This is no witch hunt and there are no spies

People don't get convicted and plead guility in a fuckking witch hunt.

The only witch hunt is the one Trump is attempting to pull.
Convicted and guilty of unrelated matter's in hopes to weakend the President down or destroy his presidency with the bullcrap.

What did the liberoid lefties think Trump was going to do to them in the years he will be President ? What ever it was the left must have figured or thougt it was gonna be bad.

Y'all got any more Stormy Daniels and/or anything else to pull out of that box of tricks y'all been carrying around ??

Where did that media loving lawyer of hers disappear to ?? Oh that's right he is under investigation now isn't he ?? LOL
Called a plea deal in return for information on.....Guess who?
Guessing what they said eh ?? Well if there is anything, it should have been resolved by now, so you keep holding your breath while the rest of the country is dragged down the cesspool whirlpool due to Muller's drip, drip, drip "unconstitutional investigation" in order to try and save the Demon-crat party.
Why don't you drip, drip, drip, some evidence this investigation is unconstitutional. Oh, that's right, your a Trump voter. All they do is lie. Thanks, I forgot.
Why don't you bring on your evidence of Russia collusion ? I thought so.
Liars have to answer first.
Like James Clapper said, if it wasn't for Russia, Trump wouldn't have been elected, telling us that he is not a legitimate president.
James Clapper admitted they were spying on the Trump campaign, stupid.

Except that isn't what he said stupid. This is exactly what I am talking about. Anyone with a brain the size of a grasshopper knows exactly what Clapper is saying, and what he is talking about. You are the cultist Trump idiot we have been talking about.

Clapper lies everytime his lips move. There is no DENYING that there was a decision between him and the FBI to INSERT INFORMANTS in amongst the Trump Campaign. The distinction between an informant and a spy doesn't mean a load of crap in this case.

Listen carefully and follow along because in the Intel world there's a TECHnical difference.

In FACT the argument that they inserted INFORMANTS into the campaign is even worse. Because AN INFORMANT is a spy who was ALREADY PART of the organization under scrutiny. A SPY is someone you INSERT into an organization. The folks mentioned as spying on the Trump campaign were NOT PART of the Trump campaign. That MAKES THEM SPIES...

Clapper is lying to SAVE his sorry ass. It's a matter of time until the names come out and we find that this foolish monkey-wrenching of an opposition campaign in an election is the LARGEST abuse EVER of our Intel orgs and the FBI..
‘There's a tendency to write this latest Trump claim off as Trump being Trump. He has proven time and again that he is willing to stray from established facts in pursuit of a narrative that is more favorable to him -- from the size of his inauguration crowds to the idea that Obama ordered a wiretap on him during the last presidential campaign.

But the fact that this is what Trump does shouldn't distract us from the allegations here: Donald Trump is saying his predecessor as president used the leading law enforcement entity in the country to spy on him because Obama/the "deep state" didn't want someone as unconventional as Trump to be president.

To be clear: There is zero public evidence that Trump's claims are anywhere close to the truth.’

Don't miss what Donald Trump is doing with his 'spy' allegations - CNNPolitics

Straying from established facts is called lying.
‘There's a tendency to write this latest Trump claim off as Trump being Trump. He has proven time and again that he is willing to stray from established facts in pursuit of a narrative that is more favorable to him -- from the size of his inauguration crowds to the idea that Obama ordered a wiretap on him during the last presidential campaign.

But the fact that this is what Trump does shouldn't distract us from the allegations here: Donald Trump is saying his predecessor as president used the leading law enforcement entity in the country to spy on him because Obama/the "deep state" didn't want someone as unconventional as Trump to be president.

To be clear: There is zero public evidence that Trump's claims are anywhere close to the truth.’

Don't miss what Donald Trump is doing with his 'spy' allegations - CNNPolitics

Straying from established facts is called lying.
Lies, lies, and more lies. And the Right is paralyzed to disprove these lies.
Yes, you are a liar.
Your second sentence makes no sense.
Convicted and guilty of unrelated matter's in hopes to weakend the President down or destroy his presidency with the bullcrap.

What did the liberoid lefties think Trump was going to do to them in the years he will be President ? What ever it was the left must have figured or thougt it was gonna be bad.

Y'all got any more Stormy Daniels and/or anything else to pull out of that box of tricks y'all been carrying around ??

