This Is Europa

Kellygirl is a new gal here. I just thought I would send her the notice cuz she is having issues.

If she's having issues, why would this thread help her?
I dunno. I guess cuz there are no black or brown faces in either vid? And that is where kellygirl is having probs. With black and brown faces.

We are the Continent of Our Ancestors and we will stay the Continent of Our Ancestors.
I hope so.
What the hell is wrong with Europeans? Xenophobia be damned. Defend your birthright, defend and stand by your culture. Don't wimp out and go all leftist equivocating self hating on us now.

Yes, how can we be Xenophobic? We can't, impossible, Europa is more than 30 nations, the majority with different languages, cultures, customs etc....we embrace ALL are nations of Europa and ALL her peoples....we are they and they are us, we are one Continent, shared and loved.

We are not Xenophobic, impossible with such natural diversity.
Really? after the wars and religious/political intrigues, the purges and pogroms and the ...whatever. It's comforting to hear that. Islam will wash all that out of the old system. Sharia law will fix things right up.

No Islam. No Sharia Law. This isn't going to be ask yourself is there something that you love down to your soul that you're prepared to die for to keep alive?

For many of us the answer is Europa, because Europa IS OUR soul.
Kellygirl is a new gal here. I just thought I would send her the notice cuz she is having issues.

If she's having issues, why would this thread help her?
I dunno. I guess cuz there are no black or brown faces in either vid? And that is where kellygirl is having probs. With black and brown faces.

We are the Continent of Our Ancestors and we will stay the Continent of Our Ancestors.
I hope so.

Our Ancestors have bequeathed our Continent to each generation, this generation are it's Guardians and we intend to bequeath it to future generations.
Well, good luck with your intentions. Sometimes that does not work out so well, though. Merkel is still in control of Germany, right? 1 million have been invited in, right?
Muslim countries either exclude or tax non Muslims. We in the west need to lay off the political correctness and just apply the same standards to Muslim immigrants. Or Muslim countries lay off THEIR brand of XENOPHOBIA, or western countries boycott or ban immigrants from their countries across the board, period. I think that is equitable.
Well, good luck with your intentions. Sometimes that does not work out so well, though. Merkel is still in control of Germany, right? 1 million have been invited in, right?

Merkel won't be in charge much longer, say June, new leader, a real leader, a Patriot.
Muslim countries either exclude or tax non Muslims. We in the west need to lay off the political correctness and just apply the same standards to Muslim immigrants. Or Muslim countries lay off THEIR brand of XENOPHOBIA, or western countries boycott or ban immigrants from their countries across the board, period. I think that is equitable.

It's quite simple, Muslims belong in Muslim nations. If they INSIST on having one last Christian Crusade against them, I'm sure this can be arranged.
Well, good luck with your intentions. Sometimes that does not work out so well, though. Merkel is still in control of Germany, right? 1 million have been invited in, right?

God is with us, God isn't with the Athiest Leftists, He is with us, this is why we'll win, we are blessed by Him, they are cursed by Him.

We have a soul, which is encased in Europa, the Athiest Leftists have no soul.
Muslim countries either exclude or tax non Muslims. We in the west need to lay off the political correctness and just apply the same standards to Muslim immigrants. Or Muslim countries lay off THEIR brand of XENOPHOBIA, or western countries boycott or ban immigrants from their countries across the board, period. I think that is equitable.

It's quite simple, Muslims belong in Muslim nations. If they INSIST on having one last Christian Crusade against them, I'm sure this can be arranged.
I concur. If they want to DIE for Allah, I have no problem with the west killing them for PEACE. A vicious cycle, unfortunate for innocent people period.
Muslim countries either exclude or tax non Muslims. We in the west need to lay off the political correctness and just apply the same standards to Muslim immigrants. Or Muslim countries lay off THEIR brand of XENOPHOBIA, or western countries boycott or ban immigrants from their countries across the board, period. I think that is equitable.

It's quite simple, Muslims belong in Muslim nations. If they INSIST on having one last Christian Crusade against them, I'm sure this can be arranged.
I concur. If they want to DIE for Allah, I have no problem with the west killing them for PEACE. A vicious cycle, unfortunate for innocent people period.

Yes, they have brought this to us, so Let's Bring It On can be arranged. We must preserve our Western Civilisation from this 7th Century Satanic Cult.

We've had multiple Christian Crusades from Europa during many Centuries, if need be, we can do this one more time.

Our Inspiration Karl der Große, who the French called Charlemagne.

I don't wish harm on anyone. Muslims? I never had a problem with them until 9/11. I came down with a bad case of Islamaphobia. Islam infected me with this. The cure? Bombing the holly whatzit out of Mecca, might inoculate me. But Arabs, the oil money, petroleum, seems to wash away a vast multitude of sins. Not in my mind I will ever forgive the Saudis for that, and that high falutin' phony ass religion of theirs. Nope. Allah ballah my sweet ASS.
Sadly...I think it's already too late to save Europa from the Islamic takeover.

Europa woke up too late ...and even if they want to ...what are they going to do with the rapefugees? where are they going to send them?

It's called the continent of Eurabia now. :(
Muslim countries either exclude or tax non Muslims. We in the west need to lay off the political correctness and just apply the same standards to Muslim immigrants. Or Muslim countries lay off THEIR brand of XENOPHOBIA, or western countries boycott or ban immigrants from their countries across the board, period. I think that is equitable.
----------------------------------- the only thing that will work is exclusion and deportation . Everything else is just talk MaryL !!
Sadly...I think it's already too late to save Europa from the Islamic takeover.

Europa woke up too late ...and even if they want to ...what are they going to do with the rapefugees? where are they going to send them?

It's called the continent of Eurabia now. :(
might be correct Skye !!
Sadly...I think it's already too late to save Europa from the Islamic takeover.

Europa woke up too late ...and even if they want to ...what are they going to do with the rapefugees? where are they going to send them?

It's called the continent of Eurabia now. :(

What you talking about? This is's 0.04% Eurabia....we have 506 MILLION peoples, majority Christian.
Sadly...I think it's already too late to save Europa from the Islamic takeover.

Europa woke up too late ...and even if they want to ...what are they going to do with the rapefugees? where are they going to send them?

It's called the continent of Eurabia now. :(
might be correct Skye !!

I am.

Sadly...I think it's already too late to save Europa from the Islamic takeover.

Europa woke up too late ...and even if they want to ...what are they going to do with the rapefugees? where are they going to send them?

It's called the continent of Eurabia now. :(

What you talking about? This is's 0.04% Eurabia....we have 506 MILLION peoples, majority Christian.
----------------------------- well , time to get busy Lucy , I am rooting for for you guys !!

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