This is no witch hunt and there are no spies

Is this where the smart people go for their news? 2 university studies have confirmed that a goldfish is better informed than the followers of this cult.
read:STUDY: Watching Only Fox News Makes You Less Informed Than Watching No News At All

Says a german owned left leaning website. In other words, who gives a fuck what they say?

Business Insider - Media Bias/Fact Check

Business Insider is a German owned American news website that has a left of center bias in reporting.
Like James Clapper said, if it wasn't for Russia, Trump wouldn't have been elected, telling us that he is not a legitimate president.
James Clapper admitted they were spying on the Trump campaign, stupid.

Except that isn't what he said stupid. This is exactly what I am talking about. Anyone with a brain the size of a grasshopper knows exactly what Clapper is saying, and what he is talking about. You are the cultist Trump idiot we have been talking about.

Clapper lies everytime his lips move. There is no DENYING that there was a decision between him and the FBI to INSERT INFORMANTS in amongst the Trump Campaign. The distinction between an informant and a spy doesn't mean a load of crap in this case.

Listen carefully and follow along because in the Intel world there's a TECHnical difference.

In FACT the argument that they inserted INFORMANTS into the campaign is even worse. Because AN INFORMANT is a spy who was ALREADY PART of the organization under scrutiny. A SPY is someone you INSERT into an organization. The folks mentioned as spying on the Trump campaign were NOT PART of the Trump campaign. That MAKES THEM SPIES...

Clapper is lying to SAVE his sorry ass. It's a matter of time until the names come out and we find that this foolish monkey-wrenching of an opposition campaign in an election is the LARGEST abuse EVER of our Intel orgs and the FBI..

Obama should be perp-walked into Leavenworth prison for what he did to our FBI and DOJ.
Is this where the smart people go for their news? 2 university studies have confirmed that a goldfish is better informed than the followers of this cult.
read:STUDY: Watching Only Fox News Makes You Less Informed Than Watching No News At All
Funny, your article fails to mention the guestions asked, or what the expected "correct" answers are.

Seems the liberal MSM would have a very different "correct" response than how an informed, right thinking American would respond..
More fake news from tardville
Is this where the smart people go for their news? 2 university studies have confirmed that a goldfish is better informed than the followers of this cult.
read:STUDY: Watching Only Fox News Makes You Less Informed Than Watching No News At All
Funny, your article fails to mention the guestions asked, or what the expected "correct" answers are.

Seems the liberal MSM would have a very different "correct" response than how an informed, right thinking American would respond..
More fake news from tardville

Please see post 43 in this thread.
Yep, Clapper said they were spying. How could the OP have missed that?

They just ignore the parts that contradict them and go straight to "Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump...."
Is this where the smart people go for their news? 2 university studies have confirmed that a goldfish is better informed than the followers of this cult.
read:STUDY: Watching Only Fox News Makes You Less Informed Than Watching No News At All
Funny, your article fails to mention the guestions asked, or what the expected "correct" answers are.

Seems the liberal MSM would have a very different "correct" response than how an informed, right thinking American would respond..
More fake news from tardville

Please see post 43 in this thread.
There are no post numbers on mobile
Is this where the smart people go for their news? 2 university studies have confirmed that a goldfish is better informed than the followers of this cult.
read:STUDY: Watching Only Fox News Makes You Less Informed Than Watching No News At All
Funny, your article fails to mention the guestions asked, or what the expected "correct" answers are.

Seems the liberal MSM would have a very different "correct" response than how an informed, right thinking American would respond..
More fake news from tardville

Please see post 43 in this thread.
There are no post numbers on mobile

Ok, well I'd already pointed out that business insider is a german owned left leaning website.

And as you pointed out, as no data was provided to determine what they figured were "correct" answers, it's useless.
People don't get convicted and plead guility in a fuckking witch hunt.

The only witch hunt is the one Trump is attempting to pull.

People plead guilty when their wives and daughters are repeatedly raped in front of them. So the world learned during the Spanish inquisition of the 14th century.

Now we have a new Inquisition, with a new Grand Inquisitor. The Inquisitor, true to his office has adopted the methods of that earlier one, so much so that we can only call him Mewler-Torquemada.

When faced with a General that he needed to get Trump, Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada had a problem, how can you convict an innocent man with no evidence when in fact his own FSB team had illegally surveilled the General? :dunno:

Our Grand Inquisitor had an idea, have his wife raped in front of him until he confessed! But one of his advisers convinced Mewler-Torquemada to hold off on that for a bit,. So Torquemada said "I know, let's throw his family in prison until he breaks." So the Grand Inquisitor set his FSB goons on the son of General Flynn. "Confess, or you're son goes to prison and your grand children will be sold into slavery (put in foster care)" threatened the evil Inquisitor.

