This country ranks No. 1 for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness (its not America)

Listen a****** anybody can say get the f*** out of my country. Only You right-wing assholes think it's a political argument.

It is a political argument. But don't blame conservatives, liberals are among the worst for threatening to leave the country. Tell me this: How many liberals, progressives, and Democrat entertainment personalities threatened to move when Trump was elected? Was it not a "political argument" then? Aren't you being a little disingenuous?

So how many of those shitheads actually did move out of the country? Any of them? What a fucking bunch of hypocrites.
liberals and progressives travel more I have LOL but good point. The whole thing is just irrelevant. The country of the middle class are going to hell slowly under Pander to the rich GOP tax rates and policy... I can tell you it really pisses me off when right-wingers tell me that love it or leave it. It's not possible for most people. Seems only millionaires doctors Rich retired can do it... Unless you marry one.
Keep your socialism to yourselves, it doesn’t work for the rest of us.
Socialism which is fair capitalism with a good safety net is good for everybody. Socialism certainly doesn't say you can't have guns or your case sell them. Wouldn't be such a growth industry without all this poverty and stress of course... Gun dealers are one group it doesn't want reform and Fair capitalism... Love fear and stress...

How about those Bills? Snow is fun when you don't have to drive.
Funny, Socialists always want to force their shit on other people that want nothing to do with it.
If it was worth a shit they would just keep it to themselves

Then it wouldn't be socialism, it would be "anti-socialism". :biggrin:

Socialism only works under the pretext that there are enough stupid people who will buy into it willingly, and even then, it fails. At its worst, socialists will use other means such as intimidation, violence, anarchy, and armed insurrection.

But it still fails.
It is a political argument. But don't blame conservatives, liberals are among the worst for threatening to leave the country. Tell me this: How many liberals, progressives, and Democrat entertainment personalities threatened to move when Trump was elected? Was it not a "political argument" then? Aren't you being a little disingenuous?

So how many of those shitheads actually did move out of the country? Any of them? What a fucking bunch of hypocrites.
liberals and progressives travel more I have LOL but good point. The whole thing is just irrelevant. The country of the middle class are going to hell slowly under Pander to the rich GOP tax rates and policy... I can tell you it really pisses me off when right-wingers tell me that love it or leave it. It's not possible for most people. Seems only millionaires doctors Rich retired can do it... Unless you marry one.
Keep your socialism to yourselves, it doesn’t work for the rest of us.
Socialism which is fair capitalism with a good safety net is good for everybody. Socialism certainly doesn't say you can't have guns or your case sell them. Wouldn't be such a growth industry without all this poverty and stress of course... Gun dealers are one group it doesn't want reform and Fair capitalism... Love fear and stress...

How about those Bills? Snow is fun when you don't have to drive.
Funny, Socialists always want to force their shit on other people that want nothing to do with it.
If it was worth a shit they would just keep it to themselves

Then it wouldn't be socialism, it would be "anti-socialism". :biggrin:

Socialism only works under the pretext that there are enough stupid people who will buy into it willingly, and even then, it fails. At its worst, socialists will use other means such as intimidation, violence, anarchy, and armed insurrection.

But it still fails.
My point exactly, Socialism has never worked long term in the history of the planet
liberals and progressives travel more I have LOL but good point. The whole thing is just irrelevant. The country of the middle class are going to hell slowly under Pander to the rich GOP tax rates and policy... I can tell you it really pisses me off when right-wingers tell me that love it or leave it. It's not possible for most people. Seems only millionaires doctors Rich retired can do it... Unless you marry one.
Keep your socialism to yourselves, it doesn’t work for the rest of us.
Socialism which is fair capitalism with a good safety net is good for everybody. Socialism certainly doesn't say you can't have guns or your case sell them. Wouldn't be such a growth industry without all this poverty and stress of course... Gun dealers are one group it doesn't want reform and Fair capitalism... Love fear and stress...

