule of law from the World Justice Project, a Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit.


The U.S. has seen its happiness slide happiness over the last decade. In 2007, it ranked No. 3 among the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development countries. Last year, it was 19th, down from 13th the year before. “The predominant political discourse in the United States is aimed at raising economic growth, with the goal of restoring the American Dream and the happiness that is supposed to accompany it. But the data show conclusively that this is the wrong approach,” the report concluded.

For those interviewed in the report, perception is reality. At least, as far as their happiness is concerned and, experts say, the divisive political climate likely hasn’t helped. “The United States can and should raise happiness by addressing America’s multi-faceted social crisis — rising inequality, corruption, isolation, and distrust — rather than focusing exclusively or even mainly on economic growth, especially since the concrete proposals along these lines would exacerbate rather than ameliorate the deepening social crisis,” the report said.


The U.S showed less social support, less sense of personal freedom, lower donations, and more perceived corruption of government and business, it said. “America’s crisis is, in short, a social crisis, not an economic crisis… Almost all of the policy discourse in Washington, D.C. centers on naïve attempts to raise the economic growth rate, as if a higher growth rate would somehow heal the deepening divisions and angst in American society. This kind of growth-only agenda is doubly wrong-headed.”

Social democracies lead the world!!! High political freedom, strong safetynet, educated population and high GDP per capita!

WTF does America have??? Low political freedom, weak safetynet that a certain party wants to do away with all together and to hell with the suffering poor, one of the lowest in education but the religious like it that way and a dropping GDP per capita.

America is becoming a second world country.
The Nordic Democratic-Socialist Myth
Socialism has never failed. Communism always fails God damn it what is wrong with you people

Of course socialism is a failure. Have you ever heard of someone who prospered from it? Accumulated great wealth, houses, land, etc?

How does socialism help a person get those things? Personally, being poor sucks, especially for socialists I imagine. To believe in an economic pyramid scheme whose motto is "from those according to their abilities, to those according to their needs", is nothing more than good old Biblical greed and envy.

I have what I have, and I earned it. You don't have what I have, so you demand that I share it with you?. Fuck that. Get your own.
All the rich people in Europe and there are plenty of them. And Canada and New Zealand and Australia Japan. Look up brainwashed LOL

It's pretty obvious even to the brainwashed rabble like yourself, that they didn't become wealthy by giving it all to the state.
Who said any such thing, dingbat? So duped...

You're the one who's a duped fool, believing in giving your hard earned profit to the government, to distribute among the have-nots.

Fuck that noise.
The problem is that for 30 years we have not been investing in Education and Training for the middle class and the working class or infrastructure or anything else for that matter, all to save the rich from Pain there fairer Cher. Damn smart phone! Meanwhile you Dupes believe the rich pay too much because all right-wing media can talk about is federal income tax. If you count all taxes everyone pays basically between 20 and 30% of their income and the richest pay less than many middle-class people. And the richest get basically all the new wealth, a disgrace.
This country ranks No. 1 for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness (its not America)
This country ranks No. 1 for ‘life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness’ (it’s not America)
Norway ranked the No. 1 place for happiness and personal freedom, according to an analysis of three separate studies on life expectancy by the World Bank, on civil liberties from Freedom House, a New York-based nonprofit that conducts research on advocacy and democracy, on happiness from the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), a group linked to the United Nations, and on rule of law from the World Justice Project, a Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit.


The U.S. has seen its happiness slide happiness over the last decade. In 2007, it ranked No. 3 among the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development countries. Last year, it was 19th, down from 13th the year before. “The predominant political discourse in the United States is aimed at raising economic growth, with the goal of restoring the American Dream and the happiness that is supposed to accompany it. But the data show conclusively that this is the wrong approach,” the report concluded.

For those interviewed in the report, perception is reality. At least, as far as their happiness is concerned and, experts say, the divisive political climate likely hasn’t helped. “The United States can and should raise happiness by addressing America’s multi-faceted social crisis — rising inequality, corruption, isolation, and distrust — rather than focusing exclusively or even mainly on economic growth, especially since the concrete proposals along these lines would exacerbate rather than ameliorate the deepening social crisis,” the report said.


The U.S showed less social support, less sense of personal freedom, lower donations, and more perceived corruption of government and business, it said. “America’s crisis is, in short, a social crisis, not an economic crisis… Almost all of the policy discourse in Washington, D.C. centers on naïve attempts to raise the economic growth rate, as if a higher growth rate would somehow heal the deepening divisions and angst in American society. This kind of growth-only agenda is doubly wrong-headed.”

Social democracies lead the world!!! High political freedom, strong safetynet, educated population and high GDP per capita!

