"This election is illegitimate" - US Election Commission Chairman

On YouTube...... Timcast IRL - Georgia recount just gave Trump Net Gain w/Jack Murphy and Jorge Ventura... 94,641 watching now.... Live. Look it up on the tube.

A net gain....of what?

Trump's behind by 14,000 votes. If he gained say, 800....that doesn't change much.
I'm beginning to think that most of the Trumpsters realize, or just don't care, that this is all bullshit. They're just following Trump's lead and "fighting" any way they can. Even if it means spreading obvious nonsense. Long as it fires up the dummies.
That's true. Which goes to prove how little they care about this country.
I don't think that's it. I think they're convinced Democrats will destroy the country and they're willing to do anything to prevent it.
I don't believe that. Clinton didn't destroy the country. Obama didn't destroy the country. They know that's not the case with Biden. They just don't want to lose the election and will do and say anything to hang to a glimmer of hallucination to which they cling. And they would rather harm the country, which they're doing by putting our election process into doubt and by staving off the smooth transfer of power that is so critical to the survival of this nation. It's detrimental to the USA, which they clearly don't care about.

It's been a collective effort over a number of presidencies, all involving democrats or RINOs like the Bushs. Bush Sr coined the term himself, "New World Order" and that has been echoed by every president since him until Trump came along. They all but admitted that they wanted to impose a quasi-utopian collectivist regime on the world. These people were recorded making speeches promoting it. But people today have totally forgot that and are more captivated by videos of Trump making faces, spread over the internet by his political enemies.

The problem with the 'New World Order' trope.....is how its defined. What Bush was describing when he used the term was an era of multi-national cooperation where despots would be held accountable to the rule of law rather than the rule of the jungle. Here's how Bush described it:

"We stand today at a unique and extraordinary moment. The crisis in the Persian Gulf, as grave as it is, also offers a rare opportunity to move toward an historic period of cooperation. Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective — a new world order — can emerge: a new era — freer from the threat of terror, stronger in the pursuit of justice, and more secure in the quest for peace. An era in which the nations of the world, East and West, North and South, can prosper and live in harmony.

A hundred generations have searched for this elusive path to peace, while a thousand wars raged across the span of human endeavor. Today that new world is struggling to be born, a world quite different from the one we've known. A world where the rule of law supplants the rule of the jungle. A world in which nations recognize the shared responsibility for freedom and justice. A world where the strong respect the rights of the weak. This is the vision that I shared with President Gorbachev in Helsinki. He and other leaders from Europe, the Gulf, and around the world understand that how we manage this crisis today could shape the future for generations to come."

That's Bush's 'new world order'.

The 'NWO' of conspiracy theorists is what ever the fuck they imagine it to be. Involving everything from pedophile rings to bavarian secret societies, to the masons to shape shifting lizards.

Its a conspiracy Rorschach Test

Many of Hitler's early speeches were inspiring and moving too....and at the time didnt the slightest bit suggest gassing Jews or attacking all of Europe. That came AFTER he captivated the hearts of his fellow Germans.

Bush Sr almost became president 7 ye ar rs early when Reagan was shot. With Bush's CIA past I highly doubt that was as simple as John Hinckley trying to impress Jodi Foster. John Hinckley, just like fellow assassins Oswald, Sirhan and Chapman...ALL had "Catcher in the Rye" hot on their night stands. I highly doubt that was simple coincidence either. In 1973 the CIA openly admitted to MKUltra (the using of hypnosis and drugs on people to get them to do stuff). That conspiracy is NOT a theory. They really did that and it was documented and declassified (but probably continued under a different name and with even deeper secrecy). So happens Jodi Foster also went to Yale, as did Bush Sr...and so did her father, a high ranking military officer later jailed for fraud. The younger Bush was veritably a member of the Skull and Bones fraternity where people are tested for loyalty and nobody talks about what happens inside.

How much does a criminal need to circle the bank before you suspect he might be casing the joint? These people have been planning a government overhaul in their own favor for quite some time. They are Globalists. Their mission is to replace every government in the world, or infiltrate them anyway...with people who put global corporations ahead of governments, in control of them in fact. That is the hidden meaning behind the Bush speech. Do you really think they're going to come out and say, "we want to make every government of the world a possession and asset of a one-world corporation"?

By the way, you left out the part where he says, "When we are successful...and we WILL be" with that creepy, hypnotic, sinister conviction.
Last edited:
I'm beginning to think that most of the Trumpsters realize, or just don't care, that this is all bullshit. They're just following Trump's lead and "fighting" any way they can. Even if it means spreading obvious nonsense. Long as it fires up the dummies.
That's true. Which goes to prove how little they care about this country.
I don't think that's it. I think they're convinced Democrats will destroy the country and they're willing to do anything to prevent it.
I don't believe that. Clinton didn't destroy the country. Obama didn't destroy the country. They know that's not the case with Biden. They just don't want to lose the election and will do and say anything to hang to a glimmer of hallucination to which they cling. And they would rather harm the country, which they're doing by putting our election process into doubt and by staving off the smooth transfer of power that is so critical to the survival of this nation. It's detrimental to the USA, which they clearly don't care about.

