This is how weak Germany is.....

Are you capable of meaningful discussion? How is planned offensive on Odessa going?
I think that Russia may not be able to win the war against the combined strength of the foe.

But I'm much more sure that Russia won't lose without the entire world losing.

I think there's also a possibility of a split in support of America's aggression against Russia.

How do you see it ending?
I think that Russia may not be able to win the war against the combined strength of the foe.

But I'm much more sure that Russia won't lose without the entire world losing.

I think there's also a possibility of a split in support of America's aggression against Russia.

How do you see it ending?
I don't know how that will end. This war crushed so many stereotypes in my head that I am in a state of frustration. In February I was sure that it would take two weeks for Russia to crush Ukrainian army. That didn't happen.

In May I thought that retaking Kharkiv oblast and the west bank of Kherson oblast and freezing the war would be a 'win' for Ukraine. But then I thought that it was a wishful thinking from my part. Now that is reality.

I can say nothing. In any way, this war will have bad consequences for Russia and Ukraine.
No I agree. I've stated my opinion on what makes Russia right in my opinion.

But what can make Russia's military action to protect the regions in question wrong.

Can any invasion by any military aggressor of any country, be more 'wrong' than the Iraq experience?

We need to concentrate on the fact that two or multiple wrongs by America don't make a right.

That which can make a right is a closer analysis of the facts, beyond the propaganda blitz.

Quit shifting your focus on Americas one bullshit war. We're talking about the here and now war. "America Bad" is just a shill argument for liberals and communists.
I can say nothing.
YOU was right in your feelings, it´ll take a time but Moscow is without chances

Trump was right again....

The super-idiot Donald Trump never was right with anything what he said in his whole life about Germany. For to become the most weird president the USA ever had he used the entertainment-hate "evil Germans" to produce votes with his idiocies, that's all.

a look at how weak the German military is......

Germany sought to reassure Nato that it could still be relied on to lead the alliance’s rapid response task force even after all 18 of its most advanced armoured vehicles malfunctioned in a training exercise earlier this month.

Or with other words: The most expensive tank in the world with the very best equipment of the world and the most modern technology is 14 times a kind of piece of scrap metal after our soldiers tested it. Be happy that they did not test your tanks. (We tested only 14 tanks of this model under real operation conditions as far as I know and not 18).

Ukrainians are by the way welcome in Germany for the training course: "How to test Russian tanks to death?". We are experienced testers.
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The picture here shows by the way a weird Brit, stupid Prussian and criminal emperor over Germany who had been educated from Queen Victoria. And sure need pregnant women a special uniform, full-time idiot. Do you like to say the US-army has no uniform for pregnant women? What for is an army good? For to protect all and every life, isn't it?
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Germany has changed its attitude drastically. Instead of being the main 'advocate' of Russia some time ago, it is now one of the main supporters of Ukraine in the war with Russia. Basically, the Western Europe as a whole changed significantly in this regard.
I don't know how that will end. This war crushed so many stereotypes in my head that I am in a state of frustration. In February I was sure that it would take two weeks for Russia to crush Ukrainian army. That didn't happen.

I gave them 2 days.

In May I thought that retaking Kharkiv oblast and the west bank of Kherson oblast and freezing the war would be a 'win' for Ukraine. But then I thought that it was a wishful thinking from my part. Now that is reality.

I can say nothing. In any way, this war will have bad consequences for Russia and Ukraine.

... and Europe. But there will also be no good consequences for anyone else in the whole world. This war is stupid, senseless and criminal.
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Germany has changed its attitude drastically.

What a nonsense. Germany has changed absolutelly nothing.

Instead of being the main 'advocate' of Russia some time ago, it is now one of the main supporters of Ukraine in the war with Russia.

You are totally stupid, that's all. That's why you create such weird sentences. Also no one in the Ukraine calculated with a war of Russia on the Ukraine. And Nord Stream 2 never had the intention to weaken the Ukraine.

Basically, the Western Europe as a whole changed significantly in this regard.

? The Brits left the EU - that is what changed. One of the reasons for this weird action had been heavy political manipulations from the USA in Great Britain under Donald Trump. By the way: Did the USA destroy the pipelines Nord Stream 1+2?
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What a nonsense. Germany has changed absolutelly nothing.

You are totally stupid, that's all. That's why you create such weird sentences. Also no one in the Ukraine calculated with a war of Russia on the Ukraine. And Nord Stream 2 never had the intention to weaken the Ukraine.

? The Brits left the EU - that is what changed. One of the reasons for this weird action had been heavy political manipulations from the USA in Great Britain under Donald Trump. By the way: Did the USA destroy the pipelines Nord Stream 1+2?
Weird sentences? Okay, dude, you are an expert in weird sentences.

I think that some Western special services carried out this operation.
Weird sentences? Okay, dude, you are an expert in weird sentences.

I think that some Western special services carried out this operation.

You think "the western world" - whoever this is in this context - declared war on Germany by destroying this pipelines as it also declared war on England by manipulating their political system? Which "western world" attacked the political system of the USA on 6th of January two years ago?
You think "the western world" - whoever this is in this context - declared war on Germany by destroying this pipelines as it also declared war on England by manipulating their political system? Which "western world" attacked the political system of the USA on 6th of January two years ago?
Dude, are you an adult? What do you want to hear as an answer on these childish questions?
When all you have is ad hominem, you have nothing.

You sold a big part of Europe to Stalin, full-time idiot - while you helped the Polish, Czechs, Slovaks, Ukrainians and Russians to murder and to displace Germans in masses although Germany never did do anything bad to the USA. If Germany is doing absolutelly nothing in this conflict than Germany still would be a very very friendly nation. Instead of this we help more than a million refugees from the Ukraine and we support the Ukraine, Poland and many others - including the USA.

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