"This election is illegitimate" - US Election Commission Chairman

"He (Obama) couldn't sell watermelons even if you gave him a state trooper to flag down traffic." - Dan Rather, showing typical liberal racism

Employees' "health insurance premiums could fall as much as 3,000 percent..." - Barack Obama, March 16 in Strongsville, Ohio

(After falling 100%, how do they fall another 2900%? Do insurance companies pay you to be insured with them?)

The world is going to end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change. – Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, February 2019

"I've been to like 57 states. Two more to go." - Barack Obama

Every month that we do not have an economic recovery package, 500 million Americans lose their jobs." - Nancy Pelosi, February 4, 2009

This liberal will be about socializing, uh, uh, uh, taking over the corporations… - Maxine Waters

"I have never been proud of my country." - Michele Obama

I, a Socialist, think we should strive toward a Socialist society, all the way to Communism. – Jane Fonda

The age of consent for sexual acts must be lowered to age 12 years old. – Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 1977

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Al Qaeda on Buffoon Biden

by Michelle Cottle

July 13, 2017

This week, West Point’s Counter Terrorism Center released a batch of translated, declassified documents. seized during the raid that killed Osama bin Laden. Spanning from the fall of 2006 through the spring of 2011, the 17 documents are letters between al Qaeda members musing about everything from PR strategies to leadership structures to promising new jihad projects.

In a May 2010 missive to Shaykh Mahmud `Atiyya (SOCOM-2012-0000019-HT), bin Laden inquired about what progress had been made toward establishing two groups, one in Afghanistan and one in Pakistan, specifically tasked with looking for opportunities to assassinate President Obama. He reasoned:

“Obama is the head of infidelity and killing him automatically will make Biden take over the presidency for the remainder of the term, as it is the norm over there. Biden is totally unprepared for that post, which will lead the US into a crisis.”

Yowza. It’s one thing to have the Republican opposition deriding you as a buffoon or certain members of your own party grumbling that maybe you should be bumped from the ticket. But when the world’s most famous terrorist is plotting to bring down America by putting you in charge? That’s just cold.
You're a man without a party, Godboy. You need to pick a new one.....or learn how to swallow.

You would have to improve several orders of magnitude to rise to the level of indecent.
"There are only two kinds of people, decent and indecent." - Elie Wiesel

ciao brutto
You're a man without a party, Godboy. You need to pick a new one.....or learn how to swallow.

You would have to improve several orders of magnitude to rise to the level of indecent.
"There are only two kinds of people, decent and indecent." - Elie Wiesel

ciao brutto

"And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab 'em by the pussy. You can do anything."

Donald J. Trump

But by all means. Tell us more about 'indecency'.
Don't you concede Trump.

These people of the past Obama administration or on the left that are involved in criminal activity, are a national security threat, just as the preponderance of evidence shows. If the government would truly do an all out investigation, and use the preponderance of evidence mounted ever since this get Trump, transform the nation started, then these people wouldn't be rewarded with power, but instead would be awarded time in Leavenworth. Along time.
Don't you concede Trump.

These people are a national security threat, just as the preponderance of evidence shows. If the government would truly do an all out investigation, and use the preponderance of evidence mounted ever since this get Trump, transform the nation started, then these people wouldn't be rewarded with power, but instead would be awarded time in Leavenworth. Along time.

It doesn't really matter.
Don't you concede Trump.

These people are a national security threat, just as the preponderance of evidence shows. If the government would truly do an all out investigation, and use the preponderance of evidence mounted ever since this get Trump, transform the nation started, then these people wouldn't be rewarded with power, but instead would be awarded time in Leavenworth. Along time.

It doesn't really matter.

Stay tuned. America is at a tipping point once again in history, and it has nothing to do with foreign government's making waves abroad, but everything to do with domestic terrorist who have been elevated to dangerous levels within government as so to affect change that the nation absolutely doesn't want.
Don't you concede Trump.

