This Girl -

Speaking at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York, Mrs. Clinton contrasted her outlook with those of the Republican presidential contenders as “a choice between fear and resolve.”

She gave some fodder to Republicans who have criticized the president for not being aggressive enough in combating the Islamic State, but she also sharply rebuked those Republicans as intolerant for calling on the United States to stop accepting Syrian refugees.

“We cannot allow terrorists to intimidate us into abandoning our values and our humanitarian obligations,” she said.



There it is. The expected photos of little children.

I expect elected officials to have one primary obligation. Once that is fulfilled, they can consider what others may be viable, but not before.

Hillary Clinton is calling for more allied planes, more airstrikes and a "broader target set" -- though no large-scale mobilization of U.S. ground troops -- to combat the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.

She urged Congress to approve a new authorization of the use of military force against ISIS, saying that doing so would signal "that the U.S. is committed to this fight. The time for delay is over. We should get this done."

In the wake of the Paris attacks, for which ISIS has claimed responsibility, Clinton said that "every society faces a choice between fear and resolve" -- an indirect shot at her Republican foes in the 2016 presidential race, who have called for the United States to shut out Syrian refugees.

"This is no time to be scoring political points. We must use every pillar of American power, including our values, to fight terror," Clinton said.

Hillary Clinton speech: U.S. should 'intensify' ISIS fight -

Typical Hilary.

Monday: "We must do (fill in blank)"
Tuesday: "Misspoke. We should not do (fill blank)"
Wednesday: consult polls
Thursday: consult Bill
Friday: "'m researching it okay? What do you want me to say? What do I need to say to get you to vote for me? Fuck it. Just tell me and I'll say it."
I suspect Bill is quite busy these days.

(Billy winks and chuckles)

I have no doubt that you and I define such things differently. In the real world where I live, an old bat can be a little girl too, around whom the planet rotates. Also current "presidents".

2. that isn't what she said... and another winger already did a thread with almost exactly the same title.

That's wonderful. Perhaps the mods will combine the two, and she will be "girl" twice.

3. people who would create or be interested in a thread like this one, wouldn't vote for her anyway. so i wouldn't worry about it.

How perceptive of you. Just amazing.
Oddly Hillary never mentioned ISIS being in Libya in that speech....oh wait, Hillary probably doesn't want to draw everyones attention to Libya, she might get asked some more awkward and embarrassing questions.


November 19, 2015

FAREED ZAKARIA, QUESTION: Donald Trump says that every time we deposed or encouraged the removal of a dictator in the Middle East, what has followed has been political chaos and a worse humanitarian situation than existed before. And if you look at Iraq, if you look at Libya, if you look Yemen, you look at the fragility of the Assad regime and what it has produced, isn’t he right?

HILLARY CLINTON: Well, he has a very short-term view of history, because it is not at all clear what the final outcome will be in the places that you named. As I mentioned in the speech, I spoke about the foundations of the region sinking into the sand just as the Arab Spring was breaking. And I did so not knowing about the Arab Spring coming to full bloom, but because it was so clear that what was being done by dictatorships, by the denial of opportunity, by the repression, by the sectarian divide just could not stand. It was going to explode at some point or another.

And with the developments in Libya, for example, the Libyan people have voted twice in free and fair elections for the kind of leadership they want. They have not been able to figure out how to prevent the disruptions that they are confronted with because of internal divides and because of some of the external pressures that are coming from terrorist groups and others. So it’s — I think it’s too soon to tell and I think it’s something that we have to be, you know, looking at very closely.

Clinton Defends Toppling Qaddafi: "It Is Too Soon To Tell" How Libya Will Turn Out

2. that isn't what she said... and another winger already did a thread with almost exactly the same title.

3. people who would create or be interested in a thread like this one, wouldn't vote for her anyway. so i wouldn't worry about it.

2) yeah it's funny cuz it's true..yet sad how deranged some can be...

3) yet fun for me to just slam the thread with relevant info to demonstrate their ridonkulousness in contrast. :coffee:
I fail to be impressed not only by someone whose career high-point is racking up record airline points, but who also expresses sentiments of the highest ignorance, such as the one noted in the OP.

She wouldn't protect four Americans in Libya. Why should I expect that she would protect over 300,000,000 of us?

No wonder Bill avoids her whenever possible.

You forget her ducking sniper fire. She's a real American hero!
you know who reeeeally doesn't want to be POTUS...........?

donald trump! that guy really cracks me up!

he's been saying silly UN-PRESIDENTIAL things ON PURPOSE yet many idiots still applaud his candidacy. :lol:
There it is. The expected photos of little children.

I expect elected officials to have one primary obligation. Once that is fulfilled, they can consider what others may be viable, but not before.

what you expect or understand means diddlysquat...

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