This is murder

'No justice for Justice' in tortured dog case | Dallas - Fort Worth

These fucking scumbags should have gotten at least 20 years. But no, not in this society. An animal's life isn't even worth the 5 year sentence the bastard agree to. Sick

How long should Michael Vick have gotten?

Well, first they should have picked him up by his feet and swung him into the wall, bashing his head. Then they should have put him in a pit with a psychopath killer and let them battle it out to the death. If he survived that, they should have used him as bait to train psychopath killers to work themselve into a frothing rage.

Then, hopefully, he'd be dead and we wouldn't have to deal with him anymore at all.

I think 20 years would have been good enough.

I think of him every time I see a story like this. He got off so easy. If he hadn't been a world class QB he would still be in prison rotting right now.
Groomers can do crops? Dog breeders, also? I don't know about that! Do they use anesthesia? It's a surgery, for crying out loud!

Now, I've heard of asshole people with pitbulls just taking a scissors to their dog's ears, but that doesn't make it acceptable!

It can be done without surgery, but it has to be started very early and doesn't always work. A friend of mine, a dog groomer, crops her Danes' ears naturally. But, like I said, sometimes it fails. Most sure way is surgery.
DALLAS — Two more men pleaded guilty Tuesday to dousing a dog with lighter fluid and setting it on fire, but a reduced sentence for one of the defendants outraged animal rights activists.

"Justice" died several days after he was found burned at a Pleasant Grove apartment complex in April, 2012.

Darius Ewing — the man who poured the flammable liquid on Justice — agreed to a five-year sentence, but the judge lowered it to two years, saying prosecutors failed to prove that a "deadly weapon" was used.

"I'm shocked," said Jonnie England of the Texas Humane Alliance. "All of us who were in the courtroom today are shocked."

She said she didn't understand why the judge inserted his personal opinion into a sentence that prosecutors, the defense team and the defendant had already agreed on

'No justice for Justice' in tortured dog case | Dallas - Fort Worth

These fucking scumbags should have gotten at least 20 years. But no, not in this society. An animal's life isn't even worth the 5 year sentence the bastard agree to. Sick

We live in a nation that slaughters millions of babies in the womb every year. A nation where the average time spent in jail for raping a child is 7yrs, with over 50% never seeing the inside of a prison in some states. What makes you think we give a crap animals?
^I doubt anyone could feel nothing over a defenceless animal being set on fire. If you feel nothing, you are a cold hearted son of a bitch.
^I doubt anyone could feel nothing over a defenceless animal being set on fire. If you feel nothing, you are a cold hearted son of a bitch.

I KNOW people, including you, feel nothing over a defenseless human being getting torn limb from limb from the womb. If you feel nothing over that, you are a heartless bitch.
^I doubt anyone could feel nothing over a defenceless animal being set on fire. If you feel nothing, you are a cold hearted son of a bitch.

I KNOW people, including you, feel nothing over a defenseless human being getting torn limb from limb from the womb. If you feel nothing over that, you are a heartless bitch.

Its not a human being, you fucktard.

This is Codie, set on fire by a group of brats who were 'bored':
Graphic Image Deleted

This is Justice:

Graphic Image Deleted

Here's another dog that was set on fire:

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Now, I don't know about you, but I want to hunt down the bastards responsible and punish them. You, however, would probably leave the animal in a ditch to die.
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^I doubt anyone could feel nothing over a defenceless animal being set on fire. If you feel nothing, you are a cold hearted son of a bitch.

I KNOW people, including you, feel nothing over a defenseless human being getting torn limb from limb from the womb. If you feel nothing over that, you are a heartless bitch.

Its not a human being, you fucktard.

This is Codie, set on fire by a group of brats who were 'bored':

Graphic Image Deleted

This is Justice:

Graphic Image Deleted

Here's another dog that was set on fire:

Graphic Image Deleted

Now, I don't know about you, but I want to hunt down the bastards responsible and punish them. You, however, would probably leave the animal in a ditch to die.

Of course it's a human being pig. The sick thing is you care more about an animal than you do about a human being, that shows me what a heartless, evil, sick and twisted pos you are.
Its a fetus, and I notice you ignored the animals.

It's a human being and I didn't ignore the animals, I just saw no reason to comment on the obvious evilness it takes to do this to an animal. I commented on the obvious evilness of a person who is bothered by cruelty committed on an animal, but in the next breath tells us that tearing a living human being out of the womb of it's mother is ok. You and people like you are twisted.
'No justice for Justice' in tortured dog case | Dallas - Fort Worth

These fucking scumbags should have gotten at least 20 years. But no, not in this society. An animal's life isn't even worth the 5 year sentence the bastard agree to. Sick

How long should Michael Vick have gotten?

Well, first they should have picked him up by his feet and swung him into the wall, bashing his head. Then they should have put him in a pit with a psychopath killer and let them battle it out to the death. If he survived that, they should have used him as bait to train psychopath killers to work themselve into a frothing rage.

Then, hopefully, he'd be dead and we wouldn't have to deal with him anymore at all.

No one wants to call it by its name. This wasn't just your run of the mill animal abuse. Animal abuse is when a poor beastie is owned by someone stupid who doesn't provide proper care.

Vick and others like him should not have the luxury of falling under the category of "animal abuser".

No not at all.

