This is murder

Just a quick aside. What a beautiful crop.

Kudos to the vet. People who attempt to stop crops as "some crazy thing" don't understand why certain breeds need and must have crops.

You don't need a vet to do a crop. Most groomers worth their salt know how to do one, and breeders who breed dobies or Danes should know how to do one as well.

And I agree, those who try to stop crops have no idea why some breeds need them
Find me an animal that can communicate with me as a human can, I'll change my tune immediately.

Communication is a prerequisite? What about the mentally challenged or other humans who cannot communicate? Are they not human? Would you take an exceptional dog, or primate, over them?

Find me an animal that I can empathize with as I can with a human, I'll change my tune immediately.

Many humans are incapable of empathy. Yet we have many documented cases of animals of animals showing empathy, even placing themselves in danger to save human life. So empathy is a requirement, ok, which is more valuable: the human incapable of empathy or the dolphins who protect surfers from sharks?

That we as humans like to see human traits in all other creatures doesn't make it so.

We'd like to see human traits in fellow humans, but often find none. Acting "human" does increase or decrease the value of a life.

That someone might prefer their pet over a complete stranger doesn't mean that all animals should be considered equal to or greater than all humans.

We should take everything into consideration. Are a few human lives more valuable than an entire population of wolves or bears?
Actually, I have a dog I love more than most people I know. She certainly means more to me than you do. Doesn't matter if you're a human and she's a dog...she's more important to me than you could ever be.

So what that means is this...if my dog and you were in a burning building and I had the power to save one of you...I would trample right over you getting to my dog. Yep, that's right, I'd save her life, and not yours.

So think about that when you say "it's a dog.' And here's my girl (she, not "it"). I suspect she's a lot better looking than you are, also.

this post is an exact explanation what is wrong with libtard mind.

beautiful dog, btw.

I hope you're not referring to me as a liberal! I happen to know lots of conservatives who would save their dog before they'd save certain people. Lots.
It's a dog. You find them lying dead on the street every day.

Get over it.

Actually, I have a dog I love more than most people I know. She certainly means more to me than you do. Doesn't matter if you're a human and she's a dog...she's more important to me than you could ever be.

So what that means is this...if my dog and you were in a burning building and I had the power to save one of you...I would trample right over you getting to my dog. Yep, that's right, I'd save her life, and not yours.

So think about that when you say "it's a dog.' And here's my girl (she, not "it"). I suspect she's a lot better looking than you are, also.

Just a quick aside. What a beautiful crop.

Kudos to the vet. People who attempt to stop crops as "some crazy thing" don't understand why certain breeds need and must have crops.

Thanks, tinydancer. I'm glad you understand that. I would never had it done if it was in any way cruel. The pups (I have two dobermans) were playing and running around the house immediately when I got them home from having their ears cropped that morning. Didn't slow them down a bit. And yes, the vet I took them to is well-known for his expertise.
Thanks, tinydancer. I'm glad you understand that. I would never had it done if it was in any way cruel. The pups (I have two dobermans) were playing and running around the house immediately when I got them home from having their ears cropped that morning. Didn't slow them down a bit. And yes, the vet I took them to is well-known for his expertise.

It is a very nice crop. Did you tape the ears to a cup afterwards?
Where I live people shoot, hang, burn and poison dogs and cats.These are church going, family raising white people.


I'm a huge animal activist. You know this moonglow.

Give me names and addresses.

Now the puppy has me tied up in knots these days but if you know personally of any abuse I will make the people perpetrating the pain wish they'd died as a child.
I was rather shocked at the judge's decision. I grew up in Texas, and the people I know love their animals and prize them. They even judge other people by the health of their horses and beauty of their animals.

I just can't figure this judge out. He certainly grew up with different values than most Texans who will not speak to anyone who in any way abuses their animals.

Some communities were so intolerant of animal abuse, they'd take any knucklehead who mistreated a horse or cow or pet of any kind out to the shed.

But if we loved our animals, we also much loved our fellow human beings who honored, loved, and spoiled their animals.

