This is definitely a lawless presidency

And you are symptomatic of why the democrats are incapable of governing. They have an extreme base that demands they remove Trump from office, even though their best shot, in the form of a multi year, multi million dollar investigation, came up short. Instead of taking a step back and preparing to oust the president at the ballot box, the rabid base demands ever more and more extreme measures. They fail to realize their cause was severely damaged by the Mueller report.
Except it didn't come up short. Nadler's reading of the report, quoting Mueller gives the Left 100% confidence that this investigation was the right thing to do. The Left accomplished getting to the truth with the Mueller report.

Yes, the truth that there was no conspiracy between Trump and the Russians. Had the investigation not been done, we would still be hearing from the usual suspects that there was. You know, because they have to time to read stuff the investigators couldn't.
Conspiracy was not proven yet. SDNY is not done. Collusion was proven. Obstruction was a slam dunk. And it was all because of the investigations that exposed Trump's criminality. I noticed you haven't challenged Nadler's quoted reading of obstruction by Mueller aimed at Trump through McGhan. Cat got your type writer? Nadler: 'We will hold this president accountable — one way, or the other.'

You do realize the fed prosecutor at the SDNY works for Barr, who works for Trump.
Are you saying they will fire SDNY to protect Trump from criminal liability?

SDNY works at the pleasure of the President.
The russia hysteria is getting really played out at this point. You psychos desperately need a new shtick.
Hysteria is defined as physical evidence. A new schick is not necessary;


a video of Nurse Wretched

All these losers show up to make fools of themselves with no rebuttals. You people are too pitiful.

You called Trump a mob boss. Taking you seriously is impossible.

The evidence doesn't have to take you seriously.

Clearly you are not well educated. Please show us in the video, point to a specific time when she is presenting FACTS, and not opinion.

You do know the difference don't you? oh...wait. You're a progressive. Probably not.
Ah...there it is...Trump is "counter to our beliefs"! That's what's really got you foaming at the mouth! It's not that Trump has done anything's that he doesn't have the same political VIEWS as you do!
Trashing everything this country ever stood for is not a counter political view. It's an attempted coup of everything we stand for. you even know what a "coup" is?

What has Trump trashed that this country stands for? You on the left accused him of collusion. He denied those accusations vigorously yet allowed Robert Mueller to investigate him for more than two years! That investigation turned up nothing that proved collusion...NOTHING! So what did you liberals do next? You accused him of obstruction because he vigorously denied he'd done anything wrong!

While all that's been going on...Trump has been steadily working to keep the promises he made to the American people in that campaign! Somehow you equate building one of the world's best economies, record low unemployment and rising wages as an evil thing. That's on you...not on Trump!
You seem to have this obsession with being blind, deaf, and dumb. Can't help you there. Obstruction and collusion has been proven along with campaign finance violations. You can accept that reality or not. I really don't care. The law knows what Trump has done, and that's all I need.

Who is "the law"?

What is it that this mysterious group knows?

Collusion and obstruction have NOT been proven! That's a flat out lie on your part. Bob Mueller was stating a good year ago that they weren't finding any evidence of collusion and that didn't change over the intervening months! If you want to take the stance that anyone who publicly defends themselves from allegations that they know are false is somehow committing "obstruction" then you better start building bigger prisons because there are millions of Americans that have done EXACTLY what Donald Trump has done! They were falsely accused of a crime and they vehemently denied the allegations! It's the way our legal system works. I'm not guilty until I prove myself innocent. I'm not guilty because someone else claims I am! I'm guilty if a judge or jury rules that I'm guilty.
Bob Mueller's quotes are right here, through Jerry Nadler, explaining 100% obstruction. If you have anything to rebut that Mueller has said, spell it out. If not, stop posting stupid shit on here. We have Nadler quoting word for word Mueller explaining obstruction through Don McGhan. Telling me there was no Collusion and obstruction is just shit words that mean nothing. Stop making a complete idiot of yourself and debate, or shut the hell up. Nadler: 'We will hold this president accountable — one way, or the other.'

