This is murder


Apr 7, 2013
DALLAS — Two more men pleaded guilty Tuesday to dousing a dog with lighter fluid and setting it on fire, but a reduced sentence for one of the defendants outraged animal rights activists.

"Justice" died several days after he was found burned at a Pleasant Grove apartment complex in April, 2012.

Darius Ewing — the man who poured the flammable liquid on Justice — agreed to a five-year sentence, but the judge lowered it to two years, saying prosecutors failed to prove that a "deadly weapon" was used.

"I'm shocked," said Jonnie England of the Texas Humane Alliance. "All of us who were in the courtroom today are shocked."

She said she didn't understand why the judge inserted his personal opinion into a sentence that prosecutors, the defense team and the defendant had already agreed on

'No justice for Justice' in tortured dog case | Dallas - Fort Worth

These fucking scumbags should have gotten at least 20 years. But no, not in this society. An animal's life isn't even worth the 5 year sentence the bastard agree to. Sick
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That's how it starts. They are not punished so they escalate. We end up with shooting baseball players for fun.

We don't know that. But what we do know is that this sends a message that you can kill an animal in horrifying fashion and get away with only minimal punishment.
Murder is a specific legal term stating the act must be done to a human being. We are moving away from defining infants as human beings so 18 months is not surprising.
I am a hypocrite. While I am against animal abuse, I support the killing of animals by buying and eating animals. I also use products made with the remains of the dead animals. Thus, I benefit from the abuse of animals.

I do believe that the slaughter of animals used for human consumption is performed in a more humane manner than the demise of the dog with flames. However, there are limits to how humane the killing of an animal can be.

I can live with being a hypocrite because animals are so tasty, and because many animals would make a meal of me if they had the power to do so.
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And killing children isn't murder.... It's child abuse or manslaughter.

But hey, let's get worked up that a guy only got 10 years for killing a dog, and call THAT murder. If they had charged him with killing a child, he would have gotten less time.
Murder is a specific legal term stating the act must be done to a human being. We are moving away from defining infants as human beings so 18 months is not surprising.

How's this for a trade: you get to define babies/infants/fetuses/whatever as human beings and define their willful death at the hands of another as murder, if I get to define deaths such as this dog's murder as well.

I'd make that trade if it were possible. Outlaw abortion in exchange for animal life being acknowledged as equal to that as humans and subject to the same amount of legal protection. Fair deal?
Sorry, dogs really AREN'T human.

Much as you would love to, you don't get to further devalue humanity by making babies the same as dogs.
I believe the killing of a child or baby to be the worst kind of murder. One that should automatically get a life sentence or death penalty.

Burning an animal to death for enjoyment is the sign of a severe mental condition, and such people should get at least five years confinement for the safety of the rest of us. They also be defined as felons and never allowed to own a gun.
Murder is a specific legal term stating the act must be done to a human being. We are moving away from defining infants as human beings so 18 months is not surprising.

How's this for a trade: you get to define babies/infants/fetuses/whatever as human beings and define their willful death at the hands of another as murder, if I get to define deaths such as this dog's murder as well.

I'd make that trade if it were possible. Outlaw abortion in exchange for animal life being acknowledged as equal to that as humans and subject to the same amount of legal protection. Fair deal?

Damn! Guess I will have to go vegan if you get your way.
I believe the killing of a child or baby to be the worst kind of murder. One that should automatically get a life sentence or death penalty.

Burning an animal to death for enjoyment is the sign of a severe mental condition, and such people should get at least five years confinement for the safety of the rest of us. They also be defined as felons and never allowed to own a gun.

Being so cruel to animals shows a lack of compassion that translates to other humans as well.
Since when do progressive scum care about cruelty to humans?

Remember..progressives are the party of "it's none of our business" when it comes to human rights offensives...and the party of "it's everybody's business" when it comes to thinking of ways to lower the human population of the world.
Damn! Guess I will have to go vegan if you get your way.

There would be exceptions. I suppose the meat industry could continue, it's not something I partake in but if the animals are killed humanely, so be it. Also, putting old and/or sick animals down for humane purposes would be allowed, provided it's done by a vet or someone trained in euthanasia.

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