This Forum is the Most Depressing on USMB. Let's Cheer It Up


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2018
I hate what gets written here for the most part. Hate it. I could go into many details but I won't here. Maybe in the thread.

So anyway, if you come to this forum but you believe in Individual over Race, give me a holler below. I do not mean that "color-blind" hooey, like race does not matter. Of course race factors into who we are. But I mean that you see people AS INDIVIDUALS first, with names, histories, and stories, rather than "races" being the primary characteristic of a person.

On the eve of the 4th of July, this strikes me as deeply American...and Christian. So let's sound off!
I see the individual first.
Of course that statement means nothing to the race gimps that fill these pages.
I consider this section just to be another wing of the Rubber Room.

Thing is, I have never once used a racial slur on these pages, but apparently calling out idiots makes you a racist.
I see the individual first.
Of course that statement means nothing to the race gimps that fill these pages.
I consider this section just to be another wing of the Rubber Room.

Thing is, I have never once used a racial slur on these pages, but apparently calling out idiots makes you a racist.

Thank you for weighing in. There is no doubt about it: leftists will call you "racist" if you don't buy into their entire Orthodoxy. I reject it utterly and it no longer affects me at all. It never really did but anymore it's like brushing a gnat away, which is sad in a way--they have watered down a serious charge to the weight of a gnat.

In short if you don't like their big gov't schemes you are 'racist'.

It's a con.
I hate what gets written here for the most part. Hate it. I could go into many details but I won't here. Maybe in the thread.

So anyway, if you come to this forum but you believe in Individual over Race, give me a holler below. I do not mean that "color-blind" hooey, like race does not matter. Of course race factors into who we are. But I mean that you see people AS INDIVIDUALS first, with names, histories, and stories, rather than "races" being the primary characteristic of a person.

On the eve of the 4th of July, this strikes me as deeply American...and Christian. So let's sound off!
The depression you're feeling is the constant dishonest sniping by Progressives. They are spreading lies while accusing us of being dishonest sycophantic Trump followers.

It's a communist tactic that has been used for decades. They lie so much that you get to the point where you feel you can't believe anything.....and this causes rational people to be depressed.
I hate what gets written here for the most part. Hate it. I could go into many details but I won't here. Maybe in the thread.

So anyway, if you come to this forum but you believe in Individual over Race, give me a holler below. I do not mean that "color-blind" hooey, like race does not matter. Of course race factors into who we are. But I mean that you see people AS INDIVIDUALS first, with names, histories, and stories, rather than "races" being the primary characteristic of a person.

On the eve of the 4th of July, this strikes me as deeply American...and Christian. So let's sound off!
The individual is most always the important factor for me regardless of race, gender, blah, blah. Whether I determine someone’s a good person or an a-hole has nothing to do with any of that stuff.
I hate what gets written here for the most part. Hate it. I could go into many details but I won't here. Maybe in the thread.

So anyway, if you come to this forum but you believe in Individual over Race, give me a holler below. I do not mean that "color-blind" hooey, like race does not matter. Of course race factors into who we are. But I mean that you see people AS INDIVIDUALS first, with names, histories, and stories, rather than "races" being the primary characteristic of a person.

On the eve of the 4th of July, this strikes me as deeply American...and Christian. So let's sound off!
America is a melting pot. It also is a chain. Every link from somewhere different added to the chain could make it weaker. But if all the chains were melted together and reformed, it would be stronger than before. The reforming includes common language, common respect for law, and common loyalty to country. Religions, customs, and habits are unique and should all be tolerated as long as they DO NOT infringe on other's rights. After this, race won't matter.
I hate what gets written here for the most part. Hate it. I could go into many details but I won't here. Maybe in the thread.

So anyway, if you come to this forum but you believe in Individual over Race, give me a holler below. I do not mean that "color-blind" hooey, like race does not matter. Of course race factors into who we are. But I mean that you see people AS INDIVIDUALS first, with names, histories, and stories, rather than "races" being the primary characteristic of a person.

On the eve of the 4th of July, this strikes me as deeply American...and Christian. So let's sound off!
The depression you're feeling is the constant dishonest sniping by Progressives. They are spreading lies while accusing us of being dishonest sycophantic Trump followers.

It's a communist tactic that has been used for decades. They lie so much that you get to the point where you feel you can't believe anything.....and this causes rational people to be depressed.

Lies and projection. A lot of that. Also some "conservative" white racism here too.