It's been a collective effort over a number of presidencies, all involving democrats or RINOs like the Bushs. Bush Sr coined the term himself, "New World Order" and that has been echoed by every president since him until Trump came along. They all but admitted that they wanted to impose a quasi-utopian collectivist regime on the world. These people were recorded making speeches promoting it. But people today have totally forgot that and are more captivated by videos of Trump making faces, spread over the internet by his political enemies.

The problem with the 'New World Order' trope.....is how its defined. What Bush was describing when he used the term was an era of multi-national cooperation where despots would be held accountable to the rule of law rather than the rule of the jungle. Here's how Bush described it:

"We stand today at a unique and extraordinary moment. The crisis in the Persian Gulf, as grave as it is, also offers a rare opportunity to move toward an historic period of cooperation. Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective — a new world order — can emerge: a new era — freer from the threat of terror, stronger in the pursuit of justice, and more secure in the quest for peace. An era in which the nations of the world, East and West, North and South, can prosper and live in harmony.

A hundred generations have searched for this elusive path to peace, while a thousand wars raged across the span of human endeavor. Today that new world is struggling to be born, a world quite different from the one we've known. A world where the rule of law supplants the rule of the jungle. A world in which nations recognize the shared responsibility for freedom and justice. A world where the strong respect the rights of the weak. This is the vision that I shared with President Gorbachev in Helsinki. He and other leaders from Europe, the Gulf, and around the world understand that how we manage this crisis today could shape the future for generations to come."

That's Bush's 'new world order'.

The 'NWO' of conspiracy theorists is what ever the fuck they imagine it to be. Involving everything from pedophile rings to bavarian secret societies, to the masons to shape shifting lizards.

Its a conspiracy Rorschach Test

Many of Hitler's early speeches were inspiring and moving too....and at the time didnt the slightest bit suggest gassing Jews or attacking all of Europe. That came AFTER he captivated the hearts of his fellow Germans.

Bush never gassed jews. Nor did he ever advocate it.

So you start with what Bush actually said.....and then make up whatever you'd like after, attributing it to him.

As I said, the NWO is a conspiracy Rorschach Test. It is..whatever a conspiracy imagines it is. As you're not tethered to what Bush actually said or did. But only what you imagine he meant.

Another conspiracy theorist will imagine something else.
I'm beginning to think that most of the Trumpsters realize, or just don't care, that this is all bullshit. They're just following Trump's lead and "fighting" any way they can. Even if it means spreading obvious nonsense. Long as it fires up the dummies.
That's true. Which goes to prove how little they care about this country.
I don't think that's it. I think they're convinced Democrats will destroy the country and they're willing to do anything to prevent it.
I don't believe that. Clinton didn't destroy the country. Obama didn't destroy the country. They know that's not the case with Biden. They just don't want to lose the election and will do and say anything to hang to a glimmer of hallucination to which they cling. And they would rather harm the country, which they're doing by putting our election process into doubt and by staving off the smooth transfer of power that is so critical to the survival of this nation. It's detrimental to the USA, which they clearly don't care about.

It's been a collective effort over a number of presidencies, all involving democrats or RINOs like the Bushs. Bush Sr coined the term himself, "New World Order" and that has been echoed by every president since him until Trump came along. They all but admitted that they wanted to impose a quasi-utopian collectivist regime on the world. These people were recorded making speeches promoting it. But people today have totally forgot that and are more captivated by videos of Trump making faces, spread over the internet by his political enemies.

The problem with the 'New World Order' trope.....is how its defined. What Bush was describing when he used the term was an era of multi-national cooperation where despots would be held accountable to the rule of law rather than the rule of the jungle. Here's how Bush described it:

"We stand today at a unique and extraordinary moment. The crisis in the Persian Gulf, as grave as it is, also offers a rare opportunity to move toward an historic period of cooperation. Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective — a new world order — can emerge: a new era — freer from the threat of terror, stronger in the pursuit of justice, and more secure in the quest for peace. An era in which the nations of the world, East and West, North and South, can prosper and live in harmony.

A hundred generations have searched for this elusive path to peace, while a thousand wars raged across the span of human endeavor. Today that new world is struggling to be born, a world quite different from the one we've known. A world where the rule of law supplants the rule of the jungle. A world in which nations recognize the shared responsibility for freedom and justice. A world where the strong respect the rights of the weak. This is the vision that I shared with President Gorbachev in Helsinki. He and other leaders from Europe, the Gulf, and around the world understand that how we manage this crisis today could shape the future for generations to come."

That's Bush's 'new world order'.

