"This election is illegitimate" - US Election Commission Chairman

Clearly, if this election should by any chance go to the Left, the consequences will be severe.

They made no qualms about stealing the election, taking your guns or turning America into a Socialist nightmare.

When do you decide to fight? When they finally kick down your door?
Somebody living in Lala land, and the left already won it. Another tough guy. Somebody go fight those lefties for winning the election. Good reasoning pal.
I'm sorry your party made untrue claims about one of the least popular criminal politicians in history, Ms mariaEspanoza, but they lied and the media they
Another nonsensical post. Forget I pointed it out. Just passing through. NOt much fun to pick on you.
Not that Leftists care or anything, but the Federal Election Commission Chairman has gone on record to declare that this election is illegitimate.

This should restart the rioting and looting and arson by Biden's crazies.

the department of homeland security says this election is the most legal election in our history
there is no fraud period...thats a fact
Who in the office of homeland security ? A deep stater like Muellers team was full of ?? Who can anyone trust anymore ? Almost nobody, and that is pathetic.

the head of homeland security///whatever his name a few days ago made the public statement
the department of homeland security says this election is the most legal election in our history
there is no fraud period...thats a fact
The election is no concern of DHS, nor any of their business, whatsoever.

dude you live in a another world one of bull shit... Biden will be president in Jan.2021 period
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools. - Herbert Spencer

No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth. - Plato

The history of government management of money has, except for a few short happy periods, been one of incessant fraud and deception. -- economist Fredrich August von Hayek (1899-1992)

It is hard to imagine a more stupid or dangerous way of making decisions than putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong. - Thomas Sowell

The most refreshing thing you find in government is competence, because it is so rare. - Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan

When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it.” French economist and statesman Frederic Bastiat (1801-1850)

Plunder exactly describes Joe Biden with his evil spawn, Hunter.
Plunder exactly describes Hillary and Bill Clinton with their Clinton Charitable (sick) Foundation, which raked in $140,000,000 from Russia in return for the purchase of 20% of America's uranium.
Plunder exactly describes Barack and Butch Obama, who raked the public over the coals even before his elevation to the U.S. Senate and presidency.
Plunder exactly describes Al Gore who lies for millions and sells books filled with lies to the gullible and frightened. Even the Unabomber had a well worn copy of Gore's book in his rathole cabin when he was arrested for murdering people with package bombs.

"I was standing on the bow of a ship anchored (sic) in the Aral Sea, fifty miles from any water." - Al Gore, who flies around the world, ordering others NOT to drive or use any evil fossil fuel

Nota bene: Ships are not "anchored" when they are sitting on dirt.

Gore flunked out of Vanderbilt Divinity School and now lives close to the ocean, as he lectures everyone on the rising sea level. But then so do the Obamas.

Anyone else whose character you want to attack? Seems you have forgotten the dead and infected Americans, and those who everyday are testing positive and/or being hospitalized and those who die every few minutes (oh, I'm sure you believe these statistic are a hoax) and you must believe Donald Trump is hated for telling the truth.
nope we havnt forgotten ! china should be held accountable for the 1.3 million deaths around the world .
You better think that one over, Mr nota Rightwinger. The Constitution just handed President Trump his second term.
The voters just showed Trump the door.
That is untrue not a rightwinger. This election is over and there is a small chapter in the Constitution that addresses elections that resulted in illigitimate and corrupted votes. Please try and comfort Ms maria Espinosa. She may not understand why Biden is not now and will no more be in a position of power ever again. Thank you for playing, and your team's many tries have met with an acceptable fate of having to walk miles in the shoes you made Republicans walk in. I hope your team does better when our team fixes the problems Hillary Clinton's schemes caused. Vengeance truly is in God's hands, not in the hands of those who have lied, cheated, and damaged the Constitution. Good evening. Someone has been playing dirty tricks on me this evening by blipping my screen and making it scroll every time i write a sentence so a sour puss can call me nonsensical due to having to rewrite things someone doesnt want you to see, perhaps. Good evening. Ive had enough of the dirty tricks tonight as Joe biden loses due to too much stuffing ballot boxes for good ol Joe.
They stole the crown from the 'king' Trump and gave it to Biden who falsely crowned himself 'President.'
Not that Leftists care or anything, but the Federal Election Commission Chairman has gone on record to declare that this election is illegitimate.

This should restart the rioting and looting and arson by Biden's crazies.

No one with an honest loyalty to this country gives any f~cks what any trump appointee thinks about anything. They are all worthless traitors for Russia.

Your hatefulness and vulgarity are typical of America-haters.
You are the latest Leftist addition to my Ignore List. Like the others on it, you are unable to post without subtracting from the sum total of human knowledge and morality.

ciao brutto

The idiocy of the far-right, thinking that the blatherings of a trump appointee is in any way relevant to what actually happened. Only the most rabid Kool-Aid drinkers could be fooled by anyone appointed by the Grifter in Chief
And then there are those of us who predicted the confusion and saw the obviously skewed last minute results who honestly question those results.
Not that Leftists care or anything, but the Federal Election Commission Chairman has gone on record to declare that this election is illegitimate.

