This is incontrovertible proof that God is evil. God does not live by his own golden rule.

So atoning for the sins of the world and ensuring that every man, woman, and child who ever lived will be restored to life isn't healing enough for you?

How do you provide more healing than raising the dead?
This reply makes no sense, what's this supposed to mean without specifics and sources or meaning? You talk in blurbs to top post and bump posts, please talk with substance without such games and folly.

It means that there are over 24,000 written manuscripts which document the ministry of Jesus Christ. I'm not playing games. If more information is needed just ask. I don't need to go into anymore detail than necessary until you ask for more. That's how conversations work.

f you all claim to be worshiping the same God then doesn't affiliation pride cause all the problems? Otherwise they have to admit when a religion spends millions converting people away from YHWH over to Jesus and slay over 50 million converting God worshipers to Jesus that Jesus is neither YHWH or other cultures definition of God.
Furthermore they all call the same name, you just don't see it through cultures use of that name changed with seperation of languages as the Torah said would happen.

I have never taken it as an insult when someone asks me my religion. So I wouldn't assume anyone else would either. There are many people on these boards who keep their faith a secret. I have never understood why they do.

Why did you use Revelations as a basis for your belief that Jesus can't be God?
So atoning for the sins of the world and ensuring that every man, woman, and child who ever lived will be restored to life isn't healing enough for you?

How do you provide more healing than raising the dead?

Are you kidding? How is a Roman (The adversary of Israel) controlled story of Lazarus (the young boy, love interest of
the bi-sexual christ character) rising from the dead a basis for raising thw dead or restoring life? Have you never seen Christian mortorary, cemetaries, hospitals, handicap parking at healing churches? And why in the world would Christians have medical care insurance if Jesus heals? That is the point of the OP, only evil would claim these powers and never deliver them.
This is incontrovertible proof that God is evil. God does not live by his own golden rule.

God kills when he could just as easily cure. This is irrefutable.

This is a clear violation of the golden rule. The golden rule as articulated by Jesus.

God then is clearly evil.

Do you agree with Jesus that anyone who breaks the golden rule is evil?


Now you see how important it is to have good parents? No one taught God to be a decent human being
This reply makes no sense, what's this supposed to mean without specifics and sources or meaning? You talk in blurbs to top post and bump posts, please talk with substance without such games and folly.

It means that there are over 24,000 written manuscripts which document the ministry of Jesus Christ. I'm not playing games. If more information is needed just ask. I don't need to go into anymore detail than necessary until you ask for more. That's how conversations work.

f you all claim to be worshiping the same God then doesn't affiliation pride cause all the problems? Otherwise they have to admit when a religion spends millions converting people away from YHWH over to Jesus and slay over 50 million converting God worshipers to Jesus that Jesus is neither YHWH or other cultures definition of God.
Furthermore they all call the same name, you just don't see it through cultures use of that name changed with seperation of languages as the Torah said would happen.

I have never taken it as an insult when someone asks me my religion. So I wouldn't assume anyone else would either. There are many people on these boards who keep their faith a secret. I have never understood why they do.

Why did you use Revelations as a basis for your belief that Jesus can't be God?
24,000 and not 0ne sample you could give us, Ok then. But remember the NT says self testimony is not valid, therefore using the
NT or text based on NT is not a valid testimony. It can be used to point out contradictions and claims that are problematic hence Rev 22:16 is admission to claiming the character the son of baal (morning star).
You are also c0nfusing the historical figures for being Jesus when they are merely borrowed for portions of his collective
image. Example; name your Historical Jewish named figure you call Christ and I'll prove you compile Jesus with other Christs as well.
Regarding asking people their faiths,
it is an insult when it's obvious and you play dumb and ask, but not for reasons you project, the insult is to our intelligence.
This reply makes no sense, what's this supposed to mean without specifics and sources or meaning? You talk in blurbs to top post and bump posts, please talk with substance without such games and folly.

It means that there are over 24,000 written manuscripts which document the ministry of Jesus Christ. I'm not playing games. If more information is needed just ask. I don't need to go into anymore detail than necessary until you ask for more. That's how conversations work.

f you all claim to be worshiping the same God then doesn't affiliation pride cause all the problems? Otherwise they have to admit when a religion spends millions converting people away from YHWH over to Jesus and slay over 50 million converting God worshipers to Jesus that Jesus is neither YHWH or other cultures definition of God.
Furthermore they all call the same name, you just don't see it through cultures use of that name changed with seperation of languages as the Torah said would happen.

I have never taken it as an insult when someone asks me my religion. So I wouldn't assume anyone else would either. There are many people on these boards who keep their faith a secret. I have never understood why they do.

