This is a really good video explaining Geo Engineering in our skies, controlling weather for Profit


Platinum Member
Aug 9, 2012
This video explains it thoroughly, and shows how it is not a conspiracy at all. It is the fuc*ing Government putting metals in our skies to manipulate the weather and explains experts.

It is long, but is really an eye opener.. and we are seriously being lied to.

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Where in the heck is Greenpeace on this one?
They are involved in every kind of crap they shouldn't be and major issues like this they are quiet. WTF? Where are the GW nuts? I am sure this has an effect on weather patterns with negative impact. I guess they are right about man caused weather changes but are barking up on the wrong tree.
That's not metal, it's water vapor.

You need to watch the video, it is aluminium.

They are controlling the weather for profit , experts in the field explain it very well.

Alzheimer's and Parkinson's are associated with aluminum deposits in the brain. I eliminated all my aluminum cookwares because of that. I suspected that heating aluminum as a cooking vessel, releases more aluminum ions what I digest and throughout the years it would cause the diseases by depositing themselves in my brain. So much for that, huh?
That's not metal, it's water vapor.

You need to watch the video, it is aluminium.

They are controlling the weather for profit , experts in the field explain it very well.


They are controlling the weather for profit

Control it how? Where is the profit?

You may be at work and can not watch it, I highly recommend that you do when you can. They go into detail where even a laymen like me can understand it.
These chemtrails change weather patterns which can cause drought or floods, killing tress and crops.

It seems that Monsanto's seeds ( stress resistant, drought resistant , but toxic) are being sold to the farmers who lost their crops from weather.
People like Bill Gates ect. have high investments into Monsanto. The seeds need to be replaced every year at a very high price for the farmers.
These seeds are genetically made by man, and cause cancer as well as many other illnesses. Then the medical / pharmaceutical companies chime in.

The chem trails are everywhere , and we are being lied to about these changes are from global warming.
The trails and poisons in them are causing many illnesses. Because the aluminum ect. are landing on everything.

Please watch and pass onto as many people we know so something can be done.
I am fighting cancer right now for the 2nd time and my eyes have opened to the profits and high charges to the consumers as well as killing us.
Where in the heck is Greenpeace on this one?
They are involved in every kind of crap they shouldn't be and major issues like this they are quiet. WTF? Where are the GW nuts? I am sure this has an effect on weather patterns with negative impact. I guess they are right about man caused weather changes but are barking up on the wrong tree.

We need to get the truth out and fight these horrible people. It is for our children, and generations to come..They are so screwed right now.

Water rights and poisoning is a whole other thread..It is very scary.
I am fighting cancer right now for the 2nd time and my eyes have opened to the profits and high charges to the consumers as well as killing us.
I wish you well. All these fucking billionaires should focus on curing illesses instead of meddling with weather and multiculturalism.
That's not metal, it's water vapor.

You need to watch the video, it is aluminium.

They are controlling the weather for profit , experts in the field explain it very well.


They are controlling the weather for profit

Control it how? Where is the profit?

You may be at work and can not watch it, I highly recommend that you do when you can. They go into detail where even a laymen like me can understand it.
These chemtrails change weather patterns which can cause drought or floods, killing tress and crops.

It seems that Monsanto's seeds ( stress resistant, drought resistant , but toxic) are being sold to the farmers who lost their crops from weather.
People like Bill Gates ect. have high investments into Monsanto. The seeds need to be replaced every year at a very high price for the farmers.
These seeds are genetically made by man, and cause cancer as well as many other illnesses. Then the medical / pharmaceutical companies chime in.

The chem trails are everywhere , and we are being lied to about these changes are from global warming.
The trails and poisons in them are causing many illnesses. Because the aluminum ect. are landing on everything.

Please watch and pass onto as many people we know so something can be done.
I am fighting cancer right now for the 2nd time and my eyes have opened to the profits and high charges to the consumers as well as killing us.

I watched the first few minutes. Yes, contrails are thought to moderate temperature. Make it slightly cooler during the day, slightly warmer at night.
They don't cause floods or droughts.
Yes, GMO seeds are very useful. They're hybrids, so they can't be replanted, new seeds must be bought every year.

The higher yields, better pest resistance, herbicide resistance, drought resistance makes the higher price worthwhile.
They don't cause cancer.

So the claim is aluminum powder is added to fuel?
Or is the aluminum sprayed separately from the jet exhaust?
That's not metal, it's water vapor.

You need to watch the video, it is aluminium.

They are controlling the weather for profit , experts in the field explain it very well.


Someone is adding aluminum to jet fuel?

They want us to think that it is jet fuel, but it is special planes making the chem trails

And the ordinary contrails that are claimed to be chemtrails are just misidentified?
I am fighting cancer right now for the 2nd time and my eyes have opened to the profits and high charges to the consumers as well as killing us.
I wish you well. All these fucking billionaires should focus on curing illesses instead of meddling with weather and multiculturalism.

We as Americans are so caught up in We have Freedom...and fighting politics keeping us focused on other things while they are fucking us right under our noses. Giving us the facade that we have all of this freedom. Sneakily doing these things.
I am so angry about this, and how congress passes laws to make it harder to find out and hide monsanto in our food.
That's not metal, it's water vapor.

You need to watch the video, it is aluminium.

They are controlling the weather for profit , experts in the field explain it very well.


Someone is adding aluminum to jet fuel?

They want us to think that it is jet fuel, but it is special planes making the chem trails

And the ordinary contrails that are claimed to be chemtrails are just misidentified?

I am not a scientist but scientist, weather, specialists explain it well in this video..

I need to run out for a while and will comment later.
That's not metal, it's water vapor.

You need to watch the video, it is aluminium.

They are controlling the weather for profit , experts in the field explain it very well.

Alzheimer's and Parkinson's are associated with aluminum deposits in the brain. I eliminated all my aluminum cookwares because of that. I suspected that heating aluminum as a cooking vessel, releases more aluminum ions what I digest and throughout the years it would cause the diseases by depositing themselves in my brain. So much for that, huh?

So much for what? What does that have to do with Eaglewings insane claim that the government is spraying aluminum (tin foil?) from jets to control the weather for profits. As Todd asked, HOW IS THE WEATHER BEING CONTROLLED BY THESE THINGS AND WHERE IS THE PROFIT? I would add, have all administrations carried on these activities? How is it that not one of the hundreds or thousands of people that would have to be involved in such a scheme has chosen to talk? Do you have confessions from anyone that they were involved in such activities? And what does the government do with profit? They'd get to claim they'd done a good job bringing down the debt. Do you actually think ANYONE would find that an acceptable justification to give heavy metal poisoning to hundreds of thousands to millions of Americans? Get real. Your claims are paranoid ignorance.
I am so angry about this, and how congress passes laws to make it harder to find out and hide monsanto in our food.

Hide Monsanto in our food? They're probably slipping the Monsanto into our drinking water. And spraying it from jet planes. I bet those misters they use on hot days, like at Disney World, I bet they're spraying pure Monsanto at us. And when you run a vaporizer for a kid with a cold, those cold additives are probably just Monsanto. And you know all the government buildings would add Monsanto to their air conditioning systems and they'll make their contractors do it as well. Everyone does what they government says cause they want the money and they've probably been given a big dose of Monsanto and tin foil already so their brains have been made compliant and peaceful.


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