Where did that media loving lawyer of hers disappear to ?? Oh that's right he is under investigation now isn't he ?? LOL
Called a plea deal in return for information on.....Guess who?
Guessing what they said eh ?? Well if there is anything, it should have been resolved by now, so you keep holding your breath while the rest of the country is dragged down the cesspool whirlpool due to Muller's drip, drip, drip "unconstitutional investigation" in order to try and save the Demon-crat party.
Why don't you drip, drip, drip, some evidence this investigation is unconstitutional. Oh, that's right, your a Trump voter. All they do is lie. Thanks, I forgot.
Why don't you bring on your evidence of Russia collusion ? I thought so.
Liars have to answer first.
Yes. So we are waiting for you.

Prove your assertion. You keep saying it's been've been blabbing for days and I have yet to see any real information from you.

Which is why you are on ignore.
Like James Clapper said, if it wasn't for Russia, Trump wouldn't have been elected, telling us that he is not a legitimate president.
James Clapper admitted they were spying on the Trump campaign, stupid.

Except that isn't what he said stupid. This is exactly what I am talking about. Anyone with a brain the size of a grasshopper knows exactly what Clapper is saying, and what he is talking about. You are the cultist Trump idiot we have been talking about.

He admitted they had a spy in the Trump campaign, you fucking idiot. But he doesn't like the word "spy". lol
People don't get convicted and plead guility in a fuckking witch hunt.

The only witch hunt is the one Trump is attempting to pull.
Convicted and guilty of unrelated matter's in hopes to weakend the President down or destroy his presidency with the bullcrap.

What did the liberoid lefties think Trump was going to do to them in the years he will be President ? What ever it was the left must have figured or thougt it was gonna be bad.

Y'all got any more Stormy Daniels and/or anything else to pull out of that box of tricks y'all been carrying around ??

Where did that media loving lawyer of hers disappear to ?? Oh that's right he is under investigation now isn't he ?? LOL
Called a plea deal in return for information on.....Guess who?
I don't know....who? Your posts are like the investigation. All innuendo.
Like James Clapper said, if it wasn't for Russia, Trump wouldn't have been elected, telling us that he is not a legitimate president.
James Clapper admitted they were spying on the Trump campaign, stupid.

Except that isn't what he said stupid. This is exactly what I am talking about. Anyone with a brain the size of a grasshopper knows exactly what Clapper is saying, and what he is talking about. You are the cultist Trump idiot we have been talking about.

Clapper lies everytime his lips move.
Your idiocy, not withstanding, this explanation does not put to rest that Clapper never said the informant was a spy. You people still keep lying, by not proving your point.
There is no DENYING that there was a decision between him and the FBI to INSERT INFORMANTS in amongst the Trump Campaign.
Ya:clap:,we have a winner. An informant is not a spy. And the informant was there to find out what Russia was doing. Thanks! A Trumpster finally got it right.
The distinction between an informant and a spy doesn't mean a load of crap in this case.

And you were doing so good too.
Listen carefully and follow along because in the Intel world there's a TECHnical difference.

In FACT the argument that they inserted INFORMANTS into the campaign is even worse. Because AN INFORMANT is a spy who was ALREADY PART of the organization under scrutiny.
Negative! "Listen carefully" an informant is not an employee of the government. It is a random person who came forward. There is a big difference.
A SPY is someone you INSERT into an organization.
The folks mentioned as spying on the Trump campaign were NOT PART of the Trump campaign. That MAKES THEM SPIES...
WHAT? :cuckoo: What in the hell are you talking about?

Clapper is lying to SAVE his sorry ass.
What's he need to save? He's retired. You're just talking shit now.
It's a matter of time until the names come out and we find that this foolish monkey-wrenching of an opposition campaign in an election is the LARGEST abuse EVER of our Intel orgs and the FBI..
Twenty something names of convictions, indictments, and cooperating witnesses have already come out. You know, like the one's that count. Get with reality boss. You only hurt yourself with your own made up bs.
Like James Clapper said, if it wasn't for Russia, Trump wouldn't have been elected, telling us that he is not a legitimate president.
James Clapper admitted they were spying on the Trump campaign, stupid.

Except that isn't what he said stupid. This is exactly what I am talking about. Anyone with a brain the size of a grasshopper knows exactly what Clapper is saying, and what he is talking about. You are the cultist Trump idiot we have been talking about.