Why did you use Revelations as a basis for your belief that Jesus can't be God?
24,000 and not 0ne sample you could give us, Ok then. But remember the NT says self testimony is not valid, therefore using the
NT or text based on NT is not a valid testimony. It can be used to point out contradictions and claims that are problematic hence Rev 22:16 is admission to claiming the character the son of baal (morning star).
You are also c0nfusing the historical figures for being Jesus when they are merely borrowed for portions of his collective
image. Example; name your Historical Jewish named figure you call Christ and I'll prove you compile Jesus with other Christs as well.
Regarding asking people their faiths,
it is an insult when it's obvious and you play dumb and ask, but not for reasons you project, the insult is to our intelligence.
As requested... Manuscript evidence for superior New Testament reliability

My asking you your faith was not meant as an insult to your intelligence. I apologize if you took it that way. I was trying to understand where you are coming from.

Why are you using the New Testament if you are Jewish?
This reply makes no sense, what's this supposed to mean without specifics and sources or meaning? You talk in blurbs to top post and bump posts, please talk with substance without such games and folly.

It means that there are over 24,000 written manuscripts which document the ministry of Jesus Christ. I'm not playing games. If more information is needed just ask. I don't need to go into anymore detail than necessary until you ask for more. That's how conversations work.

f you all claim to be worshiping the same God then doesn't affiliation pride cause all the problems? Otherwise they have to admit when a religion spends millions converting people away from YHWH over to Jesus and slay over 50 million converting God worshipers to Jesus that Jesus is neither YHWH or other cultures definition of God.
Furthermore they all call the same name, you just don't see it through cultures use of that name changed with seperation of languages as the Torah said would happen.

I have never taken it as an insult when someone asks me my religion. So I wouldn't assume anyone else would either. There are many people on these boards who keep their faith a secret. I have never understood why they do.

Why did you use Revelations as a basis for your belief that Jesus can't be God?
24,000 and not 0ne sample you could give us, Ok then. But remember the NT says self testimony is not valid, therefore using the
NT or text based on NT is not a valid testimony. It can be used to point out contradictions and claims that are problematic hence Rev 22:16 is admission to claiming the character the son of baal (morning star).
You are also c0nfusing the historical figures for being Jesus when they are merely borrowed for portions of his collective
image. Example; name your Historical Jewish named figure you call Christ and I'll prove you compile Jesus with other Christs as well.
Regarding asking people their faiths,
it is an insult when it's obvious and you play dumb and ask, but not for reasons you project, the insult is to our intelligence.
As requested... Manuscript evidence for superior New Testament reliability

My asking you your faith was not meant as an insult to your intelligence. I apologize if you took it that way. I was trying to understand where you are coming from.

Why are you using the New Testament if you are Jewish?

Sorry I asked you for a sample not a link, I don't click on links. There are 50,000+ errors and lies in the NT therefore the claim on the link is invalid & false right off the bat plus usually they use self testimony which proves they disobey the instructions of their own source.
Regarding using the NT in countering missionary propaganda , it's like using quotes or concepts from
The Communist Manifesto to argue against communism, that's how you counter arguments.
Sorry I asked you for a sample not a link, I don't click on links.

Sorry. There are too many to quote.

There are 50,000+ errors and lies in the NT therefore the claim on the link is invalid & false right off the bat plus usually they use self testimony which proves they disobey the instructions of their own source.

So why did you ask for a quote?

Regarding using the NT in countering missionary propaganda

What missionary propaganda did I state?

it's like using quotes or concepts from

So you are quoting something you don't believe in and is in error to prove your point about something you think is true?

The Communist Manifesto to argue against communism, that's how you counter arguments.

That's not what you did though. You intentionally misrepresented what it was saying to prove your point. That is called a logical fallacy argument.

For example, I use Karl Marx's statement that communism is naturalized humanism to prove my point that atheism leads to communism. I don't misstate Marx to prove he is wrong. I quote him accurately. It makes zero sense what you did.
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Nope you are wrong, and you admited your material is false and corrupt in trying to make your displaced excuse.
Using your claims when you are based on those claims can be from your corrupt texts least you'd be contradicting your own use of logic or admitting using false examples.

Quote: "So why did you ask for a quote?"
Never did I ask for a quote, I asked for HISTORICAL sources then asked a specific question you ignored ASKING WHO IS YOUR CHRIST since there were many that existed and many that make up the image Jesus.
Then I can share my sources, not a web page link.

Your avoidance ad hominem response is admission, but your inability to prove a historical christ by naming him with his Judaic historical name is admission of defeat.
But then again when you didn't
want to know the name all cultures speak, and you just wanted to tell us your un-kosher name rejecting ypur images power to be in all cultures prophecy you limited your christ in power and mediation and proved both the OP and my points. Your first fallen Christ is just for the 1/3 fish who fell with him (2 Billion of the 6 follow the fallen one), but the Moshiach ben David and the Mikdash is for all not limited to one affiliation pride or arrogant claims.
Nope you are wrong, and you admited your material is false and corrupt in trying to make your displaced excuse.

How would you know, you have already admitted that you didn't look at it.

