This Guy Is Smarter Than Any Of Us Recognized!

That guy, Trump.
Or, maybe he’s inspired.

Seems he answered this question: how to leave an indelible trajectory for America?

Well, not just by winning the presidency, or reforming the economy....but by reforming the judiciary!
Tweets notwithstanding, Trump didn’t brag that this was his plan….maybe is most important secret plan.

1."By the numbers overall (including Phipps), Trump has nominated and had confirmed:

Supreme Court: 2

Courts of Appeals: 43

District/Specialty Courts: 85

Trump is running out of Court of Appeals vacancies to fill, in part a result of his focus on filling those critical slots:

Current and known future vacancies: 141

Courts of Appeals: 6

District/Specialty Courts*: 135

Pending nominees for current and known future vacancies: 58

Courts of Appeals: 2

District/Specialty Courts*: 56"
Liberal nightmare: Takeover of federal judiciary by "larval Scalias is devastatingly close to completion"

2.“…the advent of Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh has reshaped the Supreme Court enough to stop such despondent talk. While the decisions announced at the end of the Court’s term in June, marking the first year with both new justices on the bench, don’t amount to a stampede toward the Right, they display a wholesome focus on what the Constitution and statutes actually say.
The Nine are “redirecting the judge’s interpretive task back to its roots, away from open-ended policy appeals and speculation about legislative intentions and toward the traditional tools of interpretation that judges have employed for centuries to elucidate the law’s original public meaning,” Gorsuch explained in a June opinion. “Today, it is even said that we judges are, to one degree or another, ‘all textualists now.’ ” And that’s already a quiet revolution.” The Court Moves Right

This would be the greatest gift any President could provide.

3.Consider the opposite view, in the words of Chief Justice Hughes:
“The Constitution is what the judges say it is.”

Correct? Or hubris?
Unfortunately in politics we never get what we want, we only get what we deserve.

Trump was elected to disrupt and he is doing it. Just like Dubya's invasion of Iraq, we'll have to live with Trump's legacy for a generation and I don't think history will be kind to us.

We'll see but you're correct. If you plant onions, you'll get onions.
That guy, Trump.
Or, maybe he’s inspired.

Seems he answered this question: how to leave an indelible trajectory for America?

Well, not just by winning the presidency, or reforming the economy....but by reforming the judiciary!
Tweets notwithstanding, Trump didn’t brag that this was his plan….maybe is most important secret plan.

1."By the numbers overall (including Phipps), Trump has nominated and had confirmed:

Supreme Court: 2

Courts of Appeals: 43

District/Specialty Courts: 85

Trump is running out of Court of Appeals vacancies to fill, in part a result of his focus on filling those critical slots:

Current and known future vacancies: 141

Courts of Appeals: 6

District/Specialty Courts*: 135

Pending nominees for current and known future vacancies: 58

Courts of Appeals: 2

District/Specialty Courts*: 56"
Liberal nightmare: Takeover of federal judiciary by "larval Scalias is devastatingly close to completion"

2.“…the advent of Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh has reshaped the Supreme Court enough to stop such despondent talk. While the decisions announced at the end of the Court’s term in June, marking the first year with both new justices on the bench, don’t amount to a stampede toward the Right, they display a wholesome focus on what the Constitution and statutes actually say.
The Nine are “redirecting the judge’s interpretive task back to its roots, away from open-ended policy appeals and speculation about legislative intentions and toward the traditional tools of interpretation that judges have employed for centuries to elucidate the law’s original public meaning,” Gorsuch explained in a June opinion. “Today, it is even said that we judges are, to one degree or another, ‘all textualists now.’ ” And that’s already a quiet revolution.” The Court Moves Right

This would be the greatest gift any President could provide.

3.Consider the opposite view, in the words of Chief Justice Hughes:
“The Constitution is what the judges say it is.”

Correct? Or hubris?
Unfortunately in politics we never get what we want, we only get what we deserve.

Trump was elected to disrupt and he is doing it. Just like Dubya's invasion of Iraq, we'll have to live with Trump's legacy for a generation and I don't think history will be kind to us.

We'll see but you're correct. If you plant onions, you'll get onions.
Only if you carefully tend your garden. If you are ignorant or stupid or lazy you'll more likely get weeds.
That guy, Trump.
Or, maybe he’s inspired.