He admitted they had a spy in the Trump campaign, you fucking idiot. But he doesn't like the word "spy". lol

World class stupidity certainly does run deep with Trump's Sheep herd.

This is the kind of response we get when you have no rebuttal.
You are a fool or a Zealot, probably a combination of both…

The whole Russian thing is all liberal Bull Shit.

If the situations were reversed and Bush had

Spied on and tried to Sabotage obama, we

are all sure you wouldn’t have a problem with it…

You liberals are all so full of Shit.
Conjecture is no recipe for a counter argument. You lose.

Au Contraire…

REALITY TRUMPS the FANTASY land you Liberals live in.

Your FAKE NEWS SOURCES have filled your head with SHIT.

Soon REALITY will SPANK your ASS…

It’s got to suck to be you…..

Life is good with LIBERAL STOMPING President like TRUMP
Why don’t Americans know Mueller probe has led to convictions?

Don the Con has been very successful in changing the message to attacking law enforcement and labeling the investigation as a witch hunt, and creating false stories about spies. First, there are many witches who have already either plead guilty, indicted, or have become cooperating witnesses against key players in this criminal investigation, implicating family members as well. Definitely not a witch hunt. That is a lie. So, Trump Sheep, get a grip on reality. Second, there has been zero evidence that this informant is nothing more than an informant, and not a spy. So, all you Trump cultists can put a sock in that fake scandal as well.

And by the way, save us all the conjecture in your counter arguments, unless you can produce evidence to the contrary.

We also have breaking news about Don Jr. being wire tapped that discovered that there were conversations/meetings by Don Jr. with Russians who has recently been caught lying about those meetings ever taken place. And yet, the Right cries "witch hunt". Lol! From which planet do you have to be from, to be that stupid, to believe this is a witch hunt? Reports: A new concern for Donald Trump Jr.

Like I said in previous threads, this was/is a massive conspiracy on multiple fronts.

You can believe this is fantasy all you like. But in the end, a lot of people are going to jail who were directly or indirectly involved into multiple different crimes, where most, if not all go back to Russia meddling into our election, with multiple players. And they were more than willing to get help in any way they could.

Like James Clapper said, if it wasn't for Russia, Trump wouldn't have been elected, telling us that he is not a legitimate president.

Who would concur?

The 327 people who tune in CNN every night!:deal::fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed:
Like James Clapper said, if it wasn't for Russia, Trump wouldn't have been elected, telling us that he is not a legitimate president.
James Clapper admitted they were spying on the Trump campaign, stupid.

Except that isn't what he said stupid. This is exactly what I am talking about. Anyone with a brain the size of a grasshopper knows exactly what Clapper is saying, and what he is talking about. You are the cultist Trump idiot we have been talking about.

But s0n....that is a hypetpartisan view this politically a zero or close to it. This is an internet message board.....youd be better off conveying less misery in your threads and posts.:113:
Like James Clapper said, if it wasn't for Russia, Trump wouldn't have been elected, telling us that he is not a legitimate president.
James Clapper admitted they were spying on the Trump campaign, stupid.

The FBI was investigating criminal activity

No, the FBI was investigating Russian collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia based on a fake dossier paid for by his political opponent. When unable to find that, it morphed off into some weird direction about him paying off a hooker. NOBODY has been indicted or convicted of colluding with Russia because 1. there is no crime of collusion 2. It never happened. The people who got charged were charged with crimes not at all involving Trump or his campaign.

This isn't Russia. Our DOJ doesn't just investigate someone "for criminal activity." They have to have probable cause and go after specific things. This whole thing is illegal. You don't just investigate until you find something, ANYTHING, on anyone. That's not how the game is played. But liberals are too stupid to realize that. Until the FBI is at their door telling them to put their hands up and that they are there to investigate "criminal activity" and they start rummaging through their shit and when asked what for they simply say "to find criminal activity." Then they would care and be crying that it violated their constitutional rights to search and seizure.
Last edited:
Why don’t Americans know Mueller probe has led to convictions?