The 'NWO' of conspiracy theorists is what ever the fuck they imagine it to be. Involving everything from pedophile rings to bavarian secret societies, to the masons to shape shifting lizards.

Its a conspiracy Rorschach Test

Many of Hitler's early speeches were inspiring and moving too....and at the time didnt the slightest bit suggest gassing Jews or attacking all of Europe. That came AFTER he captivated the hearts of his fellow Germans.

Bush never gassed jews. Nor did he ever advocate it.

So you start with what Bush actually said.....and then make up whatever you'd like after, attributing it to him.

As I said, the NWO is a conspiracy Rorschach Test. It is..whatever a conspiracy imagines it is. As you're not tethered to what Bush actually said or did. But only what you imagine he meant.

Another conspiracy theorist will imagine something else.

All anyone has to do is see where they have led us and when they show their fangs. There's no Rohrschach mumbo jumbo about it, except to test who sees through it and who doesnt, and to help them lie better in the future. We have not had a NON New World Order president since 1988.

Bush didnt gas Jews because Bush was busy starting perpetual wars for profit. A tradition followed verbatim all administrations until Trump came along. Not a theory.

When Reagan brought the Iranian hostages home that was when they knew he was not "one of them". They wanted that to continue. And that was just one reason the attempt on his life was made. Reagan was a tool who unfortunately for them had a mind of his own and wasn't in on it.

Anyone who doesn't cooperate with them meets a strange fate. Just ask Hillary.
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I'm beginning to think that most of the Trumpsters realize, or just don't care, that this is all bullshit. They're just following Trump's lead and "fighting" any way they can. Even if it means spreading obvious nonsense. Long as it fires up the dummies.
That's true. Which goes to prove how little they care about this country.
I don't think that's it. I think they're convinced Democrats will destroy the country and they're willing to do anything to prevent it.
I don't believe that. Clinton didn't destroy the country. Obama didn't destroy the country. They know that's not the case with Biden. They just don't want to lose the election and will do and say anything to hang to a glimmer of hallucination to which they cling. And they would rather harm the country, which they're doing by putting our election process into doubt and by staving off the smooth transfer of power that is so critical to the survival of this nation. It's detrimental to the USA, which they clearly don't care about.

It's been a collective effort over a number of presidencies, all involving democrats or RINOs like the Bushs. Bush Sr coined the term himself, "New World Order" and that has been echoed by every president since him until Trump came along. They all but admitted that they wanted to impose a quasi-utopian collectivist regime on the world. These people were recorded making speeches promoting it. But people today have totally forgot that and are more captivated by videos of Trump making faces, spread over the internet by his political enemies.

The problem with the 'New World Order' trope.....is how its defined. What Bush was describing when he used the term was an era of multi-national cooperation where despots would be held accountable to the rule of law rather than the rule of the jungle. Here's how Bush described it:

"We stand today at a unique and extraordinary moment. The crisis in the Persian Gulf, as grave as it is, also offers a rare opportunity to move toward an historic period of cooperation. Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective — a new world order — can emerge: a new era — freer from the threat of terror, stronger in the pursuit of justice, and more secure in the quest for peace. An era in which the nations of the world, East and West, North and South, can prosper and live in harmony.

A hundred generations have searched for this elusive path to peace, while a thousand wars raged across the span of human endeavor. Today that new world is struggling to be born, a world quite different from the one we've known. A world where the rule of law supplants the rule of the jungle. A world in which nations recognize the shared responsibility for freedom and justice. A world where the strong respect the rights of the weak. This is the vision that I shared with President Gorbachev in Helsinki. He and other leaders from Europe, the Gulf, and around the world understand that how we manage this crisis today could shape the future for generations to come."

That's Bush's 'new world order'.

The 'NWO' of conspiracy theorists is what ever the fuck they imagine it to be. Involving everything from pedophile rings to bavarian secret societies, to the masons to shape shifting lizards.

Its a conspiracy Rorschach Test

Many of Hitler's early speeches were inspiring and moving too....and at the time didnt the slightest bit suggest gassing Jews or attacking all of Europe. That came AFTER he captivated the hearts of his fellow Germans.

Bush Sr almost became president 7 ye ar rs early when Reagan was shot. With Bush's CIA past I highly doubt that was as simple as John Hinckley trying to impress Jodi Foster. John Hinckley, just like fellow assassins Oswald, Sirhan and Chapman...ALL had "Catcher in the Rye" hot on their night stands. I highly doubt that was simple coincidence either. In 1973 the CIA openly admitted to MKUltra (the using of hypnosis and drugs on people to get them to do stuff). That conspiracy is NOT a theory. They really did that and it was documented and declassified (but probably continued under a different name and with even deeper secrecy). So happens Jodi Foster also went to Yale, as did Bush Sr...and so did her father, a high ranking military officer later jailed for fraud. The younger Bush was veritably a member of the Skull and Bones fraternity where people are tested for loyalty and nobody talks about what happens inside.

