"This election is illegitimate" - US Election Commission Chairman

Much worse than that,he works for Langley,he toots the governments version of the Warren commission on who killed jfk.he is a paid troll for them.people should never feed this troll.

I have no clue about rightwingers past, I judge people by what they say in the present, not what they were in the past.
Not that Leftists care or anything, but the Federal Election Commission Chairman has gone on record to declare that this election is illegitimate.

This should restart the rioting and looting and arson by Biden's crazies.

No one with an honest loyalty to this country gives any f~cks what any trump appointee thinks about anything. They are all worthless traitors for Russia.

Your hatefulness and vulgarity are typical of America-haters.
You are the latest Leftist addition to my Ignore List. Like the others on it, you are unable to post without subtracting from the sum total of human knowledge and morality.

ciao brutto

The idiocy of the far-right, thinking that the blatherings of a trump appointee is in any way relevant to what actually happened. Only the most rabid Kool-Aid drinkers could be fooled by anyone appointed by the Grifter in Chief
And then there are those of us who predicted the confusion and saw the obviously skewed last minute results who honestly question those results.
Not that Leftists care or anything, but the Federal Election Commission Chairman has gone on record to declare that this election is illegitimate.

This should restart the rioting and looting and arson by Biden's crazies.

No one with an honest loyalty to this country gives any f~cks what any trump appointee thinks about anything. They are all worthless traitors for Russia.

Your hatefulness and vulgarity are typical of America-haters.
You are the latest Leftist addition to my Ignore List. Like the others on it, you are unable to post without subtracting from the sum total of human knowledge and morality.

ciao brutto

The idiocy of the far-right, thinking that the blatherings of a trump appointee is in any way relevant to what actually happened. Only the most rabid Kool-Aid drinkers could be fooled by anyone appointed by the Grifter in Chief
And then there are those of us who predicted the confusion and saw the obviously skewed last minute results who honestly question those results.
Not that Leftists care or anything, but the Federal Election Commission Chairman has gone on record to declare that this election is illegitimate.

This should restart the rioting and looting and arson by Biden's crazies.

No one with an honest loyalty to this country gives any f~cks what any trump appointee thinks about anything. They are all worthless traitors for Russia.

Your hatefulness and vulgarity are typical of America-haters.
You are the latest Leftist addition to my Ignore List. Like the others on it, you are unable to post without subtracting from the sum total of human knowledge and morality.

ciao brutto

The idiocy of the far-right, thinking that the blatherings of a trump appointee is in any way relevant to what actually happened. Only the most rabid Kool-Aid drinkers could be fooled by anyone appointed by the Grifter in Chief
And then there are those of us who predicted the confusion and saw the obviously skewed last minute results who honestly question those results.

CISA. Gov? Denial sans proof? WHAT a game changer! Where is the documentation showing that the Dominion operating system and software was properly vetted and sign off on????
What it all might come down to in the end is, who has the final say. The Democrat vote count frauders, or the US Supreme Court. After seeing how Alito ordered them to stop counting in Pennsylvania, segregate the ballots arriving after election day from the others, and invalidate ballots without dates and signatures, I may be wrong, but I'm going with the court.
Alito did not order them to stop counting, you senile old fool. :cuckoo:
You better think that one over, Mr nota Rightwinger. The Constitution just handed President Trump his second term.
The voters just showed Trump the door.
That is untrue not a rightwinger. This election is over and there is a small chapter in the Constitution that addresses elections that resulted in illigitimate and corrupted votes. Please try and comfort Ms maria Espinosa. She may not understand why Biden is not now and will no more be in a position of power ever again. Thank you for playing, and your team's many tries have met with an acceptable fate of having to walk miles in the shoes you made Republicans walk in. I hope your team does better when our team fixes the problems Hillary Clinton's schemes caused. Vengeance truly is in God's hands, not in the hands of those who have lied, cheated, and damaged the Constitution. Good evening. Someone has been playing dirty tricks on me this evening by blipping my screen and making it scroll every time i write a sentence so a sour puss can call me nonsensical due to having to rewrite things someone doesnt want you to see, perhaps. Good evening. Ive had enough of the dirty tricks tonight as Joe biden loses due to too much stuffing ballot boxes for good ol Joe.
Look....I know you are upset you lost

But be honest with yourself......Trump was badly beaten and he deserved to lose. Americans came out in record numbers and showed him the door. It was a fair election and none of Trumps ridiculous claims have gotten anywhere.
You better think that one over, Mr nota Rightwinger. The Constitution just handed President Trump his second term.

The voters just showed Trump the door.
Not so fast bud. Stay tuned.

For what?
It ain’t happening bud
Putting the cart ahead of the horse still ??? What ain't happening, is American's aren't buying the leftist snake oil.

I‘m not going to argue with you about the fake moon landing, Obama born in Kenya, 9-11 inside job or Biden stole the election.

You are not worth it
They stole the crown from the 'king' Trump and gave it to Biden who falsely crowned himself 'President.'
Biden.. pffft... Can you believe that this nation got duped like this ???? Well I shouldn't be surprised, I mean look at what's going on in this nation right ??

