This is Insane: Obama Administration gives final 'NO' to 27 Texas Refinery Permits

let's just brick you off and call it a day so the rest of us can get on with it.

Um.....TM, in your case, we'll be able to find the volunteers to complete the brick laying in about 15 minutes.

view the video and you will understand why people dont want to live next to them.

If I post a video of a computer exploding, will you stop using the internet?

This is a insane move to do this. There is no reason to reverse the permit process and this proves Obama with his tool the EPA is intending to wage war against the Petroleum sector. This move along with the drilling moritorium issued today is a telling sign that we in the Petroleum Industry are under attack by a rogue illegal Administration. This is a strictly political move.

EPA gives final "no" to Texas refinery permits: Scientific American

Leading U.S. independent refiner Valero Energy Corp faulted the decision. San Antonio-based Valero has six Texas refineries, the most owned by a single company. The plants employ 2,700 people.

"When the flex permit program was rolled out in 1994, EPA and environmental groups applauded it, and EPA approval seemed implicit," said Valero spokesman Bill Day in a statement. "Now, 16 years later, EPA is reversing course, and our facilities are caught in the middle, creating significant uncertainty at a time when our economy can least afford it".

Damn straight!!

I mean Obama is acting like there was some sort of unprecedented oil disaster somewhere! What's gotten into him??!!

The oil "disaster" is entirely his fault.
This is a insane move to do this. There is no reason to reverse the permit process and this proves Obama with his tool the EPA is intending to wage war against the Petroleum sector. This move along with the drilling moritorium issued today is a telling sign that we in the Petroleum Industry are under attack by a rogue illegal Administration. This is a strictly political move.

EPA gives final "no" to Texas refinery permits: Scientific American

Leading U.S. independent refiner Valero Energy Corp faulted the decision. San Antonio-based Valero has six Texas refineries, the most owned by a single company. The plants employ 2,700 people.

"When the flex permit program was rolled out in 1994, EPA and environmental groups applauded it, and EPA approval seemed implicit," said Valero spokesman Bill Day in a statement. "Now, 16 years later, EPA is reversing course, and our facilities are caught in the middle, creating significant uncertainty at a time when our economy can least afford it".

Damn straight!!

I mean Obama is acting like there was some sort of unprecedented oil disaster somewhere! What's gotten into him??!!

The oil "disaster" is entirely his fault.
now we just need to make sure the public remembers that come november 2012.
The oil disaster was the well explosion.

The oil crisis response is partially 0bama's fault.

The oil well drilling ban is completely 0bama.

Much like 0bamacare, he'd have been better off doing nothing, but nooo....
The oil disaster was the well explosion.

The oil crisis response is partially 0bama's fault.

The oil well drilling ban is completely 0bama.

Much like 0bamacare, he'd have been better off doing nothing, but nooo....

However you put it, oil washing up on beaches is his fault.
Yes I want a link that says no one wants to live within 50 miles of a refinery.

50 is only an exaggeration: What about just 5 miles?

The point is, many communities don't want a refinery near them, and not without good reason: I work in refineries, and I wouldn't wanna LIVE near one.

The point is, a claim was made and now I want the idiot that made that claim back her shit up!

Are you and that idiot joined at the hip? Can she not speak for herself?

But since you feel froggy, show some evidence that supports your claim that no one wants to live within 5 miles of a refinery.

I'd have to check, but I believe I said 50 miles. Do you have a problem with your Google button? Try this: NOT IN MY BACKYARD - OIL REFINERIES and you'll have a choice of hundreds of articles to verify my statement. Here's one.

Global Community Monitor : America's first oil refinery in 31 years? Not in my backyard!
So, he's resolved one?

From your list, he is supposed to resolve any one of them in 18 months? Do you not think there are people working night and day on those problems? (Just as they've always been, by the way.) You're treating major issues as if they're on some sort of "THINGS TO DO TODAY" list. Get real, would ya?

Yet, healthcare, cap and trade, immigration amnesty IS on barry's "Things To Do Today" list.
Too bad for the (non)working stiff.....that is somewhere at the end of his "Things To Do At Some Point....Maybe" list.

The $64 million question remains, what is it you want him to DO? Sorry, but Obama doesn't have a "black" magic wand with a "white" tip. He can only "do" what he is constitutionally authorized to "do." It's time for businesses which are sitting on trillions under their collective asses to "do" something and step up to the plate instead of whining that Ohhhhhh, it's too risky...whaaaa.... Business is risky. LIFE is risky. You do what you can, and they CAN!!
Yes I want a link that says no one wants to live within 50 miles of a refinery.

