CDZ This is an example of the lunacy that Mr. Trump has created....

320 Years of History

Gold Member
Nov 1, 2015
Russell Moore, President of the Southern Baptist Convention Ethics Commission, remarked that his Uber driver, an evangelical, said to him that he (the driver) thought Mr. Trump may be the Anti-Christ, he was going to caucus for him anyway. Say what?!? (Mr. Moore just stated this on a news program so I can't cite it here as it's not posted on the program's site yet.)

Now I know I'm not much of a "Bible thumper," but there's no way I'd caucus for, vote for, or give the time of day to someone whom I think is the Anti-Christ !!!

Truly, I don't know what I find most disturbing:
  • That there are people who actually think and act with the same rational incongruity (re: any topics) as that driver,
  • That there are people who think and act with the same rational incongruity (re: any topic) as that driver and there are enough of them to make Mr. Trump's candidacy viable.
  • That Mr. Trump is playing to that sort of lunacy as his way to the Presidency.
None of those things strike me as boding well for the U.S. I may have to move to Monaco, Luxembourg, or someplace else having fewer outright loons and unprincipled individuals. That's among the last things I'd want to do, but at some point, one has to realize that one can only endure "so much" stupidity among one's countrymen.
Russell Moore, President of the Southern Baptist Convention Ethics Commission, remarked that his Uber driver, an evangelical, said to him that he (the driver) thought Mr. Trump may be the Anti-Christ, he was going to caucus for him anyway. Say what?!? (Mr. Moore just stated this on a news program so I can't cite it here as it's not posted on the program's site yet.)

Now I know I'm not much of a "Bible thumper," but there's no way I'd caucus for, vote for, or give the time of day to someone whom I think is the Anti-Christ !!!

Truly, I don't know what I find most disturbing:
  • That there are people who actually think and act with the same rational incongruity (re: any topics) as that driver,
  • That there are people who think and act with the same rational incongruity (re: any topic) as that driver and there are enough of them to make Mr. Trump's candidacy viable.
  • That Mr. Trump is playing to that sort of lunacy as his way to the Presidency.
None of those things strike me as boding well for the U.S. I may have to move to Monaco, Luxembourg, or someplace else having fewer outright loons and unprincipled individuals. That's among the last things I'd want to do, but at some point, one has to realize that one can only endure "so much" stupidity among one's countrymen.
Give the guy some slack. It's not his fault that he's a Southern Baptist and an Uber driver. He's being punished by God.
Such thinking as the driver characterizes an older group of Americans who will be or drooling in twenty years.

The younger white evangelicals do not seem in any great numbers to embrace the older belief set.
Such thinking as the driver characterizes an older group of Americans who will be or drooling in twenty years.

The younger white evangelicals do not seem in any great numbers to embrace the older belief set.

Well, I'll be more inclined to accept your assertion if you an show me some credible evidence that it's true.

(And don't go showing me data about senility, Alzheimer's Disease and old people; you know those folks are whom I'm asking about just as I presume they're not whom you meant either.)
If Trump was the anti Christ, he would be trying to bring thousands of Muslims to America
Such thinking as the driver characterizes an older group of Americans who will be or drooling in twenty years.

The younger white evangelicals do not seem in any great numbers to embrace the older belief set.

Well, I'll be more inclined to accept your assertion if you an show me some credible evidence that it's true.

(And don't go showing me data about senility, Alzheimer's Disease and old people; you know those folks are whom I'm asking about just as I presume they're not whom you meant either.)
I can show you data about the younger white evangelicals embracing their elders' far right beliefs because credible evidence does not exist. It's OK to disagree.
He wants a "clean debate", then insults half the members on the board by posting this.

None of those things strike me as boding well for the U.S. I may have to move to Monaco, Luxembourg, or someplace else having fewer outright loons and unprincipled individuals. That's among the last things I'd want to do, but at some point, one has to realize that one can only endure "so much" stupidity among one's countrymen.
If Trump was the anti Christ, he would be trying to bring thousands of Muslims to America

That may be, but the matter at hand isn't what he might do were he the Anti-Christ. The issue is that there are folks who think he is the Anti-Christ, self-avowed evangelical folks no less, who nonetheless willingly support him. I just don't see wherein one can be both things. Since when did the two following notions stop becoming mutually exclusive?
  • Being a committed Christian (to say nothing of being an evangelical one)
  • Supporting a person whom one believes is the Anti-Christ
I just don't see how one can do both things. It doesn't even matter whether either choice makes any damn sense. What matters is that one person is of the mind to do both, enough so that they'll articulate to a stranger that they share both aspects of their character, presumably expecting to also be respected by their audience. How can one respect such a person?
Anyone believing Trump is the Anti-Christ is not very bright and is about as sane as those that believe President Obama is the Anti-Christ.