Seems he answered this question: how to leave an indelible trajectory for America?

Well, not just by winning the presidency, or reforming the economy....but by reforming the judiciary!
Tweets notwithstanding, Trump didn’t brag that this was his plan….maybe is most important secret plan.

1."By the numbers overall (including Phipps), Trump has nominated and had confirmed:

Supreme Court: 2

Courts of Appeals: 43

District/Specialty Courts: 85

Trump is running out of Court of Appeals vacancies to fill, in part a result of his focus on filling those critical slots:

Current and known future vacancies: 141

Courts of Appeals: 6

District/Specialty Courts*: 135

Pending nominees for current and known future vacancies: 58

Courts of Appeals: 2

District/Specialty Courts*: 56"
Liberal nightmare: Takeover of federal judiciary by "larval Scalias is devastatingly close to completion"

2.“…the advent of Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh has reshaped the Supreme Court enough to stop such despondent talk. While the decisions announced at the end of the Court’s term in June, marking the first year with both new justices on the bench, don’t amount to a stampede toward the Right, they display a wholesome focus on what the Constitution and statutes actually say.
The Nine are “redirecting the judge’s interpretive task back to its roots, away from open-ended policy appeals and speculation about legislative intentions and toward the traditional tools of interpretation that judges have employed for centuries to elucidate the law’s original public meaning,” Gorsuch explained in a June opinion. “Today, it is even said that we judges are, to one degree or another, ‘all textualists now.’ ” And that’s already a quiet revolution.” The Court Moves Right

This would be the greatest gift any President could provide.

3.Consider the opposite view, in the words of Chief Justice Hughes:
“The Constitution is what the judges say it is.”

Correct? Or hubris?
Unfortunately in politics we never get what we want, we only get what we deserve.

Trump was elected to disrupt and he is doing it. Just like Dubya's invasion of Iraq, we'll have to live with Trump's legacy for a generation and I don't think history will be kind to us.

We'll see but you're correct. If you plant onions, you'll get onions.
Only if you carefully tend your garden. If you are ignorant or stupid or lazy you'll more likely get weeds.

If you plant onions you get onions. Why do leftists always complicate things. If you're born a boy you become a man. Easy. Don't over complicate nature.
That guy, Trump.
Or, maybe he’s inspired.

Seems he answered this question: how to leave an indelible trajectory for America?

Well, not just by winning the presidency, or reforming the economy....but by reforming the judiciary!
Tweets notwithstanding, Trump didn’t brag that this was his plan….maybe is most important secret plan.

1."By the numbers overall (including Phipps), Trump has nominated and had confirmed:

Supreme Court: 2

Courts of Appeals: 43

District/Specialty Courts: 85

Trump is running out of Court of Appeals vacancies to fill, in part a result of his focus on filling those critical slots:

Current and known future vacancies: 141

Courts of Appeals: 6

District/Specialty Courts*: 135

Pending nominees for current and known future vacancies: 58

Courts of Appeals: 2

District/Specialty Courts*: 56"
Liberal nightmare: Takeover of federal judiciary by "larval Scalias is devastatingly close to completion"

2.“…the advent of Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh has reshaped the Supreme Court enough to stop such despondent talk. While the decisions announced at the end of the Court’s term in June, marking the first year with both new justices on the bench, don’t amount to a stampede toward the Right, they display a wholesome focus on what the Constitution and statutes actually say.
The Nine are “redirecting the judge’s interpretive task back to its roots, away from open-ended policy appeals and speculation about legislative intentions and toward the traditional tools of interpretation that judges have employed for centuries to elucidate the law’s original public meaning,” Gorsuch explained in a June opinion. “Today, it is even said that we judges are, to one degree or another, ‘all textualists now.’ ” And that’s already a quiet revolution.” The Court Moves Right

This would be the greatest gift any President could provide.

3.Consider the opposite view, in the words of Chief Justice Hughes:
“The Constitution is what the judges say it is.”

Correct? Or hubris?

Roberts needs to be forced into retirement
Trump and his tribe will need the courts to destroy American democracy, that is clear, even as his administration loses a few rulings. Should he win in 2020 then Americans will need to worry as his crimes of collusion with foreign entities will seem minor. Fox today is a tool of the state, when the judiciary becomes a tool of the state, American exceptionalism is lost. Americans seem to fail to understand that state power is often for those who pay and when tax policy supports them they are happy regardless of consequences.

