This is murder

Now to the OP what happen to the dog is heinous, but it is not murder

It is the unlawful taking of a life. We owe dogs the most sacred vow of protection. We have bred "the wolf" out of them to the point to where they are our unthinking followers. We are duty bound to protect them as vehemently as we would a human
Now to the OP what happen to the dog is heinous, but it is not murder

It is the unlawful taking of a life. We owe dogs the most sacred vow of protection. We have bred "the wolf" out of them to the point to where they are our unthinking followers. We are duty bound to protect them as vehemently as we would a human

I love dogs just a good as the next dog lover I lost my best friend a year and a half ago. To kill a dog is not called murder.
Murder is a specific legal term stating the act must be done to a human being. We are moving away from defining infants as human beings so 18 months is not surprising.

How's this for a trade: you get to define babies/infants/fetuses/whatever as human beings and define their willful death at the hands of another as murder, if I get to define deaths such as this dog's murder as well.

I'd make that trade if it were possible. Outlaw abortion in exchange for animal life being acknowledged as equal to that as humans and subject to the same amount of legal protection. Fair deal?

No. not fair. since humans are only one kind of species and you want a blanket equalization of all possible all the way to amoeba.

You have to choose - either canines, of felines, can't be both.

p.s. without irony - I do not equate animals with humans. However, I would take this deal with a clear outline of which animals and under which circumstances I would consider "murdered".
and I do not harm animals. even if they are spiders or snakes - let them live.
I love dogs just a good as the next dog lover I lost my best friend a year and a half ago. To kill a dog is not called murder.

Call it what you will, a dog's life deserves the same amount of protection as a human's
I love dogs just a good as the next dog lover I lost my best friend a year and a half ago. To kill a dog is not called murder.

Call it what you will, a dog's life deserves the same amount of protection as a human's

If that were true people would be locked up for murder hitting a dog with a car. Thing is Dogs do not have the consciousness to know roaming in the road is dangerous.
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DALLAS — Two more men pleaded guilty Tuesday to dousing a dog with lighter fluid and setting it on fire, but a reduced sentence for one of the defendants outraged animal rights activists.

"Justice" died several days after he was found burned at a Pleasant Grove apartment complex in April, 2012.

Darius Ewing — the man who poured the flammable liquid on Justice — agreed to a five-year sentence, but the judge lowered it to two years, saying prosecutors failed to prove that a "deadly weapon" was used.

"I'm shocked," said Jonnie England of the Texas Humane Alliance. "All of us who were in the courtroom today are shocked."

She said she didn't understand why the judge inserted his personal opinion into a sentence that prosecutors, the defense team and the defendant had already agreed on

'No justice for Justice' in tortured dog case | Dallas - Fort Worth

These fucking scumbags should have gotten at least 20 years. But no, not in this society. An animal's life isn't even worth the 5 year sentence the bastard agree to. Sick

It wasn't murder as the dog isn't a human, but for the judge to say that it couldn't be proved that a deadly weapon was used? What does he call fire? Harmless?
It's a dog. You find them lying dead on the street every day.

Get over it.

Actually, I have a dog I love more than most people I know. She certainly means more to me than you do. Doesn't matter if you're a human and she's a dog...she's more important to me than you could ever be.

So what that means is this...if my dog and you were in a burning building and I had the power to save one of you...I would trample right over you getting to my dog. Yep, that's right, I'd save her life, and not yours.

So think about that when you say "it's a dog.' And here's my girl (she, not "it"). I suspect she's a lot better looking than you are, also.


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We have three dogs, and they are not animals, they are members of our family. They are my sister and two brothers. If people don't like that, too bad.
DALLAS — Two more men pleaded guilty Tuesday to dousing a dog with lighter fluid and setting it on fire, but a reduced sentence for one of the defendants outraged animal rights activists.

"Justice" died several days after he was found burned at a Pleasant Grove apartment complex in April, 2012.

Darius Ewing — the man who poured the flammable liquid on Justice — agreed to a five-year sentence, but the judge lowered it to two years, saying prosecutors failed to prove that a "deadly weapon" was used.

"I'm shocked," said Jonnie England of the Texas Humane Alliance. "All of us who were in the courtroom today are shocked."