Do you not grasp the difference between "possible" obstruction and "proven" obstruction? What Mueller said quite plainly in his report was that they failed to find proven obstruction when they investigated Trump but if Congress wished to further investigate possible obstruction then that was their right. That ball is back in Nadler's court...the question at this point is what do you think Nadler is going to find that Mueller and his whole team of investigators armed with subpoenas couldn't find?
Evidence of what? Collusion? Didn't happen. Sorry, but it didn't...
The case was laid out to you, and like a coward, instead of debating the testimony by Mueller, you switch to Clinton. You're a coward and a loser. Get lost. You have nothing to debate.
And he borrows from foreign banks for interest payments not "favors". American banks usually aren't allowed to engage in higher risk investments like President Trump deals with.
Which is why he uses them for money laundering, bank fraud, and Insurance fraud, and they let him, because they know that he can help them out if he gets elected.
Adult discourse or "debate" as you call it requires facts and honesty or it breaks down into the childish BS you post. Have you any evidence that Trump uses foreign banks "for money laundering, bank fraud, and Insurance fraud" as you claim because he has done big biz for decades and has not only never been convicted of any of that, he's never even been charged.

Again, we do not prosecute and should not persecute any American for crimes that exist only in your angry, bitter, frustrated mind.
When you fight tooth and nail to hide your financial business for two and a half years, it's not because you were hiding your $50 dollar donations to the Boy scouts, and didn't report it. Trump does not, nor will he ever get the benefit of the doubt. He used illegal campaign finance money to hide his affairs before an election and did not report it.

Like the Right always said, how can you believe anything Cohen says, and like I always said, you can't believe anything Trump says? Are you telling me one persons lie has more value over the other?
Again you have NOTHING but your monumental ignorance and hysterical, loony-left talking head speculation. Trump has never been convicted or even charged with a crime. Ever.
He is now fighting to defend his (and our) 4th amendment protections against unreasonable search and seizure and yeah ... demanding his tax returns without a predicate crime having been committed is unreasonable gov't tyranny.

I'm not sure if it's your ignorance or hair-on-fire hysteria that is most entertaining but here's the thing ... if the evidence is obvious and overwhelming, WTF is the bat-shit crazy Dem House waiting for?

Answer: it's neither obvious nor overwhelming or as noted in the Mueller Report "... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..."

BOOM!!! Case closed. :D
What crime was that and when was Trump convicted or even charged?
He will be charged after he leaves office. Have you been living in a box all this time that you didn't know that?

Charged with what? He would have made those payments regardless of running or not as he was rich and famous.
Cohen admitted the payments were made to help Trump get elected. Trump helped Cohen by reimbursing Cohen, while Cohen took out a loan on his house, and then Trump and Jr. wrote out $35,000 dollar reimbursement checks to Cohen as a pay back, and Trump never reported the money. Trump violated federal campaign statutes, and did itv with Cohen. Why does Cohen have to go to jail and not Trump? Answer, he has to. SDNY already put in a court filing implicating Trump as the co-conspirator. He would be in jail now, but he is president.

How did the payments help him get elected? This should be rich. Yeah the non biased NY? LOL
Wow, stupidity is never in short supply with these cultists.

No Dossier
No FISA warrant
No Investigation

Dossier was paid for by the Clinton campaign. No one cared as they thought she would win. Oops. Enjoy that.
So ... what are you waiting for?
I'm not waiting on anything. I'm already calling for hearings, then impeachment. Time to get rid of this worthless piece of shit.
On what grounds?
It’s so sad to see people as uninformed as you are
Really? BWK makes all manner of silly claims ... among them that Trump has been proven guilty of pretty much every crime in the book (yet never convicted of any) but can't seem to explain why our hysterical House Dems still refuse to initiate impeachment proceedings. Can you help him out with that?
TIA. :lol:
Except it didn't come up short. Nadler's reading of the report, quoting Mueller gives the Left 100% confidence that this investigation was the right thing to do. The Left accomplished getting to the truth with the Mueller report.