50 is only an exaggeration: What about just 5 miles?

The point is, many communities don't want a refinery near them, and not without good reason: I work in refineries, and I wouldn't wanna LIVE near one.
I live within 25 of a major refinery. I'd move to less than 5 if I could afford the housing and job down there. It's a great area. I've lived within 1500 feet of an Iron Foundry that could have exploded quite easily since they used a lot of liquid oxygen. I've lived 3 miles away from a paper pulp mill that had to alert the surrounding area of it's recovery boiler alarm tests, because if it did actually explode, the force was calculated at 3/4 of a kiloton. And that was next to a log yard, onsite turpentine distillation system, onsite lime kiln and onsite liquid oxygen plant... plus compressed Chlorine storage. So we're looking more like a very fiery 1 megaton blast. I'd have lived right across the street from it, if it didn't stink so damn much.

NIMBY is the first refuge of the pussy who really should just grow up.

Holy crap. Is there ANYTHING you haven't done? Or worked? Any place you haven't visited? Is there any situation that you haven't done bigger 'n better? You're an amazing person. Is your resume on Kindle?
Big Fitz said:
The illusion of the 'safe world' needs to be dismissed. It will never be perfectly safe, and if you won't take risks, you may as well put the gun in your mouth and pull the trigger for you are patently useless as a human being. Don't venture outside, don't leave bed, don't eat, don't breath don't drink.... because something some where's going to kill you and the rest of us, aren't that scared of death and want to make life a better place.

Can I quote you on that the next time I see a report on businesses that refuse to hire only because they don't want to take a risk on how the economy will unfold? (If they don't, the economy will surely fail. Catch-22.)
50 is only an exaggeration: What about just 5 miles?

The point is, many communities don't want a refinery near them, and not without good reason: I work in refineries, and I wouldn't wanna LIVE near one.
I live within 25 of a major refinery. I'd move to less than 5 if I could afford the housing and job down there. It's a great area. I've lived within 1500 feet of an Iron Foundry that could have exploded quite easily since they used a lot of liquid oxygen. I've lived 3 miles away from a paper pulp mill that had to alert the surrounding area of it's recovery boiler alarm tests, because if it did actually explode, the force was calculated at 3/4 of a kiloton. And that was next to a log yard, onsite turpentine distillation system, onsite lime kiln and onsite liquid oxygen plant... plus compressed Chlorine storage. So we're looking more like a very fiery 1 megaton blast. I'd have lived right across the street from it, if it didn't stink so damn much.

NIMBY is the first refuge of the pussy who really should just grow up.

Holy crap. Is there ANYTHING you haven't done? Or worked? Any place you haven't visited? Is there any situation that you haven't done bigger 'n better? You're an amazing person. Is your resume on Kindle?
I have led what Stephen King refers to as "A writer's life". Sarcasm aside, most people lead amazing lives when they look at it.

Can I quote you on that the next time I see a report on businesses that refuse to hire only because they don't want to take a risk on how the economy will unfold? (If they don't, the economy will surely fail. Catch-22.)

That's taking what I said out of context because as you will notice I did state something about 'reasonable risk'?
This is a insane move to do this. There is no reason to reverse the permit process and this proves Obama with his tool the EPA is intending to wage war against the Petroleum sector. This move along with the drilling moritorium issued today is a telling sign that we in the Petroleum Industry are under attack by a rogue illegal Administration. This is a strictly political move.

EPA gives final "no" to Texas refinery permits: Scientific American

Leading U.S. independent refiner Valero Energy Corp faulted the decision. San Antonio-based Valero has six Texas refineries, the most owned by a single company. The plants employ 2,700 people.

"When the flex permit program was rolled out in 1994, EPA and environmental groups applauded it, and EPA approval seemed implicit," said Valero spokesman Bill Day in a statement. "Now, 16 years later, EPA is reversing course, and our facilities are caught in the middle, creating significant uncertainty at a time when our economy can least afford it".

What about the thousands of wells already operating? Whats wrong with looking at, studying, stopping new licenses if they end up like the disaster we have now?
This is a insane move to do this. There is no reason to reverse the permit process and this proves Obama with his tool the EPA is intending to wage war against the Petroleum sector. This move along with the drilling moritorium issued today is a telling sign that we in the Petroleum Industry are under attack by a rogue illegal Administration. This is a strictly political move.

