This is how you stop gun crime...but they need even longer sentences...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Wisconsin is about to approve a mandatory 3 year sentence for felons found in possession of guns. If they commit a crime with the gun the minimum goes up to 8 years. Of course, these sentences are still too short...felons caught with guns should get 10 years and felons committing crimes with in prison if they don't actually murder or injure anyone...if they do they should get the death penalty.

Of course the democrats fought this bill......they wanted...wait for it........more money for social programs......which do nothing to stop felons from committing crime....and they were willing to stop this bill to get their demands.......democrats do not care about gun crime.....

Bill setting mandatory minimums for felons with guns heads to governor

The proposal, AB 220, would establish that felons found with a gun would have to be sentenced to a minimum of three years in prison. Those using a weapon in a violent crime would garner at least eight years.

Current Wisconsin state law, while authorizing a maximum $25,000 fine or a up to 10 years in prison for a felon who has lost their firearms rights to be found in possession of one, has no minimum sentencing guidelines, meaning judges can authorize little or no jail time for those found guilty.

This aspect earned the opposition of some lawmakers in the legislature, who felt it was the wrong approach to keeping neighborhoods safe if not coupled with social programs. As such, the bill was almost derailed in close committee votes including a narrow 3-2 approval from the Senate Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety, and an earlier 6-3 vote in the Assembly Committee on Corrections, in each instance strongly opposed by urban Democrats.

They create gun laws that do not stop gun criminals, and they oppose sentencing guidelines that would keep violent gun offenders off of their would leave one thinking they want the carnage from violent gun if it benefits them in some way..why else would they do everything to oppose dealing with actual gun crime...?
I thought felony with a gun was already a federal offence go for five first time.
If your solution is to get (more) serious about imprisonment for gun crime ----- how have you "stopped" the crime at all?
If you actually stopped the crime.............. YOU WOULDN'T NEED THE PRISON.

We lock up 2 million people now and have another 7 million on probation or parole. If we spent as much getting people jobs as we do locking them up, we'd have full employment right now.

Oh, and it's still tiny.
If your solution is to get (more) serious about imprisonment for gun crime ----- how have you "stopped" the crime at all?
If you actually stopped the crime.............. YOU WOULDN'T NEED THE PRISON.

:banghead: do you do that.....I know in the Tom Cruise movie "Minority Report" they had three psychics floating in a pool of water who could predict crimes before they you suggest that?
If your solution is to get (more) serious about imprisonment for gun crime ----- how have you "stopped" the crime at all?
If you actually stopped the crime.............. YOU WOULDN'T NEED THE PRISON.

:banghead: do you do that.....I know in the Tom Cruise movie "Minority Report" they had three psychics floating in a pool of water who could predict crimes before they you suggest that?

Ummm..... WHO titled this thread? I'll give you twenty minutes to look it up.

This is your idea. When I post mine you just go :lalala: -- 'member that? Mine however don't propose to "stop" something by describing what to do after you didn't stop it.
We lock up 2 million people now and have another 7 million on probation or parole. If we spent as much getting people jobs as we do locking them up, we'd have full employment right now.

Oh, and it's still tiny.

Dipstick....felons caught in the possession of a firearm are walking out of court sometimes without spending more than 90 days in jail......and as our police commissioner says criminal possession of a gun is a precursor to gun murder...

Note...not normal people with guns....criminals with guns.

We need to lock up violent criminals because they will injure or kill people.....

We have had more than a few high profile murders where the shooter should have been in prison but was out in under 2 years on a three year sentence.....
If your solution is to get (more) serious about imprisonment for gun crime ----- how have you "stopped" the crime at all?
If you actually stopped the crime.............. YOU WOULDN'T NEED THE PRISON.

:banghead: do you do that.....I know in the Tom Cruise movie "Minority Report" they had three psychics floating in a pool of water who could predict crimes before they you suggest that?

Ummm..... WHO titled this thread? I'll give you twenty minutes to look it up.

Oh...I think that there is a way to stop a gun crime before it happens....silly you....I mean stopping the future gun crimes of career gun murderers...once they are in jail for their first gun offense, or they are felons merely caught in the possession of a put them away for at least 10 years.....and the don't let them back out for a long keeps them from doing it while they are in...and ups the cost to thugs thinking about using a fact..up the sentence to 20 years...that should do the trick...

You don't keep letting them out to keep shooting at people or using guns to commit they are doing right now.....

And it doesn't have to be gun crime...any violent crime against another person...lock them up for 10 years.
Oh...I think that there is a way to stop a gun crime before it happens....

What does the word "stop" mean on your planet then, Sparky?