Going back to the lie the left told when Trump said in effect "hold on now, their are good people on all sides of the issue pertaining to charlottesville", and immediately the leftist tried to tag him with being a supporter of neo-nazis or white supremacists in which he vehemently denide and rightfully so... He didn't say any such thing that would indicate that he meant anything like what they accused him of.

But let me use a good example of leftist hypocrisy... Do you think that when we saw the leftist out in the streets alledgedly peacefully protesting, and then when we saw many of them illegally looting, burning down businesses, and being anarchist, what did the leftist claim when it was called out by us ???? They claimed no, no, no, they are just peacefully protesting, and you all are just being racist and other such non-sense by saying such a thing.

CNN was filming, and claiming peaceful protest, while in the background fire was raging. You can't make this crap up. The leftist and Briben are the biggest hypocrites in America. I reckon all the leftist out there protesting was just good people that were peacefully protesting right ???? Ya see, this is the problem with the left, where as they want to control us and this nation in order to force the outcome they desire, and if that means killing us, then don't doubt that it won't come before long. They hate us that bad as was proven during the Trump administration. The left will stop at nothing to destroy conservatism and christianity in this country believe it. They claimed Trump was an existential threat to this nation, but we see who the real culprits are now. Their power should be weakened greatly over us, and then maybe, just maybe, they would be convinced that they were in some kind of trance that had taken them over somehow.... I have no problems with any American, but I can see hatred when it rises up, and the leftist hatred has risen up to show it's ugly side. What a shame.
Thanks for that. Yes, the media told their leftist sheep not to believe their own eyes (actual videos of mayhem) and to believe what 'we' tell you happened. Basically they told their duped sheep it was all Trump's fault for just being Trump and it had nothing whatsoever to do with BLM, Antifa or George Soros' money given to leftist radical groups to buy bricks, combat vests, etc. as well as having a bail fund for the perpetrators. Also, they want you to forget that all those rioters were Biden supporters.
I'm surprised at how few know that this election ended when it was declared illegitimate, which means the Constitution takes over with each state getting one vohhte
You better think that one over, Mr nota Rightwinger. The Constitution just handed President Trump his second term.
The voters just showed Trump the door.
That is untrue not a rightwinger. This election is over and there is a small chapter in the Constitution that addresses elections that resulted in illigitimate and corrupted votes. Please try and comfort Ms maria Espinosa. She may not understand why Biden is not now and will no more be in a position of power ever again. Thank you for playing, and your team's many tries have met with an acceptable fate of having to walk miles in the shoes you made Republicans walk in. I hope your team does better when our team fixes the problems Hillary Clinton's schemes caused. Vengeance truly is in God's hands, not in the hands of those who have lied, cheated, and damaged the Constitution. Good evening. Someone has been playing dirty tricks on me this evening by blipping my screen and making it scroll every time i write a sentence so a sour puss can call me nonsensical due to having to rewrite things someone doesnt want you to see, perhaps. Good evening. Ive had enough of the dirty tricks tonight as Joe biden loses due to too much stuffing ballot boxes for good ol Joe.
Look....I know you are upset you lost

But be honest with yourself......Trump was badly beaten and he deserved to lose. Americans came out in record numbers and showed him the door. It was a fair election and none of Trumps ridiculous claims have gotten anywhere.
Nobody could win when precinct chairmen perform illegal voting maneuvers that carry out Nancy Pelosi's no-holds-barred temper tantrums, gold pen givaways to celebrate the concocted charges she impeached President Trump for while he was creating employment opportunities for Americans and planning to destroy covid-19 with science and warp speed battle to beat the virus back to hell with a safe vaccine. You made grave mistakes by weaponizing MSM with Hillary's creative writing of the filthy porn allegements (Steele Dossier) she only wished were true to claim victimhood by her rival and 2 bad women, spitefully peeing on the bed she slept on weeks earlier with a backdrop of communist Russia for added axe dropping. What a mean thing to do for a future job as ambassador to the UN to further inure America into her commie swamp.
They stole the crown from the 'king' Trump and gave it to Biden who falsely crowned himself 'President.'
Biden.. pffft... Can you believe that this nation got duped like this ???? Well I shouldn't be surprised, I mean look at what's going on in this nation right ??

Going back to the lie the left told when Trump said in effect "hold on now, their are good people on all sides of the issue pertaining to charlottesville", and immediately the leftist tried to tag him with being a supporter of neo-nazis or white supremacists in which he vehemently denide and rightfully so... He didn't say any such thing that would indicate that he meant anything like what they accused him of.

But let me use a good example of leftist hypocrisy... Do you think that when we saw the leftist out in the streets alledgedly peacefully protesting, and then when we saw many of them illegally looting, burning down businesses, and being anarchist, what did the leftist claim when it was called out by us ???? They claimed no, no, no, they are just peacefully protesting, and you all are just being racist and other such non-sense by saying such a thing.