This should restart the rioting and looting and arson by Biden's crazies.

the department of homeland security says this election is the most legal election in our history
there is no fraud period...thats a fact
Who in the office of homeland security ? A deep stater like Muellers team was full of ?? Who can anyone trust anymore ? Almost nobody, and that is pathetic.

the head of homeland security///whatever his name a few days ago made the public statement
Oh a deep state numbscull no doubt.
They stole the crown from the 'king' Trump and gave it to Biden who falsely crowned himself 'President.'
Biden.. pffft... Can you believe that this nation got duped like this ???? Well I shouldn't be surprised, I mean look at what's going on in this nation right ??

Going back to the lie the left told when Trump said in effect "hold on now, their are good people on all sides of the issue pertaining to charlottesville", and immediately the leftist tried to tag him with being a supporter of neo-nazis or white supremacists in which he vehemently denide and rightfully so... He didn't say any such thing that would indicate that he meant anything like what they accused him of.

But let me use a good example of leftist hypocrisy... Do you think that when we saw the leftist out in the streets alledgedly peacefully protesting, and then when we saw many of them illegally looting, burning down businesses, and being anarchist, what did the leftist claim when it was called out by us ???? They claimed no, no, no, they are just peacefully protesting, and you all are just being racist and other such non-sense by saying such a thing.

CNN was filming, and claiming peaceful protest, while in the background fire was raging. You can't make this crap up. The leftist and Briben are the biggest hypocrites in America. I reckon all the leftist out there protesting was just good people that were peacefully protesting right ???? Ya see, this is the problem with the left, where as they want to control us and this nation in order to force the outcome they desire, and if that means killing us, then don't doubt that it won't come before long. They hate us that bad as was proven during the Trump administration. The left will stop at nothing to destroy conservatism and christianity in this country believe it. They claimed Trump was an existential threat to this nation, but we see who the real culprits are now. Their power should be weakened greatly over us, and then maybe, just maybe, they would be convinced that they were in some kind of trance that had taken them over somehow.... I have no problems with any American, but I can see hatred when it rises up, and the leftist hatred has risen up to show it's ugly side. What a shame.
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Donald's handpicked stooge at the FEC claims fraud?
Well that settles it! :laughing0301:

A lot better then CNN saying fraud doesn’t exist and Biden is president.
American people declared a Biden is President and Trump is no longer wanted
Yep Democrat operatives are American people, and they groupthought how nice it would be if nasty nancy got rid of him and his staff, so she passed the task off to mean Maxine who bungled so since she forced her forces to stalk the staff which is against the laws of the land, yadda yadda yadda. Then nasty nancy was again unpleasantly tasked with the wrist slap,but o snap it ruined her life.
Donald's handpicked stooge at the FEC claims fraud?
Well that settles it! :laughing0301:

A lot better then CNN saying fraud doesn’t exist and Biden is president.
American people declared a Biden is President and Trump is no longer wanted
Yep Democrat operatives are American people, and they groupthought how nice it would be if nasty nancy got rid of him and his staff, so she passed the task off to mean Maxine who bungled so since she forced her forces to stalk the staff which is against the laws of the land, yadda yadda yadda. Then nasty nancy was again unpleasantly tasked with the wrist slap,but o snap it ruined her life.
Maybe the voters got tired of Trump being such an asshole
You showed them how to speak to the President of the United States in terms of profanity and taboo body parts, Mr. Not a Rightwinger? And I'm supposed to be sorry that you speak sorry stuff. Well, kiss my grits and hand me a calculator to do the math.
He needs to change his username to wrongwinger,he has never once been able to ever tell the truth on anything.his nose has grown miles over the globe.lol
Donald's handpicked stooge at the FEC claims fraud?
Well that settles it! :laughing0301:

A lot better then CNN saying fraud doesn’t exist and Biden is president.
American people declared a Biden is President and Trump is no longer wanted
Yep Democrat operatives are American people, and they groupthought how nice it would be if nasty nancy got rid of him and his staff, so she passed the task off to mean Maxine who bungled so since she forced her forces to stalk the staff which is against the laws of the land, yadda yadda yadda. Then nasty nancy was again unpleasantly tasked with the wrist slap,but o snap it ruined her life.
Donald's handpicked stooge at the FEC claims fraud?
Well that settles it! :laughing0301:

A lot better then CNN saying fraud doesn’t exist and Biden is president.
American people declared a Biden is President and Trump is no longer wanted
Yep Democrat operatives are American people, and they groupthought how nice it would be if nasty nancy got rid of him and his staff, so she passed the task off to mean Maxine who bungled so since she forced her forces to stalk the staff which is against the laws of the land, yadda yadda yadda. Then nasty nancy was again unpleasantly tasked with the wrist slap,but o snap it ruined her life.
Maybe the voters got tired of Trump being such an asshole
You showed them how to speak to the President of the United States in terms of profanity and taboo body parts, Mr. Not a Rightwinger? And I'm supposed to be sorry that you speak sorry stuff. Well, kiss my grits and hand me a calculator to do the math.
He needs to change his username to wrongwinger,he has never once been able to ever tell the truth on anything.his nose has grown miles over the globe.lol
He's a Democrat stooge, and is probably being paid to constantly tow the line for them.
Why would the Federal Election Commission be responsible for removing a president from office? :cuckoo:
They aren't. They enforce election laws, like referring people like Michael Cohen and individual 1 for illegal campaign contributions.