But in my real life not a lot of that, thank God. How sad would that be really?
I hate what gets written here for the most part. Hate it. I could go into many details but I won't here. Maybe in the thread.

So anyway, if you come to this forum but you believe in Individual over Race, give me a holler below. I do not mean that "color-blind" hooey, like race does not matter. Of course race factors into who we are. But I mean that you see people AS INDIVIDUALS first, with names, histories, and stories, rather than "races" being the primary characteristic of a person.

On the eve of the 4th of July, this strikes me as deeply American...and Christian. So let's sound off!
The individual is most always the important factor for me regardless of race, gender, blah, blah. Whether I determine someone’s a good person or an a-hole has nothing to do with any of that stuff.

Couldn't agree more. In my experience there are wonderful people of every race I have encountered---and jerks of every race I've encountered.

We tend to forget that behind all of these computers are human beings. Unfortunately, the anonymous nature of these forums allows us to talk to one another in a way that would never be tolerated face to face. How about we try to remember this before we lambast each other over differences of opinion.
I hate what gets written here for the most part. Hate it. I could go into many details but I won't here. Maybe in the thread.

So anyway, if you come to this forum but you believe in Individual over Race, give me a holler below. I do not mean that "color-blind" hooey, like race does not matter. Of course race factors into who we are. But I mean that you see people AS INDIVIDUALS first, with names, histories, and stories, rather than "races" being the primary characteristic of a person.

On the eve of the 4th of July, this strikes me as deeply American...and Christian. So let's sound off!
This forum is for racists to post their hate

What are you doing here?
I hate what gets written here for the most part. Hate it. I could go into many details but I won't here. Maybe in the thread.

So anyway, if you come to this forum but you believe in Individual over Race, give me a holler below. I do not mean that "color-blind" hooey, like race does not matter. Of course race factors into who we are. But I mean that you see people AS INDIVIDUALS first, with names, histories, and stories, rather than "races" being the primary characteristic of a person.

On the eve of the 4th of July, this strikes me as deeply American...and Christian. So let's sound off!
America is a melting pot. It also is a chain. Every link from somewhere different added to the chain could make it weaker. But if all the chains were melted together and reformed, it would be stronger than before. The reforming includes common language, common respect for law, and common loyalty to country. Religions, customs, and habits are unique and should all be tolerated as long as they DO NOT infringe on other's rights. After this, race won't matter.

I agree--the main thing must be the main thing. It used to be almost all immigrants came here to be Americans first. I have personal experience with that at least sometimes not being the case anymore.
I hate what gets written here for the most part. Hate it. I could go into many details but I won't here. Maybe in the thread.

So anyway, if you come to this forum but you believe in Individual over Race, give me a holler below. I do not mean that "color-blind" hooey, like race does not matter. Of course race factors into who we are. But I mean that you see people AS INDIVIDUALS first, with names, histories, and stories, rather than "races" being the primary characteristic of a person.

On the eve of the 4th of July, this strikes me as deeply American...and Christian. So let's sound off!
This forum is for racists to post their hate

What are you doing here?

Call me Pollyanna--name of the forum is "race relations" so you think we might be able to relate.

Yeah I know, it's the internet. sigh
I hate what gets written here for the most part. Hate it. I could go into many details but I won't here. Maybe in the thread.

So anyway, if you come to this forum but you believe in Individual over Race, give me a holler below. I do not mean that "color-blind" hooey, like race does not matter. Of course race factors into who we are. But I mean that you see people AS INDIVIDUALS first, with names, histories, and stories, rather than "races" being the primary characteristic of a person.

On the eve of the 4th of July, this strikes me as deeply American...and Christian. So let's sound off!

We all see people as individuals, how about we talk about the effects of laws and policies based on not seeing people as individuals. Laws and policies you and your family benefitted from that mine did not. Laws and policies that exist now.

That's what America has been to individuals like me. And we should not bebullied into seeing this country by the way individuals like you want to force us to see.

As a Christian you should not choose to ignore continuing injustices. Jesus didn't do that.
I see the individual first.
Of course that statement means nothing to the race gimps that fill these pages.
I consider this section just to be another wing of the Rubber Room.

Thing is, I have never once used a racial slur on these pages, but apparently calling out idiots makes you a racist.

Lol! Racism is more than using slurs.
I hate what gets written here for the most part. Hate it. I could go into many details but I won't here. Maybe in the thread.