CNN was filming, and claiming peaceful protest, while in the background fire was raging. You can't make this crap up. The leftist and Briben are the biggest hypocrites in America. I reckon all the leftist out there protesting was just good people that were peacefully protesting right ???? Ya see, this is the problem with the left, where as they want to control us and this nation in order to force the outcome they desire, and if that means killing us, then don't doubt that it won't come before long. They hate us that bad as was proven during the Trump administration. The left will stop at nothing to destroy conservatism and christianity in this country believe it. They claimed Trump was an existential threat to this nation, but we see who the real culprits are now. Their power should be weakened greatly over us, and then maybe, just maybe, they would be convinced that they were in some kind of trance that had taken them over somehow.... I have no problems with any American, but I can see hatred when it rises up, and the leftist hatred has risen up to show it's ugly side. What a shame.
Thanks for that. Yes, the media told their leftist sheep not to believe their own eyes (actual videos of mayhem) and to believe what 'we' tell you happened. Basically they told their duped sheep it was all Trump's fault for just being Trump and it had nothing whatsoever to do with BLM, Antifa or George Soros' money given to leftist radical groups to buy bricks, combat vests, etc. as well as having a bail fund for the perpetrators. Also, they want you to forget that all those rioters were Biden supporters.
I'm surprised at how few know that this election ended when it was declared illegitimate, which means the Constitution takes over with each state getting one vohhte
You better think that one over, Mr nota Rightwinger. The Constitution just handed President Trump his second term.
The voters just showed Trump the door.
That is untrue not a rightwinger. This election is over and there is a small chapter in the Constitution that addresses elections that resulted in illigitimate and corrupted votes. Please try and comfort Ms maria Espinosa. She may not understand why Biden is not now and will no more be in a position of power ever again. Thank you for playing, and your team's many tries have met with an acceptable fate of having to walk miles in the shoes you made Republicans walk in. I hope your team does better when our team fixes the problems Hillary Clinton's schemes caused. Vengeance truly is in God's hands, not in the hands of those who have lied, cheated, and damaged the Constitution. Good evening. Someone has been playing dirty tricks on me this evening by blipping my screen and making it scroll every time i write a sentence so a sour puss can call me nonsensical due to having to rewrite things someone doesnt want you to see, perhaps. Good evening. Ive had enough of the dirty tricks tonight as Joe biden loses due to too much stuffing ballot boxes for good ol Joe.
Look....I know you are upset you lost

But be honest with yourself......Trump was badly beaten and he deserved to lose. Americans came out in record numbers and showed him the door. It was a fair election and none of Trumps ridiculous claims have gotten anywhere.
Nobody could win when precinct chairmen perform illegal voting maneuvers that carry out Nancy Pelosi's no-holds-barred temper tantrums, gold pen givaways to celebrate the concocted charges she impeached President Trump for while he was creating employment opportunities for Americans and planning to destroy covid-19 with science and warp speed battle to beat the virus back to hell with a safe vaccine. You made grave mistakes by weaponizing MSM with Hillary's creative writing of the filthy porn allegements she only wished were true to claim victimhood by her rival and 2 bad women, spitefully peeing on the bed she slept on weeks earlier with a backdrop of communist Russia for added axe dropping. What a mean thing to do for a future job as ambassador to the UN to further inure America into her commie swamp.
They stole the crown from the 'king' Trump and gave it to Biden who falsely crowned himself 'President.'
Biden.. pffft... Can you believe that this nation got duped like this ???? Well I shouldn't be surprised, I mean look at what's going on in this nation right ??

Going back to the lie the left told when Trump said in effect "hold on now, their are good people on all sides of the issue pertaining to charlottesville", and immediately the leftist tried to tag him with being a supporter of neo-nazis or white supremacists in which he vehemently denide and rightfully so... He didn't say any such thing that would indicate that he meant anything like what they accused him of.

But let me use a good example of leftist hypocrisy... Do you think that when we saw the leftist out in the streets alledgedly peacefully protesting, and then when we saw many of them illegally looting, burning down businesses, and being anarchist, what did the leftist claim when it was called out by us ???? They claimed no, no, no, they are just peacefully protesting, and you all are just being racist and other such non-sense by saying such a thing.

