This is Her Defense? Kamala Harris Comes Up with BS Excuse When Asked About Her Vicious Attacks Against Biden During Primary Debates

its amazing how many people fall for the bullshit these people throw out there.....dont forget she is part of the 20 percent congress....
and she is dumb and racist
..Hillary/etc did the same thing---saying shit on the other Dems and then backing them !!!!! hahahhahahahha
..they call each other the DEVIL!!--then they back them after the primaries
Ted Cruz. Now STFU.
Wow! Ted Cruz is now running as Trump's VP? :omg:
Nope but he did turn into a Trump superfan after Trump personally insulted his family. He's a spineless jellyfish just like every other republican that betrayed everything they ever said they stood for to to follow Trump down the path to authoritarian rule.

President Trump criticized the looks of Cruz's old lady. Different men have different tastes in broads. Trump prefers the Super Model type. Ted has different tastes apparently.

As 2 hombres, they patched up that feud.
Nope but he did turn into a Trump superfan after Trump personally insulted his family.
Nope, Cruz went after Melania first. And they have had years to come to terms. And no, Trump hasn't asked him to be his fucking RUNNING MATE. Running mate says this perrson is the closest thing to a mirror image of you. Harris is Biden's FIRST, BEST choice of someone who holds HIS values? The woman practically roasted Joe alive. What a freeking JOKE.
and she is dumb and racist
..Hillary/etc did the same thing---saying shit on the other Dems and then backing them !!!!! hahahhahahahha
..they call each other the DEVIL!!--then they back them after the primaries
Ted Cruz. Now STFU.

Sen. Cruz didn't support Trump until October 2016 and wasn't his running mate.
He's worse than that. He's a willing collaborator knowing full well what a nasty unscrupulous asshole Trump is.
The rules have changed since trump got elected.
Another BULLSHIT, STRAWMAN COP-OUT. The "rules" have changed? So now you have to elect a CONFESSED BRUTAL LIAR who lied through her teeth to beat Joe in the primary who obviously now is prepared to brutally LIE THROUGH HER TEETH again as a professional ACTOR and stand up there smiling to all you idiots every day telling you Joe is "her man?" :dig:
So now you have to elect

Don't Care.
trump has LIED daily. That man cannot speak without LYING.
And you want to call out someone else for LYING.

This is RICH.

Unless, well unless you actually believe that trump doesn't lie constantly. Is that it?
Nope but he did turn into a Trump superfan after Trump personally insulted his family.
Nope, Cruz went after Melania first. And they have had years to come to terms. And no, Trump hasn't asked him to be his fucking RUNNING MATE. Running mate says this perrson is the closest thing to a mirror image of you. Harris is Biden's FIRST, BEST choice of someone who holds HIS values? The woman practically roasted Joe alive. What a freeking JOKE.
Nope. The running mate has typically been the attack dog while the presidential candidate takes the optimistic high road. Kind of got it backwards with Trump.
Unbelievable! What a liar she is.
I think what Kamala is trying to say is that she'd say ANYTHING to win a nomination and now that that has failed...she'd say ANYTHING to win an election! Which basically means you can trust what comes out of Kamala Harris' mouth about as much as you could trust one of the Clinton's!

Kamela has SAID IT.
  • She will say or do ANYTHING to win the primary. And when that didn't work,
  • She will now stand up there and swallow her pride and say and do anything, flatter and praise a man she reviles, tell the country what a great leader he will be, after telling us he was practically shit on burnt toast a few months earlier!
Can you imagine such a power-mad crazed animal getting into the White House, what she might be capable of?
So now you have to elect
Don't Care.
trump has LIED daily.
Every president says untrue things daily. You're obviously an idiot who does not differentiate harmless white lies from the kind of power-hungry mad lies Harris has told and will be willing to tell, just to get a shot at the WH.

You're the kind of dangerous idiot that would justify MURDER just because someone else has killed before.
Look at the two sides represented in this thread, and just what they admit about their own side would convince one to support neither.
You're the kind of dangerous idiot

It's fun to watch you implode.
trump is the dangerous one.

Neither you nor I can even come close to the harm he has caused.
Get over it. I did.
I have accepted trump for the criminal that 70% of the population believe he is.
I think part of the 30% faithful actually know trump is a criminal and you don't care.
and she is dumb and racist
..Hillary/etc did the same thing---saying shit on the other Dems and then backing them !!!!! hahahhahahahha
..they call each other the DEVIL!!--then they back them after the primaries
Ted Cruz. Now STFU.
We are in a totally new era now. If the Repubs take the House I fully expect impeachment proceedings on the Dem President. Nothing less will suffice. We are going to have the Rag tabloid style government in permanent place for now on.
Look at the two sides represented in this thread, and just what they admit about their own side would convince one to support neither.
I always think about that. We constantly see threads like this, and I wonder if the person who posted them actually thinks it's going to change any minds about who a person is voting for.

Both parties have plenty of ammo on the other, so it's just back and forth, back and forth.

Or maybe they're just flinging poo, who knows.
Sorry to spoil the party, but this whole thread is bullshit. There were no "vicious attacks" against Biden.

Point One: KH said that she was one of the "Negroes" who was bused as a child. Biden opposed forced busing to achieve racial integration. So what? Most Americans, Black and white, opposed forced busing and for the record, Congress never passed a single law requiring busing to achieve racial integration. In no way is this an accusation of racism on the part of Biden. At worst, it is a difference of opinion, with KH taking the less popular side.

Second, when Biden was accused of a number of sexual improprieties (most of them either harmless or nonsensical), KH said she was inclined to believe the accusers. So what? Maybe she had a conversation with Biden and he convinced her otherwise.

Now, when Trump slanders someone, he really slanders them. This shit is nothing.
Sorry to spoil the party, but this whole thread is bullshit. There were no "vicious attacks" against Biden.

Point One: KH said that she was one of the "Negroes" who was bused as a child. Biden opposed forced busing to achieve racial integration. So what? Most Americans, Black and white, opposed forced busing and for the record, Congress never passed a single law requiring busing to achieve racial integration. In no way is this an accusation of racism on the part of Biden. At worst, it is a difference of opinion, with KH taking the less popular side.

Second, when Biden was accused of a number of sexual improprieties (most of them either harmless or nonsensical), KH said she was inclined to believe the accusers. So what? Maybe she had a conversation with Biden and he convinced her otherwise.

Now, when Trump slanders someone, he really slanders them. This shit is nothing.
Come on, DG...if you watched that first debate, Kamala Harris first said she didn't believe Joe Biden was a racist and then ripped him a new one for hanging out with racists and voting for racist policies! Poor Joe didn't know what hit him...he made the same face as a guppy in a fish was a "somebody help me!" moment.
And it was far from "nothing"! If you remember, Biden took a huge dip in the polls...only turning it around with some big wins in the Southern primaries a month later.

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