So anyway, if you come to this forum but you believe in Individual over Race, give me a holler below. I do not mean that "color-blind" hooey, like race does not matter. Of course race factors into who we are. But I mean that you see people AS INDIVIDUALS first, with names, histories, and stories, rather than "races" being the primary characteristic of a person.

On the eve of the 4th of July, this strikes me as deeply American...and Christian. So let's sound off!

We all see people as individuals, how about we talk about the effects of laws and policies based on not seeing people as individuals. Laws and policies you and your family benefitted from that mine did not. Laws and policies that exist now.

That's what America has been to individuals like me. And we should not bebullied into seeing this country by the way individuals like want to force us to see.

As a Christian you should not choose to ignore continuing injustices. Jesus didn't do that.

1. You can see this country any way you want--that's freedom. You do not have the right to impose your view on me and vice versa.

2. Jesus absolutely did not come to enforce political systems on anyone: not on believers or unbelievers. He dealt on the individual level: YOU feed the hungry; YOU visit the sick; YOU tend the lonely. When you talk about "injustice" you mean political systems. In fact he outright rejected those who would force Him to operate that way.
I hate what gets written here for the most part. Hate it. I could go into many details but I won't here. Maybe in the thread.

So anyway, if you come to this forum but you believe in Individual over Race, give me a holler below. I do not mean that "color-blind" hooey, like race does not matter. Of course race factors into who we are. But I mean that you see people AS INDIVIDUALS first, with names, histories, and stories, rather than "races" being the primary characteristic of a person.

On the eve of the 4th of July, this strikes me as deeply American...and Christian. So let's sound off!

I've tried this many times on this forum of hate and ignorance. It won't take with this crowd, but kudos for the effort.
I hate what gets written here for the most part. Hate it. I could go into many details but I won't here. Maybe in the thread.

So anyway, if you come to this forum but you believe in Individual over Race, give me a holler below. I do not mean that "color-blind" hooey, like race does not matter. Of course race factors into who we are. But I mean that you see people AS INDIVIDUALS first, with names, histories, and stories, rather than "races" being the primary characteristic of a person.

On the eve of the 4th of July, this strikes me as deeply American...and Christian. So let's sound off!
The individual is most always the important factor for me regardless of race, gender, blah, blah. Whether I determine someone’s a good person or an a-hole has nothing to do with any of that stuff.
I always apprise myself of the bottles label, before swigging it’s contents. It’s a good habit to get into...
I hate what gets written here for the most part. Hate it. I could go into many details but I won't here. Maybe in the thread.

So anyway, if you come to this forum but you believe in Individual over Race, give me a holler below. I do not mean that "color-blind" hooey, like race does not matter. Of course race factors into who we are. But I mean that you see people AS INDIVIDUALS first, with names, histories, and stories, rather than "races" being the primary characteristic of a person.

On the eve of the 4th of July, this strikes me as deeply American...and Christian. So let's sound off!

We all see people as individuals, how about we talk about the effects of laws and policies based on not seeing people as individuals. Laws and policies you and your family benefitted from that mine did not. Laws and policies that exist now.

That's what America has been to individuals like me. And we should not bebullied into seeing this country by the way individuals like you want to force us to see.

As a Christian you should not choose to ignore continuing injustices. Jesus didn't do that.

Didn't take long for the usual racist suspects ^^^^^^^ to troll this thread despite its intention.
I see the individual first.
Of course that statement means nothing to the race gimps that fill these pages.
I consider this section just to be another wing of the Rubber Room.

Thing is, I have never once used a racial slur on these pages, but apparently calling out idiots makes you a racist.

Lol! Racism is more than using slurs.

No it is believing some races are superior or inferior leading to discrimination or prejudice. Which usually manifests in slurs and other things.

I think you've engaged in this plenty by posting how civilization started in Africa and etc, etc, etc.
I see the individual first.
Of course that statement means nothing to the race gimps that fill these pages.
I consider this section just to be another wing of the Rubber Room.

Thing is, I have never once used a racial slur on these pages, but apparently calling out idiots makes you a racist.

Lol! Racism is more than using slurs.

No it is believing some races are superior or inferior leading to discrimination or prejudice. Which usually manifests in slurs and other things.

I think you've engaged in this plenty by posting how civilization started in Africa and etc, etc, etc.
The ability, and willingness to discriminate has been key to our success, and survival.

How thirsty are you?

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