"What is patriotism? Let us begin with what patriotism is not. It is not patriotic to dodge the draft and to mock war heroes and their families. It is not patriotic to discriminate against active-duty members of the armed forces in one's companies, or to campaign to keep disabled veterans away from one's property. It is not patriotic to compare one's search for sexual partners in New York with the military service in Vietnam that one has dodged. It is not patriotic to avoid paying taxes, especially when American working families do pay. It is not patriotic to ask those working, taxpaying American families to finance one's own presidential campaign, and then to spend their contributions in one's own companies. It is not patriotic to admire foreign dictators. It is not patriotic to cultivate a relationship with Muammar Gaddafi; or to say that Bashar al-Assad and Vladimir Putin are superior leaders. It is not patriotic to call upon Russia to intervene in an American presidential election. It is not patriotic to cite Russian propaganda at rallies." Timothy Snyder

On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century by Timothy Snyder

The German example.

First Letter to All Judges

"From 1942 until the end of the war in 1945, the Nazi court system became more and more a state vehicle for injustice and persecution. A series of "Letters to all Judges" presented the state's position on political questions and on the legal interpretation of Nazi laws. The first of these "letters" concerned the application of the death penalty."

You were one election, one SCOTUS judge away from fundamentally transforming the USA. Had Hillary won, you would have had 5 anti-American gun grabbers, the Internet would be closed to Conservatives and Republicans, you could continue to spy on your enemies, that is, other Americans with impunity and Hunter Biden would be on 6 other Boards.

Fortunately, The Good Lord would not allow that to happen
That guy, Trump.
Or, maybe he’s inspired.

Seems he answered this question: how to leave an indelible trajectory for America?

Well, not just by winning the presidency, or reforming the economy....but by reforming the judiciary!
Tweets notwithstanding, Trump didn’t brag that this was his plan….maybe is most important secret plan.

1."By the numbers overall (including Phipps), Trump has nominated and had confirmed:

Supreme Court: 2

Courts of Appeals: 43

District/Specialty Courts: 85

Trump is running out of Court of Appeals vacancies to fill, in part a result of his focus on filling those critical slots:

Current and known future vacancies: 141

Courts of Appeals: 6

District/Specialty Courts*: 135

Pending nominees for current and known future vacancies: 58

Courts of Appeals: 2

District/Specialty Courts*: 56"
Liberal nightmare: Takeover of federal judiciary by "larval Scalias is devastatingly close to completion"

2.“…the advent of Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh has reshaped the Supreme Court enough to stop such despondent talk. While the decisions announced at the end of the Court’s term in June, marking the first year with both new justices on the bench, don’t amount to a stampede toward the Right, they display a wholesome focus on what the Constitution and statutes actually say.
The Nine are “redirecting the judge’s interpretive task back to its roots, away from open-ended policy appeals and speculation about legislative intentions and toward the traditional tools of interpretation that judges have employed for centuries to elucidate the law’s original public meaning,” Gorsuch explained in a June opinion. “Today, it is even said that we judges are, to one degree or another, ‘all textualists now.’ ” And that’s already a quiet revolution.” The Court Moves Right

This would be the greatest gift any President could provide.

3.Consider the opposite view, in the words of Chief Justice Hughes:
“The Constitution is what the judges say it is.”

Correct? Or hubris?

Roberts needs to be forced into retirement

Think of the Hallmark Channel flick if he were to do an Edward Viii....and resign to run off with Ruthie!!!
If you plant onions you get onions. Why do leftists always complicate things. If you're born a boy you become a man. Easy. Don't over complicate nature.
You've never seen my 'garden'. :icon_cry:

Why rightists always oversimplify things? Their ideology always seems to be filled with only good and evil, white and black, right and wrong. The world I live in is made of shades of grey and not everyone is 'normal'.
If you plant onions you get onions. Why do leftists always complicate things. If you're born a boy you become a man. Easy. Don't over complicate nature.
You've never seen my 'garden'. :icon_cry:

Why rightists always oversimplify things? Their ideology always seems to be filled with only good and evil, white and black, right and wrong. The world I live in is made of shades of grey and not everyone is 'normal'.