CNN was filming, and claiming peaceful protest, while in the background fire was raging. You can't make this crap up. The leftist and Briben are the biggest hypocrites in America. I reckon all the leftist out there protesting was just good people that were peacefully protesting right ???? Ya see, this is the problem with the left, where as they want to control us and this nation in order to force the outcome they desire, and if that means killing us, then don't doubt that it won't come before long. They hate us that bad as was proven during the Trump administration. The left will stop at nothing to destroy conservatism and christianity in this country believe it. They claimed Trump was an existential threat to this nation, but we see who the real culprits are now. Their power should be weakened greatly over us, and then maybe, just maybe, they would be convinced that they were in some kind of trance that had taken them over somehow.... I have no problems with any American, but I can see hatred when it rises up, and the leftist hatred has risen up to show it's ugly side. What a shame.
Thanks for that. Yes, the media told their leftist sheep not to believe their own eyes (actual videos of mayhem) and to believe what 'we' tell you happened. Basically they told their duped sheep it was all Trump's fault for just being Trump and it had nothing whatsoever to do with BLM, Antifa or George Soros' money given to leftist radical groups to buy bricks, combat vests, etc. as well as having a bail fund for the perpetrators. Also, they want you to forget that all those rioters were Biden supporters.
I'm surprised at how few know that this election ended when it was declared illegitimate, which means the Constitution takes over with each state getting one vohhte
You better think that one over, Mr nota Rightwinger. The Constitution just handed President Trump his second term.
The voters just showed Trump the door.
That is untrue not a rightwinger. This election is over and there is a small chapter in the Constitution that addresses elections that resulted in illigitimate and corrupted votes. Please try and comfort Ms maria Espinosa. She may not understand why Biden is not now and will no more be in a position of power ever again. Thank you for playing, and your team's many tries have met with an acceptable fate of having to walk miles in the shoes you made Republicans walk in. I hope your team does better when our team fixes the problems Hillary Clinton's schemes caused. Vengeance truly is in God's hands, not in the hands of those who have lied, cheated, and damaged the Constitution. Good evening. Someone has been playing dirty tricks on me this evening by blipping my screen and making it scroll every time i write a sentence so a sour puss can call me nonsensical due to having to rewrite things someone doesnt want you to see, perhaps. Good evening. Ive had enough of the dirty tricks tonight as Joe biden loses due to too much stuffing ballot boxes for good ol Joe.
Look....I know you are upset you lost

But be honest with yourself......Trump was badly beaten and he deserved to lose. Americans came out in record numbers and showed him the door. It was a fair election and none of Trumps ridiculous claims have gotten anywhere.
Nobody could win when precinct chairmen perform illegal voting maneuvers that carry out Nancy Pelosi's no-holds-barred temper tantrums, gold pen givaways to celebrate the concocted charges she impeached President Trump for while he was creating employment opportunities for Americans and planning to destroy covid-19 with science and warp speed battle to beat the virus back to hell with a safe vaccine. You made grave mistakes by weaponizing MSM with Hillary's creative writing of the filthy porn allegements she only wished were true to claim victimhood by her rival and 2 bad women, spitefully peeing on the bed she slept on weeks earlier with a backdrop of communist Russia for added axe dropping. What a mean thing to do for a future job as ambassador to the UN to further inure America into her commie swamp.

Sorry.....Not playing

Not debating the moon landing, 9-11 Truth, Birtherism or that Biden fairly won the election
Not that Leftists care or anything, but the Federal Election Commission Chairman has gone on record to declare that this election is illegitimate.

This should restart the rioting and looting and arson by Biden's crazies.

the department of homeland security says this election is the most legal election in our history
there is no fraud period...thats a fact
Who in the office of homeland security ? A deep stater like Muellers team was full of ?? Who can anyone trust anymore ? Almost nobody, and that is pathetic.

the head of homeland security///whatever his name a few days ago made the public statement
Oh a deep state numbscull no doubt.

No red neck.... it was Chan Wolf the head of homeland security an trump appointee....you red necks are REALLY STUPID DUMB TRUMPERS HUH of coarse 99% of the red necks never finished 8th grade!!
They stole the crown from the 'king' Trump and gave it to Biden who falsely crowned himself 'President.'
Biden.. pffft... Can you believe that this nation got duped like this ???? Well I shouldn't be surprised, I mean look at what's going on in this nation right ??

Going back to the lie the left told when Trump said in effect "hold on now, their are good people on all sides of the issue pertaining to charlottesville", and immediately the leftist tried to tag him with being a supporter of neo-nazis or white supremacists in which he vehemently denide and rightfully so... He didn't say any such thing that would indicate that he meant anything like what they accused him of.

But let me use a good example of leftist hypocrisy... Do you think that when we saw the leftist out in the streets alledgedly peacefully protesting, and then when we saw many of them illegally looting, burning down businesses, and being anarchist, what did the leftist claim when it was called out by us ???? They claimed no, no, no, they are just peacefully protesting, and you all are just being racist and other such non-sense by saying such a thing.