How about those Bills? Snow is fun when you don't have to drive.
Funny, Socialists always want to force their shit on other people that want nothing to do with it.
If it was worth a shit they would just keep it to themselves

Then it wouldn't be socialism, it would be "anti-socialism". :biggrin:

Socialism only works under the pretext that there are enough stupid people who will buy into it willingly, and even then, it fails. At its worst, socialists will use other means such as intimidation, violence, anarchy, and armed insurrection.

But it still fails.
My point exactly, Socialism has never worked long term in the history of the planet

Never has and never will. Therein lies the insanity of the left: Doing the same thing over and over, while expecting different results.
This argument gets used by right wingers all the time. It's fucking infantile.

It's basic common sense... If you don't like where you'r lick g you have three useful optiond:

1. Sit down. Shut up. Deal with it.
2. Take up arms to change the situation.
3. Leave.

Leftists aren't capable of 1 or 2 so offer them option 3.

Or how about trying to change the situation in a sensible manner? It never, ever occurred to you that people can actually use their fucking brains to make things better? Not the American way? The American way is to do things in the most fucked up stupid way possible?
OK, why don't you suggest a way?

What does white America have to do and how much of a change will it be to make things better?

Well, I have made lots of suggestions on this forum and others will have their own views.

Firstly, Proportional Representation so THE PEOPLE take charge of government again and different people's views get taken into account rather than this partisan bullshit where two parties are pretending to "listen" to the people, when in fact they're telling the people what to think so they can get them to choose between two parties.

With PR you'd have at the very least 6 parties or coalitions that represent different people's thinkings. But in the US Communists and center leftists share the same corrupt party that doesn't represent any of them.
Proportional Representation? Just another way to divide people? I am assuming you are saying that 13 percent of all elected governments should be black and 67 percent should be white. Now, how does that work out in predominately black or white locations? Let the people decide whom the want not your idea of FORCED "fairness."

I'm not really sure where you're coming from on this one.

"FORCED "fairness"" is what? You think that unfairness being forced on people is better than fairness?

In Germany they have FPTP (US style) and PR on the same day. In 2013 10% of the voters changed their votes from larger parties to smaller parties.

In the US the larger parties get 95%+ of the votes almost always. People are forced to vote negatively.

With PR people get to CHOOSE the party they want to vote for, it's positive voting. The larger parties NEVER (if the system is fair) get that much.

Why you'd protect a system that protects the rich and corrupt over a system that would give you choice and proper representation in government I have no idea.
Listen a****** anybody can say get the f*** out of my country. Only You right-wing assholes think it's a political argument.

It is a political argument. But don't blame conservatives, liberals are among the worst for threatening to leave the country. Tell me this: How many liberals, progressives, and Democrat entertainment personalities threatened to move when Trump was elected? Was it not a "political argument" then? Aren't you being a little disingenuous?

So how many of those shitheads actually did move out of the country? Any of them? What a fucking bunch of hypocrites.
liberals and progressives travel more I have LOL but good point. The whole thing is just irrelevant. The country of the middle class are going to hell slowly under Pander to the rich GOP tax rates and policy... I can tell you it really pisses me off when right-wingers tell me that love it or leave it. It's not possible for most people. Seems only millionaires doctors Rich retired can do it... Unless you marry one.
Keep your socialism to yourselves, it doesn’t work for the rest of us.
Socialism which is fair capitalism with a good safety net is good for everybody. Socialism certainly doesn't say you can't have guns or your case sell them. Wouldn't be such a growth industry without all this poverty and stress of course... Gun dealers are one group it doesn't want reform and Fair capitalism... Love fear and stress...

How about those Bills? Snow is fun when you don't have to drive.
Survival of the fittest works for me
Doesn't work with human beings. They get pissed off and dangerous. socialism in other words Fair capitalism is what stopped communism as a solution. in history class they call it the embourgeoisement of the working class. Go Steelers.
It is a political argument. But don't blame conservatives, liberals are among the worst for threatening to leave the country. Tell me this: How many liberals, progressives, and Democrat entertainment personalities threatened to move when Trump was elected? Was it not a "political argument" then? Aren't you being a little disingenuous?