I am neither Left nor Right. I am just logical. Sometimes the KISS method works best. Actually most of the time.
If you plant onions you get onions. Why do leftists always complicate things. If you're born a boy you become a man. Easy. Don't over complicate nature.
You've never seen my 'garden'. :icon_cry:

Why rightists always oversimplify things? Their ideology always seems to be filled with only good and evil, white and black, right and wrong. The world I live in is made of shades of grey and not everyone is 'normal'.

Perhaps you saw the beating the British version of the Democrat Party took.....

Issues of transgenderism and abortion can cause a voter to abandon the party of his parents and grandparents. Churchgoing voters, of whom there are still many in Britain outside of the big cities, heard from their clergy that Corbyn was going too far in his calls for abortion-on-demand.

Catholic bishops in Wales told voters to make respect for human life their top priority, after Labour Party leaders pledged to repeal current laws and replace them with unlimited access to abortion.

In Wales alone, the Welsh Conservative Party took six seats in Parliament which had been held by the Labour Party.

Gender politics played so often by Democrats in the United States was disproven in Wales, where three of the victorious conservative challengers were women.

The Democratic presidential candidates here who parrot the social stances of Corbyn may feel the same angst amid their rejection by voters. The real “mess” is in liberal political parties which have allowed themselves to be taken over by university elites.” Not Just Brexit

Can you read the handwriting on the wall?
Last edited:
That guy, Trump.
Or, maybe he’s inspired.

Seems he answered this question: how to leave an indelible trajectory for America?

Well, not just by winning the presidency, or reforming the economy....but by reforming the judiciary!
Tweets notwithstanding, Trump didn’t brag that this was his plan….maybe is most important secret plan.

1."By the numbers overall (including Phipps), Trump has nominated and had confirmed:

Supreme Court: 2

Courts of Appeals: 43

District/Specialty Courts: 85

Trump is running out of Court of Appeals vacancies to fill, in part a result of his focus on filling those critical slots:

Current and known future vacancies: 141

Courts of Appeals: 6

District/Specialty Courts*: 135

Pending nominees for current and known future vacancies: 58

Courts of Appeals: 2

District/Specialty Courts*: 56"
Liberal nightmare: Takeover of federal judiciary by "larval Scalias is devastatingly close to completion"

2.“…the advent of Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh has reshaped the Supreme Court enough to stop such despondent talk. While the decisions announced at the end of the Court’s term in June, marking the first year with both new justices on the bench, don’t amount to a stampede toward the Right, they display a wholesome focus on what the Constitution and statutes actually say.
The Nine are “redirecting the judge’s interpretive task back to its roots, away from open-ended policy appeals and speculation about legislative intentions and toward the traditional tools of interpretation that judges have employed for centuries to elucidate the law’s original public meaning,” Gorsuch explained in a June opinion. “Today, it is even said that we judges are, to one degree or another, ‘all textualists now.’ ” And that’s already a quiet revolution.” The Court Moves Right

This would be the greatest gift any President could provide.

3.Consider the opposite view, in the words of Chief Justice Hughes:
“The Constitution is what the judges say it is.”

Correct? Or hubris?
Unfortunately in politics we never get what we want, we only get what we deserve.

Trump was elected to disrupt and he is doing it. Just like Dubya's invasion of Iraq, we'll have to live with Trump's legacy for a generation and I don't think history will be kind to us.
Trump was elected because as bad as he is everyone else was worse
That guy, Trump.
Or, maybe he’s inspired.
Or he just did what others would have done, because it was the time to.
Please don´t insult me.

It would be gilding the lily.....your inane posts insult you with no effort on my part.
Calling an inept dumbass smarter is a serious insult. Since he is now making laws for the energy security of my country (!!), he is also my President and I want him gone.
And except that you have elected him you have nothing to do with him. He is all about foreign policy. He is just another moron setting the world ablaze with the torch of freedom given by God.
That guy, Trump.
Or, maybe he’s inspired.
Or he just did what others would have done, because it was the time to.
Please don´t insult me.

It would be gilding the lily.....your inane posts insult you with no effort on my part.
Calling an inept dumbass smarter is a serious insult. Since he is now making laws for the energy security of my country (!!), he is also my President and I want him gone.
And except that you have elected him you have nothing to do with him. He is all about foreign policy. He is just another moron setting the world ablaze with the torch of freedom given by God.

Let's check.

