This guy destroys the "Intellectual Elite"

Just guessing, but it looks like the poster of this post is a 2nd Amendment adherent. That would mean that the attached You Tube is a 52 minute apology and support of the 2nd Amendment? I don't think so. America has a gun problem. Period. It is caused by proliferation of handguns on American streets. It is accompanied by too many unresolved societal problems that are rendering the US less and less of a free nation. Nothing that any academic can say is going to change that, no matter how well written. America's most intelligent and respected writer could speak for 52 minutes in favour of slavery and that still would not make slavery acceptable. Some things cannot be rationalized.

As always, if guns made us safer; we'd have the safest society on earth because we have, by far, the most guns in the hands of our citizens. Instead, we are one of the most dangerous societies when compared to other first-world civilizations.

No supporters of the 2nd amendment can explain why guns make us more likely to be shot...none even try.

As always, being wrong is a regular occurrence for you. If gun control made us safer, we would indeed be the safest nation on Earth. By far, we do have the most guns on the planet no doubt, but if gun control were all it was cracked up to be, then you can explain why hundred upon hundreds of people die in Chicago, which has the strictest gun control laws in the country. Chicago is a shining example of why gun control is a dangerous proposition.

Us supporters of the 2nd Amendment believe guns ensure freedom and safety.

"The only thing better than a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun."
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Just guessing, but it looks like the poster of this post is a 2nd Amendment adherent. That would mean that the attached You Tube is a 52 minute apology and support of the 2nd Amendment? I don't think so. America has a gun problem. Period. It is caused by proliferation of handguns on American streets. It is accompanied by too many unresolved societal problems that are rendering the US less and less of a free nation. Nothing that any academic can say is going to change that, no matter how well written. America's most intelligent and respected writer could speak for 52 minutes in favour of slavery and that still would not make slavery acceptable. Some things cannot be rationalized.

As always, if guns made us safer; we'd have the safest society on earth because we have, by far, the most guns in the hands of our citizens. Instead, we are one of the most dangerous societies when compared to other first-world civilizations.

No supporters of the 2nd amendment can explain why guns make us more likely to be shot...none even try.

As always, being wrong is a regular occurrence for you. If gun control made us safer, we would indeed be the safest nation on Earth. By far, we do have the most guns on the plane no doubt, but if gun control were all it was cracked up to be, then you can explain why hundred upon hundreds of people die in Chicago, which has the strictest gun control laws in the country. Chicago is a shining example of why gun control is a dangerous proposition.

Us supporters of the 2nd Amendment believe guns ensure freedom and safety.

"The only thing better than a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun."

If gun control made us safer, we would be the safest country on earth?
You realize there are many countries with stricter gun laws than even Chicago? And actually have fewer gun deaths, right?
I guess being wrong is a regular occurrence for you.

Just guessing, but it looks like the poster of this post is a 2nd Amendment adherent. That would mean that the attached You Tube is a 52 minute apology and support of the 2nd Amendment? I don't think so. America has a gun problem. Period. It is caused by proliferation of handguns on American streets. It is accompanied by too many unresolved societal problems that are rendering the US less and less of a free nation. Nothing that any academic can say is going to change that, no matter how well written. America's most intelligent and respected writer could speak for 52 minutes in favour of slavery and that still would not make slavery acceptable. Some things cannot be rationalized.
Apology? For the 2nd Amendment?

Why the hell would anyone apologize for the 2nd Amendment?

We don't have a gun problem. We have a people problem. To many of you fuckers think you are owed something.

Just guessing, but it looks like the poster of this post is a 2nd Amendment adherent. That would mean that the attached You Tube is a 52 minute apology and support of the 2nd Amendment? I don't think so. America has a gun problem. Period. It is caused by proliferation of handguns on American streets. It is accompanied by too many unresolved societal problems that are rendering the US less and less of a free nation. Nothing that any academic can say is going to change that, no matter how well written. America's most intelligent and respected writer could speak for 52 minutes in favour of slavery and that still would not make slavery acceptable. Some things cannot be rationalized.
Apology? For the 2nd Amendment?

Why the hell would anyone apologize for the 2nd Amendment?

We don't have a gun problem. We have a people problem. To many of you fuckers think you are owed something.

Isn't it amazing how the left is so readily willing to give up rights fought and paid for with millions of lives? I wonder how quickly they would be willing to give up a woman's "right" to choose??