CNN was filming, and claiming peaceful protest, while in the background fire was raging. You can't make this crap up. The leftist and Briben are the biggest hypocrites in America. I reckon all the leftist out there protesting was just good people that were peacefully protesting right ???? Ya see, this is the problem with the left, where as they want to control us and this nation in order to force the outcome they desire, and if that means killing us, then don't doubt that it won't come before long. They hate us that bad as was proven during the Trump administration. The left will stop at nothing to destroy conservatism and christianity in this country believe it. They claimed Trump was an existential threat to this nation, but we see who the real culprits are now. Their power should be weakened greatly over us, and then maybe, just maybe, they would be convinced that they were in some kind of trance that had taken them over somehow.... I have no problems with any American, but I can see hatred when it rises up, and the leftist hatred has risen up to show it's ugly side. What a shame.
Thanks for that. Yes, the media told their leftist sheep not to believe their own eyes (actual videos of mayhem) and to believe what 'we' tell you happened. Basically they told their duped sheep it was all Trump's fault for just being Trump and it had nothing whatsoever to do with BLM, Antifa or George Soros' money given to leftist radical groups to buy bricks, combat vests, etc. as well as having a bail fund for the perpetrators. Also, they want you to forget that all those rioters were Biden supporters.
I'm surprised at how few know that this election ended when it was declared illegitimate, which means the Constitution takes over with each state getting one vohhte
You better think that one over, Mr nota Rightwinger. The Constitution just handed President Trump his second term.
The voters just showed Trump the door.
That is untrue not a rightwinger. This election is over and there is a small chapter in the Constitution that addresses elections that resulted in illigitimate and corrupted votes. Please try and comfort Ms maria Espinosa. She may not understand why Biden is not now and will no more be in a position of power ever again. Thank you for playing, and your team's many tries have met with an acceptable fate of having to walk miles in the shoes you made Republicans walk in. I hope your team does better when our team fixes the problems Hillary Clinton's schemes caused. Vengeance truly is in God's hands, not in the hands of those who have lied, cheated, and damaged the Constitution. Good evening. Someone has been playing dirty tricks on me this evening by blipping my screen and making it scroll every time i write a sentence so a sour puss can call me nonsensical due to having to rewrite things someone doesnt want you to see, perhaps. Good evening. Ive had enough of the dirty tricks tonight as Joe biden loses due to too much stuffing ballot boxes for good ol Joe.
Look....I know you are upset you lost

But be honest with yourself......Trump was badly beaten and he deserved to lose. Americans came out in record numbers and showed him the door. It was a fair election and none of Trumps ridiculous claims have gotten anywhere.
Nobody could win when precinct chairmen perform illegal voting maneuvers that carry out Nancy Pelosi's no-holds-barred temper tantrums, gold pen givaways to celebrate the concocted charges she impeached President Trump for while he was creating employment opportunities for Americans and planning to destroy covid-19 with science and warp speed battle to beat the virus back to hell with a safe vaccine. You made grave mistakes by weaponizing MSM with Hillary's creative writing of the filthy porn allegements she only wished were true to claim victimhood by her rival and 2 bad women, spitefully peeing on the bed she slept on weeks earlier with a backdrop of communist Russia for added axe dropping. What a mean thing to do for a future job as ambassador to the UN to further inure America into her commie swamp.

Sorry.....Not playing

Not debating the moon landing, 9-11 Truth, Birtherism or that Biden fairly won the election
You failed to notice the election was deemed null and void by a spokesman of the federal election commission. The problem is now in the hands of the United States Senate in accordance with the Constitution of the United States you flag burners and cop killers wish to abolish and replace with Hillary's university dissertation on the Alinsky method of destroying a democracy to replace with communism's assault on free speech and replace with totalitarian expedience in eliminating all other povs. We're putting the election behind us and going with Constitutional panacea for elections upended by fraud and corruption of transparency refusal by Democrat stamping and braying. The heehawing is not funny. Illigitimacy of widespread fraud is now in the watchful care of the United States Senate who will do their duty to God and this country.
They stole the crown from the 'king' Trump and gave it to Biden who falsely crowned himself 'President.'
Biden.. pffft... Can you believe that this nation got duped like this ???? Well I shouldn't be surprised, I mean look at what's going on in this nation right ??

Going back to the lie the left told when Trump said in effect "hold on now, their are good people on all sides of the issue pertaining to charlottesville", and immediately the leftist tried to tag him with being a supporter of neo-nazis or white supremacists in which he vehemently denide and rightfully so... He didn't say any such thing that would indicate that he meant anything like what they accused him of.

But let me use a good example of leftist hypocrisy... Do you think that when we saw the leftist out in the streets alledgedly peacefully protesting, and then when we saw many of them illegally looting, burning down businesses, and being anarchist, what did the leftist claim when it was called out by us ???? They claimed no, no, no, they are just peacefully protesting, and you all are just being racist and other such non-sense by saying such a thing.

