This is murder

I suspect from the tone of your post, we can expect much the same from you in that regard.

If someone did that to my dog, they would be begging me for death right now.

In the 90's there was a rash of anti freeze poisonings in our dog parks in Toronto.

My ridgeback was a victim. Her name was Ripley. 5 years old dearly loved and poisoned to death.

The agony was unbearable but I made it thru and came out to hunt the motherfucker who was doing in all our babies.

Because of my ability to hunt I was able to track the perpetrator of our poisoner in our personal park

We are talking a lot of dogs going down. So many. So many lives brought to heartbreak over this.

Waited a bit. Made sure. A lot of my "dog running friends" happened to be dealers from the islands but their livelihood wasn't my concern. They were my friends. Cool runnings.

I just told them who it was who had poisoned all our dogs.
And we did fear for our children because the poisoner and it takes a special kind of coward to poison was starting to leave out treats in the park soaked in anti freeze.

It was a wild time.
Oh I should have added, when I flew Jim Dandy in (Our foundation sire Catahoula for those that don't know me) my first walk with him was in the same park that the poisoner had ruled for so long until we brought an end to it.

My first walk with Jimmy a guy that I really ended up loving to death Germaine with a rottie and a yellow lab told me to watch out.

There had been a poisoner in the park in the past he said. Don't let your puppy pick up any food.

I had done well. :)
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Human > animals.


Find me an animal that can communicate with me as a human can, I'll change my tune immediately.

Find me an animal that I can empathize with as I can with a human, I'll change my tune immediately.

That we as humans like to see human traits in all other creatures doesn't make it so.

That someone might prefer their pet over a complete stranger doesn't mean that all animals should be considered equal to or greater than all humans.

We all have standards by which we judge the value of life. ALL of us. And none of us treat all life equally, unless it is treating all life with equal indifference.

Humanity is nowhere near a point of treating animal life as equal to human life, and I'm fine with that.

Killing an animal is not murder. It being murder is not required to think this sentence was too small, either.

With all due respect, fuck you.

You aren't aware of a mother bashing her child to death and family services missing it?

You aren't aware of a young man demanding money of a mother shooting her in the leg and counting to five before he blew her baby's face off killing him?

You aren't aware of young men "bored" out of their minds blowing away a young man who was jogging?

Piss on that part of the human race my friend.

I'd rather hug a burmese python because they are on a greater level of caring than any of those I listed above.

WTF does that have to do with what I said?

This overly emotional bullshit is why I find these types of conversations so laughable.

Give me examples of the worst of humanity and use that as an argument for why humanity is no good? Ok, why don't I show you articles about various types of animals doing cruel and terrible shit and we can use that as the basis for how we treat all animals, sound fair? :cuckoo:

How does holding humanity above animals in any way defend or endorse murder?

Besides, animals murder without a second thought.

Or how's this? From reading this thread, it seems as though some people would be more likely to save a dog from a fire than an infant. Piss on that part of the human race.

Oh, and I'm pretty sure that python doesn't care in the slightest about you or anyone else. It's likely incapable of such caring. But feel free to anthropomorphize some more animals, if you think it strengthens your point. :tongue:
Human > animals.


Find me an animal that can communicate with me as a human can, I'll change my tune immediately.

Find me an animal that I can empathize with as I can with a human, I'll change my tune immediately.

That we as humans like to see human traits in all other creatures doesn't make it so.

That someone might prefer their pet over a complete stranger doesn't mean that all animals should be considered equal to or greater than all humans.

We all have standards by which we judge the value of life. ALL of us. And none of us treat all life equally, unless it is treating all life with equal indifference.

Humanity is nowhere near a point of treating animal life as equal to human life, and I'm fine with that.

Killing an animal is not murder. It being murder is not required to think this sentence was too small, either.

With all due respect, fuck you.

You aren't aware of a mother bashing her child to death and family services missing it?

You aren't aware of a young man demanding money of a mother shooting her in the leg and counting to five before he blew her baby's face off killing him?

You aren't aware of young men "bored" out of their minds blowing away a young man who was jogging?

Piss on that part of the human race my friend.

I'd rather hug a burmese python because they are on a greater level of caring than any of those I listed above.

WTF does that have to do with what I said?

This overly emotional bullshit is why I find these types of conversations so laughable.

Give me examples of the worst of humanity and use that as an argument for why humanity is no good? Ok, why don't I show you articles about various types of animals doing cruel and terrible shit and we can use that as the basis for how we treat all animals, sound fair? :cuckoo:

How does holding humanity above animals in any way defend or endorse murder?

Besides, animals murder without a second thought.