Well, ok, maybe we're not saints; we've stepped on our share of cockroaches and disease-spreading varmints, though. :rolleyes:

I back door. First and I am not kidding I have to have the person dead to rights on abuse. I will never hit on a whim or a suggestion. Never. Ever,

And it has to be repeated in the sense that it's not just a stupid moment of a stupid owner loosing their temper.

I'm going thru the "gee mommy your arms look tasty right now" teething moments. Honest. All I can hear is the theme from freaking jaws right about now as I appear to be my darling raven's favorite squeaky toy tonight.

I understand those moments. I understand those times.

But abuse. Just get hold of me. I can take care of it from a distance. I have many friends.
Where I live people shoot, hang, burn and poison dogs and cats.These are church going, family raising white people.


I'm a huge animal activist. You know this moonglow.

Give me names and addresses.

Now the puppy has me tied up in knots these days but if you know personally of any abuse I will make the people perpetrating the pain wish they'd died as a child.
I was rather shocked at the judge's decision. I grew up in Texas, and the people I know love their animals and prize them. They even judge other people by the health of their horses and beauty of their animals.

I just can't figure this judge out. He certainly grew up with different values than most Texans who will not speak to anyone who in any way abuses their animals.

Some communities were so intolerant of animal abuse, they'd take any knucklehead who mistreated a horse or cow or pet of any kind out to the shed.

But if we loved our animals, we also much loved our fellow human beings who honored, loved, and spoiled their animals.

Well, ok, maybe we're not saints; we've stepped on our share of cockroaches and disease-spreading varmints, though. :rolleyes:

I've been known to smack a fly or two and hells bells we have these crazy lady bugs who bite out here.

And yes I smack them. :lol: You bite me you're toast.

But I wake up in the morning and listen to the sand hills and see the eagles and the my favorite the vultures. Now I know a lot of people don't like them but I find the vultures nothing short of wonderous.

I'm a huge animal activist. You know this moonglow.

Give me names and addresses.

Now the puppy has me tied up in knots these days but if you know personally of any abuse I will make the people perpetrating the pain wish they'd died as a child.
I was rather shocked at the judge's decision. I grew up in Texas, and the people I know love their animals and prize them. They even judge other people by the health of their horses and beauty of their animals.

I just can't figure this judge out. He certainly grew up with different values than most Texans who will not speak to anyone who in any way abuses their animals.

Some communities were so intolerant of animal abuse, they'd take any knucklehead who mistreated a horse or cow or pet of any kind out to the shed.

But if we loved our animals, we also much loved our fellow human beings who honored, loved, and spoiled their animals.

Well, ok, maybe we're not saints; we've stepped on our share of cockroaches and disease-spreading varmints, though. :rolleyes:

I've been known to smack a fly or two and hells bells we have these crazy lady bugs who bite out here.

And yes I smack them. :lol: You bite me you're toast.

But I wake up in the morning and listen to the sand hills and see the eagles and the my favorite the vultures. Now I know a lot of people don't like them but I find the vultures nothing short of wonderous.

lady bugs that bite...?! wtf kinda crazy place has lady bugs that bite...?!
Actually, I have a dog I love more than most people I know. She certainly means more to me than you do. Doesn't matter if you're a human and she's a dog...she's more important to me than you could ever be.

So what that means is this...if my dog and you were in a burning building and I had the power to save one of you...I would trample right over you getting to my dog. Yep, that's right, I'd save her life, and not yours.

So think about that when you say "it's a dog.' And here's my girl (she, not "it"). I suspect she's a lot better looking than you are, also.

this post is an exact explanation what is wrong with libtard mind.

beautiful dog, btw.

I hope you're not referring to me as a liberal! I happen to know lots of conservatives who would save their dog before they'd save certain people. Lots.

I am not sure if you are a liberal, but you have certainly been infested by a libtard notion to anthropomorphize the animal world.

however, I agree, that some people are worse than any animal.
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I was rather shocked at the judge's decision. I grew up in Texas, and the people I know love their animals and prize them. They even judge other people by the health of their horses and beauty of their animals.

I just can't figure this judge out. He certainly grew up with different values than most Texans who will not speak to anyone who in any way abuses their animals.

