This is how weak Germany is.....

You sold a big part of Europe to Stalin, full-time idiot - while you helped the Polish, Czechs, Slovaks, Ukrainians and Russians to murder and to displace Germans in masses although Germany never did do anything bad to the USA. If Germany is doing absolutelly nothing in this conflict than Germany still would be a very very friendly nation. Instead of this we help more than a million refugees from the Ukraine and we support the Ukraine, Poland and many others - including the USA.

LOL. Keep blustering, idiot. Germany is a leech on the neck of the US/NATO after throwing the world into chaos for decades. Shitbag country for the last 80 years. First a fascist cancer on the earth, now a socialist dump that refuses to pull its weight.
LOL. Keep blustering, idiot. Germany is a leech on the neck of the US/NATO after throwing the world into chaos for decades.
Shitbag country for the last 80 years. First a fascist cancer on the earth, now a socialist dump that refuses to pull its weight.

Take your soldiers - leave Germany - now immediatelly - forever. On such a totally stupid base I discuss with no one. Germany never did do anything bad to the USA in the whole history of the USA. It is the USA who did do many bad things to Germany. Your hateful fake-moral is totally absurde.
What about to try to answer something what looks like it could be true?
These events are so different in nature of their cause, and are so complicated that it would take a whole thread for every one to discuss. Throwing them up in one pile just shows your lack of comprehensive thinking. Sorry, but I am not arguing with kids.
Trump was right again....a look at how weak the German military is......

Germany sought to reassure Nato that it could still be relied on to lead the alliance’s rapid response task force even after all 18 of its most advanced armoured vehicles malfunctioned in a training exercise earlier this month.

The former great country Germany is gone after reunification and relocation of the capital from free Bonn to communist Berlin
DDR 2.0 isn't former Germany, it's a communist dictatorship of the united cartel parties CSU-CDU-FDP-SPD-Lefts-Greens with their fluffy-bunny socialist 'opposition' AFD
Why it'd happened?
The former communist SED which run former DDR had stolen $$$ trillions from the people and invested money to subvert all political parties of the West Germany within
The current goal of the communist dictators in Berlin is completely annihilation of Germany industry, traditional society and people
Almost any leading 'politician' of the communist cartel is without any experience outside of politic, many are without any education, proper families and children
They know only hate against anyone who doesn't support their hard-core communist ideas
These events are so different in nature of their cause, and are so complicated that it would take a whole thread for every one to discuss. Throwing them up in one pile just shows your lack of comprehensive thinking. Sorry, but I am not arguing with kids.
Basically yes, they didn't see Russia as a threat.

Unimportant how Germany considers Russia now, all relations are broken for at least 100 years, Russia goes East and becomes an Asian Country soon
Germany is the Russian enemy # 1 today, even the three Baltic beggars and USA are more friendly to Russia
Take your soldiers - leave Germany - now immediatelly - forever. On such a totally stupid base I discuss with no one. Germany never did do anything bad to the USA in the whole history of the USA. It is the USA who did do many bad things to Germany. Your hateful fake-moral is totally absurde.

Boo-hoo. Sorry the mirror hurt your eyeballs.
LOL. Keep blustering, idiot. Germany is a leech on the neck of the US/NATO after throwing the world into chaos for decades. Shitbag country for the last 80 years. First a fascist cancer on the earth, now a socialist dump that refuses to pull its weight.

And as arrogant and insufferable as all get out. Constantly looking down their noses at Americans for our supposed "racism" and "slavery".

Really. REALLY?

No self-awareness whatsoever
Take your soldiers - leave Germany - now immediatelly - forever. On such a totally stupid base I discuss with no one. Germany never did do anything bad to the USA in the whole history of the USA. It is the USA who did do many bad things to Germany. Your hateful fake-moral is totally absurde.

Yeah, well, we liberated Dachau. So there's that.

Ask Poland, Hungary and just about the entire rest of Europe if we did any good there.

Germans have lost whatever little mind they had left, it's uncanny.
I mean, it is a step from when they decided to fight the world... Twice...

It was close too, both times.

You had a choice. If you had not to been a part of World War 1 then Germany, Austria-Hungaria and the Osman empire had won this war and the colonial empires England, France and Russia had lost and the world still would be a wonderful place without Nazis, Commies and Islamists.

Yeah, well, we liberated Dachau. So there's that.

Ask Poland, Hungary and just about the entire rest of Europe if we did any good there.

They love you because they never realized that you betrayed them - an interesting psychological and sociological phenomenon.

Germans have lost whatever little mind ...

Again an idiot who has not any idea what he tries to speak about.

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