And again, you are correct. We Do NOT have a gun problem. We have a people problem.
You realize there are many countries with stricter gun laws than even Chicago? And actually have fewer gun deaths, right?

How many of them are on a comparable scale, development and diversity with the U.S.? It's always a treacherous exercise to compare some arbitrary statistic relating to policy arguments between two countries unless those countries share similar scale, economic development, culture and cultural diversity otherwise it's an exercise in comparing apples to oranges.

For example, compare Mexico's homicide rate with it's strict gun control laws with the U.S. on the surface it doesn't look so favorable for gun control advocates does it? Of course thoughtful individuals realize that the devil is in the details and that the comparison doesn't really mean anything.
Is that good or bad?

It's a lesson. See if you can learn from it.

One thing it teaches is that when a nation cannot meet the needs of its people through its unlegislated culture the law can be used to fill necessary gaps. To the uneducated such laws often invite criticism. Study reveals that without laws to intervene an economy will regulate itself into feudalism or its equivalent, where people who are not born wealthy literally can never become anything but what they were born as. America's right wing is trying to go there now - the middle class has shrunk by 40% since Reagan.
Unlegislated Culture?

You mean the free people of the United States?

A legislated culture is little better than slavery. See My sig line.
Just guessing, but it looks like the poster of this post is a 2nd Amendment adherent. That would mean that the attached You Tube is a 52 minute apology and support of the 2nd Amendment? I don't think so. America has a gun problem. Period. It is caused by proliferation of handguns on American streets. It is accompanied by too many unresolved societal problems that are rendering the US less and less of a free nation. Nothing that any academic can say is going to change that, no matter how well written. America's most intelligent and respected writer could speak for 52 minutes in favour of slavery and that still would not make slavery acceptable. Some things cannot be rationalized.
Apology? For the 2nd Amendment?

Why the hell would anyone apologize for the 2nd Amendment?

We don't have a gun problem. We have a people problem. To many of you fuckers think you are owed something.

Isn't it amazing how the left is so readily willing to give up rights fought and paid for with millions of lives? I wonder how quickly they would be willing to give up a woman's "right" to choose??

And again, you are correct. We Do NOT have a gun problem. We have a people problem.
The greatest threat to freedom is teaching people to willingly put the manacles of slavery on their own wrists. A prime example of that exists right here in this thread.

How can people so willingly give over their lives to a false security of government is beyond Me.
As always, if guns made us safer; we'd have the safest society on earth because we have, by far, the most guns in the hands of our citizens. Instead, we are one of the most dangerous societies when compared to other first-world civilizations.

No supporters of the 2nd amendment can explain why guns make us more likely to be shot...none even try.

As always, being wrong is a regular occurrence for you. If gun control made us safer, we would indeed be the safest nation on Earth. By far, we do have the most guns on the plane no doubt, but if gun control were all it was cracked up to be, then you can explain why hundred upon hundreds of people die in Chicago, which has the strictest gun control laws in the country. Chicago is a shining example of why gun control is a dangerous proposition.

Us supporters of the 2nd Amendment believe guns ensure freedom and safety.

"The only thing better than a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun."

If gun control made us safer, we would be the safest country on earth?
You realize there are many countries with stricter gun laws than even Chicago? And actually have fewer gun deaths, right?
I guess being wrong is a regular occurrence for you.

All you can do is parrot someone else's crap. You can't explain Chicago, can you? You can't stay on topic, can you? Who gives a shit about other countries, Luissa? Why does Chicago fly in the face of your contentions?

I guess being stupid is a regular occurrence for you.
Thomas Sowell is the textbook example of an 'intellectual elite'. He hasn't had a job outside government or academia since the 1940's.

It's funny how selective the Right's contempt for 'intellectual elites' can be.
Thomas Sowell is the textbook example of an 'intellectual elite'. He hasn't had a job outside government or academia since the 1940's.

It's funny how selective the Right's contempt for 'intellectual elites' can be.

No, his definition of an "intellectual elite" is someone who proposes theories that are not falsifiable, or conveniently denies all empirical evidence that is contrary to their vision --- just like you --- you want to feel special --- "Anointed" --- you want to lead us poor dumb beasts into your vision of utopia, where the ivory tower elites are the Kings and we're the Subjects.