Yes, the truth that there was no conspiracy between Trump and the Russians. Had the investigation not been done, we would still be hearing from the usual suspects that there was. You know, because they have to time to read stuff the investigators couldn't.
Conspiracy was not proven yet. SDNY is not done. Collusion was proven. Obstruction was a slam dunk. And it was all because of the investigations that exposed Trump's criminality. I noticed you haven't challenged Nadler's quoted reading of obstruction by Mueller aimed at Trump through McGhan. Cat got your type writer? Nadler: 'We will hold this president accountable — one way, or the other.'

You do realize the fed prosecutor at the SDNY works for Barr, who works for Trump.
Are you saying they will fire SDNY to protect Trump from criminal liability?

I think what he's saying is that the Southern District of New York is just part of the Department of Justice, which reports to Mr. Barr and Mr. Trump. It isn't its own independent branch of government.

Do you think that US attorneys should be independent and unfirable?
And other than to corrupt SDNY which has criminal evidence against Trump, tell us why Barr would stop them from investigating? With evidence against Trump, other than his own criminal intent would Barr put the breaks on the investigation.
I'm not waiting on anything. I'm already calling for hearings, then impeachment. Time to get rid of this worthless piece of shit.

On what grounds?
You've been given the list of lawless acts on multiple occasions. The bs stops here. No more explaining. We need hearings now to go over the mountain of criminality. It's time this piece of shit leaves.
That's ok dear. Only about six more years and another REP President for two terms and a REP Senate majority.
Any luck selling all those 'Hands Up Don't Shoot' hoodies?
The IG report is coming out soon.
Buckle up pal!
Already Comey and Lynch are accusing each other of lying.
Talking juvenile stupid talk won't change the law or reality with Trump. He has committed obstruction of justice to add to many other crimes that gave us an illegal election, and delivered a criminal onto the front door of the WH. That has already been established. And the stonewalling of witnesses and violating subpoenas
puts a nice bow on top of Trump's obvious impeachment credentials.

LOLOLOLOL. There's that "illegal election" again.
And of course it sticks, because the truth is more powerful than your bs.
So ... what are you waiting for?
I'm not waiting on anything. I'm already calling for hearings, then impeachment. Time to get rid of this worthless piece of shit.
On what grounds?
It’s so sad to see people as uninformed as you are
Really? BWK makes all manner of silly claims ... among them that Trump has been proven guilty of pretty much every crime in the book (yet never convicted of any) but can't seem to explain why our hysterical House Dems still refuse to initiate impeachment proceedings. Can you help him out with that?
TIA. :lol:
Um, okay, so the rules are that they can't indict until out of office. And second, Dems will be working on hearings and impeachment proceedings if Trump keeps obstructing and breaking the law, while having others cover for him.

Time to impeach when you have Trump using his own lawyers to instruct Cohen through emails to keep it all under wraps about Trump Tower Moscow. We are way past time that this thug and the rest of his mafia crew needs to be put on ice. Why should Cohen be the only one to fall in this criminal ring who was working for Trump? What a horrible situation we find ourselves with this mobster type president. Unbelievable!

^^^ Desperate is as desperate does ^^^
And desperate is for those who bring a basket of shit to a real debate. Why did you bring us a basket of shit?

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Projection ^^^

But keep up the pathetic work! That's how we'll get Trump 2020!
With his criminal rap sheet, I doubt it. But I do think demonic forces such as Trump cultism will have an effect. A sad reality, but true.

Oh Jeebus, get help.
Do you ever debate anything? Seriously?
Hysteria is defined as physical evidence. A new schick is not necessary;


a video of Nurse Wretched

All these losers show up to make fools of themselves with no rebuttals. You people are too pitiful.

You called Trump a mob boss. Taking you seriously is impossible.

The evidence doesn't have to take you seriously.

Clearly you are not well educated. Please show us in the video, point to a specific time when she is presenting FACTS, and not opinion.

