"This election is illegitimate" - US Election Commission Chairman

I'm beginning to think that most of the Trumpsters realize, or just don't care, that this is all bullshit. They're just following Trump's lead and "fighting" any way they can. Even if it means spreading obvious nonsense. Long as it fires up the dummies.
That's true. Which goes to prove how little they care about this country.
I don't think that's it. I think they're convinced Democrats will destroy the country and they're willing to do anything to prevent it.
I don't believe that. Clinton didn't destroy the country. Obama didn't destroy the country.

You don't believe what? That Democrats will destroy the country? Neither do I. But Trumpsters do. That's the point, and the problem.

This is the end result of decades of slanted media portraying one side, or the other, as monsters intent on destroying "our way of life". Trump Republicans fear Democrats more than they fear our actual enemies. Many Democrats have the same extreme view on Republicans. We've come to treat the Presidential election as a proxy for civil war.
No, I don't believe rightwingers believe democrats will destroy the country. They're just whipping themselves into a hyperbolic frenzy.
Right. You believe that they don't care about the country, that they're willing to do it harm. Why wouldn't they have the same view of you? We've got to get over this shit. We're on the same side.
Because I'm not like that. I didn't want Trump to win 4 years ago, but I accepted it when it happened. I didn't fight like hell to steal the election from Trump to give it to Hillary. I didn't promote denying Trump a smooth transition.
Maybe you didn't, but the Democrat party dam sure did.
Uh, no. Trump had a smooth transition. It only got bumpy for him after the transition and after he falsely accused Obama of spying on him in Trump Tower.
Falsely accused Obama of spying on him in the tower? WTF? There was no falsely to it FAUN.
the shill is getting desperate.lol
Good thing I've never valued your intelligence enough to ask or care what you "think" you see, then.

"Fascist" is not defined as "people who disagree with me, so that makes them bad!!!" You are pitching a fit like a spoiled child because people are following a very clear and established legal process when you want them to just sit down, shut up, and give you your way immediately. And because people are expressing opinions you don't like, your first response is, "You don't get to decide that!" Well, yeah, Il Duce, they do; they're opinions.

If you can get someone literate to look up "fascist" in the dictionary for you and explain what it actually means, you'll see that your instinctive reaction to make people stop exercising their rights when you don't like what they do with them meets the actual definition of what you mistakenly assumed was a generic insult.

Cool. Now I'll ignore the rest of your one long massive whine, and concentrate on this point.

Can you tell us what fascism really means? I am betting you can't, or you would have used it correctly in the first place.

When you have a candidate, who has pretty clearly lost, yet is persisting in making unfounded claims of "rigged" and "massive fraud", and is tacitly encouraging people to overturn the election, then you are one step closer to fascism than any leftist who is saying - get over it already, start sharing stuff with the transition team and quit putting our country at risk. No one is saying Trump can't or does not have the right to pursue legal options, however - note: when these legal options were being pursued with Gore and Bush, BOTH men were getting briefed.

What you should be worried about is that people are even thinking of options like this one to cling to power. This is one step closer to fascism than anything you lot are whining about.

Your "fascism" can join the constant screams of meaningless Nazi, Marxist, Commie and Socialist accusations emitting from your brethren.
Coookooo coookoo cookoo
:thankusmile: :thup:
as is always the case in her babble here everyday.

The evidence of fraud, both digital (computerized) and analog (ballot-stuffing) is overwhelming.

Evidence continues to pile up that Trump got far more votes—and Biden far fewer—than the media is reporting, especially in the critical swing states of Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, Arizona, and Nevada. If this had been a clean election, one in which every legal vote had been counted, and every illegal ballot thrown out, Trump would have over 300 Electoral College votes. Joe Biden would have called to concede the evening of November 3rd.
That is obviously not the situation that we find ourselves in.

The corrupt political establishments that run the swing states, or at least the big cities and most populous counties within those states, have engaged in historically unprecedented levels of election fraud. Virtually all the power centers in our country, from Big Media and Big Tech to Hollywood and Wall Street, are attempting to deny the true winner of the presidential contest his victory, and to perversely claim the runner-up as the president-elect.

If it were up to them, they would happily see an imposter will be sworn in on January 21st as the 46th President of the United States.

Read more:


I'm beginning to think that most of the Trumpsters realize, or just don't care, that this is all bullshit. They're just following Trump's lead and "fighting" any way they can. Even if it means spreading obvious nonsense. Long as it fires up the dummies.