CNN was filming, and claiming peaceful protest, while in the background fire was raging. You can't make this crap up. The leftist and Briben are the biggest hypocrites in America. I reckon all the leftist out there protesting was just good people that were peacefully protesting right ???? Ya see, this is the problem with the left, where as they want to control us and this nation in order to force the outcome they desire, and if that means killing us, then don't doubt that it won't come before long. They hate us that bad as was proven during the Trump administration. The left will stop at nothing to destroy conservatism and christianity in this country believe it. They claimed Trump was an existential threat to this nation, but we see who the real culprits are now. Their power should be weakened greatly over us, and then maybe, just maybe, they would be convinced that they were in some kind of trance that had taken them over somehow.... I have no problems with any American, but I can see hatred when it rises up, and the leftist hatred has risen up to show it's ugly side. What a shame.
Thanks for that. Yes, the media told their leftist sheep not to believe their own eyes (actual videos of mayhem) and to believe what 'we' tell you happened. Basically they told their duped sheep it was all Trump's fault for just being Trump and it had nothing whatsoever to do with BLM, Antifa or George Soros' money given to leftist radical groups to buy bricks, combat vests, etc. as well as having a bail fund for the perpetrators. Also, they want you to forget that all those rioters were Biden supporters.
I'm surprised at how few know that this election ended when it was declared illegitimate, which means the Constitution takes over with each state getting one vohhte
You better think that one over, Mr nota Rightwinger. The Constitution just handed President Trump his second term.
The voters just showed Trump the door.
That is untrue not a rightwinger. This election is over and there is a small chapter in the Constitution that addresses elections that resulted in illigitimate and corrupted votes. Please try and comfort Ms maria Espinosa. She may not understand why Biden is not now and will no more be in a position of power ever again. Thank you for playing, and your team's many tries have met with an acceptable fate of having to walk miles in the shoes you made Republicans walk in. I hope your team does better when our team fixes the problems Hillary Clinton's schemes caused. Vengeance truly is in God's hands, not in the hands of those who have lied, cheated, and damaged the Constitution. Good evening. Someone has been playing dirty tricks on me this evening by blipping my screen and making it scroll every time i write a sentence so a sour puss can call me nonsensical due to having to rewrite things someone doesnt want you to see, perhaps. Good evening. Ive had enough of the dirty tricks tonight as Joe biden loses due to too much stuffing ballot boxes for good ol Joe.
Look....I know you are upset you lost

But be honest with yourself......Trump was badly beaten and he deserved to lose. Americans came out in record numbers and showed him the door. It was a fair election and none of Trumps ridiculous claims have gotten anywhere.
Nobody could win when precinct chairmen perform illegal voting maneuvers that carry out Nancy Pelosi's no-holds-barred temper tantrums, gold pen givaways to celebrate the concocted charges she impeached President Trump for while he was creating employment opportunities for Americans and planning to destroy covid-19 with science and warp speed battle to beat the virus back to hell with a safe vaccine. You made grave mistakes by weaponizing MSM with Hillary's creative writing of the filthy porn allegements she only wished were true to claim victimhood by her rival and 2 bad women, spitefully peeing on the bed she slept on weeks earlier with a backdrop of communist Russia for added axe dropping. What a mean thing to do for a future job as ambassador to the UN to further inure America into her commie swamp.

Sorry.....Not playing

Not debating the moon landing, 9-11 Truth, Birtherism or that Biden fairly won the election
You failed to notice the election was deemed null and void by a spokesman of the federal election commission. The problem is now in the hands of the United States Senate in accordance with the Constitution of the United States you flag burners and cop killers wish to abolish and replace with Hillary's university dissertation on the Alinsky method of destroying a democracy to replace with communism's assault on free speech and replace with totalitarian expedience in eliminating all other povs. We're putting the election behind us and going with Constitutional panacea for elections upended by fraud and corruption of transparency refusal by Democrat stamping and braying. The heehawing is not funny. Illigitimacy of widespread fraud is now in the watchful care of the United States Senate who will do their duty to God and this country.
Not indulging your fantasies
You better think that one over, Mr nota Rightwinger. The Constitution just handed President Trump his second term.
The voters just showed Trump the door.
That is untrue not a rightwinger. This election is over and there is a small chapter in the Constitution that addresses elections that resulted in illigitimate and corrupted votes. Please try and comfort Ms maria Espinosa. She may not understand why Biden is not now and will no more be in a position of power ever again. Thank you for playing, and your team's many tries have met with an acceptable fate of having to walk miles in the shoes you made Republicans walk in. I hope your team does better when our team fixes the problems Hillary Clinton's schemes caused. Vengeance truly is in God's hands, not in the hands of those who have lied, cheated, and damaged the Constitution. Good evening. Someone has been playing dirty tricks on me this evening by blipping my screen and making it scroll every time i write a sentence so a sour puss can call me nonsensical due to having to rewrite things someone doesnt want you to see, perhaps. Good evening. Ive had enough of the dirty tricks tonight as Joe biden loses due to too much stuffing ballot boxes for good ol Joe.
No red neck.... it was Chan Wolf the head of homeland security an trump appointee....you red necks are REALLY STUPID DUMB TRUMPERS HUH of coarse (sic) 99% of the red necks never finished 8th grade!!

Who's stupid and dumb when:
1. YOU don't know the difference between "coarse" and "course",
2. YOU pretend that you're sophisticated and educated, while demonstrating precisely the opposite,
3. YOU have no clue that there is no correlation between common sense and education level, as demonstrated almost daily by hateful, bitter, indecent Leftists, such as you,
4. "There are only two kinds of people, decent and indecent," - Elie Wiesel (Look him up. You almost certainly have no clue as to who this great man was.)
5. I'm nothing special as conservatives go, but I have a degree in chemical engineering and an MBA and have earned millions. I play tennis with a like-minded conservative eye surgeon, "of coarse (sic)."
6. The Unabomber is a genius, doing life in prison for murdering conservatives and capitalists with package bombs. He's a Leftist, like you. So much for your pretense of Leftist intellectual supremacy.