Traffic intersections must be interesting.
Dipstick....felons caught in the possession of a firearm are walking out of court sometimes without spending more than 90 days in jail......and as our police commissioner says criminal possession of a gun is a precursor to gun murder...

that sounds like a good reason to regulate guns, but not to throw more people in prison when the prisons we have are already bursting at the seems.

When we lock up more people than China (A communist dictatorship with four times as many people) I would say we are already on an incarceration bender.

Nobody who is falling-down drunk would be helped by another drink.

Note...not normal people with guns....criminals with guns.

We need to lock up violent criminals because they will injure or kill people.....

How do you know who "will" kill or injure people? Most gun killers never killed anyone in their life before that tragic argument over the last can of Milwaukee's Best.

James Holmes. Cho. Chris Mercer. Adam Lanza. Not a one of these guys had ever been in trouble with the law before.

Dylann Roof was caught stalking and with drugs, and he was able to get a gun anyway.

We have had more than a few high profile murders where the shooter should have been in prison but was out in under 2 years on a three year sentence.....

And we've had a lot of them who were crazier than batshit and were still able to get guns, anyway.

Here's the problem with the "lock htem up" mentality. We are already locking them up. Locking them up does no good. Probably makes matters worse because the guy who got the 3 year pot possession while black sentence isn't going to have any career options EXCEPT crime.
Oh...I think that there is a way to stop a gun crime before it happens....

What does the word "stop" mean on your planet then, Sparky?

Traffic intersections must be interesting.

See...when you catch a criminal committing a crime with a gun, or a felon in possession of a lock them up....that stops them from committing more gun crimes. And the magic of don't bother normal gun owners who don't commit crimes with guns...and your entire focus is people who actually break the law with a gun vs. making criminals out of normal gun owners over simple clerical errors.....

I know...I know...if you focus on criminals and not on normal gun can't punish normal gun owners for the sin of wanting to own and carry a gun for self defense....we know that is the real goal of licensing gun owners, registering guns and creating new and invasive universal background want to use them to trip up and criminalize normal gun owners....

But in the real world..we want to stop criminals...and save lives.....
Wisconsin is about to approve a mandatory 3 year sentence for felons found in possession of guns. If they commit a crime with the gun the minimum goes up to 8 years. Of course, these sentences are still too short...felons caught with guns should get 10 years and felons committing crimes with in prison if they don't actually murder or injure anyone...if they do they should get the death penalty.

Of course the democrats fought this bill......they wanted...wait for it........more money for social programs......which do nothing to stop felons from committing crime....and they were willing to stop this bill to get their demands.......democrats do not care about gun crime.....

Bill setting mandatory minimums for felons with guns heads to governor

The proposal, AB 220, would establish that felons found with a gun would have to be sentenced to a minimum of three years in prison. Those using a weapon in a violent crime would garner at least eight years.

Current Wisconsin state law, while authorizing a maximum $25,000 fine or a up to 10 years in prison for a felon who has lost their firearms rights to be found in possession of one, has no minimum sentencing guidelines, meaning judges can authorize little or no jail time for those found guilty.

This aspect earned the opposition of some lawmakers in the legislature, who felt it was the wrong approach to keeping neighborhoods safe if not coupled with social programs. As such, the bill was almost derailed in close committee votes including a narrow 3-2 approval from the Senate Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety, and an earlier 6-3 vote in the Assembly Committee on Corrections, in each instance strongly opposed by urban Democrats.

They create gun laws that do not stop gun criminals, and they oppose sentencing guidelines that would keep violent gun offenders off of their would leave one thinking they want the carnage from violent gun if it benefits them in some way..why else would they do everything to oppose dealing with actual gun crime...?
Longer sentences? Prisons are overcrowd now and nobody wants to build any more. The CBO stated that the federal prisons are 35% over maximum capacity. The US has the highest incarceration rate in the world and it's increasing. There are over 1800 state and federal prisons and correction facilities. And that doesn't include local city and county jails.

I think the problem is there're too many people in prison that shouldn't be there. As a result of overcrowded prisons and courts a lot of really bad people are being dumped back on the streets. We pass laws with minimum sentences but it's the prison system that decides where the person will do their time. An increasing number of felons are doing their time in very low security detention centers, house arrest, halfway houses, and city jails because there is no place to put them.
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Dipstick....felons caught in the possession of a firearm are walking out of court sometimes without spending more than 90 days in jail......and as our police commissioner says criminal possession of a gun is a precursor to gun murder...

that sounds like a good reason to regulate guns, but not to throw more people in prison when the prisons we have are already bursting at the seems.

When we lock up more people than China (A communist dictatorship with four times as many people) I would say we are already on an incarceration bender.

Nobody who is falling-down drunk would be helped by another drink.

Note...not normal people with guns....criminals with guns.