So how many of those shitheads actually did move out of the country? Any of them? What a fucking bunch of hypocrites.
liberals and progressives travel more I have LOL but good point. The whole thing is just irrelevant. The country of the middle class are going to hell slowly under Pander to the rich GOP tax rates and policy... I can tell you it really pisses me off when right-wingers tell me that love it or leave it. It's not possible for most people. Seems only millionaires doctors Rich retired can do it... Unless you marry one.
Keep your socialism to yourselves, it doesn’t work for the rest of us.
Socialism which is fair capitalism with a good safety net is good for everybody. Socialism certainly doesn't say you can't have guns or your case sell them. Wouldn't be such a growth industry without all this poverty and stress of course... Gun dealers are one group it doesn't want reform and Fair capitalism... Love fear and stress...

How about those Bills? Snow is fun when you don't have to drive.
Survival of the fittest works for me
Doesn't work with human beings. They get pissed off and dangerous. socialism in other words Fair capitalism is what stopped communism as a solution. in history class they call it the embourgeoisement of the working class. Go Steelers.
Like i said keep your socialism to yourselves, leave the rest of us out of it. It does not require our participation.
Keep your socialism to yourselves, it doesn’t work for the rest of us.
Socialism which is fair capitalism with a good safety net is good for everybody. Socialism certainly doesn't say you can't have guns or your case sell them. Wouldn't be such a growth industry without all this poverty and stress of course... Gun dealers are one group it doesn't want reform and Fair capitalism... Love fear and stress...

How about those Bills? Snow is fun when you don't have to drive.
Funny, Socialists always want to force their shit on other people that want nothing to do with it.
If it was worth a shit they would just keep it to themselves

Then it wouldn't be socialism, it would be "anti-socialism". :biggrin:

Socialism only works under the pretext that there are enough stupid people who will buy into it willingly, and even then, it fails. At its worst, socialists will use other means such as intimidation, violence, anarchy, and armed insurrection.

But it still fails.
My point exactly, Socialism has never worked long term in the history of the planet

Never has and never will. Therein lies the insanity of the left: Doing the same thing over and over, while expecting different results.
Like most dupes of the GOP, you are talking about communism. Socialism is what they have in Europe now. And it's what's going to happen here when you dupes figure it out.
liberals and progressives travel more I have LOL but good point. The whole thing is just irrelevant. The country of the middle class are going to hell slowly under Pander to the rich GOP tax rates and policy... I can tell you it really pisses me off when right-wingers tell me that love it or leave it. It's not possible for most people. Seems only millionaires doctors Rich retired can do it... Unless you marry one.
Keep your socialism to yourselves, it doesn’t work for the rest of us.
Socialism which is fair capitalism with a good safety net is good for everybody. Socialism certainly doesn't say you can't have guns or your case sell them. Wouldn't be such a growth industry without all this poverty and stress of course... Gun dealers are one group it doesn't want reform and Fair capitalism... Love fear and stress...

How about those Bills? Snow is fun when you don't have to drive.
Survival of the fittest works for me
Doesn't work with human beings. They get pissed off and dangerous. socialism in other words Fair capitalism is what stopped communism as a solution. in history class they call it the embourgeoisement of the working class. Go Steelers.
Like a said keep your socialism to yourselves, leave the rest of us out of it. It does not require our participation.
Why? That is not An argument. That is just a stupid order like America love it or leave it. socialism is just fair capitalism and it'll be here would you morons stop being such brainwashed selfish assholes... It works a lot better for everyone especially in a rich country like us. The United States should be the best country in the world like it used to be. Easily.
Keep your socialism to yourselves, it doesn’t work for the rest of us.
Socialism which is fair capitalism with a good safety net is good for everybody. Socialism certainly doesn't say you can't have guns or your case sell them. Wouldn't be such a growth industry without all this poverty and stress of course... Gun dealers are one group it doesn't want reform and Fair capitalism... Love fear and stress...