80. "Wages and salaries jump by 3.1%, highest level in a decade

81. “Job growth surges by 312,000 in December” Job growth surges by 312,000 in December
82. "Unemployment hits 49-year low as US employers step up hiring"
Unemployment hits 49-year low as US employers step up hiring

"The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 50% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. "
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

83. "Record 157,288,000 Employed in July

( - The number of people employed in the United States hit a record 157,288,000 in July, according to the employment report released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

That was up 283,000 from the 157,005,000 employed in June."

Record 157,288,000 Employed in July

84. “…Planned Parenthood announced that it would withdraw from Title X, a federal family planning program that helps poor women access birth control and other health services. As a result, the organization will lose about $60 million a year in federal funding. The decision was made in response to a new Trump administration rule which forbids Title X clinics from referring patients for abortions.” Planned Parenthood Just Lost $60M in Funding. What Does That Mean for Women?
85. “U.S. adds 136,000 jobs in September, unemployment rate hits 50-year low”

Published: Oct 4, 2019 10:32 a.m. ET
U.S. adds 136,000 jobs in September, unemployment rate hits 50-year low

86. “Record 158,510,000 Americans Employed in October; 23rd Record for Trump” Record 158,510,000 Americans Employed in October; 23rd Record for Trump

87. “Black Unemployment Rate Hits All Time Low”
Huge October Payrolls Beat: 128K Jobs Added As Black Unemployment Rate Hits All Time Low

88. “Dow jumps more than 200 points to 28,000, posts 4-week winning streak The Dow Jones Industrial Average rallied to record levels on Friday, reaching 28,000 for the first time ever…” Dow jumps more than 200 points to 28,000, posts 4-week winning streak

89. “Jobs growth soars in November as payrolls surge by 266,000

Nonfarm payrolls surged by 266,000 in November, better than the 187,000 expected by economists polled by Dow Jones.

The unemployment rate ticked down to 3.5% from 3.6%, back to the 2019 low and matching the lowest jobless rate since 1969.

Average hourly earnings rose by 3.1% from a year ago, slightly above the 3% expected by economists polled by Dow Jones. Jobs growth soars in November as payrolls surge by 266,000

Seems I turned your post into a boomerang, huh?

Now, get lost.
That guy, Trump.
Or, maybe he’s inspired.
Or he just did what others would have done, because it was the time to.
Please don´t insult me.

It would be gilding the lily.....your inane posts insult you with no effort on my part.
Calling an inept dumbass smarter is a serious insult. Since he is now making laws for the energy security of my country (!!), he is also my President and I want him gone.
And except that you have elected him you have nothing to do with him. He is all about foreign policy. He is just another moron setting the world ablaze with the torch of freedom given by God.

Let's check.

80. "Wages and salaries jump by 3.1%, highest level in a decade

81. “Job growth surges by 312,000 in December” Job growth surges by 312,000 in December
82. "Unemployment hits 49-year low as US employers step up hiring"
Unemployment hits 49-year low as US employers step up hiring

"The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 50% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. "
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

83. "Record 157,288,000 Employed in July

( - The number of people employed in the United States hit a record 157,288,000 in July, according to the employment report released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

That was up 283,000 from the 157,005,000 employed in June."

Record 157,288,000 Employed in July

84. “…Planned Parenthood announced that it would withdraw from Title X, a federal family planning program that helps poor women access birth control and other health services. As a result, the organization will lose about $60 million a year in federal funding. The decision was made in response to a new Trump administration rule which forbids Title X clinics from referring patients for abortions.” Planned Parenthood Just Lost $60M in Funding. What Does That Mean for Women?
85. “U.S. adds 136,000 jobs in September, unemployment rate hits 50-year low”

Published: Oct 4, 2019 10:32 a.m. ET
U.S. adds 136,000 jobs in September, unemployment rate hits 50-year low

86. “Record 158,510,000 Americans Employed in October; 23rd Record for Trump” Record 158,510,000 Americans Employed in October; 23rd Record for Trump

87. “Black Unemployment Rate Hits All Time Low”
Huge October Payrolls Beat: 128K Jobs Added As Black Unemployment Rate Hits All Time Low

88. “Dow jumps more than 200 points to 28,000, posts 4-week winning streak The Dow Jones Industrial Average rallied to record levels on Friday, reaching 28,000 for the first time ever…” Dow jumps more than 200 points to 28,000, posts 4-week winning streak

89. “Jobs growth soars in November as payrolls surge by 266,000

Nonfarm payrolls surged by 266,000 in November, better than the 187,000 expected by economists polled by Dow Jones.

