This country ranks No. 1 for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness (its not America)

This worthless thread, AGAIN.

When asked, even the Scandinavians have no clue as to why they are supposedly the "HAPPIEST" people in the world.

The basis of this fraud is polling questions and analysis of characteristics of the country. It is put together by the United Nations which basically says it all. Since the UN desperately wants the World to be a Socialist World, all their evaluations are sharply tilted in that direction. I searched but could not find the questions used in this poll. In all their other ones more than half the questions have nothing to do with how whatever works but rather how easily available everything is to their citizens.

NOWHERE in these things any mention about their TAXES. Scandinavian taxes are among the highest in the world. Virtually all the "Socialist" countries have high-income taxes plus VAT. Most are 20% or more which means anything other than food and a few other things, have a 20% tax on anything you buy. Purchase a 40,000 Euro car and you pay 8,000 Euro tax.

So if you want the highest taxes in the world, pack up and move to Scandinavia.
Pile of crap... They certainly do know Why... Because they have 7 weeks of vacation free healthcare free college great retirement free daycare paid parental leave. The real question is why do you vote against your own interests and for the greedy idiot rich, brainwash functional moron?
Why? That is not An argument. That is just a stupid order like America love it or leave it. socialism is just fair capitalism and it'll be here would you morons stop being such brainwashed selfish assholes... It works a lot better for everyone especially in a rich country like us. The United States should be the best country in the world like it used to be. Easily.
The country is broke, Because of socialism
The country is broke because your greedy idiots GOP Heroes gave us a corrupt depression in 2008 and the stupidest Wars ever and tax cuts on the rich that they don't need.
Socialist entitlement programs have bankrupt this country, what you speak of is a drop in the bucket compared to socialist entitlement program spending. Which is 100% waste fraud and abuse
Like what exactly? I'm sure you're totally misinformed about the cost and who's on it etcetera etcetera etcetera. You have to invest in America to make it work add with Reagan tax rates you can't afford to.
The federal government has no right to perceived future taxes.
What kind of gobbledygook is that? People of the of the country say what the government is and who should pay taxes period at the moment because of Republican greedy rich and you silly dupes the rich do not pay enough. Try that again the rich do not pay enough. Despite your silly brainwashing, silly dupe.
Because you don't know what it is and have never been there and believe a bunch of hate bull s*** and character assassination from your stupid GOP lying hypocrite propaganda machine and bought off politicians.

Americans are not going to change into Frenchman just because they have a living wage cheap college and training Health Care daycare Etc. I don't even understand what you're talking about you are so fear mongered and brainwashed.
Socialism cannot work for most Americans, That’s why it has failed 100% of the time in history ~ long term
Socialism has never failed. Communism always fails God damn it what is wrong with you people

Of course socialism is a failure. Have you ever heard of someone who prospered from it? Accumulated great wealth, houses, land, etc?

How does socialism help a person get those things? Personally, being poor sucks, especially for socialists I imagine. To believe in an economic pyramid scheme whose motto is "from those according to their abilities, to those according to their needs", is nothing more than good old Biblical greed and envy.

I have what I have, and I earned it. You don't have what I have, so you demand that I share it with you?. Fuck that. Get your own.
All the rich people in Europe and there are plenty of them. And Canada and New Zealand and Australia Japan. Look up brainwashed LOL

It's pretty obvious even to the brainwashed rabble like yourself, that they didn't become wealthy by giving it all to the state.
Americans are not going to change into Frenchman just because they have a living wage cheap college and training Health Care daycare Etc. I don't even understand what you're talking about you are so fear mongered and brainwashed.
Socialism cannot work for most Americans, That’s why it has failed 100% of the time in history ~ long term
Socialism has never failed. Communism always fails God damn it what is wrong with you people

Of course socialism is a failure. Have you ever heard of someone who prospered from it? Accumulated great wealth, houses, land, etc?

How does socialism help a person get those things? Personally, being poor sucks, especially for socialists I imagine. To believe in an economic pyramid scheme whose motto is "from those according to their abilities, to those according to their needs", is nothing more than good old Biblical greed and envy.