Some communities were so intolerant of animal abuse, they'd take any knucklehead who mistreated a horse or cow or pet of any kind out to the shed.

But if we loved our animals, we also much loved our fellow human beings who honored, loved, and spoiled their animals.

Well, ok, maybe we're not saints; we've stepped on our share of cockroaches and disease-spreading varmints, though. :rolleyes:

I've been known to smack a fly or two and hells bells we have these crazy lady bugs who bite out here.

And yes I smack them. :lol: You bite me you're toast.

But I wake up in the morning and listen to the sand hills and see the eagles and the my favorite the vultures. Now I know a lot of people don't like them but I find the vultures nothing short of wonderous.

lady bugs that bite...?! wtf kinda crazy place has lady bugs that bite...?!

that is not a problem of the place, but the problem of amount of lady bugs.

They DO bite if there are too many of them
That's how it starts. They are not punished so they escalate. We end up with shooting baseball players for fun.

We don't know that. But what we do know is that this sends a message that you can kill an animal in horrifying fashion and get away with only minimal punishment.

You are wrong. Since the 1970"s, research has consistently reported childhood cruelty to animals as the first warning sign of later delinquency, violence, and criminal behavior. In fact, nearly all violent crime perpetrators have a history of animal cruelty in their profiles. Albert deSalvo, the Boston Strangler found guilty of killing 13 women, shot arrows through dogs and cats he trapped as a child. Columbine shooters Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold boasted about mutilating animals for fun. It is all to common.
That's how it starts. They are not punished so they escalate. We end up with shooting baseball players for fun.

We don't know that. But what we do know is that this sends a message that you can kill an animal in horrifying fashion and get away with only minimal punishment.

You are wrong. Since the 1970"s, research has consistently reported childhood cruelty to animals as the first warning sign of later delinquency, violence, and criminal behavior. In fact, nearly all violent crime perpetrators have a history of animal cruelty in their profiles. Albert deSalvo, the Boston Strangler found guilty of killing 13 women, shot arrows through dogs and cats he trapped as a child. Columbine shooters Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold boasted about mutilating animals for fun. It is all to common.

Yep. Which is why its terrifying when a kid gets convicted for animal cruelty and then let back out on the streets - chances are high that that kid will grow up to become a serial killer.
We don't know that. But what we do know is that this sends a message that you can kill an animal in horrifying fashion and get away with only minimal punishment.

You are wrong. Since the 1970"s, research has consistently reported childhood cruelty to animals as the first warning sign of later delinquency, violence, and criminal behavior. In fact, nearly all violent crime perpetrators have a history of animal cruelty in their profiles. Albert deSalvo, the Boston Strangler found guilty of killing 13 women, shot arrows through dogs and cats he trapped as a child. Columbine shooters Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold boasted about mutilating animals for fun. It is all to common.

Yep. Which is why its terrifying when a kid gets convicted for animal cruelty and then let back out on the streets - chances are high that that kid will grow up to become a serial killer.

Not necessarily a serial killer, however it is a precursor to future violent behavior.
We don't know that. But what we do know is that this sends a message that you can kill an animal in horrifying fashion and get away with only minimal punishment.

You are wrong. Since the 1970"s, research has consistently reported childhood cruelty to animals as the first warning sign of later delinquency, violence, and criminal behavior. In fact, nearly all violent crime perpetrators have a history of animal cruelty in their profiles. Albert deSalvo, the Boston Strangler found guilty of killing 13 women, shot arrows through dogs and cats he trapped as a child. Columbine shooters Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold boasted about mutilating animals for fun. It is all to common.

Yep. Which is why its terrifying when a kid gets convicted for animal cruelty and then let back out on the streets - chances are high that that kid will grow up to become a serial killer.

That's ridiculous.

I also wonder, every time I've heard about animal cruelty and other crimes, does the data involved in those studies include non-criminals? In other words, if 15 serial killers all committed acts of animal cruelty, but then you find out 150000 fairly average people without any other criminal history also committed acts of animal cruelty, would you still think of it as you do now?
DALLAS — Two more men pleaded guilty Tuesday to dousing a dog with lighter fluid and setting it on fire, but a reduced sentence for one of the defendants outraged animal rights activists.