WTF does America have??? Low political freedom, weak safetynet that a certain party wants to do away with all together and to hell with the suffering poor, one of the lowest in education but the religious like it that way and a dropping GDP per capita.

America is becoming a second world country.
The Nordic Democratic-Socialist Myth
Actually it's every other modern country is like that except the United States. Every other modern country all of the EU, Canada New Zealand Australia Japan all have free health care free daycare paid parental leave a living wage at least a one-month vacation after one year of work etc etc. All the GOP has is fake news and b*******and character assassination propaganda to get votes. GOP voters mostly live in an imaginary world of evil Democrats and foreigners LOL
Keep your socialism to yourselves, it doesn’t work for the rest of us.
Socialism which is fair capitalism with a good safety net is good for everybody. Socialism certainly doesn't say you can't have guns or your case sell them. Yours wouldn't be such a growth industry without all this poverty and stress of course... Gun dealers are one group it doesn't want reform and Fair capitalism... Love fear and stress...

How about those Bills? Snow is fun when you don't have to drive.

I always laugh out out whenever you claim that socialism is a form of capitalism.
And I always feel a little ill when you always think socialism is communism and communism is socialism. I've had many political conversations around the world and only Republicans can't get through their heads what everyone else in the world knows. Socialism is always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. Even the United States is basically a social democracy, even though it is run by greedy idiot billionaires who brainwash fools like you. Terminal brainwashed GOP functional morons. European countries and Canada and New Zealand etc are socialist, admit it and are definitely capitalists. Jesus Christ you're stupid. Oops, brainwashed functional idiot.
Tens of thousands of economist don't know that, so you're obviously full of shit.
You mean a few Economists that work for fox and other b******* GOP organizations... Dupe.
No, I mean every economist who has a degree in economics.
Keep cutting and deregulating and our entire society will be so fucking poor, backwards and weak that 99% of the population will suffer(and probably you too). Idiocy is punishable by reality.
Keep cutting and deregulating and our entire society will be so fucking poor, backwards and weak that 99% of the population will suffer(and probably you too). Idiocy is punishable by reality.
Trump just signed an EO stating we are going back to the moon and on to Mars! Keeping his promise about rebuilding NASA. But you hate him so never mind!
Don't you EVER use the word "liberty" in association with all these Europeans that PUT PEOPLE IN JAIL for having the wrong opinion of that Islam hate-bloodbath. The Coward Continent has muslim cum-stains all over it you can see from space.
Socialism which is fair capitalism with a good safety net is good for everybody. Socialism certainly doesn't say you can't have guns or your case sell them. Yours wouldn't be such a growth industry without all this poverty and stress of course... Gun dealers are one group it doesn't want reform and Fair capitalism... Love fear and stress...

How about those Bills? Snow is fun when you don't have to drive.

I always laugh out out whenever you claim that socialism is a form of capitalism.
And I always feel a little ill when you always think socialism is communism and communism is socialism. I've had many political conversations around the world and only Republicans can't get through their heads what everyone else in the world knows. Socialism is always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. Even the United States is basically a social democracy, even though it is run by greedy idiot billionaires who brainwash fools like you. Terminal brainwashed GOP functional morons. European countries and Canada and New Zealand etc are socialist, admit it and are definitely capitalists. Jesus Christ you're stupid. Oops, brainwashed functional idiot.
Tens of thousands of economist don't know that, so you're obviously full of shit.
You mean a few Economists that work for fox and other b******* GOP organizations... Dupe.
No, I mean every economist who has a degree in economics.
Just like every climatologist doesn't believe in global warming... Brainwashed functional idiocy.
Maybe not. But you're more likely to see one that is closer to what you want. I mean, if it's a choice between something you really hate and something you don't like that much, the latter is better.

Not really. Definitely not good enough for me. That's why I've written my own name in the last two Presidential elections.

Also, there are other people in the country. Surely the people should have a say in who runs their own country.

I don't trust most people to get a McDonald's order right, nevermind choose a President.

Maybe not. But it's a choice between the Koch's choosing a president and the people choosing it, I'd go with the people.
Don't you EVER use the word "liberty" in association with all these Europeans that PUT PEOPLE IN JAIL for having the wrong opinion of that Islam hate-bloodbath. The Coward Continent has muslim cum-stains all over it you can see from space.

And yet they put far less people in prison than the US does. So.... where is the US getting its prisoners from?
Maybe not. But it's a choice between the Koch's choosing a president and the people choosing it, I'd go with the people.

I'd take the Koch's. I have no love for them but I have even less faith in the average American voter.

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