How much does a criminal need to circle the bank before you suspect he might be casing the joint? These people have been planning a government overhaul in their own favor for quite some time. They are Globalists. Their mission is to replace every government in the world, or infiltrate them anyway...with people who put global corporations ahead of governments, in control of them in fact. That is the hidden meaning behind the Bush speech. Do you really think they're going to come out and say, "we want to make every government of the world a possession and asset of a one-world corporation"?

By the way, you left out the part where he says, "When we are successful...and we WILL be" with that creepy, hypnotic, sinister conviction.
Hitlers first solution was to deport and displace the Jews. No one in the world wanted and refused them.

Is that ever taught? To the world? What they did not do? What they could have done. What they refuse to acknowledge.
I'm beginning to think that most of the Trumpsters realize, or just don't care, that this is all bullshit. They're just following Trump's lead and "fighting" any way they can. Even if it means spreading obvious nonsense. Long as it fires up the dummies.
That's true. Which goes to prove how little they care about this country.
I don't think that's it. I think they're convinced Democrats will destroy the country and they're willing to do anything to prevent it.
I don't believe that. Clinton didn't destroy the country. Obama didn't destroy the country.

You don't believe what? That Democrats will destroy the country? Neither do I. But Trumpsters do. That's the point, and the problem.

This is the end result of decades of slanted media portraying one side, or the other, as monsters intent on destroying "our way of life". Trump Republicans fear Democrats more than they fear our actual enemies. Many Democrats have the same extreme view of Republicans. We've come to treat the Presidential election as a proxy for civil war.

I dont see where mainstream news media takes any side other than that of liberals. When I see anything in media which even allows Conservative opinions to appear, it's usually on comment pages and in private chatrooms.

Honestly, although I lean a little on the conservative side I have never watched FOX news! Are they conservative? I know they are seen as a bit biased by some. I have payed attention to CNN a little just because theyre always spouting and I almost had no choice! All I see there is a lying propaganda machine. I tend to put many grains of salt together in forming my opinions. It's not just based on the daily news, it's based on what I observe in daily life and varies in complexity and depth. At times I do find some conservatives too rigid or incapable of thinking outside their own box...but liberals are totally out of control and their leaders are obviously trying to launch a global coup.
Tucker is outstanding tonight.
Yeah he is the exception to the bias of fox
I'm beginning to think that most of the Trumpsters realize, or just don't care, that this is all bullshit. They're just following Trump's lead and "fighting" any way they can. Even if it means spreading obvious nonsense. Long as it fires up the dummies.
That's true. Which goes to prove how little they care about this country.
I don't think that's it. I think they're convinced Democrats will destroy the country and they're willing to do anything to prevent it.
I don't believe that. Clinton didn't destroy the country. Obama didn't destroy the country. They know that's not the case with Biden. They just don't want to lose the election and will do and say anything to hang to a glimmer of hallucination to which they cling. And they would rather harm the country, which they're doing by putting our election process into doubt and by staving off the smooth transfer of power that is so critical to the survival of this nation. It's detrimental to the USA, which they clearly don't care about.

It's been a collective effort over a number of presidencies, all involving democrats or RINOs like the Bushs. Bush Sr coined the term himself, "New World Order" and that has been echoed by every president since him until Trump came along. They all but admitted that they wanted to impose a quasi-utopian collectivist regime on the world. These people were recorded making speeches promoting it. But people today have totally forgot that and are more captivated by videos of Trump making faces, spread over the internet by his political enemies.

The problem with the 'New World Order' trope.....is how its defined. What Bush was describing when he used the term was an era of multi-national cooperation where despots would be held accountable to the rule of law rather than the rule of the jungle. Here's how Bush described it:

"We stand today at a unique and extraordinary moment. The crisis in the Persian Gulf, as grave as it is, also offers a rare opportunity to move toward an historic period of cooperation. Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective — a new world order — can emerge: a new era — freer from the threat of terror, stronger in the pursuit of justice, and more secure in the quest for peace. An era in which the nations of the world, East and West, North and South, can prosper and live in harmony.

A hundred generations have searched for this elusive path to peace, while a thousand wars raged across the span of human endeavor. Today that new world is struggling to be born, a world quite different from the one we've known. A world where the rule of law supplants the rule of the jungle. A world in which nations recognize the shared responsibility for freedom and justice. A world where the strong respect the rights of the weak. This is the vision that I shared with President Gorbachev in Helsinki. He and other leaders from Europe, the Gulf, and around the world understand that how we manage this crisis today could shape the future for generations to come."

That's Bush's 'new world order'.

The 'NWO' of conspiracy theorists is what ever the fuck they imagine it to be. Involving everything from pedophile rings to bavarian secret societies, to the masons to shape shifting lizards.