These people are a national security threat, just as the preponderance of evidence shows. If the government would truly do an all out investigation, and use the preponderance of evidence mounted ever since this get Trump, transform the nation started, then these people wouldn't be rewarded with power, but instead would be awarded time in Leavenworth. Along time.

It doesn't really matter.

Stay tuned. America is at a tipping point once again in history, and it has nothing to do with foreign government's making waves abroad, but everything to do with domestic terrorist who have been elevated to dangerous levels within government as so to affect change that the nation absolutely doesn't want.

Nah. I've got a much simpler and more likely scenario for you:

Trump will whine, snivel and complain about how unfair things are, backed by jack shit. And he'll still be leaving the White House on January 20th.
Don't you concede Trump.

These people are a national security threat, just as the preponderance of evidence shows. If the government would truly do an all out investigation, and use the preponderance of evidence mounted ever since this get Trump, transform the nation started, then these people wouldn't be rewarded with power, but instead would be awarded time in Leavenworth. Along time.

It doesn't really matter.

Stay tuned. America is at a tipping point once again in history, and it has nothing to do with foreign government's making waves abroad, but everything to do with domestic terrorist who have been elevated to dangerous levels within government as so to affect change that the nation absolutely doesn't want.

Nah. I've got a much simpler and more likely scenario for you:

Trump will whine, snivel and complain about how unfair things are, backed by jack shit. And he'll still be leaving the White House on January 20th.

Regardless of the preponderance of evidence showing a coup, insurrection, and the use of yours and my tax dollars for nefarious reasons in a get Trump scheme because the left feels that it was left out in the cold during the Trump administration ??? A little secret - Trump held the door wide open, but the left chose to remain outside in hopes that Obama would wave his magic wand, and somehow make everything better for them again. It's not Trump's fault that the left wouldn't assimilate back into American traditionalism and culture, and to join the great economy that was being built for everyone including yep the rebellious leftist.

No they want this utopic world not steeped in reality, but Briben will lie like a dog to them just to get that power. Then they are done.
Don't you concede Trump.

These people of the past Obama administration or on the left that are involved in criminal activity, are a national security threat, just as the preponderance of evidence shows. If the government would truly do an all out investigation, and use the preponderance of evidence mounted ever since this get Trump, transform the nation started, then these people wouldn't be rewarded with power, but instead would be awarded time in Leavenworth. Along time.

Here's Pirro talking about you....

Don't you concede Trump.

These people are a national security threat, just as the preponderance of evidence shows. If the government would truly do an all out investigation, and use the preponderance of evidence mounted ever since this get Trump, transform the nation started, then these people wouldn't be rewarded with power, but instead would be awarded time in Leavenworth. Along time.

It doesn't really matter.

Stay tuned. America is at a tipping point once again in history, and it has nothing to do with foreign government's making waves abroad, but everything to do with domestic terrorist who have been elevated to dangerous levels within government as so to affect change that the nation absolutely doesn't want.

Nah. I've got a much simpler and more likely scenario for you:

Trump will whine, snivel and complain about how unfair things are, backed by jack shit. And he'll still be leaving the White House on January 20th.

Regardless of the preponderance of evidence showing a coup, insurrection, and the use of yours and my tax dollars for nefarious reasons in a get Trump scheme because the left feels that it was left out in the cold during the Trump administration ???

Your imagination isn't a 'preponderance of evidence'. Remember, the nonsense Trump is telling you in public and the arguments Trump's own attorney's are making in court have nothing to do with each other.

Trump's own attorney's have admitted that they have no evidence of fraud. Trump's own attorney's have admitted they're not even ACCUSING anyone of fraud. Trump's own attorney's have admitted that yes, Republican observers were in the room during the count.