I have what I have, and I earned it. You don't have what I have, so you demand that I share it with you?. Fuck that. Get your own.
All the rich people in Europe and there are plenty of them. And Canada and New Zealand and Australia Japan. Look up brainwashed LOL

It's pretty obvious even to the brainwashed rabble like yourself, that they didn't become wealthy by giving it all to the state.
Who said any such thing, dingbat? So duped...
Socialism cannot work for most Americans, That’s why it has failed 100% of the time in history ~ long term
Socialism has never failed. Communism always fails God damn it what is wrong with you people

Of course socialism is a failure. Have you ever heard of someone who prospered from it? Accumulated great wealth, houses, land, etc?

How does socialism help a person get those things? Personally, being poor sucks, especially for socialists I imagine. To believe in an economic pyramid scheme whose motto is "from those according to their abilities, to those according to their needs", is nothing more than good old Biblical greed and envy.

I have what I have, and I earned it. You don't have what I have, so you demand that I share it with you?. Fuck that. Get your own.
All the rich people in Europe and there are plenty of them. And Canada and New Zealand and Australia Japan. Look up brainwashed LOL

It's pretty obvious even to the brainwashed rabble like yourself, that they didn't become wealthy by giving it all to the state.
Who said any such thing, dingbat? So duped...
We should go back to tax rates more like before Reagan... Hardly communism jackasses.

It's your only solution and our only reprieve
Listen a****** anybody can say get the f*** out of my country. Only You right-wing assholes think it's a political argument.

It is a political argument. But don't blame conservatives, liberals are among the worst for threatening to leave the country. Tell me this: How many liberals, progressives, and Democrat entertainment personalities threatened to move when Trump was elected? Was it not a "political argument" then? Aren't you being a little disingenuous?

So how many of those shitheads actually did move out of the country? Any of them? What a fucking bunch of hypocrites.
liberals and progressives travel more I have LOL but good point. The whole thing is just irrelevant. The country of the middle class are going to hell slowly under Pander to the rich GOP tax rates and policy... I can tell you it really pisses me off when right-wingers tell me that love it or leave it. It's not possible for most people. Seems only millionaires doctors Rich retired can do it... Unless you marry one.
Keep your socialism to yourselves, it doesn’t work for the rest of us.
Socialism which is fair capitalism with a good safety net is good for everybody. Socialism certainly doesn't say you can't have guns or your case sell them. Yours wouldn't be such a growth industry without all this poverty and stress of course... Gun dealers are one group it doesn't want reform and Fair capitalism... Love fear and stress...

How about those Bills? Snow is fun when you don't have to drive.

I always laugh out out whenever you claim that socialism is a form of capitalism.
There's no disputing that western europe, south korea, Canada, Japan and every other country on earth that has government regulations are better off then places that don't. It is indisputable.
Wrongo, dumbass. The Heritage Index of Economic Freedom shows that the fewer regulations a country has, the better it does economically. Your belief that poor countries don't have government regulations is positively comical.
Listen a****** anybody can say get the f*** out of my country. Only You right-wing assholes think it's a political argument.

It is a political argument. But don't blame conservatives, liberals are among the worst for threatening to leave the country. Tell me this: How many liberals, progressives, and Democrat entertainment personalities threatened to move when Trump was elected? Was it not a "political argument" then? Aren't you being a little disingenuous?

So how many of those shitheads actually did move out of the country? Any of them? What a fucking bunch of hypocrites.
liberals and progressives travel more I have LOL but good point. The whole thing is just irrelevant. The country of the middle class are going to hell slowly under Pander to the rich GOP tax rates and policy... I can tell you it really pisses me off when right-wingers tell me that love it or leave it. It's not possible for most people. Seems only millionaires doctors Rich retired can do it... Unless you marry one.
Keep your socialism to yourselves, it doesn’t work for the rest of us.
Socialism which is fair capitalism with a good safety net is good for everybody. Socialism certainly doesn't say you can't have guns or your case sell them. Yours wouldn't be such a growth industry without all this poverty and stress of course... Gun dealers are one group it doesn't want reform and Fair capitalism... Love fear and stress...

How about those Bills? Snow is fun when you don't have to drive.

I always laugh out out whenever you claim that socialism is a form of capitalism.
And I always feel a little ill when you always think socialism is communism and communism is socialism. I've had many political conversations around the world and only Republicans can't get through their heads what everyone else in the world knows. Socialism is always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. Even the United States is basically a social democracy, even though it is run by greedy idiot billionaires who brainwash fools like you. Terminal brainwashed GOP functional morons. European countries and Canada and New Zealand etc are socialist, admit it and are definitely capitalists. Jesus Christ you're stupid. Oops, brainwashed functional idiot.
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So I guess we have to call it Social Democrat so your Pavlov dog Bell doesn't go off, Dupes.
Why you'd protect a system that protects the rich and corrupt over a system that would give you choice and proper representation in government I have no idea.

