This is fun...


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
... the democrats are scurrying around like chickens with their heads cut off, little spokesboy and white house liar jay-jay is getting tongue tied, and their leadership is in serious, SERIOUS hot water. Just... ALL OF A SUDDEN... the bottom is falling out of the democrat party. Could it be they've just pushed their hand a little too far? Could it be that people are just getting sick of their arrogance and lies? Could it be that people are sick of getting their one sided agenda rammed down their throats? Could it be all of the above? Well, no matter how you look at it, the dems heads are REELING about Benghazi. So far they've had a cake walk and easily gotten away with anything, but this just didn't go away, even though... jay-jay speaking now... "IT HAPPENED A LONG TIME AGO"... as if you can KILL someone and then just wait awhile and no longer be GUILTY. Well, the dems are in FULL DAMAGE CONTROL MODE now, but they're losing partners almost by the hour. Even one of their own mouth pieces, CBS, is now covering the developing disaster of Benghazi. There is BLOOD IN THE WATER folks, LIBROID blood, and it's flowing from the TOP DOWN. Yup, I can see OBAMA IMPEACHED and HILLARY indicted at the very least, and even then more heads will probably roll. No need to sugar coat it now or pretend it isn't coming. Obama and his administration have finally screwed the pooch, and now it's time to pay.
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How hard will the left fight to prop up their failed regime?

As the bubble heads here are doing, they'll deny, lie, deflect and obfuscate right down to the ship sinking out of sight. We know it, we expect it, they're doing it.
What crimes will they be charged with? Serious question because you can't impeach someone simply because you dont like them.

Giving the order to stand down.

Conspiracy to cover up.


Lying to congress.

Lying to the American people.

Absolute FAILURE to do your job.

Need more?
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Even some of the democrat politicians are starting to ask the questions. It is getting bad when your own side is wondering.

There are some dems smart enough to know when to stop acting dumb. The ship is sinking, fast, they have to either chose to be on the ship or bail. The smart ones will bail.

Sometimes the crimes committed are just too big, and it's just impossible to cover them up. That's what's happened with Benghazi.
What crimes will they be charged with? Serious question because you can't impeach someone simply because you dont like them.

Giving the order to stand down.

Conducting a cover up.


Lying to congress.

Lying to the American people.

Need more?

More than just the word of a stranger on the net yes.

Im not saying you're wrong I just haven't seen the evidence for myself. I amwwaiting to see what the so called whistle blowers have to offer.

I do believe this whole situation was botched from the beginning but criminal intent I have yet to see evidence of.
Nothing is going to actually happen to Obama or Hillary.
They will spin it so much, mixed in with lies, in order to get the people so confused they won't know what is true. The left are very good at doing this. This is done especially for the low uninformed voters who don't really follow politics.
They will use the blame game and get someone who is under them to be fired or like they have been doing lately, suspended with or without pay and moved to another position.
Don't get your hopes up. Our First Black President cannot be allowed to fail.
I disagree. My bet is there's already impeachment papers being readied against obama as we speak.

The great black president experiment has failed, miserably, time to admit it.

This is what you get when you elect a little radical, raised by commies, with ZERO experience at ANYTHING other than COMMUNITY ORGANIZING.
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What crimes will they be charged with? Serious question because you can't impeach someone simply because you dont like them.

Giving the order to stand down.

Conducting a cover up.


Lying to congress.

Lying to the American people.

Need more?

More than just the word of a stranger on the net yes.

Im not saying you're wrong I just haven't seen the evidence for myself. I amwwaiting to see what the so called whistle blowers have to offer.

I do believe this whole situation was botched from the beginning but criminal intent I have yet to see evidence of.
Fair enough... keep your eye on the news for the next few days.
If you guys play it I am sure you will get to explode with outrage, jump up and down with excitement, claim victory, dream about a GOP resurgence and yell "We Told You So" in the direction of your nearest liberal. All before the hearings on Wednesday.

Then, when nothing happens.....and no charges are filed and no impeachment proceeding will get to revel in your perennial victimhood. You get to tell us how stupid we all are, how Obama is a slick spin master, and how the media is in his pocket....protecting him from the law!

Fucking dummies.
And let's withhold any judgments about the Boston bombers until after the trial...
Dems have the White House locked up till at least 2020

Republicans will struggle to hold the House in 2014 and look like they have blown their chance to take the Senate. They may lose another House seat today
If you guys play it I am sure you will get to explode with outrage, jump up and down with excitement, claim victory, dream about a GOP resurgence and yell "We Told You So" in the direction of your nearest liberal. All before the hearings on Wednesday.

Then, when nothing happens.....and no charges are filed and no impeachment proceeding will get to revel in your perennial victimhood. You get to tell us how stupid we all are, how Obama is a slick spin master, and how the media is in his pocket....protecting him from the law!

Fucking dummies.

They will blame the media as usual
Dems have the White House locked up till at least 2020

Republicans will struggle to hold the House in 2014 and look like they have blown their chance to take the Senate. They may lose another House seat today

No they don't. They chose to put gays and the war on guns ahead of the economy... Do you think the country didn't see that?
A CEO, a Conservative and a Liberal walk into a room. There are ten cookies on the table. The CEO takes nine and whispers to the Conservative.......Liberals trying to take your cookie

Where did the cookies come from? Didn't you ever read The Little Red Hen?

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