Its a conspiracy Rorschach Test

Many of Hitler's early speeches were inspiring and moving too....and at the time didnt the slightest bit suggest gassing Jews or attacking all of Europe. That came AFTER he captivated the hearts of his fellow Germans.

Bush Sr almost became president 7 ye ar rs early when Reagan was shot. With Bush's CIA past I highly doubt that was as simple as John Hinckley trying to impress Jodi Foster. John Hinckley, just like fellow assassins Oswald, Sirhan and Chapman...ALL had "Catcher in the Rye" hot on their night stands. I highly doubt that was simple coincidence either. In 1973 the CIA openly admitted to MKUltra (the using of hypnosis and drugs on people to get them to do stuff). That conspiracy is NOT a theory. They really did that and it was documented and declassified (but probably continued under a different name and with even deeper secrecy). So happens Jodi Foster also went to Yale, as did Bush Sr...and so did her father, a high ranking military officer later jailed for fraud. The younger Bush was veritably a member of the Skull and Bones fraternity where people are tested for loyalty and nobody talks about what happens inside.

How much does a criminal need to circle the bank before you suspect he might be casing the joint? These people have been planning a government overhaul in their own favor for quite some time. They are Globalists. Their mission is to replace every government in the world, or infiltrate them anyway...with people who put global corporations ahead of governments, in control of them in fact. That is the hidden meaning behind the Bush speech. Do you really think they're going to come out and say, "we want to make every government of the world a possession and asset of a one-world corporation"?

By the way, you left out the part where he says, "When we are successful...and we WILL be" with that creepy, hypnotic, sinister conviction.
Hitlers first solution was to deport and displace the Jews. No one in the world wanted and refused them.

Is that ever taught? To the world? What they did not do? What they could have done. What they refuse to acknowledge.

True, and it was Himmler who was the architect of the final solution. Hitler was actually kind of surprised and even a little shocked at first when Himmler brought him to the camps for approval.

200 years earlier Frederick the Great of Prussia also had a policy for Jewish immigrants which was not violent. They were required to keep their businesses within a certain distance of shores and ports to prevent them from being competition for established and indigenous people living in the heartland.
200 years earlier Frederick the Great of Prussia also had a policy for Jewish immigrants which was not violent. They were required to keep their businesses within a certain distance of shores and ports to prevent them from being competition for established and indigenous people living in the heartland.

Sorry to cherry-pick this, but "they were required to ..." is, always, a statement of violence. What happened if they didn't follow said requirement?
It’s the biggest fraud in World History
even bigger than the moon landing fakery?
Moon landing was real

It may not have happened when we.thought it did...or they may have had fake footage ready IN CASE they werent successful. Alot of the arguments for a fake landing are convincing. No doubt some hardcore conspiracy theorists go all out with the most off the wall stuff imaginable...like we were told to stay off the moon by aliens who already lived there, etc. I think there is a case for a fake landing, especially with the Russians beating us to the punch in alot of things. I dont go deep into Masonic connections or any of that crap in this case. I tend to be more practical in looking at the motives than some. I think NASA had every reason to want to fake something if they failed. And remember, it's a bonafide fact that many ex-Nazis were working for NASA at the time. Their kind wouldnt hesitate to use propaganda.
I'm beginning to think that most of the Trumpsters realize, or just don't care, that this is all bullshit. They're just following Trump's lead and "fighting" any way they can. Even if it means spreading obvious nonsense. Long as it fires up the dummies.
That's true. Which goes to prove how little they care about this country.
I don't think that's it. I think they're convinced Democrats will destroy the country and they're willing to do anything to prevent it.
I don't believe that. Clinton didn't destroy the country. Obama didn't destroy the country. They know that's not the case with Biden. They just don't want to lose the election and will do and say anything to hang to a glimmer of hallucination to which they cling. And they would rather harm the country, which they're doing by putting our election process into doubt and by staving off the smooth transfer of power that is so critical to the survival of this nation. It's detrimental to the USA, which they clearly don't care about.

It's been a collective effort over a number of presidencies, all involving democrats or RINOs like the Bushs. Bush Sr coined the term himself, "New World Order" and that has been echoed by every president since him until Trump came along. They all but admitted that they wanted to impose a quasi-utopian collectivist regime on the world. These people were recorded making speeches promoting it. But people today have totally forgot that and are more captivated by videos of Trump making faces, spread over the internet by his political enemies.

The problem with the 'New World Order' trope.....is how its defined. What Bush was describing when he used the term was an era of multi-national cooperation where despots would be held accountable to the rule of law rather than the rule of the jungle. Here's how Bush described it:

"We stand today at a unique and extraordinary moment. The crisis in the Persian Gulf, as grave as it is, also offers a rare opportunity to move toward an historic period of cooperation. Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective — a new world order — can emerge: a new era — freer from the threat of terror, stronger in the pursuit of justice, and more secure in the quest for peace. An era in which the nations of the world, East and West, North and South, can prosper and live in harmony.