The dummies ate up the lies presented by the FBI and Fake News for four miserable years.
That was obvious nonsense, not that you give a damn.

My long list of Leftists on my Ignore List just grew by you. Life is too short to bother reading
hateful lies.

ciao brutto
I'm beginning to think that most of the Trumpsters realize, or just don't care, that this is all bullshit. They're just following Trump's lead and "fighting" any way they can. Even if it means spreading obvious nonsense. Long as it fires up the dummies.

The dummies ate up the lies presented by the FBI and Fake News for four miserable years.
That was obvious nonsense, not that you give a damn.

I totally give a damn. I was never behind the Russian collusion nonsense.

My long list of Leftists on my Ignore List just grew by you. Life is too short to bother reading
hateful lies.

That's too bad. Adios.
I'm beginning to think that most of the Trumpsters realize, or just don't care, that this is all bullshit. They're just following Trump's lead and "fighting" any way they can. Even if it means spreading obvious nonsense. Long as it fires up the dummies.

The dummies ate up the lies presented by the FBI and Fake News for four miserable years.
That was obvious nonsense, not that you give a damn.

I totally give a damn. I was never behind the Russian collusion nonsense.

My long list of Leftists on my Ignore List just grew by you. Life is too short to bother reading
hateful lies.

That's too bad. Adios.
So do ya think Trump should have fired Mueller? I do. Not only that ,I think Trump should have put up a "Special Prosecuter" to go after the Clintons and their ilk.
I'm beginning to think that most of the Trumpsters realize, or just don't care, that this is all bullshit. They're just following Trump's lead and "fighting" any way they can. Even if it means spreading obvious nonsense. Long as it fires up the dummies.

The dummies ate up the lies presented by the FBI and Fake News for four miserable years.
That was obvious nonsense, not that you give a damn.

I totally give a damn. I was never behind the Russian collusion nonsense.

My long list of Leftists on my Ignore List just grew by you. Life is too short to bother reading
hateful lies.

That's too bad. Adios.
So do ya think Trump should have fired Mueller? I do. Not only that ,I think Trump should have put up a "Special Prosecuter" to go after the Clintons and their ilk.
I dunno. That would have probably been worse for him, politically. He should have just cooperated fully. They obviously didn't have anything on him.
This just in!

Screen Shot 2020-11-17 at 3.53.31 PM.png

It only takes one. You Leftists don't get it.

More to the point, you did NOT provide a fake news source and link for your disinformation. It is noteworthy that Leftists invariably demand links an sources for anything which makes you grind your teeth.
Last edited:
Your "fascism" can join the constant screams of meaningless Nazi, Marxist, Commie and Socialist accusations emitting from your brethren.

As thoroughly documented in the book Liberal Fascism by Jonah Goldberg, fascists were beloved by Democrats. They still are. Fascism is rule by the state, which is you Democrats. Big government. More control. Less freedom. It's not just a pejorative you hurl at anyone who fails to walk in socialist lockstep with you. Benito Mussolini was the first fascist. He was a proud socialist, like Bernie Sanders, like Maxine Waters, like Barack Obama, like most millennials prefer over liberty.

Anyone who would like to read my notes on Liberal Fascism, please contact me by PM. I take notes on every book I read after the nonsense by atheist, hateful Leftist Isaac Asimov wrote in his book Counting the Eons. It was SO FULL of ignorance and nonsense that I wrote to his publisher, citing them. Isaac sent me a postcard ignoring all his errors and calling me "stupid" as is the practice of lying leftists.
I sold his postcard on eBay for $75.

"If you throw a rock up in the air it goes on forever." - Ibid
"If you breathe through a hose underwater and it is long enough, you suffocate because no fresh air comes in." - Ibid
What a doofus. A simple snorkel is long enough to prevent you from taking a breath when you are vertical and extend the flexible snorkel to vertical. But even if you could take a breath, you simply need to exhale out your nose and inhale through the snorkel or hose. Idiot didn't think, didn't know, didn't care.

His son was prosecuted for having child pornography on his computer.
Loser Leftist as a father, husband, human. Isaac was afraid to fly aircraft.
Anti-science ignoramus.
Your "fascism" can join the constant screams of meaningless Nazi, Marxist, Commie and Socialist accusations emitting from your brethren.