Oh right, the Soviet Union. And that's all you fucking want. You self-declared intellectuals don't GIVE A DAMN ABOUT BLACKS or WHITE or LATINOS or MUSLIMS or JEWS or GAYS or ANYONE ELSE.

You divide and conquer us, pit us against each other, create a "Race Problem," so you can be the angelic heroes who propose the solution. And it's just not Race. You fuckers purposely engineer ENTIRE ECONOMIC COLLAPSES with your USELESS FUCKING FIAT CURRENCY. You bomb Muslims with drones and command Muslim terrorists to massacre Christians both home and abroad. You're NSA Lucifer Center in Utah isn't for "spying on terrorists,' BECAUSE YOU ARE THE FUCKING TERRORISTS. You can kidnap us, bomb us or even better --- blackmail us.

Man you got us by the balls huh? What reward have you been promised NY Carbineer? None. You'll be in the FEMA camps just like the rest of herd. Personally, I'll be dead, because I'll die with sabre in my right hand and a flag in my left, once I run out of ammo.

And in you're final fucking miserable moments, you'll look back on your support of the "Elite," even support that is as mundane as Internet Posting, and you'll break down in misery and despair, you'll endure more mental torture inflicted upon yourself than any physical torture that Man can inflict upon you. You're last moments will truly be HELL. You will beg for death, just as many of slavishly overworked and starving Jews that your Holy Liberal Dogmas was responsible for, and the 84,000,000 by Mao, and the 36,000,000 in the Gulag, and total 420 Million democided in the previous Century FROM PROGRESSIVE LIBTARD SATANIC CULTS.

I hope you suffer on Earth 1000 days before starvation and exhaustion claims you.


But let me tell you something --- Every Tyranny since the beginning of history has fallen to efforts and goodwill of the Righteous. Yours won't be any different.

You want my guns?

Molon Labe

I worship no one but God, not the State, not Obama, not Cheney, not the UN, no Man, but God.

"Thou Shalt Have No Other Gods Before Me."
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Just guessing, but it looks like the poster of this post is a 2nd Amendment adherent. That would mean that the attached You Tube is a 52 minute apology and support of the 2nd Amendment? I don't think so. America has a gun problem. Period. It is caused by proliferation of handguns on American streets. It is accompanied by too many unresolved societal problems that are rendering the US less and less of a free nation. Nothing that any academic can say is going to change that, no matter how well written. America's most intelligent and respected writer could speak for 52 minutes in favour of slavery and that still would not make slavery acceptable. Some things cannot be rationalized.

As always, if guns made us safer; we'd have the safest society on earth because we have, by far, the most guns in the hands of our citizens. Instead, we are one of the most dangerous societies when compared to other first-world civilizations.

No supporters of the 2nd amendment can explain why guns make us more likely to be shot...none even try.

As always, being wrong is a regular occurrence for you. If gun control made us safer, we would indeed be the safest nation on Earth. By far, we do have the most guns on the planet no doubt, but if gun control were all it was cracked up to be, then you can explain why hundred upon hundreds of people die in Chicago, which has the strictest gun control laws in the country. Chicago is a shining example of why gun control is a dangerous proposition.

First there is the enforcement of the law which is non existent as I understand.

Secondly, the nature of "city limits" is that if you have a gun and you live in Rockford, you may or may not be violating the law--not sure about Rockford, IL's gun control laws. But when you say "Chicago" you're talking about city limits; other cities in Cook County may have different ordinances.

Which is why we need to make any crime committed involving a gun, from robbery to murder, a federal crime; one and done--20 years in the hole; no parole.

Fireworks are banned in most cities; every July 4 and December 31, the sky is lit up with fireworks bought in the suburbs and driven into the city.

Us supporters of the 2nd Amendment believe guns ensure freedom and safety.
Then explain why we have more gun deaths than almost any other advanced society if we're "safer"? Your move.

This is the same moronic statement that supporters of Capital Punishment use to insist it's a deterrent. We brought it back in 1976...we still have a shitload of murders.

"The only thing better than a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun."

And lets hope we can all agree on who the "bad" guy is and who the "good" guy is.
As always, if guns made us safer; we'd have the safest society on earth because we have, by far, the most guns in the hands of our citizens. Instead, we are one of the most dangerous societies when compared to other first-world civilizations.