How about those Bills? Snow is fun when you don't have to drive.
Survival of the fittest works for me
Doesn't work with human beings. They get pissed off and dangerous. socialism in other words Fair capitalism is what stopped communism as a solution. in history class they call it the embourgeoisement of the working class. Go Steelers.
Like a said keep your socialism to yourselves, leave the rest of us out of it. It does not require our participation.
Why? That is not An argument. That is just a stupid order like America love it or leave it. socialism is just fair capitalism and it'll be here would you morons stop being such brainwashed selfish assholes... It works a lot better for everyone especially in a rich country like us. The United States should be the best country in the world like it used to be. Easily.
The country is broke, Because of socialism
It is a political argument. But don't blame conservatives, liberals are among the worst for threatening to leave the country. Tell me this: How many liberals, progressives, and Democrat entertainment personalities threatened to move when Trump was elected? Was it not a "political argument" then? Aren't you being a little disingenuous?

So how many of those shitheads actually did move out of the country? Any of them? What a fucking bunch of hypocrites.
liberals and progressives travel more I have LOL but good point. The whole thing is just irrelevant. The country of the middle class are going to hell slowly under Pander to the rich GOP tax rates and policy... I can tell you it really pisses me off when right-wingers tell me that love it or leave it. It's not possible for most people. Seems only millionaires doctors Rich retired can do it... Unless you marry one.
Keep your socialism to yourselves, it doesn’t work for the rest of us.
Socialism which is fair capitalism with a good safety net is good for everybody. Socialism certainly doesn't say you can't have guns or your case sell them. Wouldn't be such a growth industry without all this poverty and stress of course... Gun dealers are one group it doesn't want reform and Fair capitalism... Love fear and stress...

How about those Bills? Snow is fun when you don't have to drive.
Funny, Socialists always want to force their shit on other people that want nothing to do with it.
If it was worth a shit they would just keep it to themselves

Then it wouldn't be socialism, it would be "anti-socialism". :biggrin:

Socialism only works under the pretext that there are enough stupid people who will buy into it willingly, and even then, it fails. At its worst, socialists will use other means such as intimidation, violence, anarchy, and armed insurrection.

But it still fails.
That's communism, dupe. Look at it all of Europe that's socialism and Canada and Japan and Australia New Zealand. What's wrong with good vacations Health Care cheap college etc etc. Look up brainwashed in the dictionary. Socialists are just trying to get you to open your eyes. Socialism is always Democratic and it's about voting that's how Europe got socialism and New Zealand and Australia. Brainwashed functional morons. Your idiotic Sympathy for the bloated greedy rich is touching. Idiot
Socialism which is fair capitalism with a good safety net is good for everybody. Socialism certainly doesn't say you can't have guns or your case sell them. Wouldn't be such a growth industry without all this poverty and stress of course... Gun dealers are one group it doesn't want reform and Fair capitalism... Love fear and stress...

How about those Bills? Snow is fun when you don't have to drive.
Survival of the fittest works for me
Doesn't work with human beings. They get pissed off and dangerous. socialism in other words Fair capitalism is what stopped communism as a solution. in history class they call it the embourgeoisement of the working class. Go Steelers.
Like a said keep your socialism to yourselves, leave the rest of us out of it. It does not require our participation.
Why? That is not An argument. That is just a stupid order like America love it or leave it. socialism is just fair capitalism and it'll be here would you morons stop being such brainwashed selfish assholes... It works a lot better for everyone especially in a rich country like us. The United States should be the best country in the world like it used to be. Easily.
The country is broke, Because of socialism
The country is broke because your greedy idiots GOP Heroes gave us a corrupt depression in 2008 and the stupidest Wars ever and tax cuts on the rich that they don't need.
liberals and progressives travel more I have LOL but good point. The whole thing is just irrelevant. The country of the middle class are going to hell slowly under Pander to the rich GOP tax rates and policy... I can tell you it really pisses me off when right-wingers tell me that love it or leave it. It's not possible for most people. Seems only millionaires doctors Rich retired can do it... Unless you marry one.
Keep your socialism to yourselves, it doesn’t work for the rest of us.
Socialism which is fair capitalism with a good safety net is good for everybody. Socialism certainly doesn't say you can't have guns or your case sell them. Wouldn't be such a growth industry without all this poverty and stress of course... Gun dealers are one group it doesn't want reform and Fair capitalism... Love fear and stress...

