This FACT drives a nail thru the crooked democrats COFFIN !!!

I'm not doubting that Weissman did it, but he is protected, above the law. No charges will be brought. We are NOT a nation of laws. The law is merely a club to beat the lowest caste into submission.

Apparently there are people in America in high places who think they are above the law.
I'm looking forward to AG Barr putting Comey, Mueller, and Obama behind bars.

First the media became the enemy of America.
Now the Deep State has become the enemy of America.

Comey, Mueller, and Obama are above the law. They will never be held accountable for any act.

As for the flying monkey minions of the democrats known as the press...



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Papadopoulos Suggests "Sleazebag" Weissmann Behind Mysterious $10,000 Cash 'Entrapment' Payment From Alleged Spy Before His Arrest


High treason charges will
Now come for the whole deep state of criminals

There is no majority of women voters that will now stop

The men with the real power has awakened to know who the real enemy is

The real enemy is the democrat leaders voted in by their easily fooled unwise voters

The American men will
Not let this nation die because of a majority of the unwise voting in crooks !!

Lock ups will come everywhere even with the Supreme Court crooks

Universal law is supreme and always have been and ignoring history makes people become foolish losers

I'm not doubting that Weissman did it, but he is protected, above the law. No charges will be brought. We are NOT a nation of laws. The law is merely a club to beat the lowest caste into submission.

But the majority of men is on trumps side. That will make a nation change quickly. That is the real power
Papadopoulos Suggests "Sleazebag" Weissmann Behind Mysterious $10,000 Cash 'Entrapment' Payment From Alleged Spy Before His Arrest


High treason charges will
Now come for the whole deep state of criminals

There is no majority of women voters that will now stop

The men with the real power has awakened to know who the real enemy is

The real enemy is the democrat leaders voted in by their easily fooled unwise voters

The American men will
Not let this nation die because of a majority of the unwise voting in crooks !!

Lock ups will come everywhere even with the Supreme Court crooks

Universal law is supreme and always have been and ignoring history makes people become foolish losers
the worst part about FBIgate is the Press protects the corrupt Democratic instead of protecting the public.

Trump is the one who is corrupt.

The majority of men have judged trump the hero and liberals the enemy

That is the real power
Papadopoulos Suggests "Sleazebag" Weissmann Behind Mysterious $10,000 Cash 'Entrapment' Payment From Alleged Spy Before His Arrest


High treason charges will
Now come for the whole deep state of criminals

There is no majority of women voters that will now stop

The men with the real power has awakened to know who the real enemy is

The real enemy is the democrat leaders voted in by their easily fooled unwise voters

The American men will
Not let this nation die because of a majority of the unwise voting in crooks !!

Lock ups will come everywhere even with the Supreme Court crooks

Universal law is supreme and always have been and ignoring history makes people become foolish losers

Papadopoulos is hardly a credible source.

If you are waiting for treason charges, don't hold your breath. You'll be dead. Never going to happen.

The fact is that only uneducated men are buying Trump and this shows they are unwise. Donald Trump is the biggest crook and rat there is.

From the latest Fox poll.

Suburban voters
Biden 52%
Trump 37%

suburban women
Biden 59%
Trump 32%

These are the voters who will decide the election.

Total BS

Trump voters do have less degrees but have higher incomes and much higher net worth. Only foolish losers got brainwashed to borrow big debt for worthless degrees

The majority of men will not let the majority of women to destroy the nation

Watch close as the men starts their power to stop liberals

They will boycott first liberal companies

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