Having choices doesn't mean therr are any good choices.

In the current system it takes me about 4-6 hours, maximum, to determine if there's a candidate I can vote for in any given election. Most of the time there isn't , but I do my due diligence anyway. In your PR system it would take me far longer to reach the same conclusion.
What else does most western europe countries have over America
1. Low prison population. In America we have the biggest on earth as everything is illegal!
2. Getting sick can fucking destroy your life here in America...That doesn't happen in western europe.

Oh'yesss, loserterianism is so fucking free and wonderful. About as free as living in somalia and wondering if you're going to get blown away in the middle of the night.

Yes, low prison populations. That must be why child molesters like Palansky and men who rape women like Harvey all flee to Europe for safety.

Why you'd protect a system that protects the rich and corrupt over a system that would give you choice and proper representation in government I have no idea.

Having choices doesn't mean therr are any good choices.

In the current system it takes me about 4-6 hours, maximum, to determine if there's a candidate I can vote for in any given election. Most of the time there isn't , but I do my due diligence anyway. In your PR system it would take me far longer to reach the same conclusion.

No, it doesn't. But having MORE CHOICES will often mean better choices.

In Germany you have CDU/CSU the main right wing party and the SPD the main left wing party.

Then you have two further left wing parties, one environmental party, one more traditional further left, then a center right party and then a party much further over on the right.

In the far left have a choice between Republican or Democrat, hardly a choice. In Germany they can choose THREE different parties.

In the US you never get a good choice no matter what happens. In Germany you have a much, much higher chance.

So, you go to vote, you spend 4-6 hours to determine there is no one for you. In Germany you might spend a little longer, and you might find someone who is more up your street. And you're telling me this choice is bad?
What else does most western europe countries have over America
1. Low prison population. In America we have the biggest on earth as everything is illegal!
2. Getting sick can fucking destroy your life here in America...That doesn't happen in western europe.

Oh'yesss, loserterianism is so fucking free and wonderful. About as free as living in somalia and wondering if you're going to get blown away in the middle of the night.
Feel free to pack your bags and move. What will you do when you get there?
Monocultures are always much happier places.

No really true. When people don't find they have anyone to attack internally, they'll attack people externally. Some "cultures" have governments that use such attacks to keep people happy more than others.

Visit the Top 10 Happiest Countries in the World

This one says Denmark is the happiest place on Earth. 13.1% of people in Denmark are immigrants. 64% of which are non-Western European.

Number 2 is Switzerland which has 4 national languages which are spoken in different areas of the country. 10% of people in Switzerland speak a foreign language natively. 2 million people are foreigners out of 8.5 million people.
There are in increasing number of movies and TV shows about Norway. It's interesting.

It's too cold to do anything there but sit on your couch or ice fish!
The low population is due to Polar bear attacks...
.So, you go to vote, you spend 4-6 hours to determine there is no one for you. In Germany you might spend a little longer, and you might find someone who is more up your street. And you're telling me this choice is bad?

I'm an ideologue. Close enoigh doesn't exist in my mind. Two parties. Ten parties. Twenty five parties. I'm unlikely to find one I can vote for.
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The highest gdp per capita on the planet are in social democratic societies
The highest educated population are in social democratic societies
The most political freedom are in social democratic societies
Every single one of the top 10 gdp countries on earth are social democratic societies.

What are you fighting for? Oh'yess you don't think government should do anything and everything should just turn to shit.

The highest gdp per capita on the planet are in social democratic societies

Prove it.
.So, you go to vote, you spend 4-6 hours to determine there is no one for you. In Germany you might spend a little longer, and you might find someone who is more up your street. And you're telling me this choice is bad?

I'm an ideologue. Close enoigh doesn't exist in my mind. Two parties. Ten parties. Twenty five parties. I'm unlikely to find one I can vote for.

Maybe not. But you're more likely to see one that is closer to what you want. I mean, if it's a choice between something you really hate and something you don't like that much, the latter is better.

Also, there are other people in the country. Surely the people should have a say in who runs their own country.

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