As thoroughly documented in the book Liberal Fascism by Jonah Goldberg, fascists were beloved by Democrats. They still are. Fascism is rule by the state, which is you Democrats. Big government. More control. Less freedom. It's not just a pejorative you hurl at anyone who fails to walk in socialist lockstep with you. Benito Mussolini was the first fascist. He was a proud socialist, like Bernie Sanders, like Maxine Waters, like Barack Obama, like most millennials prefer over liberty.

Anyone who would like to read my notes on Liberal Fascism, please contact me by PM. I take notes on every book I read after the nonsense by atheist, hateful Leftist Isaac Asimov wrote in his book Counting the Eons. It was SO FULL of ignorance and nonsense that I wrote to his publisher, citing them. Isaac sent me a postcard ignoring all his errors and calling me "stupid" as is the practice of lying leftists.
I sold his postcard on eBay for $75.

"If you throw a rock up in the air it goes on forever." - Ibid
"If you breathe through a hose underwater and it is long enough, you suffocate because no fresh air comes in." - Ibid
What a doofus. A simple snorkel is long enough to prevent you from taking a breath when you are vertical and extend the flexible snorkel to vertical. But even if you could take a breath, you simply need to exhale out your nose and inhale through the snorkel or hose. Idiot didn't think, didn't know, didn't care.

His son was prosecuted for having child pornography on his computer.
Loser Leftist as a father, husband, human. Isaac was afraid to fly aircraft.
Anti-science ignoramus.
I can't wait until January 20th!

I'm beginning to think that most of the Trumpsters realize, or just don't care, that this is all bullshit. They're just following Trump's lead and "fighting" any way they can. Even if it means spreading obvious nonsense. Long as it fires up the dummies.

The dummies ate up the lies presented by the FBI and Fake News for four miserable years.
That was obvious nonsense, not that you give a damn.

I totally give a damn. I was never behind the Russian collusion nonsense.

My long list of Leftists on my Ignore List just grew by you. Life is too short to bother reading
hateful lies.

That's too bad. Adios.
So do ya think Trump should have fired Mueller? I do. Not only that ,I think Trump should have put up a "Special Prosecuter" to go after the Clintons and their ilk.
I dunno. That would have probably been worse for him, politically. He should have just cooperated fully. They obviously didn't have anything on him.
Nope. Constant "investigations" caused the loss in 2018. Should have fired them all. Then fired everyone in the Justice Dept ,FBI ,CIA and everywhere else that was appointed by Big Ears.
Lin Wood Outlines Case for Rampant Voter Fraud, GA Vote Corruption; GA Election will Be Nullified

This radio broadcast (about 30 minutes) should be heard by all who doubt that the 2020 election is illegitimate.

Lin Wood is filing a lawsuit that will negate the entire Georgia election. We will be voting again for all of the down-ballot races.

Pay attention......

Your "fascism" can join the constant screams of meaningless Nazi, Marxist, Commie and Socialist accusations emitting from your brethren.

As thoroughly documented in the book Liberal Fascism by Jonah Goldberg, fascists were beloved by Democrats. They still are. Fascism is rule by the state, which is you Democrats. Big government. More control. Less freedom. It's not just a pejorative you hurl at anyone who fails to walk in socialist lockstep with you. Benito Mussolini was the first fascist. He was a proud socialist, like Bernie Sanders, like Maxine Waters, like Barack Obama, like most millennials prefer over liberty.

Anyone who would like to read my notes on Liberal Fascism, please contact me by PM. I take notes on every book I read after the nonsense by atheist, hateful Leftist Isaac Asimov wrote in his book Counting the Eons. It was SO FULL of ignorance and nonsense that I wrote to his publisher, citing them. Isaac sent me a postcard ignoring all his errors and calling me "stupid" as is the practice of lying leftists.
I sold his postcard on eBay for $75.

"If you throw a rock up in the air it goes on forever." - Ibid
"If you breathe through a hose underwater and it is long enough, you suffocate because no fresh air comes in." - Ibid
What a doofus. A simple snorkel is long enough to prevent you from taking a breath when you are vertical and extend the flexible snorkel to vertical. But even if you could take a breath, you simply need to exhale out your nose and inhale through the snorkel or hose. Idiot didn't think, didn't know, didn't care.

His son was prosecuted for having child pornography on his computer.
Loser Leftist as a father, husband, human. Isaac was afraid to fly aircraft.
Anti-science ignoramus.

And I think everyone should look at Bidens Fascist plans with Covid. This enlightened Youtuber goes over it. It is pretty awful and sickening, yet the Biden crew call Trump a Fascist.


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