A hundred generations have searched for this elusive path to peace, while a thousand wars raged across the span of human endeavor. Today that new world is struggling to be born, a world quite different from the one we've known. A world where the rule of law supplants the rule of the jungle. A world in which nations recognize the shared responsibility for freedom and justice. A world where the strong respect the rights of the weak. This is the vision that I shared with President Gorbachev in Helsinki. He and other leaders from Europe, the Gulf, and around the world understand that how we manage this crisis today could shape the future for generations to come."

That's Bush's 'new world order'.

The 'NWO' of conspiracy theorists is what ever the fuck they imagine it to be. Involving everything from pedophile rings to bavarian secret societies, to the masons to shape shifting lizards.

Its a conspiracy Rorschach Test

Many of Hitler's early speeches were inspiring and moving too....and at the time didnt the slightest bit suggest gassing Jews or attacking all of Europe. That came AFTER he captivated the hearts of his fellow Germans.

Bush never gassed jews. Nor did he ever advocate it.

So you start with what Bush actually said.....and then make up whatever you'd like after, attributing it to him.

As I said, the NWO is a conspiracy Rorschach Test. It is..whatever a conspiracy imagines it is. As you're not tethered to what Bush actually said or did. But only what you imagine he meant.

Another conspiracy theorist will imagine something else.

All anyone has to do is see where they have led us and when they show their fangs. There's no Rohrschach mumbo jumbo about it, except to test who sees through it and who doesnt, and to help them lie better in the future. We have not had a NON New World Order president since 1988.

Bush didnt gas Jews because Bush was busy starting perpetual wars for profit. A tradition followed verbatim all administrations until Trump came along. Not a theory.

When Reagan brought the Iranian hostages home that was when they knew he was not "one of them". They wanted that to continue. And that was just one reason the attempt on his life was made. Reagan was a tool who unfortunately for them had a mind of his own and wasn't in on it.

Anyone who doesn't cooperate with them meets a strange fate. Just ask Hillary.
Dude Reagan was as much one of them as bush and Obama are,he was the one that got the ball rolling for the destruction of America.It was him first before Bush who got wars started serving the globalists that was continued all the way up to Obama before trump ended it. Reagan what a long history of corruption which was why he got put in office.

His corruption matter of fact started back when he was a grade b actor for Hollywood.He was an informant for the FBI spying on actors for them thst were alleged communists.he ruined the careers of many actors. You mentioned the Jfk assassination,same as Bush and Ford,he was rewarded potus because of his role in the coverup of jfk.As governor of California,he blocked Jim garrisons subpoena of a CIA agent for his trial.

The elite were eager to get Reagan in office illegally rigging his election.they wanted carter out same as they do Trump because he also was not serving the elite as they wanted to by also not starting any wars for them,once Reagan got in,that all changed.

The elite wanted Carter out because when he got in,he cleaned house briefly reforming the CiA.He fired Bush who was CIA director at the time and replaced him with stansfield turner.Turner immediately cleaned house firing all CIA covert operators.Once Carter was gone and Reagan was installed as they planned,he got the CIA back to their corrupt covert operations firing turner and bringing in William Casey who of course got the CIA back to its warmonger covert wars that Reagan knew he would.

Because of Reagan being a willing puppet for them,they let him off with a warning shot,had they really wanted him dead they would have made sure as they did with kennedy.Reagan in the beginning was not playing ball with them doing his own thing the first few months in office so they sent a message to him to do things their way or next time,he would not survive,he got the message.

Reagan along with Bush made a deal with Iran for Iran to not release the hostages until the election,the very day he gets sworn in,the hostages get released,Reagan ran the most corrupt administration ever at the time with more people in his administration indicted more than any other previous administration ever.
200 years earlier Frederick the Great of Prussia also had a policy for Jewish immigrants which was not violent. They were required to keep their businesses within a certain distance of shores and ports to prevent them from being competition for established and indigenous people living in the heartland.

Sorry to cherry-pick this, but "they were required to ..." is, always, a statement of violence. What happened if they didn't follow said requirement?

I dont know, business permit revoked? Deported? They were considered a valuable part of the economy, but were subject to policies that limited what they could do to compete with indigenous people. It was to protect Prussian citizens more than to be mean to the Jews out of spite.

Fredrick was considered a benevolent King overall throughout Europe. Little is attributed to him in the way of violence or despotism. His policies for Jewish business were more at the behest of his non Jewish subjects' complaints than any antisemitism on his part.