She said she didn't understand why the judge inserted his personal opinion into a sentence that prosecutors, the defense team and the defendant had already agreed on

'No justice for Justice' in tortured dog case | Dallas - Fort Worth

These fucking scumbags should have gotten at least 20 years. But no, not in this society. An animal's life isn't even worth the 5 year sentence the bastard agree to. Sick

they ought to be locked up as psychopaths because that's what they are.

Sooner or later (if they haven't already) they'll turn the sadistic attention to some human being.

Seriously, you could hang these guys and I wouldn't think it too much.
Have to agree, if you kill a baby you would get even less time. Welcome to liberalism. Obama, you proud of your son?
It believe when they research serial killers, that it says they pretty much invariably begin with torturing animals, yet we never seem to hear about non white serial killers in the media, despite knowing they exist..
Actually, I have a dog I love more than most people I know. She certainly means more to me than you do. Doesn't matter if you're a human and she's a dog...she's more important to me than you could ever be.

So what that means is this...if my dog and you were in a burning building and I had the power to save one of you...I would trample right over you getting to my dog. Yep, that's right, I'd save her life, and not yours.

So think about that when you say "it's a dog.' And here's my girl (she, not "it"). I suspect she's a lot better looking than you are, also.

this post is an exact explanation what is wrong with libtard mind.

beautiful dog, btw.
Where I live people shoot, hang, burn and poison dogs and cats.These are church going, family raising white people.


I'm a huge animal activist. You know this moonglow.

Give me names and addresses.

Now the puppy has me tied up in knots these days but if you know personally of any abuse I will make the people perpetrating the pain wish they'd died as a child.
It's a dog. You find them lying dead on the street every day.

Get over it.

Actually, I have a dog I love more than most people I know. She certainly means more to me than you do. Doesn't matter if you're a human and she's a dog...she's more important to me than you could ever be.

So what that means is this...if my dog and you were in a burning building and I had the power to save one of you...I would trample right over you getting to my dog. Yep, that's right, I'd save her life, and not yours.

So think about that when you say "it's a dog.' And here's my girl (she, not "it"). I suspect she's a lot better looking than you are, also.

Just a quick aside. What a beautiful crop.

Kudos to the vet. People who attempt to stop crops as "some crazy thing" don't understand why certain breeds need and must have crops.
It's a dog. You find them lying dead on the street every day.

Get over it.

Actually, I have a dog I love more than most people I know. She certainly means more to me than you do. Doesn't matter if you're a human and she's a dog...she's more important to me than you could ever be.

So what that means is this...if my dog and you were in a burning building and I had the power to save one of you...I would trample right over you getting to my dog. Yep, that's right, I'd save her life, and not yours.

So think about that when you say "it's a dog.' And here's my girl (she, not "it"). I suspect she's a lot better looking than you are, also.

Kind of reminds me of the movie "the good son"
Human > animals.


Find me an animal that can communicate with me as a human can, I'll change my tune immediately.

Find me an animal that I can empathize with as I can with a human, I'll change my tune immediately.

That we as humans like to see human traits in all other creatures doesn't make it so.

That someone might prefer their pet over a complete stranger doesn't mean that all animals should be considered equal to or greater than all humans.

We all have standards by which we judge the value of life. ALL of us. And none of us treat all life equally, unless it is treating all life with equal indifference.

Humanity is nowhere near a point of treating animal life as equal to human life, and I'm fine with that.

Killing an animal is not murder. It being murder is not required to think this sentence was too small, either.
Where I live people shoot, hang, burn and poison dogs and cats.These are church going, family raising white people.


I'm a huge animal activist. You know this moonglow.

Give me names and addresses.

Now the puppy has me tied up in knots these days but if you know personally of any abuse I will make the people perpetrating the pain wish they'd died as a child.
I was rather shocked at the judge's decision. I grew up in Texas, and the people I know love their animals and prize them. They even judge other people by the health of their horses and beauty of their animals.

I just can't figure this judge out. He certainly grew up with different values than most Texans who will not speak to anyone who in any way abuses their animals.

Some communities were so intolerant of animal abuse, they'd take any knucklehead who mistreated a horse or cow or pet of any kind out to the shed.

But if we loved our animals, we also much loved our fellow human beings who honored, loved, and spoiled their animals.

Well, ok, maybe we're not saints; we've stepped on our share of cockroaches and disease-spreading varmints, though. :rolleyes:

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