EPA gives final "no" to Texas refinery permits: Scientific American

Leading U.S. independent refiner Valero Energy Corp faulted the decision. San Antonio-based Valero has six Texas refineries, the most owned by a single company. The plants employ 2,700 people.

"When the flex permit program was rolled out in 1994, EPA and environmental groups applauded it, and EPA approval seemed implicit," said Valero spokesman Bill Day in a statement. "Now, 16 years later, EPA is reversing course, and our facilities are caught in the middle, creating significant uncertainty at a time when our economy can least afford it".

What about the thousands of wells already operating? Whats wrong with looking at, studying, stopping new licenses if they end up like the disaster we have now?

How many thousands are our wells? Most are from other countries I suspect, not going to stop the lions share of the wells, Ms. Zona.
The $64 million question remains, what is it you want him to DO? Sorry, but Obama doesn't have a "black" magic wand with a "white" tip. He can only "do" what he is constitutionally authorized to "do." It's time for businesses which are sitting on trillions under their collective asses to "do" something and step up to the plate instead of whining that Ohhhhhh, it's too risky...whaaaa.... Business is risky. LIFE is risky. You do what you can, and they CAN!!

It's not about risk, they just don't like this President so they're willing to sit on their trillions to undermine him.
The $64 million question remains, what is it you want him to DO? Sorry, but Obama doesn't have a "black" magic wand with a "white" tip. He can only "do" what he is constitutionally authorized to "do." It's time for businesses which are sitting on trillions under their collective asses to "do" something and step up to the plate instead of whining that Ohhhhhh, it's too risky...whaaaa.... Business is risky. LIFE is risky. You do what you can, and they CAN!!

It's not about risk, they just don't like this President so they're willing to sit on their trillions to undermine him.

Oddly, they sat on "their trillions" during the election.

I wonder why?
Oil state Democrats challenge offshore drilling ban
When Interior Secretary Ken Salazar has to defend the Obama Administration's six month moratorium on deepwater oil drilling, his toughest critics are often those in his own party.

Oil state Democrats are finding themselves in the best position to influence the Democratic administration as it balances environmental concerns with economic anxiety in the Gulf.

In the Senate, Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-La., is a passionate advocate for drilling to offset the economic hit the region has already taken and in the House, Rep. Gene Green, D-Houston, is using his platform on the House Energy and Commerce Committee to push to re-start the rigs in the Gulf. And so far, the lawmakers have succeeded in getting the moratorium changed to allow shallow water drilling.

"My goal is to get people to work," said Green in an interview. The lawmaker questioned Salazar at a hearing last week about speeding up the Obama Administration’s latest moratorium, due to expire Nov. 30.

According to the American Petroleum Institute, the dozens of rigs pulled out of service since May will cost 46,000 direct and indirect jobs over the six months. The moratorium’s impact on the four Gulf states – Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama – is estimated at $2.1 billion by Louisiana State University.

"What we do is that, we drill," said Green of Texas companies and workers who are feeling the hit.

The Democratic lawmaker told Salazar that he and Rep. Kevin Brady, R-The Woodlands, “propose letting low-risk development and appraisal wells to be drilled while the Department of Interior continues the assessment on deep water exploratory wells.”

Salazar conceded that “it may be that the moratorium could be adjusted based on zones of risk” but the administration is sticking by its six month timeframe, which is once again being challenged in court. The Interior Dept.’s moratorium, revised after a court order rejected the first one, now faces another court challenge Aug. 11 in New Orleans.

The first order, found to be “arbitrary,” banned drilling in waters of 500 feet or more while the latest moratorium suspends drilling at wells using subsea blowout preventers or surface blowout preventers on a floating facility.

In the meantime, Democrats, along with oil state Republicans, are weighing in by jawboning, writing letters, making speeches, and in the case of Louisiana, holding a rally Wednesday attended by over 15,000 in the Cajundome in support of drilling.

“We must continue this battle to end the moratorium and save the hundreds of thousands of jobs that are in jeopardy,” said Landrieu in a statement. The Louisiana lawmaker is the only Democrat in the Gulf states’ Senate delegation – putting more pressure on her to intercede with Salazar, a former Democratic senator from Colorado.

“Louisiana families need certainty from our federal government that paychecks will not turn into pink slips,” said Landrieu, who is in “constant communication” with Salazar, according to an aide. “And,” said the fiery Landrieu, “our oil support companies need to know that the Gulf is open and ready for business.”

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