Fredrick was also very likely a closet homosexual, as evidenced by early male companions and claims that he had a platonic relationship with his wife after marriage. I'm sure persecution was something he could relate to. His own father ordered his childhood male companion beheaded when he began to suspect little Fredrick and him were an item!
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This just in.three high democrats last year were complaining about the minion software the republicans are that switched the votes from trump to Biden calling them unreliable,bet they wished they had kept their mouths shut now. :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg:
This just in.three high democrats last year were complaining about the minion software the republicans are that switched the votes from trump to Biden calling them unreliable,bet they wished they had kept their mouths shut now. :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg:
I'm beginning to think that most of the Trumpsters realize, or just don't care, that this is all bullshit. They're just following Trump's lead and "fighting" any way they can. Even if it means spreading obvious nonsense. Long as it fires up the dummies.
That's true. Which goes to prove how little they care about this country.
I don't think that's it. I think they're convinced Democrats will destroy the country and they're willing to do anything to prevent it.
I don't believe that. Clinton didn't destroy the country. Obama didn't destroy the country. They know that's not the case with Biden. They just don't want to lose the election and will do and say anything to hang to a glimmer of hallucination to which they cling. And they would rather harm the country, which they're doing by putting our election process into doubt and by staving off the smooth transfer of power that is so critical to the survival of this nation. It's detrimental to the USA, which they clearly don't care about.

It's been a collective effort over a number of presidencies, all involving democrats or RINOs like the Bushs. Bush Sr coined the term himself, "New World Order" and that has been echoed by every president since him until Trump came along. They all but admitted that they wanted to impose a quasi-utopian collectivist regime on the world. These people were recorded making speeches promoting it. But people today have totally forgot that and are more captivated by videos of Trump making faces, spread over the internet by his political enemies.

The problem with the 'New World Order' trope.....is how its defined. What Bush was describing when he used the term was an era of multi-national cooperation where despots would be held accountable to the rule of law rather than the rule of the jungle. Here's how Bush described it:

"We stand today at a unique and extraordinary moment. The crisis in the Persian Gulf, as grave as it is, also offers a rare opportunity to move toward an historic period of cooperation. Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective — a new world order — can emerge: a new era — freer from the threat of terror, stronger in the pursuit of justice, and more secure in the quest for peace. An era in which the nations of the world, East and West, North and South, can prosper and live in harmony.

A hundred generations have searched for this elusive path to peace, while a thousand wars raged across the span of human endeavor. Today that new world is struggling to be born, a world quite different from the one we've known. A world where the rule of law supplants the rule of the jungle. A world in which nations recognize the shared responsibility for freedom and justice. A world where the strong respect the rights of the weak. This is the vision that I shared with President Gorbachev in Helsinki. He and other leaders from Europe, the Gulf, and around the world understand that how we manage this crisis today could shape the future for generations to come."

That's Bush's 'new world order'.

The 'NWO' of conspiracy theorists is what ever the fuck they imagine it to be. Involving everything from pedophile rings to bavarian secret societies, to the masons to shape shifting lizards.

Its a conspiracy Rorschach Test

Many of Hitler's early speeches were inspiring and moving too....and at the time didnt the slightest bit suggest gassing Jews or attacking all of Europe. That came AFTER he captivated the hearts of his fellow Germans.

Bush never gassed jews. Nor did he ever advocate it.

So you start with what Bush actually said.....and then make up whatever you'd like after, attributing it to him.

As I said, the NWO is a conspiracy Rorschach Test. It is..whatever a conspiracy imagines it is. As you're not tethered to what Bush actually said or did. But only what you imagine he meant.

Another conspiracy theorist will imagine something else.

All anyone has to do is see where they have led us and when they show their fangs. There's no Rohrschach mumbo jumbo about it, except to test who sees through it and who doesnt, and to help them lie better in the future. We have not had a NON New World Order president since 1988.

Bush didnt gas Jews because Bush was busy starting perpetual wars for profit. A tradition followed verbatim all administrations until Trump came along. Not a theory.

When Reagan brought the Iranian hostages home that was when they knew he was not "one of them". They wanted that to continue. And that was just one reason the attempt on his life was made. Reagan was a tool who unfortunately for them had a mind of his own and wasn't in on it.

Anyone who doesn't cooperate with them meets a strange fate. Just ask Hillary.
Dude Reagan was as much one of them as bush and Obama are,he was the one that got the ball rolling for the destruction of America.It was him first before Bush who got wars started serving the globalists that was continued all the way up to Obama before trump ended it. Reagan what a long history of corruption which was why he got put in office.

His corruption matter of fact started back when he was a grade b actor for Hollywood.He was an informant for the FBI spying on actors for them thst were alleged communists.he ruined the careers of many actors. You mentioned the Jfk assassination,same as Bush and Ford,he was rewarded potus because of his role in the coverup of jfk.As governor of California,he blocked Jim garrisons subpoena of a CIA agent for his trial.

The elite were eager to get Reagan in office illegally rigging his election.they wanted carter out same as they do Trump because he also was not serving the elite as they wanted to by also not starting any wars for them,once Reagan got in,that all changed.