I understand your point that if they're Evangelical why on Earth then would you caucus to support what you consider to be the Anti-Christ and not caucus with a candidate you close to your view like Huckabee or Santorum?

It is perplexing as can be but just chalk it up as someone just being stupid or ignorant when they speak...
Anyone believing Trump is the Anti-Christ is not very bright and is about as sane as those that believe President Obama is the Anti-Christ.

I understand your point that if they're Evangelical why on Earth then would you caucus to support what you consider to be the Anti-Christ and not caucus with a candidate you close to your view like Huckabee or Santorum?

It is perplexing as can be but just chalk it up as someone just being stupid or ignorant when they speak...


The concern I have is that in many ways, Mr. Trump's rhetoric and persuasiveness reminds me of the Hitler, and to some extent Lenin insofar as he targets his message(s) at the segment of the population least able or inclined to critically evaluate their merit, the segment that most wants to hear someone important articulate, and thus validate, their fears and feelings, regardless of how unfounded they be, or that the person airing them has little to nothing in common with them. One must remember that the Nazi Party didn't ascend to power on a platform of explicitly exterminating Jews (admittedly doing so is a rational inference from the "racial pride" aspect of Nazi values). It and Hitler did so by promising to cure what average Germans thought -- fallaciously or not -- was wrong with Germany.


Note: I'd change the first bullet to say "hatred" not "racism," at least for Mr. Trump. I'd also not use the term "fascist," mainly because it's inflammatory, but the substance of the Anti-Jew/Anti-Muslim comparison holds, fascist or not.

Not noted in the meme above is that both figures have a keen grasp on the effectiveness of propaganda and media manipulation as a key tool in obtaining support for their programs. In and of itself, that's not scary; it's only scary because of the messages Mr. Trump uses it to promote.
Anyone believing Trump is the Anti-Christ is not very bright and is about as sane as those that believe President Obama is the Anti-Christ.

I understand your point that if they're Evangelical why on Earth then would you caucus to support what you consider to be the Anti-Christ and not caucus with a candidate you close to your view like Huckabee or Santorum?

It is perplexing as can be but just chalk it up as someone just being stupid or ignorant when they speak...


The concern I have is that in many ways, Mr. Trump's rhetoric and persuasiveness reminds me of the Hitler, and to some extent Lenin insofar as he targets his message(s) at the segment of the population least able or inclined to critically evaluate their merit, the segment that most wants to hear someone important articulate, and thus validate, their fears and feelings, regardless of how unfounded they be, or that the person airing them has little to nothing in common with them. One must remember that the Nazi Party didn't ascend to power on a platform of explicitly exterminating Jews (admittedly doing so is a rational inference from the "racial pride" aspect of Nazi values). It and Hitler did so by promising to cure what average Germans thought -- fallaciously or not -- was wrong with Germany.


Note: I'd change the first bullet to say "hatred" not "racism," at least for Mr. Trump. I'd also not use the term "fascist," mainly because it's inflammatory, but the substance of the Anti-Jew/Anti-Muslim comparison holds, fascist or not.

Not noted in the meme above is that both figures have a keen grasp on the effectiveness of propaganda and media manipulation as a key tool in obtaining support for their programs. In and of itself, that's not scary; it's only scary because of the messages Mr. Trump uses it to promote.

How can you compare the Jews in Germany in the 1930's to Muslims in America, or wanting to come to America? Jews weren't committing terrorist acts back then, like the muslims do. For sure, all muslims aren't like that, but it only takes a few to wreak havoc.
Russell Moore, President of the Southern Baptist Convention Ethics Commission, remarked that his Uber driver, an evangelical, said to him that he (the driver) thought Mr. Trump may be the Anti-Christ, he was going to caucus for him anyway. Say what?!? (Mr. Moore just stated this on a news program so I can't cite it here as it's not posted on the program's site yet.)

Now I know I'm not much of a "Bible thumper," but there's no way I'd caucus for, vote for, or give the time of day to someone whom I think is the Anti-Christ !!!

Truly, I don't know what I find most disturbing:
  • That there are people who actually think and act with the same rational incongruity (re: any topics) as that driver,
  • That there are people who think and act with the same rational incongruity (re: any topic) as that driver and there are enough of them to make Mr. Trump's candidacy viable.
  • That Mr. Trump is playing to that sort of lunacy as his way to the Presidency.
None of those things strike me as boding well for the U.S. I may have to move to Monaco, Luxembourg, or someplace else having fewer outright loons and unprincipled individuals. That's among the last things I'd want to do, but at some point, one has to realize that one can only endure "so much" stupidity among one's countrymen.
This has to do with the 'anti-government,' 'anti-establishment' idiocy common to many on the right – their unwarranted, ridiculous hatred of 'the government' of 'Washington' and their naïve, sophomoric, childish perception of the political process and politics in general.