To my Ignore List you go. Go from the presence of a foolish man. - The Holy Bible

ciao brutto
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They stole the crown from the 'king' Trump and gave it to Biden who falsely crowned himself 'President.'
Biden.. pffft... Can you believe that this nation got duped like this ???? Well I shouldn't be surprised, I mean look at what's going on in this nation right ??

Going back to the lie the left told when Trump said in effect "hold on now, their are good people on all sides of the issue pertaining to charlottesville", and immediately the leftist tried to tag him with being a supporter of neo-nazis or white supremacists in which he vehemently denide and rightfully so... He didn't say any such thing that would indicate that he meant anything like what they accused him of.

But let me use a good example of leftist hypocrisy... Do you think that when we saw the leftist out in the streets alledgedly peacefully protesting, and then when we saw many of them illegally looting, burning down businesses, and being anarchist, what did the leftist claim when it was called out by us ???? They claimed no, no, no, they are just peacefully protesting, and you all are just being racist and other such non-sense by saying such a thing.

CNN was filming, and claiming peaceful protest, while in the background fire was raging. You can't make this crap up. The leftist and Briben are the biggest hypocrites in America. I reckon all the leftist out there protesting was just good people that were peacefully protesting right ???? Ya see, this is the problem with the left, where as they want to control us and this nation in order to force the outcome they desire, and if that means killing us, then don't doubt that it won't come before long. They hate us that bad as was proven during the Trump administration. The left will stop at nothing to destroy conservatism and christianity in this country believe it. They claimed Trump was an existential threat to this nation, but we see who the real culprits are now. Their power should be weakened greatly over us, and then maybe, just maybe, they would be convinced that they were in some kind of trance that had taken them over somehow.... I have no problems with any American, but I can see hatred when it rises up, and the leftist hatred has risen up to show it's ugly side. What a shame.
Thanks for that. Yes, the media told their leftist sheep not to believe their own eyes (actual videos of mayhem) and to believe what 'we' tell you happened. Basically they told their duped sheep it was all Trump's fault for just being Trump and it had nothing whatsoever to do with BLM, Antifa or George Soros' money given to leftist radical groups to buy bricks, combat vests, etc. as well as having a bail fund for the perpetrators. Also, they want you to forget that all those rioters were Biden supporters.
I'm surprised at how few know that this election ended when it was declared illegitimate, which means the Constitution takes over with each state getting one vohhte
You better think that one over, Mr nota Rightwinger. The Constitution just handed President Trump his second term.
The voters just showed Trump the door.
That is untrue not a rightwinger. This election is over and there is a small chapter in the Constitution that addresses elections that resulted in illigitimate and corrupted votes. Please try and comfort Ms maria Espinosa. She may not understand why Biden is not now and will no more be in a position of power ever again. Thank you for playing, and your team's many tries have met with an acceptable fate of having to walk miles in the shoes you made Republicans walk in. I hope your team does better when our team fixes the problems Hillary Clinton's schemes caused. Vengeance truly is in God's hands, not in the hands of those who have lied, cheated, and damaged the Constitution. Good evening. Someone has been playing dirty tricks on me this evening by blipping my screen and making it scroll every time i write a sentence so a sour puss can call me nonsensical due to having to rewrite things someone doesnt want you to see, perhaps. Good evening. Ive had enough of the dirty tricks tonight as Joe biden loses due to too much stuffing ballot boxes for good ol Joe.
Look....I know you are upset you lost

But be honest with yourself......Trump was badly beaten and he deserved to lose. Americans came out in record numbers and showed him the door. It was a fair election and none of Trumps ridiculous claims have gotten anywhere.
Nobody could win when precinct chairmen perform illegal voting maneuvers that carry out Nancy Pelosi's no-holds-barred temper tantrums, gold pen givaways to celebrate the concocted charges she impeached President Trump for while he was creating employment opportunities for Americans and planning to destroy covid-19 with science and warp speed battle to beat the virus back to hell with a safe vaccine. You made grave mistakes by weaponizing MSM with Hillary's creative writing of the filthy porn allegements she only wished were true to claim victimhood by her rival and 2 bad women, spitefully peeing on the bed she slept on weeks earlier with a backdrop of communist Russia for added axe dropping. What a mean thing to do for a future job as ambassador to the UN to further inure America into her commie swamp.