Using your claims when you are based on those claims can be from your corrupt texts least you'd be contradicting your own use of logic or admitting using false examples.

And yet you used a part of that text as justification for your belief.

Your avoidance ad hominem response is admission, but your inability to prove a historical christ by naming him with his Judaic historical name is admission of defeat.

I disagree. I have made no such admission. I have made no ad hominem response. Moe than 24,000 written manuscripts prove that Jesus existed. Early Christians have written about Him. Jewish historians have written about Him. Secular historians have written about Him. It is you who has offered no evididence to support that He never existed.

But then again when you didn't
want to know the name all cultures speak, and you just wanted to tell us your un-kosher name rejecting ypur images power to be in all cultures prophecy you limited your christ in power and mediation and proved both the OP and my points. Your first fallen Christ is just for the 1/3 fish who fell with him (2 Billion of the 6 follow the fallen one), but the Moshiach ben David and the Mikdash is for all not limited to one affiliation pride or arrogant claims.

You are making no sense at all. You are ranting.
I rest my case.
Not not single source of the 24,000 you claim, because there is no historical record of a guy named Jesus.
You could not name
not one single historical figure, which is liken to Gary Johnson not being able to name one single President or Prime Minister around the globe. *L*
How would I know if I didn't read your link, you ask? Like I said, because you inadvertantly admited it by your poor reply, I believe that was quite clear.
What you did now in your avoidance reply again (ad hominem reply) is prove your inabilty to read the scripture and comprehend what you read disqualifying you from discussing what you proved you have no ability to read or clarify sources.
Plus your argument once again is the text itself is disqualified. In other words you keep killing your icon and the texts to save face. Now you lie about your responses not being ad hominem instead of admitting you don't know what you are talking about.
You would have made a good DNC spokesperson, they too talk around the subject to avoid what they can't answer, then lie about it. Politicians and preachers are famous for spewing broadstroked general words without saying anything of substance truth or value. All your posts are always like that, not some, but all and your post totals is proof you just speak to flood forums and not add to the discussions or keep topics=Forum troll.
Name one post you added value?
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This is incontrovertible proof that God is evil. God does not live by his own golden rule.

God kills when he could just as easily cure. This is irrefutable.

This is a clear violation of the golden rule. The golden rule as articulated by Jesus.

God then is clearly evil.

Do you agree with Jesus that anyone who breaks the golden rule is evil?



Any reference to a god or supreme being is ancient. Everything about one was devised and written by mankind. Guess why?????? For control and for 10% of the wealth of others. If you have any proof to the contrary I would love to see it.
does anyone know when the "jesus" that we call "jesus" today-----was first called "jesus"?
does anyone know when the "jesus" that we call "jesus" today-----was first called "jesus"?

Nobody seems to know.
The name IESous (Jesus in Greek) stems from Esus the tri-god predating Jesus, so it's possible it meant "the Esous" (tri god)or
"The Zeus" or was a mocking slur meaning "The Swine".
Now if it referred to the tri god then people have to ask themselves, was it because the image was made up of 3 christ figures or because the original trinity of
Father -Mother -Son is derived from Jesus being the mythology plagiarised of father Baal-and morning star being the son of Ishtar(Isis).
does anyone know when the "jesus" that we call "jesus" today-----was first called "jesus"?

Nobody seems to know.
The name IESous (Jesus in Greek) stems from Esus the tri-god predating Jesus, so it's possible it meant "the Esous" (tri god)or
"The Zeus" or was a mocking slur meaning "The Swine".
Now if it referred to the tri god then people have to ask themselves, was it because the image was made up of 3 christ figures or because the original trinity of
Father -Mother -Son is derived from Jesus being the mythology plagiarised of father Baal-and morning star being the son of Ishtar(Isis).

Oh gee--------the INQUISITION would have burned you up--------Now lets be calm------
LINGUISTICALLY (the rules of transforming
foreign words to English is not my thing)----does the Aramaic YESHUA------get to be
JESUS by the -----word professors?. (for the record----hubby, not a linguist, claims that
his name was really yehoshua----- but he lost the "hey" and got to yeshua---for being naughty
does anyone know when the "jesus" that we call "jesus" today-----was first called "jesus"?

Mispronounced by the Greeks from Yeshua.

the greeks did it? ------so how did it SNEAK
into English?-------are you saying that the NT as we have it was translated from Greek with
no attention at all to the original pronunciations even of NAMES?.
does anyone know when the "jesus" that we call "jesus" today-----was first called "jesus"?

Mispronounced by the Greeks from Yeshua.

the greeks did it? ------so how did it SNEAK
into English?-------are you saying that the NT as we have it was translated from Greek with
no attention at all to the original pronunciations even of NAMES?.

No Im saying the greeks were the 1st to mispronounce it.
The Greeks translated the Torah into the Septuagint
When Christian monks translated the Septuagint into English we get Jesus.

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