They are sadists. No one wants to call it for what it is. It's sadism. That level of cruelty is sadism.
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DALLAS — Two more men pleaded guilty Tuesday to dousing a dog with lighter fluid and setting it on fire, but a reduced sentence for one of the defendants outraged animal rights activists.

"Justice" died several days after he was found burned at a Pleasant Grove apartment complex in April, 2012.

Darius Ewing — the man who poured the flammable liquid on Justice — agreed to a five-year sentence, but the judge lowered it to two years, saying prosecutors failed to prove that a "deadly weapon" was used.

"I'm shocked," said Jonnie England of the Texas Humane Alliance. "All of us who were in the courtroom today are shocked."

She said she didn't understand why the judge inserted his personal opinion into a sentence that prosecutors, the defense team and the defendant had already agreed on

'No justice for Justice' in tortured dog case | Dallas - Fort Worth

These fucking scumbags should have gotten at least 20 years. But no, not in this society. An animal's life isn't even worth the 5 year sentence the bastard agree to. Sick

We live in a nation that slaughters millions of babies in the womb every year. A nation where the average time spent in jail for raping a child is 7yrs, with over 50% never seeing the inside of a prison in some states. What makes you think we give a crap animals?

I can multi task.

I fight against female foeticide and animal cruelty daily. No big smurf.

If you care, you care.

By no means can I be considered a liberal whack job because I do eat Bambi and I have a mean recipe for Thumper.

But when you look at those pictures that Noomi just put up those animals are the victims of some sick fuck who lives in our midst.

I'd prefer to find that sick fuck before he/she does more damage. (Pardon my french but this type of cruelty sets me clean off)
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When we discover that one of our fellow humans GETS OFF TORTURING ANIMALS we have discovered a monster that will also (probably already has) torture human beings.

Ignore that sign of serious mental illness at your own peril.
Wow, those other two dogs are in bad shape, but I really really hope Justice was dead in that image. The thought of him still being alive in that condition is not one I want to bear.
When we discover that one of our fellow humans GETS OFF TORTURING ANIMALS we have discovered a monster that will also (probably already has) torture human beings.

Ignore that sign of serious mental illness at your own peril.

Why does it always have to be about the potential for eventually harming humans? It's like that's all people care about, they want to lock people like this sadistic POS not so much for what happened to the dog, but for what he might do to a future human.

How about getting some justice for the dog's sake?
Human > animals.


Find me an animal that can communicate with me as a human can, I'll change my tune immediately.

Find me an animal that I can empathize with as I can with a human, I'll change my tune immediately.

That we as humans like to see human traits in all other creatures doesn't make it so.

That someone might prefer their pet over a complete stranger doesn't mean that all animals should be considered equal to or greater than all humans.

We all have standards by which we judge the value of life. ALL of us. And none of us treat all life equally, unless it is treating all life with equal indifference.

Humanity is nowhere near a point of treating animal life as equal to human life, and I'm fine with that.

Killing an animal is not murder. It being murder is not required to think this sentence was too small, either.

With all due respect, fuck you.

You aren't aware of a mother bashing her child to death and family services missing it?

You aren't aware of a young man demanding money of a mother shooting her in the leg and counting to five before he blew her baby's face off killing him?

You aren't aware of young men "bored" out of their minds blowing away a young man who was jogging?

Piss on that part of the human race my friend.

I'd rather hug a burmese python because they are on a greater level of caring than any of those I listed above.
Murder is a specific legal term stating the act must be done to a human being. We are moving away from defining infants as human beings so 18 months is not surprising.

How's this for a trade: you get to define babies/infants/fetuses/whatever as human beings and define their willful death at the hands of another as murder, if I get to define deaths such as this dog's murder as well.

I'd make that trade if it were possible. Outlaw abortion in exchange for animal life being acknowledged as equal to that as humans and subject to the same amount of legal protection. Fair deal?

Hardly,are you on any meds?
When we discover that one of our fellow humans GETS OFF TORTURING ANIMALS we have discovered a monster that will also (probably already has) torture human beings.

Ignore that sign of serious mental illness at your own peril.

Why does it always have to be about the potential for eventually harming humans? It's like that's all people care about, they want to lock people like this sadistic POS not so much for what happened to the dog, but for what he might do to a future human.

How about getting some justice for the dog's sake?

This is why I am asking for people to stop calling it "animal cruelty".

These acts are sadistic acts. Let's call it for what it is. And those individuals who do this are sick mother fuckers and need to be called out for what they are.

AND the sticker should be is this act of sadism should follow any individual for the rest of their lives.

Now that aside, I am a hunter so maybe my post will become unpalatable to you because I've been watching your threads and you think we hunters are nothing short of hell unleashed on earth.

You are wrong. But that's for one of your other threads.
When we discover that one of our fellow humans GETS OFF TORTURING ANIMALS we have discovered a monster that will also (probably already has) torture human beings.

Ignore that sign of serious mental illness at your own peril.

Why does it always have to be about the potential for eventually harming humans?

Oh it does not have to be.

But that IS the most powerful argument for why those folks need to be seriously dealt with and not merely dismissed as having destroyed PROPERTY (which is still how our legal system thinks of animals)

It's like that's all people care about, they want to lock people like this sadistic POS not so much for what happened to the dog, but for what he might do to a future human.

Yes, it is much like that.

How about getting some justice for the dog's sake?

Had it been my dogs that they'd set afire, you'd have read about me getting some justice.

I suspect from the tone of your post, we can expect much the same from you in that regard.
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