Sorry.....Not playing

Not debating the moon landing, 9-11 Truth, Birtherism or that Biden fairly won the election
You failed to notice the election was deemed null and void by a spokesman of the federal election commission. The problem is now in the hands of the United States Senate in accordance with the Constitution of the United States you flag burners and cop killers wish to abolish and replace with Hillary's university dissertation on the Alinsky method of destroying a democracy to replace with communism's assault on free speech and replace with totalitarian expedience in eliminating all other povs. We're putting the election behind us and going with Constitutional panacea for elections upended by fraud and corruption of transparency refusal by Democrat stamping and braying. The heehawing is not funny. Illigitimacy of widespread fraud is now in the watchful care of the United States Senate who will do their duty to God and this country.
Not indulging your fantasies
You forget we debunked the fake scenarios of Christine Blasey Ford and her fluffers who knew her allegations were perpetrated by a different person. She was merely using her 30-years past acquaintance with a man about to become a Supreme Court Justice as a whipping boy for President Trump who recommended this worthy scholar as the most qualified judge. Blasey-Ford's lies were quickly uncovered as forensics sleuths discovered the door to escape rapists was actually placed there to accommodate business visitors to her home-based business doings as verified on her expenses claims to the tax folks. None of the named witnesses to her allegements of being threatened rape even vaguely, did not recall the assembly of friends she named as witnesses who knew each other but basically, all of them knew they witnessed nothing of a sordid nature at all.

Her claiming to know nothing about making false charges go away in lie dectector tests were her self footshoot. The forensics inspectors looking into her diatribe found out that not only had she heard of fooling lie inspecting equipment, but that her curriculum actually had all the how to circumvent the equipment's readings, she taught students how to lie and get away with it by employing mental techniques to keep the blood pressure swings down with self-lying.

Democrats are trained to lie sans any trace of lying on lie detection devices currently in use. Christine Blasey-Ford teaches them the how-tos and a whole lot more in creating a false case scenario.

Her fluffers were Senator Diane Feinstein, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senator Chuck Schumer, et al Democrats agreeing to pretend the lying teacher was telling the truth. Kavenaugh was confirmed when Senator Graham saw the forensic indicators that the entire diatribe was a hoax delivered by a Democrat operative, and no friend ever of Supreme court Justice Brett Kavenaugh. Democrats outdid themselves in fake everything against people appointed by our quite capable President Trump.
No red neck.... it was Chan Wolf the head of homeland security an trump appointee....you red necks are REALLY STUPID DUMB TRUMPERS HUH of coarse (sic) 99% of the red necks never finished 8th grade!!

Who's stupid and dumb when:
1. YOU don't know the difference between "coarse" and "course",
2. YOU pretend that you're sophisticated and educated, while demonstrating precisely the opposite,
3. YOU have no clue that there is no correlation between common sense and education level, as demonstrated almost daily by hateful, bitter, indecent Leftists, such as you,
4. "There are only two kinds of people, decent and indecent," - Elie Wiesel (Look him up. You almost certainly have no clue as to who this great man was.)
5. I'm nothing special as conservatives go, but I have a degree in chemical engineering and an MBA and have earned millions. I play tennis with a like-minded conservative eye surgeon, "of coarse (sic)."
6. To my Ignore List you go. Go from the presence of a foolish man. - The Holy Bible

ciao brutto
ya you're a dumb ass red neck stupid fool...hahaha ya you soon will be a supreme court justice also
what else are you a guy that invented the polio vaccine...or maybe you made the first the airplane...
.what a fukinfool you are...
YOU don't get to decide who is or is not American.

This is an American, lecturing on the American flag, long trod and stepped on, burned, and disgraced by YOUR fellow Leftists, and YOU have the unmitigated gall to call your fellow America haters "Americans".....

Retired University of Illinois professor, convicted terrorist, Bill Ayers, fellow Leftist of aptly named Coyote:

The same marginalized fringefucks who told us, for 4 years, that Trump is a Russian asset and likes to be pissed on by Russian whores in Moscow....

are now telling us that a stuttering fuck/dementia patient from a delaware village, won the election fair and square and received exponentially more votes than the Kenyan.Klown and Hitlery in 4 strategic blue shithole ghettos, and 4 only.... they say "no shit, we're being honest this time"....

Let that sink in....
It seems Trumpsters also believe in Santa and the Easter Bunny. Anyone who believes Donald Trump (and his fellow travelers) also believe Conspiracy Theories, such as QAnon, and the claims of only the states won by Biden are due to cheating. Especially those states Trump won with >1% of the vote in 2016 such as WI, MI and PA. and now lost by a greater margin.

Trump used the same lie in 2016 when he thought he was going to lose and and continued this BIG LIE and Conspiracy Theory over a year ago, well before Covid and the first vote was cast by mail.

The facts are Donald Trump, being dumb like a Fox, did everything to suppress the vote, along with his GOP Governors and State Assemblies to do so. He hired a sycophant to be Postmaster General who it seems made voting by mail difficult by moving mail boxes, and taking sorting machines in some counties out of service; also some states shut down polling places and/or cut the days and times to vote.

Faceit trumpsters, any fraud and/or cheating in the 2020 election was part of the strategy implemented by the Republican Party to defeat any Democrat who was to oppose Trump. In this Political Forum trumpsters have spect hours attacking the character of Biden and Harris, claims they are sexual deviants, socialists and unfit to serve the high office of POTUS and VPOTUS - as if Trump was ever fit to serve in any office of trust.

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