And because of their unwarranted, wrongheaded contempt of 'the government' and the the political process, they believe that the only way to 'fix' the 'problem' is to raze the government edifice and rebuild anew – and the only way to accomplish this is to send the likes of Trump to Washington, the 'un-candidate,' the 'un-politician,' the 'outsider' who won't engage in 'business as usual.'

Indeed, what's needed to 'destroy' Washington is the 'anti-Christ,' fight evil with evil – someone exactly like Trump.

What Trump supporters fail to understand is that actual change can't come from the top down, it can only start at the very local level.
Are we really comparing Trump with Hitler in the CDZ?


I'm well aware and don't honestly think Mr. Trump has exactly the same sorts of designs in mind that Hitler does. What I'm doing is seeing/hearing the remarks, tone, audience, and so on that Hitler and Mr. Trump made/have and observing the similarities. Mr. Trump has things in common with another well known mogul: Henry Ford. I wouldn't have supported him either; the man was an anti-Semite and the only reason the KKK didn't endorse him was that he made a gift to a Catholic. I don't reject a person's right to be hateful of others, but I absolutely refuse to vote for someone who uses social hate and fear as means of garnering support and rallying voters.

(American National Biography Online: Ford, Henry)
Russell Moore, President of the Southern Baptist Convention Ethics Commission, remarked that his Uber driver, an evangelical, said to him that he (the driver) thought Mr. Trump may be the Anti-Christ, he was going to caucus for him anyway. Say what?!? (Mr. Moore just stated this on a news program so I can't cite it here as it's not posted on the program's site yet.)

Now I know I'm not much of a "Bible thumper," but there's no way I'd caucus for, vote for, or give the time of day to someone whom I think is the Anti-Christ !!!

Truly, I don't know what I find most disturbing:
  • That there are people who actually think and act with the same rational incongruity (re: any topics) as that driver,
  • That there are people who think and act with the same rational incongruity (re: any topic) as that driver and there are enough of them to make Mr. Trump's candidacy viable.
  • That Mr. Trump is playing to that sort of lunacy as his way to the Presidency.
None of those things strike me as boding well for the U.S. I may have to move to Monaco, Luxembourg, or someplace else having fewer outright loons and unprincipled individuals. That's among the last things I'd want to do, but at some point, one has to realize that one can only endure "so much" stupidity among one's countrymen.

Well actually, consider if you will the fact that you Liberals support an old Socialist who's platform is one which America cannot afford and is dead on arrival with a Republican Congress while your other candidate is a chronic liar and totally untrustworthy in the eyes of most Americans and is currently under F.B.I. Investigation as well. It would appear to me that you Liberals are not the most intelligent people in the world either.
Russell Moore, President of the Southern Baptist Convention Ethics Commission, remarked that his Uber driver, an evangelical, said to him that he (the driver) thought Mr. Trump may be the Anti-Christ, he was going to caucus for him anyway. Say what?!? (Mr. Moore just stated this on a news program so I can't cite it here as it's not posted on the program's site yet.)

Now I know I'm not much of a "Bible thumper," but there's no way I'd caucus for, vote for, or give the time of day to someone whom I think is the Anti-Christ !!!

Truly, I don't know what I find most disturbing:
  • That there are people who actually think and act with the same rational incongruity (re: any topics) as that driver,
  • That there are people who think and act with the same rational incongruity (re: any topic) as that driver and there are enough of them to make Mr. Trump's candidacy viable.
  • That Mr. Trump is playing to that sort of lunacy as his way to the Presidency.
None of those things strike me as boding well for the U.S. I may have to move to Monaco, Luxembourg, or someplace else having fewer outright loons and unprincipled individuals. That's among the last things I'd want to do, but at some point, one has to realize that one can only endure "so much" stupidity among one's countrymen.

Well actually, consider if you will the fact that you Liberals support an old Socialist who's platform is one which America cannot afford and is dead on arrival with a Republican Congress while your other candidate is a chronic liar and totally untrustworthy in the eyes of most Americans and is currently under F.B.I. Investigation as well. It would appear to me that you Liberals are not the most intelligent people in the world either.

Did you understand the OP to which you replied? Being too stupid to see the incongruity of the Uber driver's remarks has nothing to do with any candidate. It everything to do with his inadequate cognitive ability, and somewhat to do with my tacitly proposing that a lot of Trump supporters in general have a similar "mental miniscularity" and paucity of principle-driven behavior.

I asked the question I did at the start of this post, because your comments imply that I suggested that the sole alternatives to Mr. Trump are one of the Democratic candidates. It may have escaped your purview, but Mr. Trump isn't the only Republican candidate and I wrote nothing suggesting that one should choose Mr. Sanders or Mrs. Clinton.

