This is how US/EU backed Kiev junta gets people to fight for them

Should remind us all of what kind of animal terrorist the poor Ukrainian people are dealing with. All the traitors should be disposed of or chased back to Russia.
The U.S. and Great Britain have stirred up this mess. It's what they do. They stir up messes all over the World. Countless Ukrainians dying, while asshole Biden's little brat son is getting rich. You can bet there will be Blow Back on this one.
Should remind us all of what kind of animal terrorist the poor Ukrainian people are dealing with. All the traitors should be disposed of or chased back to Russia.
You're ignorant beyond help, go back to fox news and the MSNBC land
The U.S. and Great Britain have stirred up this mess. It's what they do. They stir up messes all over the World. Countless Ukrainians dying, while asshole Biden's little brat son is getting rich. You can bet there will be Blow Back on this one.
Blowback for the American people, blast for politicians around the world - including Putin, who might get to play the peace maker in the end
Should remind us all of what kind of animal terrorist the poor Ukrainian people are dealing with. All the traitors should be disposed of or chased back to Russia.
You're ignorant beyond help, go back to fox news and the MSNBC land

You are the one posting a video of a Ukrainian kid that has been beaten while a POW by Russian terrorist and displayed for public viewing on a Russian video site. Geneva conventions views that as an international war crime. But the offenders are unrecognized terrorist thugs so they don't have to worry about international laws. Those who aid and abet them should however, at the very least be shamed and recognized as aiding and abetting terrorist. That would be rutube, the Russian government for allowing the video to go online and you for posting it here.
Should remind us all of what kind of animal terrorist the poor Ukrainian people are dealing with. All the traitors should be disposed of or chased back to Russia.
You're ignorant beyond help, go back to fox news and the MSNBC land

You are the one posting a video of a Ukrainian kid that has been beaten while a POW by Russian terrorist and displayed for public viewing on a Russian video site. Geneva conventions views that as an international war crime. But the offenders are unrecognized terrorist thugs so they don't have to worry about international laws. Those who aid and abet them should however, at the very least be shamed and recognized as aiding and abetting terrorist. That would be rutube, the Russian government for allowing the video to go online and you for posting it here.
Just because someone speaks Russian does not mean they are Russian terrorists - Eastern Ukraine borders Russia, and that is why the Russian and Ukrainian languages are very similar - I could claim I speak FOUR languages instead of 3, because understanding Russian I understand most of what Ukrainians say. SECOND, the video I originally found on LIVELEAK, - Ukraine today. Militia captured rocket launcher | RAW FOOTAGE | video there was a link to another site for more, and it is pretty ignorant to claim that a Russian speaking kid would be beaten by Russians to be used for propaganda purposes - the kid in the video speaks CLEAN Russian by the way, not Ukrainian. So how about you call the whole Kiev junta, the whole Ukraine "Russian territorists"... BUT THE BOTTOM LINE HERE IS what the Kid SAID about how and why he went there in the first place, THAT is what matters here, not the language they speak.
You're ignorant beyond help, go back to fox news and the MSNBC land

You are the one posting a video of a Ukrainian kid that has been beaten while a POW by Russian terrorist and displayed for public viewing on a Russian video site. Geneva conventions views that as an international war crime. But the offenders are unrecognized terrorist thugs so they don't have to worry about international laws. Those who aid and abet them should however, at the very least be shamed and recognized as aiding and abetting terrorist. That would be rutube, the Russian government for allowing the video to go online and you for posting it here.
Just because someone speaks Russian does not mean they are Russian terrorists - Eastern Ukraine borders Russia, and that is why the Russian and Ukrainian languages are very similar - I could claim I speak FOUR languages instead of 3, because understanding Russian I understand most of what Ukrainians say. SECOND, the video I originally found on LIVELEAK, - Ukraine today. Militia captured rocket launcher | RAW FOOTAGE | video there was a link to another site for more, and it is pretty ignorant to claim that a Russian speaking kid would be beaten by Russians to be used for propaganda purposes - the kid in the video speaks CLEAN Russian by the way, not Ukrainian. So how about you call the whole Kiev junta, the whole Ukraine "Russian territorists"... BUT THE BOTTOM LINE HERE IS what the Kid SAID about how and why he went there in the first place, THAT is what matters here, not the language they speak.