And Trump's own Cyber Security Department had this to say about the election integrity:

“When states have close elections, many will recount ballots. All of the states with close results in the 2020 presidential race have paper records of each vote, allowing the ability to go back and count each ballot if necessary. This is an added benefit for security and resilience. This process allows for the identification and correction of any mistakes or errors. There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised.

There's no evidence that any voting system changed votes, nor are Trump's attoney's even alleging fraud.

You're being played.
I'm beginning to think that most of the Trumpsters realize, or just don't care, that this is all bullshit. They're just following Trump's lead and "fighting" any way they can. Even if it means spreading obvious nonsense. Long as it fires up the dummies.
I'm beginning to think that most of the Trumpsters realize, or just don't care, that this is all bullshit. They're just following Trump's lead and "fighting" any way they can. Even if it means spreading obvious nonsense. Long as it fires up the dummies.
That's true. Which goes to prove how little they care about this country.
I'm beginning to think that most of the Trumpsters realize, or just don't care, that this is all bullshit. They're just following Trump's lead and "fighting" any way they can. Even if it means spreading obvious nonsense. Long as it fires up the dummies.
That's true. Which goes to prove how little they care about this country.
I don't think that's it. I think they're convinced Democrats will destroy the country and they're willing to do anything to prevent it.
I'm beginning to think that most of the Trumpsters realize, or just don't care, that this is all bullshit. They're just following Trump's lead and "fighting" any way they can. Even if it means spreading obvious nonsense. Long as it fires up the dummies.
That's true. Which goes to prove how little they care about this country.
I don't think that's it. I think they're convinced Democrats will destroy the country and they're willing to do anything to prevent it.
I don't believe that. Clinton didn't destroy the country. Obama didn't destroy the country. They know that's not the case with Biden. They just don't want to lose the election and will do and say anything to hang to a glimmer of hallucination to which they cling. And they would rather harm the country, which they're doing by putting our election process into doubt and by staving off the smooth transfer of power that is so critical to the survival of this nation. It's detrimental to the USA, which they clearly don't care about.
Oh good Lord, now stores are reinstating purchase limit's, so Biden is already creating panic with his stupidity and bullcrap. Unbelievable.... Everybody run out and buy all the toilet paper now, yeah make sure you libs do that again. I never changed one bit of my life, and yes I got the dam Covid even after wearing a mask, and using hand sanitizer. Pffft. I tire of the bullcrap really I do.

Not to mention the sheer hell that working families have been through having to home-school their kids through this.
I'm beginning to think that most of the Trumpsters realize, or just don't care, that this is all bullshit. They're just following Trump's lead and "fighting" any way they can. Even if it means spreading obvious nonsense. Long as it fires up the dummies.
That's true. Which goes to prove how little they care about this country.
I don't think that's it. I think they're convinced Democrats will destroy the country and they're willing to do anything to prevent it.
I don't believe that. Clinton didn't destroy the country. Obama didn't destroy the country.

You don't believe what? That Democrats will destroy the country? Neither do I. But Trumpsters do. That's the point, and the problem.

This is the end result of decades of slanted media portraying one side, or the other, as monsters intent on destroying "our way of life". Trump Republicans fear Democrats more than they fear our actual enemies. Many Democrats have the same extreme view of Republicans. We've come to treat the Presidential election as a proxy for civil war.
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I'm beginning to think that most of the Trumpsters realize, or just don't care, that this is all bullshit. They're just following Trump's lead and "fighting" any way they can. Even if it means spreading obvious nonsense. Long as it fires up the dummies.
That's true. Which goes to prove how little they care about this country.
I don't think that's it. I think they're convinced Democrats will destroy the country and they're willing to do anything to prevent it.
I don't believe that. Clinton didn't destroy the country. Obama didn't destroy the country. They know that's not the case with Biden. They just don't want to lose the election and will do and say anything to hang to a glimmer of hallucination to which they cling. And they would rather harm the country, which they're doing by putting our election process into doubt and by staving off the smooth transfer of power that is so critical to the survival of this nation. It's detrimental to the USA, which they clearly don't care about.