Can Donald Trump Lead A Conservative Movement He Barely Understands?
Russell Moore, President of the Southern Baptist Convention Ethics Commission, remarked that his Uber driver, an evangelical, said to him that he (the driver) thought Mr. Trump may be the Anti-Christ, he was going to caucus for him anyway. Say what?!? (Mr. Moore just stated this on a news program so I can't cite it here as it's not posted on the program's site yet.)

Now I know I'm not much of a "Bible thumper," but there's no way I'd caucus for, vote for, or give the time of day to someone whom I think is the Anti-Christ !!!

Truly, I don't know what I find most disturbing:
  • That there are people who actually think and act with the same rational incongruity (re: any topics) as that driver,
  • That there are people who think and act with the same rational incongruity (re: any topic) as that driver and there are enough of them to make Mr. Trump's candidacy viable.
  • That Mr. Trump is playing to that sort of lunacy as his way to the Presidency.
None of those things strike me as boding well for the U.S. I may have to move to Monaco, Luxembourg, or someplace else having fewer outright loons and unprincipled individuals. That's among the last things I'd want to do, but at some point, one has to realize that one can only endure "so much" stupidity among one's countrymen.

Well actually, consider if you will the fact that you Liberals support an old Socialist who's platform is one which America cannot afford and is dead on arrival with a Republican Congress while your other candidate is a chronic liar and totally untrustworthy in the eyes of most Americans and is currently under F.B.I. Investigation as well. It would appear to me that you Liberals are not the most intelligent people in the world either.

Did you understand the OP to which you replied? Being too stupid to see the incongruity of the Uber driver's remarks has nothing to do with any candidate. It everything to do with his inadequate cognitive ability, and somewhat to do with my tacitly proposing that a lot of Trump supporters in general have a similar "mental miniscularity" and paucity of principle-driven behavior.

I asked the question I did at the start of this post, because your comments imply that I suggested that the sole alternatives to Mr. Trump are one of the Democratic candidates. It may have escaped your purview, but Mr. Trump isn't the only Republican candidate and I wrote nothing suggesting that one should choose Mr. Sanders or Mrs. Clinton.

Can Donald Trump Lead A Conservative Movement He Barely Understands?

Actually, I understand perfectly. A disguised hit piece on Mr. Trump while calling his supporters stupid. It's been done time and again. You fool no one but yourself.
Russell Moore, President of the Southern Baptist Convention Ethics Commission, remarked that his Uber driver, an evangelical, said to him that he (the driver) thought Mr. Trump may be the Anti-Christ, he was going to caucus for him anyway. Say what?!? (Mr. Moore just stated this on a news program so I can't cite it here as it's not posted on the program's site yet.)

Now I know I'm not much of a "Bible thumper," but there's no way I'd caucus for, vote for, or give the time of day to someone whom I think is the Anti-Christ !!!

Truly, I don't know what I find most disturbing:
  • That there are people who actually think and act with the same rational incongruity (re: any topics) as that driver,
  • That there are people who think and act with the same rational incongruity (re: any topic) as that driver and there are enough of them to make Mr. Trump's candidacy viable.
  • That Mr. Trump is playing to that sort of lunacy as his way to the Presidency.
None of those things strike me as boding well for the U.S. I may have to move to Monaco, Luxembourg, or someplace else having fewer outright loons and unprincipled individuals. That's among the last things I'd want to do, but at some point, one has to realize that one can only endure "so much" stupidity among one's countrymen.

Well actually, consider if you will the fact that you Liberals support an old Socialist who's platform is one which America cannot afford and is dead on arrival with a Republican Congress while your other candidate is a chronic liar and totally untrustworthy in the eyes of most Americans and is currently under F.B.I. Investigation as well. It would appear to me that you Liberals are not the most intelligent people in the world either.

Did you understand the OP to which you replied? Being too stupid to see the incongruity of the Uber driver's remarks has nothing to do with any candidate. It everything to do with his inadequate cognitive ability, and somewhat to do with my tacitly proposing that a lot of Trump supporters in general have a similar "mental miniscularity" and paucity of principle-driven behavior.

I asked the question I did at the start of this post, because your comments imply that I suggested that the sole alternatives to Mr. Trump are one of the Democratic candidates. It may have escaped your purview, but Mr. Trump isn't the only Republican candidate and I wrote nothing suggesting that one should choose Mr. Sanders or Mrs. Clinton.

Can Donald Trump Lead A Conservative Movement He Barely Understands?

Actually, I understand perfectly. A disguised hit piece on Mr. Trump while calling his supporters stupid. It's been done time and again. You fool no one but yourself.

Clearly you don't understand the OP. It's a hit on Mr. Trump's supporters, one that's not even thinly veiled. It's not a dig at Mr. Trump at all.

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