Don the Con has been very successful in changing the message to attacking law enforcement and labeling the investigation as a witch hunt, and creating false stories about spies. First, there are many witches who have already either plead guilty, indicted, or have become cooperating witnesses against key players in this criminal investigation, implicating family members as well. Definitely not a witch hunt. That is a lie. So, Trump Sheep, get a grip on reality. Second, there has been zero evidence that this informant is nothing more than an informant, and not a spy. So, all you Trump cultists can put a sock in that fake scandal as well.

And by the way, save us all the conjecture in your counter arguments, unless you can produce evidence to the contrary.

We also have breaking news about Don Jr. being wire tapped that discovered that there were conversations/meetings by Don Jr. with Russians who has recently been caught lying about those meetings ever taken place. And yet, the Right cries "witch hunt". Lol! From which planet do you have to be from, to be that stupid, to believe this is a witch hunt? Reports: A new concern for Donald Trump Jr.

Like I said in previous threads, this was/is a massive conspiracy on multiple fronts.

You can believe this is fantasy all you like. But in the end, a lot of people are going to jail who were directly or indirectly involved into multiple different crimes, where most, if not all go back to Russia meddling into our election, with multiple players. And they were more than willing to get help in any way they could.

Like James Clapper said, if it wasn't for Russia, Trump wouldn't have been elected, telling us that he is not a legitimate president.
We knew this is a witch hunt from the get-go. president Trump didn't have to tell us.
Like James Clapper said, if it wasn't for Russia, Trump wouldn't have been elected, telling us that he is not a legitimate president.
James Clapper admitted they were spying on the Trump campaign, stupid.

The FBI was investigating criminal activity

No, the FBI was investigating Russian collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia based on a fake dossier paid for by his political opponent. When unable to find that, it morphed off into some weird direction about him paying off a hooker.

This isn't Russia. Our DOJ doesn't just investigate someone "for criminal activity." They have to have probable cause and go after specific things. This whole thing is illegal. You don't just investigate until you find something, ANYTHING, on anyone. That's not how the game is played. But liberals are too stupid to realize that. Until the FBI is at their door telling them to put their hands up and that they are there to investigate "criminal activity" and they start rummaging through their shit and when asked what for they simply say "to find criminal activity." Then they would care and be crying that it violated their constitutional rights to search and seizure.

Yes, during the hippy drug using years of the sixties, these people learned how to twist the law in this country so bad to keep from being convicted of their crimes, that they convinced the nation that up is really down, and black is really white, and we'll you get the point. LOL

It hasn't stopped to this very day.
Why don’t Americans know Mueller probe has led to convictions?

Don the Con has been very successful in changing the message to attacking law enforcement and labeling the investigation as a witch hunt, and creating false stories about spies. First, there are many witches who have already either plead guilty, indicted, or have become cooperating witnesses against key players in this criminal investigation, implicating family members as well. Definitely not a witch hunt. That is a lie. So, Trump Sheep, get a grip on reality. Second, there has been zero evidence that this informant is nothing more than an informant, and not a spy. So, all you Trump cultists can put a sock in that fake scandal as well.

And by the way, save us all the conjecture in your counter arguments, unless you can produce evidence to the contrary.

We also have breaking news about Don Jr. being wire tapped that discovered that there were conversations/meetings by Don Jr. with Russians who has recently been caught lying about those meetings ever taken place. And yet, the Right cries "witch hunt". Lol! From which planet do you have to be from, to be that stupid, to believe this is a witch hunt? Reports: A new concern for Donald Trump Jr.

Like I said in previous threads, this was/is a massive conspiracy on multiple fronts.

You can believe this is fantasy all you like. But in the end, a lot of people are going to jail who were directly or indirectly involved into multiple different crimes, where most, if not all go back to Russia meddling into our election, with multiple players. And they were more than willing to get help in any way they could.

Like James Clapper said, if it wasn't for Russia, Trump wouldn't have been elected, telling us that he is not a legitimate president.

Who would concur?

The 327 people who tune in CNN every night!:deal::fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed:
Is this where the smart people go for their news? 2 university studies have confirmed that a goldfish is better informed than the followers of this cult.
read:STUDY: Watching Only Fox News Makes You Less Informed Than Watching No News At All
They convinced men it's ok to ass fuck each other, its ok to go into the girls bathroom as a man wearing a dress, that it's ok raise kids in that sick environment so why be surprised that they're convinced that opening an "open ended" investigation into someone to find "criminal activity" is perfectly legal and perfectly ok? You're right.

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