It's been a collective effort over a number of presidencies, all involving democrats or RINOs like the Bushs. Bush Sr coined the term himself, "New World Order" and that has been echoed by every president since him until Trump came along. They all but admitted that they wanted to impose a quasi-utopian collectivist regime on the world. These people were recorded making speeches promoting it. But people today have totally forgot that and are more captivated by videos of Trump making faces, spread over the internet by his political enemies.
I'm beginning to think that most of the Trumpsters realize, or just don't care, that this is all bullshit. They're just following Trump's lead and "fighting" any way they can. Even if it means spreading obvious nonsense. Long as it fires up the dummies.
That's true. Which goes to prove how little they care about this country.
I don't think that's it. I think they're convinced Democrats will destroy the country and they're willing to do anything to prevent it.
I don't believe that. Clinton didn't destroy the country. Obama didn't destroy the country.

You don't believe what? That Democrats will destroy the country? Neither do I. But Trumpsters do. That's the point, and the problem.

This is the end result of decades of slanted media portraying one side, or the other, as monsters intent on destroying "our way of life". Trump Republicans fear Democrats more than they fear our actual enemies. Many Democrats have the same extreme view on Republicans. We've come to treat the Presidential election as a proxy for civil war.
No, I don't believe rightwingers believe democrats will destroy the country. They're just whipping themselves into a hyperbolic frenzy.
Not that Leftists care or anything, but the Federal Election Commission Chairman has gone on record to declare that this election is illegitimate.

This should restart the rioting and looting and arson by Biden's crazies.

Trump didnt win the election. :cuckoo:


But when sniveling about how unfair everything is has become the lone unifying ideology of their entire party, is there any surprise that they are going to lament about how unfair everything is?

The GOP should change its name to the 'Head Down, Ass Up' party........as their platform is little more than an exhaustive list of ALL the people that are fucking them.
Im a republican. Im not lamenting how unfair the election was. Just because the OP is crazy, doesnt mean the rest of us are.

You may want to take a long, hard look at who your people chose as your leader.

Because that poor fucker is batshit crazy. And he's the one that your ilk chose to represent you.
The Trump administration was awesome, dont get me wrong. I LOVED what they did. I just wish he had congress on board, then he could have done some great things.
I'm beginning to think that most of the Trumpsters realize, or just don't care, that this is all bullshit. They're just following Trump's lead and "fighting" any way they can. Even if it means spreading obvious nonsense. Long as it fires up the dummies.
That's true. Which goes to prove how little they care about this country.
I don't think that's it. I think they're convinced Democrats will destroy the country and they're willing to do anything to prevent it.
I don't believe that. Clinton didn't destroy the country. Obama didn't destroy the country. They know that's not the case with Biden. They just don't want to lose the election and will do and say anything to hang to a glimmer of hallucination to which they cling. And they would rather harm the country, which they're doing by putting our election process into doubt and by staving off the smooth transfer of power that is so critical to the survival of this nation. It's detrimental to the USA, which they clearly don't care about.

It's been a collective effort over a number of presidencies, all involving democrats or RINOs like the Bushs. Bush Sr coined the term himself, "New World Order" and that has been echoed by every president since him until Trump came along. They all but admitted that they wanted to impose a quasi-utopian collectivist regime on the world. These people were recorded making speeches promoting it. But people today have totally forgot that and are more captivated by videos of Trump making faces, spread over the internet by his political enemies.
Obvious nonsense as we were doing great under Clinton and under Obama after we pulled out of the recession. Case in point, rightards like to brag about record low black and hispanic unemployment under Impeached Trump. And it's true we did hit that record under Trump but it took 8 years to get to that record and some 90% of the drop occurred under Obama. That would be like giving Tom Brady's backup the credit for breaking a team record in point scored even though the backup only threw one touchdown while Brady threw all the rest.

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