Which is why Trump made sure the election commission didn't maintain a quorum, thus preventing them from overseeing the 2020 election.
And the FEC, unlike most commissions, by statute has to be bipartisan, with a maximum of 3 members from any political party.
Why would the Federal Election Commission be responsible for removing a president from office?
It's a body that Congress has established for the purpose — otherwise it's a meeting of Congress itself for the purpose — which they will have to do in any event if there is a quorum of electoral votes.
They stole the crown from the 'king' Trump and gave it to Biden who falsely crowned himself 'President.'
Biden.. pffft... Can you believe that this nation got duped like this ???? Well I shouldn't be surprised, I mean look at what's going on in this nation right ??

Going back to the lie the left told when Trump said in effect "hold on now, their are good people on all sides of the issue pertaining to charlottesville", and immediately the leftist tried to tag him with being a supporter of neo-nazis or white supremacists in which he vehemently denide and rightfully so... He didn't say any such thing that would indicate that he meant anything like what they accused him of.

But let me use a good example of leftist hypocrisy... Do you think that when we saw the leftist out in the streets alledgedly peacefully protesting, and then when we saw many of them illegally looting, burning down businesses, and being anarchist, what did the leftist claim when it was called out by us ???? They claimed no, no, no, they are just peacefully protesting, and you all are just being racist and other such non-sense by saying such a thing.

CNN was filming, and claiming peaceful protest, while in the background fire was raging. You can't make this crap up. The leftist and Briben are the biggest hypocrites in America. I reckon all the leftist out there protesting was just good people that were peacefully protesting right ???? Ya see, this is the problem with the left, where as they want to control us and this nation in order to force the outcome they desire, and if that means killing us, then don't doubt that it won't come before long. They hate us that bad as was proven during the Trump administration. The left will stop at nothing to destroy conservatism and christianity in this country believe it. They claimed Trump was an existential threat to this nation, but we see who the real culprits are now. Their power should be weakened greatly over us, and then maybe, just maybe, they would be convinced that they were in some kind of trance that had taken them over somehow.... I have no problems with any American, but I can see hatred when it rises up, and the leftist hatred has risen up to show it's ugly side. What a shame.
Thanks for that. Yes, the media told their leftist sheep not to believe their own eyes (actual videos of mayhem) and to believe what 'we' tell you happened. Basically they told their duped sheep it was all Trump's fault for just being Trump and it had nothing whatsoever to do with BLM, Antifa or George Soros' money given to leftist radical groups to buy bricks, combat vests, etc. as well as having a bail fund for the perpetrators. Also, they want you to forget that all those rioters were Biden supporters.
Donald's handpicked stooge at the FEC claims fraud?
Well that settles it! :laughing0301:

A lot better then CNN saying fraud doesn’t exist and Biden is president.
American people declared a Biden is President and Trump is no longer wanted
Yep Democrat operatives are American people, and they groupthought how nice it would be if nasty nancy got rid of him and his staff, so she passed the task off to mean Maxine who bungled so since she forced her forces to stalk the staff which is against the laws of the land, yadda yadda yadda. Then nasty nancy was again unpleasantly tasked with the wrist slap,but o snap it ruined her life.
Donald's handpicked stooge at the FEC claims fraud?
Well that settles it! :laughing0301:

A lot better then CNN saying fraud doesn’t exist and Biden is president.
American people declared a Biden is President and Trump is no longer wanted
Yep Democrat operatives are American people, and they groupthought how nice it would be if nasty nancy got rid of him and his staff, so she passed the task off to mean Maxine who bungled so since she forced her forces to stalk the staff which is against the laws of the land, yadda yadda yadda. Then nasty nancy was again unpleasantly tasked with the wrist slap,but o snap it ruined her life.
Maybe the voters got tired of Trump being such an asshole
You showed them how to speak to the President of the United States in terms of profanity and taboo body parts, Mr. Not a Rightwinger? And I'm supposed to be sorry that you speak sorry stuff. Well, kiss my grits and hand me a calculator to do the math.
He needs to change his username to wrongwinger,he has never once been able to ever tell the truth on anything.his nose has grown miles over the globe.lol
He's a Democrat stooge, and is probably being paid to constantly tow the line for them.
Much worse than that,he works for Langley,he toots the governments version of the Warren commission on who killed jfk.he is a paid troll for them.people should never feed this troll.

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