You do know the difference don't you? oh...wait. You're a progressive. Probably not.

This one is utterly clueless, that's what makes this thread epic!

He seems like Guno, though.
So ... what are you waiting for?
I'm not waiting on anything. I'm already calling for hearings, then impeachment. Time to get rid of this worthless piece of shit.
On what grounds?
It’s so sad to see people as uninformed as you are
Really? BWK makes all manner of silly claims ... among them that Trump has been proven guilty of pretty much every crime in the book (yet never convicted of any) but can't seem to explain why our hysterical House Dems still refuse to initiate impeachment proceedings. Can you help him out with that?
TIA. :lol:
Um, okay, so the rules are that they can't indict until out of office. And second, Dems will be working on hearings and impeachment proceedings if Trump keeps obstructing and breaking the law, while having others cover for him.

Provide one example of Trump "obstructing and breaking the law", Douchelord Guno. It has to be documented, dumbass.
Yes, the truth that there was no conspiracy between Trump and the Russians. Had the investigation not been done, we would still be hearing from the usual suspects that there was. You know, because they have to time to read stuff the investigators couldn't.
Conspiracy was not proven yet. SDNY is not done. Collusion was proven. Obstruction was a slam dunk. And it was all because of the investigations that exposed Trump's criminality. I noticed you haven't challenged Nadler's quoted reading of obstruction by Mueller aimed at Trump through McGhan. Cat got your type writer? Nadler: 'We will hold this president accountable — one way, or the other.'

You do realize the fed prosecutor at the SDNY works for Barr, who works for Trump.
Are you saying they will fire SDNY to protect Trump from criminal liability?

I think what he's saying is that the Southern District of New York is just part of the Department of Justice, which reports to Mr. Barr and Mr. Trump. It isn't its own independent branch of government.

Do you think that US attorneys should be independent and unfirable?
And other than to corrupt SDNY which has criminal evidence against Trump, tell us why Barr would stop them from investigating? With evidence against Trump, other than his own criminal intent would Barr put the breaks on the investigation.

If Mr. Barr has determined otherwise, that there was no mens rea or criminal intent, he can decide to prosecute or not prosecute.

It has nothing to do with "corruption" at all. It has to do with prosecutorial discretion. If President Trump wants the whole SDNY fired, they are fired.

Now, after President Trump leaves office, if the libs ever get in, they can certainly fire all of President Trump's appointees and put a bunch of radicals in there. That's what Clinton did in 1993, it could be done again.

Time to impeach when you have Trump using his own lawyers to instruct Cohen through emails to keep it all under wraps about Trump Tower Moscow. We are way past time that this thug and the rest of his mafia crew needs to be put on ice. Why should Cohen be the only one to fall in this criminal ring who was working for Trump? What a horrible situation we find ourselves with this mobster type president. Unbelievable!

Oh Gee. A thread that starts with a link to an MSNBC story quoting the words of a defrocked attorney proven unfaithful and unreliable who has everything to gain by aiding the Democrats by saying as much crazy unverifiable shit about Trump as possible to save his own ass and HE is your source for info?
Evidence of what? Collusion? Didn't happen. Sorry, but it didn't...
The case was laid out to you, and like a coward, instead of debating the testimony by Mueller, you switch to Clinton. You're a coward and a loser. Get lost. You have nothing to debate.
And he borrows from foreign banks for interest payments not "favors". American banks usually aren't allowed to engage in higher risk investments like President Trump deals with.
Which is why he uses them for money laundering, bank fraud, and Insurance fraud, and they let him, because they know that he can help them out if he gets elected.
Adult discourse or "debate" as you call it requires facts and honesty or it breaks down into the childish BS you post. Have you any evidence that Trump uses foreign banks "for money laundering, bank fraud, and Insurance fraud" as you claim because he has done big biz for decades and has not only never been convicted of any of that, he's never even been charged.