The kid in no different than any other conscript or soldier in any other army. They get drafted into service and told what to do. It makes no difference what side captures who. He has obviously been beaten and is being used as a propaganda instrument. Your posting is only justified as an aid to one sides propaganda. It is morally reprehensible and supportive of a reprehensible act.
You are the one posting a video of a Ukrainian kid that has been beaten while a POW by Russian terrorist and displayed for public viewing on a Russian video site. Geneva conventions views that as an international war crime. But the offenders are unrecognized terrorist thugs so they don't have to worry about international laws. Those who aid and abet them should however, at the very least be shamed and recognized as aiding and abetting terrorist. That would be rutube, the Russian government for allowing the video to go online and you for posting it here.
Just because someone speaks Russian does not mean they are Russian terrorists - Eastern Ukraine borders Russia, and that is why the Russian and Ukrainian languages are very similar - I could claim I speak FOUR languages instead of 3, because understanding Russian I understand most of what Ukrainians say. SECOND, the video I originally found on LIVELEAK, - Ukraine today. Militia captured rocket launcher | RAW FOOTAGE | video there was a link to another site for more, and it is pretty ignorant to claim that a Russian speaking kid would be beaten by Russians to be used for propaganda purposes - the kid in the video speaks CLEAN Russian by the way, not Ukrainian. So how about you call the whole Kiev junta, the whole Ukraine "Russian territorists"... BUT THE BOTTOM LINE HERE IS what the Kid SAID about how and why he went there in the first place, THAT is what matters here, not the language they speak.

The kid in no different than any other conscript or soldier in any other army. They get drafted into service and told what to do. It makes no difference what side captures who. He has obviously been beaten and is being used as a propaganda instrument. Your posting is only justified as an aid to one sides propaganda. It is morally reprehensible and supportive of a reprehensible act.
Much better than what US/EU backed Kiev junta is doing: - Shelling in Donetsk turns two hot chicks to corpses, four corpses on vid. [graphic!]
Should remind us all of what kind of animal terrorist the poor Ukrainian people are dealing with. All the traitors should be disposed of or chased back to Russia.

No all the traitors should be chased back to the US and Britain and Germany. We know who are the ones who gave up the Ukraine to the west with the blood of fellow Ukrainians on their hands.

This is a hard core Uk coming at you. Go fuck yourself Camp.
Hey PVSI notice how no media in the west is bitching about Kiev killing insurgents? Oh they were all on about it earlier this year weren't they?

How many dead? I still believe the right sector killed the protestors but that is an aside. But look now?

OMG rebels against Kiev are supposed to die according to the west. I hope my Prime Minister and I am a conservative CHOKES on it.
Government forces have retaken about half the real estate held by rebels in eastern Ukraine, but another plane was knocked down today, this one at 23,000 feet:

"A Ukrainian military transport plane was shot down Monday along the country's eastern border with Russia as fighting between government forces and pro-Russian rebels intensified.

"The Ukrainian military stepped up efforts to retake more territory in the city of Luhansk from the weakening insurgency, the Ukrainian Defense Ministry said Monday.

"Government defense officials said their troops have taken control of several villages on the fringe of Luhansk and reopened a corridor to the airport."

According to government sources, downing a plane at that altitude is beyond the capabilities of any weapons the rebels are known to possess.

With much of the world's attention focused on Gaza, perhaps all sides in Ukraine feel they have more room to rumble?

Military plane shot down by rocket in eastern Ukraine as fighting intensifies | Fox News
This hurts because this shouldn't be this way. But I want the east to fight. I want them to screw over Kiev. I'm going to be going to some very important meetings up and coming. I want Canadian Ukrainians to know the truth of what is happening.

This is NOT OVER.
Hey PVSI notice how no media in the west is bitching about Kiev killing insurgents? Oh they were all on about it earlier this year weren't they?

How many dead? I still believe the right sector killed the protestors but that is an aside. But look now?