We need to lock up violent criminals because they will injure or kill people.....

How do you know who "will" kill or injure people? Most gun killers never killed anyone in their life before that tragic argument over the last can of Milwaukee's Best.

James Holmes. Cho. Chris Mercer. Adam Lanza. Not a one of these guys had ever been in trouble with the law before.

Dylann Roof was caught stalking and with drugs, and he was able to get a gun anyway.

We have had more than a few high profile murders where the shooter should have been in prison but was out in under 2 years on a three year sentence.....

And we've had a lot of them who were crazier than batshit and were still able to get guns, anyway.

Here's the problem with the "lock htem up" mentality. We are already locking them up. Locking them up does no good. Probably makes matters worse because the guy who got the 3 year pot possession while black sentence isn't going to have any career options EXCEPT crime.

How do you know who "will" kill or injure people? Most gun killers never killed anyone in their life before that tragic argument over the last can of Milwaukee's Best.

That is a lie....the majority of gun murder are committed by people with long histories of violent crime..they are not normal people who get mad at the wife for burning dinner...I have posted the shows reality, facts and the truth, which is why you ignore need to pretend it is normal people shooting other people....that is the only way you can try to justify gun control measures that only target law abiding gun owners.

The mass know your gun control laws don't stop them...ever....but you can use them to attack normal gun owners....all of the mass shooters either passed all of your stupid gun control laws...or stole their guns or bought them illegally......thereby getting around your gun control laws.....

And that you insist that more gun control laws, which those same nuts will obey, buy their gun and then murder people shows how mentally ill you really are.

Here's the problem with the "lock htem up" mentality. We are already locking them up. Locking them up does no good.

Wrong....wrong, and wrong again....we are not locking up these criminals......all of the criminal shooters that are captured are either out on parole for previous violent crimes or served short sentences for gun possession as criminals....we are not locking up gun criminals...we are letting them out. I post thread after thread about prosecutors and judges who let these guys out with sentences under 3 years.....

This thread is about Wisconsin letting gun criminals out of jail in under 3 years which is why they are now trying to force judges to lock them up....they wouldn't be doing it if they were keeping these guys locked up already....please...try reading the thread before you post...
Dipstick....felons caught in the possession of a firearm are walking out of court sometimes without spending more than 90 days in jail......and as our police commissioner says criminal possession of a gun is a precursor to gun murder...

that sounds like a good reason to regulate guns, but not to throw more people in prison when the prisons we have are already bursting at the seems.

When we lock up more people than China (A communist dictatorship with four times as many people) I would say we are already on an incarceration bender.

Nobody who is falling-down drunk would be helped by another drink.

Note...not normal people with guns....criminals with guns.

We need to lock up violent criminals because they will injure or kill people.....

How do you know who "will" kill or injure people? Most gun killers never killed anyone in their life before that tragic argument over the last can of Milwaukee's Best.

James Holmes. Cho. Chris Mercer. Adam Lanza. Not a one of these guys had ever been in trouble with the law before.

Dylann Roof was caught stalking and with drugs, and he was able to get a gun anyway.

We have had more than a few high profile murders where the shooter should have been in prison but was out in under 2 years on a three year sentence.....

And we've had a lot of them who were crazier than batshit and were still able to get guns, anyway.

Here's the problem with the "lock htem up" mentality. We are already locking them up. Locking them up does no good. Probably makes matters worse because the guy who got the 3 year pot possession while black sentence isn't going to have any career options EXCEPT crime.

Dylann Roof was caught stalking and with drugs, and he was able to get a gun anyway.

Yes....he filled out your gun control law paperwork, and passed your gun control background check...because the clerks at the state and federal level screwed up........
Dipstick....felons caught in the possession of a firearm are walking out of court sometimes without spending more than 90 days in jail......and as our police commissioner says criminal possession of a gun is a precursor to gun murder...

that sounds like a good reason to regulate guns, but not to throw more people in prison when the prisons we have are already bursting at the seems.

When we lock up more people than China (A communist dictatorship with four times as many people) I would say we are already on an incarceration bender.

Nobody who is falling-down drunk would be helped by another drink.

Note...not normal people with guns....criminals with guns.

We need to lock up violent criminals because they will injure or kill people.....

How do you know who "will" kill or injure people? Most gun killers never killed anyone in their life before that tragic argument over the last can of Milwaukee's Best.

James Holmes. Cho. Chris Mercer. Adam Lanza. Not a one of these guys had ever been in trouble with the law before.

Dylann Roof was caught stalking and with drugs, and he was able to get a gun anyway.

We have had more than a few high profile murders where the shooter should have been in prison but was out in under 2 years on a three year sentence.....