Or how's this? From reading this thread, it seems as though some people would be more likely to save a dog from a fire than an infant. Piss on that part of the human race.

Oh, and I'm pretty sure that python doesn't care in the slightest about you or anyone else. It's likely incapable of such caring. But feel free to anthropomorphize some more animals, if you think it strengthens your point. :tongue:

This was a very specific statement.

I'd rather hug a burmese python because they are on a greater level of caring than any of those I listed above.

I proved your point in advance.

Those that were killers were truly incapable of caring and I would rather hug a burmese python as compared to the cold blooded killers who sadistically killed versus a ball who only kills to feed.

And piss on that part of the human race that is that vile.
With all due respect, fuck you.

You aren't aware of a mother bashing her child to death and family services missing it?

You aren't aware of a young man demanding money of a mother shooting her in the leg and counting to five before he blew her baby's face off killing him?

You aren't aware of young men "bored" out of their minds blowing away a young man who was jogging?

Piss on that part of the human race my friend.

I'd rather hug a burmese python because they are on a greater level of caring than any of those I listed above.

WTF does that have to do with what I said?

This overly emotional bullshit is why I find these types of conversations so laughable.

Give me examples of the worst of humanity and use that as an argument for why humanity is no good? Ok, why don't I show you articles about various types of animals doing cruel and terrible shit and we can use that as the basis for how we treat all animals, sound fair? :cuckoo:

How does holding humanity above animals in any way defend or endorse murder?

Besides, animals murder without a second thought.

Or how's this? From reading this thread, it seems as though some people would be more likely to save a dog from a fire than an infant. Piss on that part of the human race.

Oh, and I'm pretty sure that python doesn't care in the slightest about you or anyone else. It's likely incapable of such caring. But feel free to anthropomorphize some more animals, if you think it strengthens your point. :tongue:

This was a very specific statement.

I'd rather hug a burmese python because they are on a greater level of caring than any of those I listed above.

I proved your point in advance.

Those that were killers were truly incapable of caring and I would rather hug a burmese python as compared to the cold blooded killers who sadistically killed versus a ball who only kills to feed.

And piss on that part of the human race that is that vile.

Assuming the killers you mention were all incapable of caring (not a requirement to become a killer, but possible) that still wouldn't make the python more capable of caring. It would put them on the same level as far as caring goes; none of them would be capable of caring. ;)

Nothing wrong with despising those killers. I just don't see how that leads to deciding humanity is less than animals.
Not less, equal. Why is there a problem with, interfere with some sort of complex that you have that makes you need to view yourself as "above" something?
Not less, equal. Why is there a problem with, interfere with some sort of complex that you have that makes you need to view yourself as "above" something?

So I take it you are a vegetarian, which can be a fairly healthy way to live. How do you feel when animals kill animals?
So I take it you are a vegetarian, which can be a fairly healthy way to live. How do you feel when animals kill animals?

Depends, what is killing what? Are talking lions killing wildebeest or feral cats killing native species?
If humans are equal to animals, would you be ok with people being raised as food? :eusa_whistle:

I have no problem with hikers and campers being eaten by bears. You go into their domain, you accept the risks. Does that answer your question?
If humans are equal to animals, would you be ok with people being raised as food? :eusa_whistle:

I have no problem with hikers and campers being eaten by bears. You go into their domain, you accept the risks. Does that answer your question?

Not in the slightest. ;)

Let me try it differently.

Do you have a problem with humans raising certain animals to serve as food?

If you do not, would you have a problem with humans raising humans to serve as food?
I am a hypocrite. While I am against animal abuse, I support the killing of animals by buying and eating animals. I also use products made with the remains of the dead animals. Thus, I benefit from the abuse of animals.

I do believe that the slaughter of animals used for human consumption is performed in a more humane manner than the demise of the dog with flames.
However, there are limits to how humane the killing of an animal can be.

I can live with being a hypocrite because animals are so tasty, and because many animals would make a meal of me if they had the power to do so.

You're wrong.

We often hear people complain about other countries torturing and eating dogs but what the US does is far FAR worse. We institutionalize it and we do it on an assembly-line basis. Those who believe that the undercover videos that surface every so often are not the every day normal way of doing the business of animal slaughter are purposely ignoring the truth.

What was done to the dog should have gotten a much worse sentence but it pales next to the industry that grows, transports and kills the animals we eat.

But, that cruelty could be stopped over night if every consumer demanded it. If "you" refused to eat meat until the industry stopped the cruelty, meat would and could be "cruelty-free". But, you would pay for that in higher prices.

And, those of you who hate brown/black illegals - If you eat meat, you're supporting them because that's who the slaughterhouses hire. Don't want illegals handling your meat? Pay decent wages so that white citizens would take the jobs.