How about those Bills? Snow is fun when you don't have to drive.
Funny, Socialists always want to force their shit on other people that want nothing to do with it.
If it was worth a shit they would just keep it to themselves

Then it wouldn't be socialism, it would be "anti-socialism". :biggrin:

Socialism only works under the pretext that there are enough stupid people who will buy into it willingly, and even then, it fails. At its worst, socialists will use other means such as intimidation, violence, anarchy, and armed insurrection.

But it still fails.
That's communism, dupe. Look at it all of Europe that's socialism and Canada and Japan and Australia New Zealand. What's wrong with good vacations Health Care cheap college etc etc. Look up brainwashed in the dictionary. Socialists are just trying to get you to open your eyes. Socialism is always Democratic and it's about voting that's how Europe got socialism and New Zealand and Australia. Brainwashed functional morons. Your idiotic Sympathy for the bloated greedy rich is touching. Idiot
Go live there then, Millions of Americans want nothing to do with fucked up European socialism.
There is no such thing as any sort of freedom and individuality in Socialism… fact
Survival of the fittest works for me
Doesn't work with human beings. They get pissed off and dangerous. socialism in other words Fair capitalism is what stopped communism as a solution. in history class they call it the embourgeoisement of the working class. Go Steelers.
Like a said keep your socialism to yourselves, leave the rest of us out of it. It does not require our participation.
Why? That is not An argument. That is just a stupid order like America love it or leave it. socialism is just fair capitalism and it'll be here would you morons stop being such brainwashed selfish assholes... It works a lot better for everyone especially in a rich country like us. The United States should be the best country in the world like it used to be. Easily.
The country is broke, Because of socialism
The country is broke because your greedy idiots GOP Heroes gave us a corrupt depression in 2008 and the stupidest Wars ever and tax cuts on the rich that they don't need.
Bills are wild card now LOL.
Survival of the fittest works for me
Doesn't work with human beings. They get pissed off and dangerous. socialism in other words Fair capitalism is what stopped communism as a solution. in history class they call it the embourgeoisement of the working class. Go Steelers.
Like a said keep your socialism to yourselves, leave the rest of us out of it. It does not require our participation.
Why? That is not An argument. That is just a stupid order like America love it or leave it. socialism is just fair capitalism and it'll be here would you morons stop being such brainwashed selfish assholes... It works a lot better for everyone especially in a rich country like us. The United States should be the best country in the world like it used to be. Easily.
The country is broke, Because of socialism
The country is broke because your greedy idiots GOP Heroes gave us a corrupt depression in 2008 and the stupidest Wars ever and tax cuts on the rich that they don't need.
Socialist entitlement programs have bankrupt this country, what you speak of is a drop in the bucket compared to socialist entitlement program spending. Which is 100% waste fraud and abuse
Keep your socialism to yourselves, it doesn’t work for the rest of us.
Socialism which is fair capitalism with a good safety net is good for everybody. Socialism certainly doesn't say you can't have guns or your case sell them. Wouldn't be such a growth industry without all this poverty and stress of course... Gun dealers are one group it doesn't want reform and Fair capitalism... Love fear and stress...

How about those Bills? Snow is fun when you don't have to drive.
Funny, Socialists always want to force their shit on other people that want nothing to do with it.
If it was worth a shit they would just keep it to themselves

Then it wouldn't be socialism, it would be "anti-socialism". :biggrin:

Socialism only works under the pretext that there are enough stupid people who will buy into it willingly, and even then, it fails. At its worst, socialists will use other means such as intimidation, violence, anarchy, and armed insurrection.