No supporters of the 2nd amendment can explain why guns make us more likely to be shot...none even try.

As always, being wrong is a regular occurrence for you. If gun control made us safer, we would indeed be the safest nation on Earth. By far, we do have the most guns on the plane no doubt, but if gun control were all it was cracked up to be, then you can explain why hundred upon hundreds of people die in Chicago, which has the strictest gun control laws in the country. Chicago is a shining example of why gun control is a dangerous proposition.

Us supporters of the 2nd Amendment believe guns ensure freedom and safety.

"The only thing better than a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun."

If gun control made us safer, we would be the safest country on earth?
You realize there are many countries with stricter gun laws than even Chicago? And actually have fewer gun deaths, right?
I guess being wrong is a regular occurrence for you.

You're going to get a "culture" argument now as if those in Norway don't have access to to read the same books, see the same shows, watch the same movies, etc...
You realize there are many countries with stricter gun laws than even Chicago? And actually have fewer gun deaths, right?

How many of them are on a comparable scale, development and diversity with the U.S.? It's always a treacherous exercise to compare some arbitrary statistic relating to policy arguments between two countries unless those countries share similar scale, economic development, culture and cultural diversity otherwise it's an exercise in comparing apples to oranges.

For example, compare Mexico's homicide rate with it's strict gun control laws with the U.S. on the surface it doesn't look so favorable for gun control advocates does it? Of course thoughtful individuals realize that the devil is in the details and that the comparison doesn't really mean anything.

So are you saying that Americans are just more homicidal? They have access to the same movies, books, music, theater, television, radio etc...

Whats the difference?
As always, being wrong is a regular occurrence for you. If gun control made us safer, we would indeed be the safest nation on Earth. By far, we do have the most guns on the plane no doubt, but if gun control were all it was cracked up to be, then you can explain why hundred upon hundreds of people die in Chicago, which has the strictest gun control laws in the country. Chicago is a shining example of why gun control is a dangerous proposition.

Us supporters of the 2nd Amendment believe guns ensure freedom and safety.

"The only thing better than a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun."

If gun control made us safer, we would be the safest country on earth?
You realize there are many countries with stricter gun laws than even Chicago? And actually have fewer gun deaths, right?
I guess being wrong is a regular occurrence for you.

All you can do is parrot someone else's crap. You can't explain Chicago, can you? You can't stay on topic, can you? Who gives a shit about other countries, Luissa? Why does Chicago fly in the face of your contentions?

I guess being stupid is a regular occurrence for you.

I was wrong, he just side-stepped the question all together.

As always, being wrong is a regular occurrence for you. If gun control made us safer, we would indeed be the safest nation on Earth. By far, we do have the most guns on the plane no doubt, but if gun control were all it was cracked up to be, then you can explain why hundred upon hundreds of people die in Chicago, which has the strictest gun control laws in the country. Chicago is a shining example of why gun control is a dangerous proposition.

Us supporters of the 2nd Amendment believe guns ensure freedom and safety.

"The only thing better than a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun."

If gun control made us safer, we would be the safest country on earth?
You realize there are many countries with stricter gun laws than even Chicago? And actually have fewer gun deaths, right?
I guess being wrong is a regular occurrence for you.

All you can do is parrot someone else's crap. You can't explain Chicago, can you? You can't stay on topic, can you? Who gives a shit about other countries, Luissa? Why does Chicago fly in the face of your contentions?

I guess being stupid is a regular occurrence for you.

Explain Chicago? What the fuk you find so hard to understand about Chicago? Gang members have access to plenty of guns and the will to use them to protect business and turf. So they kill each other and any other innocent bystanders that get in the line of fire.

What the fuk is so hard to understand about that?
And there is one group of people Republicans hate and it is the "intellectual elite".

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If gun control made us safer, we would be the safest country on earth?
You realize there are many countries with stricter gun laws than even Chicago? And actually have fewer gun deaths, right?
I guess being wrong is a regular occurrence for you.

All you can do is parrot someone else's crap. You can't explain Chicago, can you? You can't stay on topic, can you? Who gives a shit about other countries, Luissa? Why does Chicago fly in the face of your contentions?

I guess being stupid is a regular occurrence for you.

I was wrong, he just side-stepped the question all together.


You didn't really expect Karmac the Idiot to engage in legitimate debate. Did you?

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