The elite wanted Carter out because when he got in,he cleaned house briefly reforming the CiA.He fired Bush who was CIA director at the time and replaced him with stansfield turner.Turner immediately cleaned house firing all CIA covert operators.Once Carter was gone and Reagan was installed as they planned,he got the CIA back to their corrupt covert operations firing turner and bringing in William Casey who of course got the CIA back to its warmonger covert wars that Reagan knew he would.

Because of Reagan being a willing puppet for them,they let him off with a warning shot,had they really wanted him dead they would have made sure as they did with kennedy.Reagan in the beginning was not playing ball with them doing his own thing the first few months in office so they sent a message to him to do things their way or next time,he would not survive,he got the message.

Reagan along with Bush made a deal with Iran for Iran to not release the hostages until the election,the very day he gets sworn in,the hostages get released,Reagan ran the most corrupt administration ever at the time with more people in his administration indicted more than any other previous administration ever.

Hm. I didnt know Reagan had pulled such power plays in the past. I knew he participated in some shady stuff, but I figured he was more a pawn (or an oblivious rook) than a player. One thing I do know is that Reagan attended leftist seminars and rallies in the 40s and 50s. It occurs to me that if he had leftist actors ruined, he was more likely establishing a RINO identity for himself. No wonder he had Bush as a copilot.
200 years earlier Frederick the Great of Prussia also had a policy for Jewish immigrants which was not violent. They were required to keep their businesses within a certain distance of shores and ports to prevent them from being competition for established and indigenous people living in the heartland.

Sorry to cherry-pick this, but "they were required to ..." is, always, a statement of violence. What happened if they didn't follow said requirement?
Also, in most places non citizens generally "are required to" follow more strict rules and have less privilege than citizens. The custom policies for the Jews at that time were based on their own tendencies. Not saying Fredrick had it all figured out or that it was completely fair, and there were probably custom made policies for other groups as well.
200 years earlier Frederick the Great of Prussia also had a policy for Jewish immigrants which was not violent. They were required to keep their businesses within a certain distance of shores and ports to prevent them from being competition for established and indigenous people living in the heartland.

Sorry to cherry-pick this, but "they were required to ..." is, always, a statement of violence. What happened if they didn't follow said requirement?
Also, in most places non citizens generally "are required to" follow more strict rules and have less privilege than citizens.

Whatever. I was only taking issue with the notion that such regulations aren't violence. They are.
200 years earlier Frederick the Great of Prussia also had a policy for Jewish immigrants which was not violent. They were required to keep their businesses within a certain distance of shores and ports to prevent them from being competition for established and indigenous people living in the heartland.

Sorry to cherry-pick this, but "they were required to ..." is, always, a statement of violence. What happened if they didn't follow said requirement?
Also, in most places non citizens generally "are required to" follow more strict rules and have less privilege than citizens.

Whatever. I was only taking issue with the notion that such regulations aren't violence. They are.

While I believe that legislation via profiling isnt fair or even practical, I dont agree that it's "violence".
I'm beginning to think that most of the Trumpsters realize, or just don't care, that this is all bullshit. They're just following Trump's lead and "fighting" any way they can. Even if it means spreading obvious nonsense. Long as it fires up the dummies.
That's true. Which goes to prove how little they care about this country.
I don't think that's it. I think they're convinced Democrats will destroy the country and they're willing to do anything to prevent it.
I don't believe that. Clinton didn't destroy the country. Obama didn't destroy the country.

You don't believe what? That Democrats will destroy the country? Neither do I. But Trumpsters do. That's the point, and the problem.

This is the end result of decades of slanted media portraying one side, or the other, as monsters intent on destroying "our way of life". Trump Republicans fear Democrats more than they fear our actual enemies. Many Democrats have the same extreme view on Republicans. We've come to treat the Presidential election as a proxy for civil war.
No, I don't believe rightwingers believe democrats will destroy the country. They're just whipping themselves into a hyperbolic frenzy.
Right. You believe that they don't care about the country, that they're willing to do it harm. Why wouldn't they have the same view of you? We've got to get over this shit. We're on the same side.
Because I'm not like that. I didn't want Trump to win 4 years ago, but I accepted it when it happened. I didn't fight like hell to steal the election from Trump to give it to Hillary. I didn't promote denying Trump a smooth transition.
Maybe you didn't, but the Democrat party dam sure did.
Uh, no. Trump had a smooth transition. It only got bumpy for him after the transition and after he falsely accused Obama of spying on him in Trump Tower.
Falsely accused eh ??? Best do your homework. It's been proven, but ain't anyone going anywhere near trying to taint America's history on the 1st so called black skinned man to have become President finally, otherwise breaking the glass ceiling.

Everyone knows the problems that developed out of the administration in which had nothing to do with Obama's skin color, but that race card was just laying there eager for the left to use it everytime Obama's policies or actions were questioned or challenged legitimately. What a crying shame it all was.
Nope. What was proven was no one surveilled was currently in Trump's campaign. Trump was not spied on. Not in Trump Towers, nowhere.

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