The unemployment rate ticked down to 3.5% from 3.6%, back to the 2019 low and matching the lowest jobless rate since 1969.

Average hourly earnings rose by 3.1% from a year ago, slightly above the 3% expected by economists polled by Dow Jones. Jobs growth soars in November as payrolls surge by 266,000

Seems I turned your post into a boomerang, huh?

Now, get lost.

Tell me, is Obama the best President ever, then?
That guy, Trump.
Or, maybe he’s inspired.
Or he just did what others would have done, because it was the time to.
Please don´t insult me.

It would be gilding the lily.....your inane posts insult you with no effort on my part.
Calling an inept dumbass smarter is a serious insult. Since he is now making laws for the energy security of my country (!!), he is also my President and I want him gone.
And except that you have elected him you have nothing to do with him. He is all about foreign policy. He is just another moron setting the world ablaze with the torch of freedom given by God.

Let's check.

80. "Wages and salaries jump by 3.1%, highest level in a decade

81. “Job growth surges by 312,000 in December” Job growth surges by 312,000 in December
82. "Unemployment hits 49-year low as US employers step up hiring"
Unemployment hits 49-year low as US employers step up hiring

"The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 50% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. "
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

83. "Record 157,288,000 Employed in July

( - The number of people employed in the United States hit a record 157,288,000 in July, according to the employment report released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

That was up 283,000 from the 157,005,000 employed in June."

Record 157,288,000 Employed in July

84. “…Planned Parenthood announced that it would withdraw from Title X, a federal family planning program that helps poor women access birth control and other health services. As a result, the organization will lose about $60 million a year in federal funding. The decision was made in response to a new Trump administration rule which forbids Title X clinics from referring patients for abortions.” Planned Parenthood Just Lost $60M in Funding. What Does That Mean for Women?
85. “U.S. adds 136,000 jobs in September, unemployment rate hits 50-year low”

Published: Oct 4, 2019 10:32 a.m. ET
U.S. adds 136,000 jobs in September, unemployment rate hits 50-year low

86. “Record 158,510,000 Americans Employed in October; 23rd Record for Trump” Record 158,510,000 Americans Employed in October; 23rd Record for Trump

87. “Black Unemployment Rate Hits All Time Low”
Huge October Payrolls Beat: 128K Jobs Added As Black Unemployment Rate Hits All Time Low

88. “Dow jumps more than 200 points to 28,000, posts 4-week winning streak The Dow Jones Industrial Average rallied to record levels on Friday, reaching 28,000 for the first time ever…” Dow jumps more than 200 points to 28,000, posts 4-week winning streak

89. “Jobs growth soars in November as payrolls surge by 266,000

Nonfarm payrolls surged by 266,000 in November, better than the 187,000 expected by economists polled by Dow Jones.

The unemployment rate ticked down to 3.5% from 3.6%, back to the 2019 low and matching the lowest jobless rate since 1969.

Average hourly earnings rose by 3.1% from a year ago, slightly above the 3% expected by economists polled by Dow Jones. Jobs growth soars in November as payrolls surge by 266,000

Seems I turned your post into a boomerang, huh?

Now, get lost.

Tell me, is Obama the best President ever, then?

Only if you are so dense that you imagine that this represents 'best.'

1. Obama told illegal aliens to go and vote, saying "When you vote, you're a citizen yourself."

2. After promising that Iran would never get nuclear weapons, Obama guaranteed them nukes.

October 7 2008, in the second presidential debate: "We cannot allow Iran to get a nuclear weapon. It would be a game-changer in the region. Not only would it threaten Israel, our strongest ally in the region and one of our strongest allies in the world, but it would also create a possibility of nuclear weapons falling into the hands of terrorists. And so it's unacceptable. And I will do everything that's required to prevent it. And we will never take military options off the table"

The first is an attack on America, the second, on all of Western Civilization.

"Within the Muslim moral universe, the concept of "takiyya", which is religiously-sanctioned deception to protect or promote Islam, is not only moral, it is admirable because it comes from the Koran and experiences of Muhammad himself. "
Concept of "takiyya" :: Reader comments at Daniel Pipes

Let's not elect a Muslim President again, huh?

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