A little wishful thinking here. Now that CNN has completely pissed off both ends of the political spectrum (and I have to hand it to them for that), it now has a chance to grab everyone else. The plan might look like this:

Commit to, and follow through on, the following:
  1. Provide the most accurate possible reporting of any given story without concern for which "end" it might favor. However, also commit to accurately reporting the other side of the story if there is disagreement so that your viewers are at least aware of it.
  2. No endless, long form dwelling on a story UNLESS it's breaking news. If it's a normal news day, keep things going and don't get bogged down. Leave the minutiae for your website and Twitter and direct your viewers there if they want a deeper dive.
  3. Guests and pundits are fine, IF the individuals are utilized because they are qualified and are not flamethrowers. Use guests and pundits who eschew hyperbole and distortion, and who can at least admit that the other side has credible arguments.
  4. Add (or actually, return to) at least one "Crossfire"-like show, using the same kinds of contributors mentioned in #3. Give viewers a smart, civilized, intelligent, stimulating alternative to the hysterical, one-sided crap they get from other cable networks.
  5. Then be patient. This will take a while. But your ratings are already in the shitter, so it's not as if you have much to lose. LEAD.
Oh that is some funny stuff right there.
Basically you are saying that CNN would have to fire their entire staff, somehow commit the impossible task of finding actual journalist in America that are not biased and committed to the cause.

I have some amazing tropical land for sale in Florida - cheap... only one small stipulation... you need to pay for the land before you see it.
A little wishful thinking here. Now that CNN has completely pissed off both ends of the political spectrum (and I have to hand it to them for that), it now has a chance to grab everyone else. The plan might look like this:

Commit to, and follow through on, the following:
  1. Provide the most accurate possible reporting of any given story without concern for which "end" it might favor. However, also commit to accurately reporting the other side of the story if there is disagreement so that your viewers are at least aware of it.
  2. No endless, long form dwelling on a story UNLESS it's breaking news. If it's a normal news day, keep things going and don't get bogged down. Leave the minutiae for your website and Twitter and direct your viewers there if they want a deeper dive.
  3. Guests and pundits are fine, IF the individuals are utilized because they are qualified and are not flamethrowers. Use guests and pundits who eschew hyperbole and distortion, and who can at least admit that the other side has credible arguments.
  4. Add (or actually, return to) at least one "Crossfire"-like show, using the same kinds of contributors mentioned in #3. Give viewers a smart, civilized, intelligent, stimulating alternative to the hysterical, one-sided crap they get from other cable networks.
  5. Then be patient. This will take a while. But your ratings are already in the shitter, so it's not as if you have much to lose. LEAD.
Wow! What a deep dive, how long did it take you to come to that conclusion, most of us have thought that a long long time ago. Glad you finally figured it out.
A little wishful thinking here. Now that CNN has completely pissed off both ends of the political spectrum (and I have to hand it to them for that), it now has a chance to grab everyone else. The plan might look like this:

Commit to, and follow through on, the following:
  1. Provide the most accurate possible reporting of any given story without concern for which "end" it might favor. However, also commit to accurately reporting the other side of the story if there is disagreement so that your viewers are at least aware of it.
  2. No endless, long form dwelling on a story UNLESS it's breaking news. If it's a normal news day, keep things going and don't get bogged down. Leave the minutiae for your website and Twitter and direct your viewers there if they want a deeper dive.
  3. Guests and pundits are fine, IF the individuals are utilized because they are qualified and are not flamethrowers. Use guests and pundits who eschew hyperbole and distortion, and who can at least admit that the other side has credible arguments.
  4. Add (or actually, return to) at least one "Crossfire"-like show, using the same kinds of contributors mentioned in #3. Give viewers a smart, civilized, intelligent, stimulating alternative to the hysterical, one-sided crap they get from other cable networks.
  5. Then be patient. This will take a while. But your ratings are already in the shitter, so it's not as if you have much to lose. LEAD.
You just described Fox News. Cnn is so dead.

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