And we've had a lot of them who were crazier than batshit and were still able to get guns, anyway.

Here's the problem with the "lock htem up" mentality. We are already locking them up. Locking them up does no good. Probably makes matters worse because the guy who got the 3 year pot possession while black sentence isn't going to have any career options EXCEPT crime.

No...we are not locking up gun this guy....and he is not an isolated case...he is the norm...

So...this guy is a felon 4x over....he was on the street, again.....and had a gun he wasn't allowed to have...and he committed murder.

In New York......gun control paradise...where normal people can't get concealed carry permits without a lot money and a lawyer..........

We don't need more gun control...this guy did not pass a background check, would not have gotten his ammo with a background check, is not required to register his illegal gun and would not have been able to get a gun license....

He murdered a police officer....

Suspect who fatally shot NY cop had history of violence, 28 prior arrests

However, at the time of Tuesday’s shooting, Howard was already wanted for a previous shooting that occurred in August and, in fact, over the last two months, authorities made 10 unsuccessful attempts to apprehend Howard, the Associated Press reported.

Court documents show Howard has been arrested a total of 28 times over the last 17 years, with his first arrest occurring at just 13-years-old.

Howard’s criminal history included four felony drug charges, as well as charges stemming from his involvement in a 2009 shooting that injured an 11-year-old child and a 78-year-old.

The discovery of Howard’s criminal history and lack of incarceration infuriated Police Commissioner William Bratton and prompted state Supreme Court Justice Edward McLaughlin to explain why Howard, who Bratton described as a dangerous criminal, was allowed on the streets. But McLaughlin defended his decision, noting that he recommended Howard, who was arrested for selling crack cocaine to an undercover officer last October, for a diversion program – a treatment-oriented drug court – instead of serving the seven-year prison sentence recommended by the district attorney’s office.

Randolph Holder was a five-year veteran of the force and described as someone who was loved by everyone. (Photo: New York Police Department)

Furthermore, McLaughlin, who was unaware of the 2009 shooting at the time of the recommendation, said since Howard had no prior violent offenses and after reading a social worker’s report on Howard’s troubled home life and longtime drug addiction, he felt the drug treatment program was the better option for Howard.

In February, Howard posted bail, was released from jail and pleaded guilty to the drug charges. He continued to make his regular court appearances up until August, days before the shooting oc
That is a lie....the majority of gun murder are committed by people with long histories of violent crime..they are not normal people who get mad at the wife for burning dinner...I have posted the research..

You've posted horseshit that I've mostly ignored.

The mass know your gun control laws don't stop them...ever....

We don't have gun control. That's why it doesn't stop them.

I've told you my solution. Some nut shoots up a school, the guy who sold him that gun goes to jail and the guy who made that gun pays big settlements to everyone who was killed and injured.

Betcha they find out who they are selling to after that.
Dipstick....felons caught in the possession of a firearm are walking out of court sometimes without spending more than 90 days in jail......and as our police commissioner says criminal possession of a gun is a precursor to gun murder...

that sounds like a good reason to regulate guns, but not to throw more people in prison when the prisons we have are already bursting at the seems.

When we lock up more people than China (A communist dictatorship with four times as many people) I would say we are already on an incarceration bender.

Nobody who is falling-down drunk would be helped by another drink.

Note...not normal people with guns....criminals with guns.

We need to lock up violent criminals because they will injure or kill people.....

How do you know who "will" kill or injure people? Most gun killers never killed anyone in their life before that tragic argument over the last can of Milwaukee's Best.

James Holmes. Cho. Chris Mercer. Adam Lanza. Not a one of these guys had ever been in trouble with the law before.

Dylann Roof was caught stalking and with drugs, and he was able to get a gun anyway.

We have had more than a few high profile murders where the shooter should have been in prison but was out in under 2 years on a three year sentence.....

And we've had a lot of them who were crazier than batshit and were still able to get guns, anyway.

Here's the problem with the "lock htem up" mentality. We are already locking them up. Locking them up does no good. Probably makes matters worse because the guy who got the 3 year pot possession while black sentence isn't going to have any career options EXCEPT crime.

and this is another case of a criminal using a gun, and not getting locked up......

This is the guy who shot the girl in obama's neighborhood....

Death of Hadiya Pendleton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

At the time of the shooting, Ward, the gunman, was on probation.

In January 2012, he had pled guilty to aggravated unlawful use of a weapon, and was sentenced to two years of probation.

Less than three months later, he was arrested and charged with breaking into a car. In July 2012, he was arrested for breaking into a different vehicle. In November 2012, he was arrested for misdemeanor trespassing. During his youth, he had also been arrested numerous times on charges ranging from robbery to battery to marijuana possession, and had spent time on juvenile probation.[7]

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