OMG rebels against Kiev are supposed to die according to the west. I hope my Prime Minister and I am a conservative CHOKES on it.

The side you support are not insurgents. They are terrorist. Terrorist hide among the civilian population. They fire rockets and when the legitimate forces fire back in defense the terrorist run away. They like that civilians get killed. They point their fingers at the legitimate forces and blame them for the collateral damage that the terrorist set up to be collateral damage. They operate the same way Hamas and Hezbollah operate. That is what makes them terrorist.
Ukraine had a nationwide election on the 25th of May. They chose to keep Ukraine as one nation and not to separate and splinter off two regions into independent countries or parts of Russia. The people who you defend are the terrorist and thugs who refuse the will of the people. No one wants them in power. The Russians don't want them in power and the Russian speaking Ukrainians don't want them in power. Everyone in that region just wants them to go away, but Russia doesn't even want them. The worst of them are Chechen fighters with nowhere to really go except back to their homeland. Terrorist thugs, that is who you are speaking for.
Hey PVSI notice how no media in the west is bitching about Kiev killing insurgents? Oh they were all on about it earlier this year weren't they?

How many dead? I still believe the right sector killed the protestors but that is an aside. But look now?

OMG rebels against Kiev are supposed to die according to the west. I hope my Prime Minister and I am a conservative CHOKES on it.

The side you support are not insurgents. They are terrorist. Terrorist hide among the civilian population. They fire rockets and when the legitimate forces fire back in defense the terrorist run away. They like that civilians get killed. They point their fingers at the legitimate forces and blame them for the collateral damage that the terrorist set up to be collateral damage. They operate the same way Hamas and Hezbollah operate. That is what makes them terrorist.
Ukraine had a nationwide election on the 25th of May. They chose to keep Ukraine as one nation and not to separate and splinter off two regions into independent countries or parts of Russia. The people who you defend are the terrorist and thugs who refuse the will of the people. No one wants them in power. The Russians don't want them in power and the Russian speaking Ukrainians don't want them in power. Everyone in that region just wants them to go away, but Russia doesn't even want them. The worst of them are Chechen fighters with nowhere to really go except back to their homeland. Terrorist thugs, that is who you are speaking for.

The day I speak for Chechens is the day I'll kill myself Camp. I know who I speak for.

Camp. How Ukrainian are you? How dare you speak for me. You are now really starting to piss me clean off.

This is at the end of my road. Where I live Camp. Just a few steps away from my house. I go to it every day and stand in the wonder of my ancestors who braved this vicious land.

I am Ukrainian/ Irish. Probably the worst combo on the planet you ever want to piss off. :D

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This hurts because this shouldn't be this way. But I want the east to fight. I want them to screw over Kiev. I'm going to be going to some very important meetings up and coming. I want Canadian Ukrainians to know the truth of what is happening.

This is NOT OVER.
I'm with you. Kiev junta was elected by US/EU before the previous oligarch was even toppled - I believe it's all the same circus of establishment against the people
The U.S. and Great Britain have stirred up this mess. It's what they do. They stir up messes all over the World. Countless Ukrainians dying, while asshole Biden's little brat son is getting rich. You can bet there will be Blow Back on this one.
Blowback for the American people, blast for politicians around the world - including Putin, who might get to play the peace maker in the end

Spot On. Yeah, Globalist Elite assholes like Biden and his little brat will prosper. As usual, only the American People will suffer. They'll pay $Billions to make the Globalist Elites richer.
The U.S. and Great Britain have stirred up this mess. It's what they do. They stir up messes all over the World. Countless Ukrainians dying, while asshole Biden's little brat son is getting rich. You can bet there will be Blow Back on this one.
Blowback for the American people, blast for politicians around the world - including Putin, who might get to play the peace maker in the end

Spot On. Yeah, Globalist Elite assholes like Biden and his little brat will prosper. As usual, only the American People will suffer. They'll pay $Billions to make the Globalist Elites richer.

I suspect that like the uninformed dancer you haven't got a clue about who the power elite in that region are. Sounds like you are rooting for the Russian ones.
BTW, the American people aren't suffering. The Ukrainian people are suffering.

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