Again, we do not prosecute and should not persecute any American for crimes that exist only in your angry, bitter, frustrated mind.
Not even on my worst day could I get something so wrong, as to say that any bank would let any John Doe borrow hundreds of millions of dollars, and not be guaranteed a return on that investment. And so, how would I guarantee that again? Take a wild guess? This isn't rocket science chief. It's just guaranteed money. And who in the world was desperate enough for so much cash who couldn't get a loan in the US after many different failed business ventures ending in bankruptcy go and get that kind of loan overseas, and who was willing to do any number of things with that money?
I'm not waiting on anything. I'm already calling for hearings, then impeachment. Time to get rid of this worthless piece of shit.
On what grounds?
It’s so sad to see people as uninformed as you are
Really? BWK makes all manner of silly claims ... among them that Trump has been proven guilty of pretty much every crime in the book (yet never convicted of any) but can't seem to explain why our hysterical House Dems still refuse to initiate impeachment proceedings. Can you help him out with that?
TIA. :lol:
Um, okay, so the rules are that they can't indict until out of office. And second, Dems will be working on hearings and impeachment proceedings if Trump keeps obstructing and breaking the law, while having others cover for him.

Provide one example of Trump "obstructing and breaking the law", Douchelord Guno. It has to be documented, dumbass.
That's already been provided. You just aren't paying attention as always and are too damn sorry to look; Nadler: 'We will hold this president accountable — one way, or the other.'

Ha, tell us again how you aren't going to take the time to debate something from a link, while trying to make everyone believe you can debate something without any information, because you're too damn lazy to look for yourself.
Evidence of what? Collusion? Didn't happen. Sorry, but it didn't...
The case was laid out to you, and like a coward, instead of debating the testimony by Mueller, you switch to Clinton. You're a coward and a loser. Get lost. You have nothing to debate.
And he borrows from foreign banks for interest payments not "favors". American banks usually aren't allowed to engage in higher risk investments like President Trump deals with.
Which is why he uses them for money laundering, bank fraud, and Insurance fraud, and they let him, because they know that he can help them out if he gets elected.
Adult discourse or "debate" as you call it requires facts and honesty or it breaks down into the childish BS you post. Have you any evidence that Trump uses foreign banks "for money laundering, bank fraud, and Insurance fraud" as you claim because he has done big biz for decades and has not only never been convicted of any of that, he's never even been charged.

Again, we do not prosecute and should not persecute any American for crimes that exist only in your angry, bitter, frustrated mind.
Not even on my worst day could I get something so wrong, as to say that any bank would let any John Doe borrow hundreds of millions of dollars, and not be guaranteed a return on that investment. And so, how would I guarantee that again? Take a wild guess? This isn't rocket science chief. It's just guaranteed money. And who in the world was desperate enough for so much cash who couldn't get a loan in the US after many different failed business ventures ending in bankruptcy go and get that kind of loan overseas, and who was willing to do any number of things with that money?

Some loans are riskier than others, and the lender gets compensated with a higher return.

standard and poor and other outfits rate public offerings as "AAA" or less depending on the riskiness.

It isn't a moral judgment being made about the borrower, just how good he is for the loan in question.

When B. Hussein O was in charge of America, example given, America got downgraded. With Obama's risky schemes, you'll have that kind of thing.

Time to impeach when you have Trump using his own lawyers to instruct Cohen through emails to keep it all under wraps about Trump Tower Moscow. We are way past time that this thug and the rest of his mafia crew needs to be put on ice. Why should Cohen be the only one to fall in this criminal ring who was working for Trump? What a horrible situation we find ourselves with this mobster type president. Unbelievable!

Oh Gee. A thread that starts with a link to an MSNBC story quoting the words of a defrocked attorney proven unfaithful and unreliable who has everything to gain by aiding the Democrats by saying as much crazy unverifiable shit about Trump as possible to save his own ass and HE is your source for info?
And the best part about it is, you'll never prove it wrong, because you can't. So you came here with a bucket of shit, and you'll be leaving with a bigger bucket than when you came.

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