Now, I'm going to have some of our Atomic Lasagna for lunch and then go to the farmer's market. I've been vegetarian for more than 30 years and you could not pay me to go back to eating that shit.
Not less, equal. Why is there a problem with, interfere with some sort of complex that you have that makes you need to view yourself as "above" something?

So I take it you are a vegetarian, which can be a fairly healthy way to live. How do you feel when animals kill animals?

Humans have choices. Animals do not.

If you do not, would you have a problem with humans raising humans to serve as food?

Off topic and silly.

As for the other idiotic questions veg's get asked ...

Tomatoes don't cry.

I get my protein from the same place you do.

Oh yeah, and no - animals are not equal to humans in some ways but are equal in others. They can't write sonnets but mammals have the same physical feelings we do as well as SOME emotional feelings.

There are three reasons to be vegetarian:

Environmental - our meat eating habit is killing our planet.
Ethical - you don't want to actively support the cruelty and environmental damage.
Selfish - you don't want heart disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity and you sure as hell don't want to saddle your kids with those diseases.

Have a nice day, y'all.
Not less, equal. Why is there a problem with, interfere with some sort of complex that you have that makes you need to view yourself as "above" something?

So I take it you are a vegetarian, which can be a fairly healthy way to live. How do you feel when animals kill animals?

Humans have choices. Animals do not.

If you do not, would you have a problem with humans raising humans to serve as food?

Off topic and silly.

As for the other idiotic questions veg's get asked ...

Tomatoes don't cry.

I get my protein from the same place you do.

Oh yeah, and no - animals are not equal to humans in some ways but are equal in others. They can't write sonnets but mammals have the same physical feelings we do as well as SOME emotional feelings.

There are three reasons to be vegetarian:

Environmental - our meat eating habit is killing our planet.
Ethical - you don't want to actively support the cruelty and environmental damage.
Selfish - you don't want heart disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity and you sure as hell don't want to saddle your kids with those diseases.

Have a nice day, y'all.

I don't care what you eat, I don't care how you feel about tomatoes. I don't care where you get your protein, darklion, is the one claiming animals are equal and we are not above them, so take that argument up with him.

I don't care why you think you need to be a vegetarian. And BTW, your first two reason are the same, but if it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, go for it.
WTF does that have to do with what I said?

This overly emotional bullshit is why I find these types of conversations so laughable.

Give me examples of the worst of humanity and use that as an argument for why humanity is no good? Ok, why don't I show you articles about various types of animals doing cruel and terrible shit and we can use that as the basis for how we treat all animals, sound fair? :cuckoo:

How does holding humanity above animals in any way defend or endorse murder?

Besides, animals murder without a second thought.

Or how's this? From reading this thread, it seems as though some people would be more likely to save a dog from a fire than an infant. Piss on that part of the human race.

Oh, and I'm pretty sure that python doesn't care in the slightest about you or anyone else. It's likely incapable of such caring. But feel free to anthropomorphize some more animals, if you think it strengthens your point. :tongue:

This was a very specific statement.

I'd rather hug a burmese python because they are on a greater level of caring than any of those I listed above.

I proved your point in advance.

Those that were killers were truly incapable of caring and I would rather hug a burmese python as compared to the cold blooded killers who sadistically killed versus a ball who only kills to feed.

And piss on that part of the human race that is that vile.

Assuming the killers you mention were all incapable of caring (not a requirement to become a killer, but possible) that still wouldn't make the python more capable of caring. It would put them on the same level as far as caring goes; none of them would be capable of caring. ;)

Nothing wrong with despising those killers. I just don't see how that leads to deciding humanity is less than animals.

You don't understand at all do you?

Okey dokey.

You tell me why African grey wild caughts absolutely freak out when a black person enters a room?

Had to break it to one really lovely lady that her bird "Hope" would never ever love her and got her an amazon instead. The greys hate the blacks that stuck them to the trees. They feel anger. And hate.

How about a rosella crying for hours on end because I had to put down Gypsy's mate, Tramp? My personal babies. That almost killed me.

Don't tell me when one of the pack dies that the others don't know. I bred catahoulas. I have birthed their little souls.

Don't tell me they don't feel. Don't you dare tell me they don't care.

Maybe you don't like the words we use. But don't tell me they don't have emotions.
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So I take it you are a vegetarian, which can be a fairly healthy way to live. How do you feel when animals kill animals?

Depends, what is killing what? Are talking lions killing wildebeest or feral cats killing native species?

Explain the logic please, you claim that animals are equal to humans, so if we are all equal, what difference is there in killing, according to you, it's all the same.

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