But it still fails.
That's communism, dupe. Look at it all of Europe that's socialism and Canada and Japan and Australia New Zealand. What's wrong with good vacations Health Care cheap college etc etc. Look up brainwashed in the dictionary. Socialists are just trying to get you to open your eyes. Socialism is always Democratic and it's about voting that's how Europe got socialism and New Zealand and Australia. Brainwashed functional morons. Your idiotic Sympathy for the bloated greedy rich is touching. Idiot
Go live there then, Millions of Americans want nothing to do with fucked up European socialism.
There is no such thing as any sort of freedom and individuality in Socialism… fact
Because you don't know what it is and have never been there and believe a bunch of hate bull s*** and character assassination from your stupid GOP lying hypocrite propaganda machine and bought off politicians.
I don't buy into the "American Exceptionalism" myth, at least not the way the republican conservatives and religious right define it and the democratic far lefts false "diversity is a strength" mantra, has destroyed any hope for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
How do YOU define "American Exceptionalism"? Or, do you believe it doesn't exist?
Socialism which is fair capitalism with a good safety net is good for everybody. Socialism certainly doesn't say you can't have guns or your case sell them. Wouldn't be such a growth industry without all this poverty and stress of course... Gun dealers are one group it doesn't want reform and Fair capitalism... Love fear and stress...

How about those Bills? Snow is fun when you don't have to drive.
Funny, Socialists always want to force their shit on other people that want nothing to do with it.
If it was worth a shit they would just keep it to themselves

Then it wouldn't be socialism, it would be "anti-socialism". :biggrin:

Socialism only works under the pretext that there are enough stupid people who will buy into it willingly, and even then, it fails. At its worst, socialists will use other means such as intimidation, violence, anarchy, and armed insurrection.

But it still fails.
That's communism, dupe. Look at it all of Europe that's socialism and Canada and Japan and Australia New Zealand. What's wrong with good vacations Health Care cheap college etc etc. Look up brainwashed in the dictionary. Socialists are just trying to get you to open your eyes. Socialism is always Democratic and it's about voting that's how Europe got socialism and New Zealand and Australia. Brainwashed functional morons. Your idiotic Sympathy for the bloated greedy rich is touching. Idiot
Go live there then, Millions of Americans want nothing to do with fucked up European socialism.
There is no such thing as any sort of freedom and individuality in Socialism… fact
Because you don't know what it is and have never been there and believe a bunch of hate bull s*** and character assassination from your stupid GOP lying hypocrite propaganda machine and bought off politicians.
Like I said, keep your socialism to yourselves leave the rest of us out of it we are not buying what you’re selling
Socialism which is fair capitalism with a good safety net is good for everybody. Socialism certainly doesn't say you can't have guns or your case sell them. Wouldn't be such a growth industry without all this poverty and stress of course... Gun dealers are one group it doesn't want reform and Fair capitalism... Love fear and stress...

How about those Bills? Snow is fun when you don't have to drive.
Funny, Socialists always want to force their shit on other people that want nothing to do with it.
If it was worth a shit they would just keep it to themselves

Then it wouldn't be socialism, it would be "anti-socialism". :biggrin:

Socialism only works under the pretext that there are enough stupid people who will buy into it willingly, and even then, it fails. At its worst, socialists will use other means such as intimidation, violence, anarchy, and armed insurrection.

But it still fails.
That's communism, dupe. Look at it all of Europe that's socialism and Canada and Japan and Australia New Zealand. What's wrong with good vacations Health Care cheap college etc etc. Look up brainwashed in the dictionary. Socialists are just trying to get you to open your eyes. Socialism is always Democratic and it's about voting that's how Europe got socialism and New Zealand and Australia. Brainwashed functional morons. Your idiotic Sympathy for the bloated greedy rich is touching. Idiot
Go live there then, Millions of Americans want nothing to do with fucked up European socialism.
There is no such thing as any sort of freedom and individuality in Socialism… fact
Because you don't know what it is and have never been there and believe a bunch of hate bull s*** and character assassination from your stupid GOP lying hypocrite propaganda machine and bought off politicians.

Americans are not going to change into Frenchman just because they have a living wage cheap college and training Health Care daycare Etc. I don't even understand what you're talking about you are so fear mongered and brainwashed.
I don't buy into the "American Exceptionalism" myth, at least not the way the republican conservatives and religious right define it and the democratic far lefts false "diversity is a strength" mantra, has destroyed any hope for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
How do YOU define "American Exceptionalism"? Or, do you believe it doesn't exist?
I believe it existed under the greatest generation and the new bulshit Pander to the rich GOP has ruined it.

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