This is going to be on my Thanksgiving table

I have very simple tastes in my Thanksgiving side dishes. I like my sweet potatoes and squash just mashed with butter and salt and pepper. Yumm. I can't wait for Thanksgiving dinner. No Vegducken going on here! ;) Lol!
I'm making a pumpkin cream pie with a snickerdoodle cookie crust too bad you won't try it

Well, snacks are another story. :D I like most snacks, but I am picky about my veggies.
i learned the hard way....never serve the recipe the first time at a dinner....for others.....the cream puffs looked great...small balls of ice cream snuggled in them...and it was the age of pots of chocolate down the table...12 largests to be so was all so new and grand and i was young with little or no experience....everything has gone smoothly....everyone loved the meal.....everyone was so impressed by the lay out the table the pots of chocolate......they stabbed the cream puffs....with such smile of anticipation.....whirled them in the chocolate....and smiled as they bite into them....the first chew was happy....then they began to spit them out....omg....i froze ...imagine a table of dinner guests spitting out what is now a chewed pile of cream puff, ice cream and chocolate....go there with me....i can still smell the candles...hear the music...interrupted only by gagging sounds

i now know that recipes have misprints......1/4 cup of salt....was what it said...1/4 teaspoon of salt was what it meant to say..the cream puffs were like a salt lick....i didnt test them...
i am just hating on you right now......pumpkin cream pie...hit me up with the recipe and i will start taking all the good outta it lol

  • 1 can (15 ounces) pure pumpkin puree
  • 2 large eggs
  • 3/4 cup packed light-brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon, plus more for serving
  • 1 teaspoon pumpkin-pie spice
  • 1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 1 teaspoon unflavored gelatin, (from a 1/4-ounce envelope)
  • 1 1/2 cups heavy cream
  • 1/4 cup granulated sugar
  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Press a sheet of aluminum foil onto crust, draping over rim of pie plate. To blind-bake: Fill with dried beans or pie weights. Bake until edge of crust is firm, about 20 minutes. Remove beans and foil; let crust cool completely, and set aside.

  2. Reduce heat to 350 degrees. Make filling: In a medium bowl, whisk together pumpkin, eggs, sugar, cinnamon, pie spice, vanilla, and salt; whisk in cream. Pour mixture into cooled crust; place pie plate on a rimmed baking sheet. Bake until filling is set, about 1 hour. Let cool on a wire rack, 1 hour; refrigerate to cool completely, about 2 hours.

  3. Make topping: Place 3 tablespoons cold water in a small saucepan; sprinkle with gelatin, and let soften, about 5 minutes. Place pan over very low heat; stir until gelatin dissolves. Let cool slightly. In a large bowl, using an electric mixer, beat cream and sugar until very soft peaks form. While beating, slowly add gelatin mixture; continue to beat until soft peaks form.

  4. With a rubber spatula, mound topping in center of chilled pie. Refrigerate at least 1 hour more (or up to 1 day). Sprinkle with more cinnamon before serving.
FOr the crust

    • 1 package Enjoy Life ® Snickerdoodle cookies
    • 3 tbsp. margarine (melted) or substitute
    • 1 tsp. vanilla
    • 1/3 cup brown sugar
    • 1/2 Cup coconut or chopped nuts (optional)

    1. Process in the food processor until well combined. Place in a 9" pie shell. Press down and smooth it up the sides. Bake at 350 for eight minutes. Let cool. Fill as desired
Of course you can use home made cookies too but I stick with the store bought to save time
I'm sticking with good ole American apple pie! My mom will make one, but I will make one for myself at home too. ;) I also make an extra batch of my mom's famous pork stuffing because she never gives me enough leftovers of that!
yeppers when i watched that....i got all quiet.....the original show ...i didnt stop cooking but i will admit the gentlemen was well off and we ate out a lot after that.....and he held dinner parties at select restaurants after that....and paid for several cooking classes for me....
yeppers when i watched that....i got all quiet.....the original show ...i didnt stop cooking but i will admit the gentlemen was well off and we ate out a lot after that.....and he held dinner parties at select restaurants after that....and paid for several cooking classes for me....

And you ended up marrying Grumpy?
i am not on insulin....that is such a misnomer..that we are all on insulin...we may all be one day but not today .....metformin is the drug of d2's...500 mgs 2x a day...which reminds me....i need to test and eat....that is what i really have to eat well...i hate eating breakfast and i hate oatmeal...without milk or sugar or better....i know the roman armies traveled on oatmeal but damn....dont get me started....i love fruit cake do we all know how i got to be d2? so the other day...i am there ..there is fruit cake....i debate how much i like the littlest piggie..and look...37 fucking grams of sugar in one serving....and we know i am not gonna stop at one and little piggie cried all the way home...but left it there...
If you like sweet stuff, you should check out my recipe for cranberry salad on my Thanksgiving recipes thread. Once you have that, you will never want plain old cranberry sauce again. That is a recipe from my grandmother and it is SOOO good. I highly recommend it. :)

Here is a link for it. It's the first post.

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i learned the hard way....never serve the recipe the first time at a dinner....for others.....the cream puffs looked great...small balls of ice cream snuggled in them...and it was the age of pots of chocolate down the table...12 largests to be so was all so new and grand and i was young with little or no experience....everything has gone smoothly....everyone loved the meal.....everyone was so impressed by the lay out the table the pots of chocolate......they stabbed the cream puffs....with such smile of anticipation.....whirled them in the chocolate....and smiled as they bite into them....the first chew was happy....then they began to spit them out....omg....i froze ...imagine a table of dinner guests spitting out what is now a chewed pile of cream puff, ice cream and chocolate....go there with me....i can still smell the candles...hear the music...interrupted only by gagging sounds

i now know that recipes have misprints......1/4 cup of salt....was what it said...1/4 teaspoon of salt was what it meant to say..the cream puffs were like a salt lick....i didnt test them...
I did that with a cherry pie I was cooking for a girlfriend once. She handed me a container and said it was sugar. Turned out to be salt. The first and only bite was a shock.
yeppers when i watched that....i got all quiet.....the original show ...i didnt stop cooking but i will admit the gentlemen was well off and we ate out a lot after that.....and he held dinner parties at select restaurants after that....and paid for several cooking classes for me....

And you ended up marrying Grumpy?

how funny...when i was dating....i did date rather wealthy gentlemen.....i liked that can marry more money in 20 minutes than you can make in a life time....and yes it takes me back when i find out one of my ex lives in manhatten blah blah blah....married to a younger lady.....cradle robber lol

i had a was a good plan.....unfortunately for me.....i never foresaw the wickedness of love at first sight.....
there was no prenup...grumpy was broke....hell grumpy was married the first time i laid eyes on him......but not the 2nd....i have loved him from the moment i laid eyes on him....i know that sounds so pollyanna in blue jeans but its true....damn it

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