"Justice" died several days after he was found burned at a Pleasant Grove apartment complex in April, 2012.

Darius Ewing — the man who poured the flammable liquid on Justice — agreed to a five-year sentence, but the judge lowered it to two years, saying prosecutors failed to prove that a "deadly weapon" was used.

"I'm shocked," said Jonnie England of the Texas Humane Alliance. "All of us who were in the courtroom today are shocked."

She said she didn't understand why the judge inserted his personal opinion into a sentence that prosecutors, the defense team and the defendant had already agreed on

'No justice for Justice' in tortured dog case | Dallas - Fort Worth

These fucking scumbags should have gotten at least 20 years. But no, not in this society. An animal's life isn't even worth the 5 year sentence the bastard agree to. Sick

How long should Michael Vick have gotten?
this post is an exact explanation what is wrong with libtard mind.

beautiful dog, btw.

I hope you're not referring to me as a liberal! I happen to know lots of conservatives who would save their dog before they'd save certain people. Lots.

I am not sure if you are a liberal, but you have certainly been infested by a libtard notion to anthropomorphize the animal world.

however, I agree, that some people are worse than any animal.

How did I anthropomorphize my dog? I didn't describe any of her behaviors or habits in my post, let alone attribute human characteristics to her. Only that I love her. For being the wonderful dog that she is. And she is a female, so there's nothing wrong with using female pronouns in reference to her. People call fucking ships "she" for crying out loud.

I don't contend that dogs are as important as humans because they have human characteristics. I say they're as important as humans because of the nature of their dog characteristics.

But to say that they don't share certain emotions with humans is pure ignorance. Also, to say that they don't "think" is pure ignorance.

Here's an example of a dog obviously doing some thinking. My Doberman Hannah wanted a toy that my Doberman Greta, had. I observed as Hannah went to the window, looked out, and started barking. Immediately, Greta dropped the toy and ran to the window to see what was going on out there. Hannah took that opportunity to run and grab the toy.

I went and looked out the window. There was NOTHING out there. Not a person passing by, not a squirrel, not a bird in sight. There is no doubt in my mind that Hannah knew what she was doing, and that it would enable her to get the toy away from Greta.

: )

They're smarter than some people, my dogs are. : )


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DALLAS — Two more men pleaded guilty Tuesday to dousing a dog with lighter fluid and setting it on fire, but a reduced sentence for one of the defendants outraged animal rights activists.

"Justice" died several days after he was found burned at a Pleasant Grove apartment complex in April, 2012.

Darius Ewing — the man who poured the flammable liquid on Justice — agreed to a five-year sentence, but the judge lowered it to two years, saying prosecutors failed to prove that a "deadly weapon" was used.

"I'm shocked," said Jonnie England of the Texas Humane Alliance. "All of us who were in the courtroom today are shocked."

She said she didn't understand why the judge inserted his personal opinion into a sentence that prosecutors, the defense team and the defendant had already agreed on

'No justice for Justice' in tortured dog case | Dallas - Fort Worth

These fucking scumbags should have gotten at least 20 years. But no, not in this society. An animal's life isn't even worth the 5 year sentence the bastard agree to. Sick

How long should Michael Vick have gotten?

Well, first they should have picked him up by his feet and swung him into the wall, bashing his head. Then they should have put him in a pit with a psychopath killer and let them battle it out to the death. If he survived that, they should have used him as bait to train psychopath killers to work themselve into a frothing rage.

Then, hopefully, he'd be dead and we wouldn't have to deal with him anymore at all.
Just a quick aside. What a beautiful crop.

Kudos to the vet. People who attempt to stop crops as "some crazy thing" don't understand why certain breeds need and must have crops.

You don't need a vet to do a crop. Most groomers worth their salt know how to do one, and breeders who breed dobies or Danes should know how to do one as well.

And I agree, those who try to stop crops have no idea why some breeds need them

Groomers can do crops? Dog breeders, also? I don't know about that! Do they use anesthesia? It's a surgery, for crying out loud!

Now, I've heard of asshole people with pitbulls just taking a scissors to their dog's ears, but that doesn't make it acceptable!

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