So the General broke to the 14th century terror and torture tactics used by this foul pile of shit, Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada.
Is this where the smart people go for their news? 2 university studies have confirmed that a goldfish is better informed than the followers of this cult.
read:STUDY: Watching Only Fox News Makes You Less Informed Than Watching No News At All
Funny, your article fails to mention the guestions asked, or what the expected "correct" answers are.

Seems the liberal MSM would have a very different "correct" response than how an informed, right thinking American would respond..
More fake news from tardville
So the folks at the University of Maryland and Fairleigh Dickinson University live in tardville. I rest my case. You`re an uninformed boob and you`re proud of it.
Like James Clapper said, if it wasn't for Russia, Trump wouldn't have been elected, telling us that he is not a legitimate president.
James Clapper admitted they were spying on the Trump campaign, stupid.

Except that isn't what he said stupid. This is exactly what I am talking about. Anyone with a brain the size of a grasshopper knows exactly what Clapper is saying, and what he is talking about. You are the cultist Trump idiot we have been talking about.

If he did say that, you'd see the quote. Instead, someone uploads a You-Tube video with a title and that is what they rely on.
People don't get convicted and plead guility in a fuckking witch hunt.

The only witch hunt is the one Trump is attempting to pull.

.Give me ONE conviction that resulted from events in the campaign, for I truly do not know of any.
Is this where the smart people go for their news? 2 university studies have confirmed that a goldfish is better informed than the followers of this cult.
read:STUDY: Watching Only Fox News Makes You Less Informed Than Watching No News At All

Says a german owned left leaning website. In other words, who gives a fuck what they say?

Business Insider - Media Bias/Fact Check

Business Insider is a German owned American news website that has a left of center bias in reporting.
It`s a left leaning website so The University of Maryland and Fairleigh Dickinson University don`t actually exist?
You are a fool or a Zealot, probably a combination of both…

The whole Russian thing is all liberal Bull Shit.

If the situations were reversed and Bush had

Spied on and tried to Sabotage obama, we

are all sure you wouldn’t have a problem with it…

You liberals are all so full of Shit.
She's a fucking nut.

Jessica123 thinks truthmatters... If yaknowhatImean
Like James Clapper said, if it wasn't for Russia, Trump wouldn't have been elected, telling us that he is not a legitimate president.
James Clapper admitted they were spying on the Trump campaign, stupid.

Except that isn't what he said stupid. This is exactly what I am talking about. Anyone with a brain the size of a grasshopper knows exactly what Clapper is saying, and what he is talking about. You are the cultist Trump idiot we have been talking about.

Clapper lies everytime his lips move. There is no DENYING that there was a decision between him and the FBI to INSERT INFORMANTS in amongst the Trump Campaign. The distinction between an informant and a spy doesn't mean a load of crap in this case.

Listen carefully and follow along because in the Intel world there's a TECHnical difference.

In FACT the argument that they inserted INFORMANTS into the campaign is even worse. Because AN INFORMANT is a spy who was ALREADY PART of the organization under scrutiny. A SPY is someone you INSERT into an organization. The folks mentioned as spying on the Trump campaign were NOT PART of the Trump campaign. That MAKES THEM SPIES...

Clapper is lying to SAVE his sorry ass. It's a matter of time until the names come out and we find that this foolish monkey-wrenching of an opposition campaign in an election is the LARGEST abuse EVER of our Intel orgs and the FBI..

Obama should be perp-walked into Leavenworth prison for what he did to our FBI and DOJ.

When you figure out exactly what he did, you'll be sure to let us know now won't you?
You are a fool or a Zealot, probably a combination of both…

The whole Russian thing is all liberal Bull Shit.

If the situations were reversed and Bush had

Spied on and tried to Sabotage obama, we

are all sure you wouldn’t have a problem with it…

You liberals are all so full of Shit.
All of those things are lies made up by the Great tRumpkin. Not one single word of truth in the whole mess, just like most of the rest of his statements.
Yep, Clapper said they were spying. How could the OP have missed that?


The OP lied.

The lower echelon drones still think they can lie their way out of this.

What these mindless automatons don't know is that they are being reprogrammed to explain why it was okay and even good for Obama to spy on the opposition campaign.

But it isn't okay, it's treason.

There are four principle reasons why the Obama team thought they could get away with spying on Trump:

  1. The fawning press would never question them. They had gone through more than eight years of the press tripping over each other lauding their actions, so why would the press question them now?
  2. Their prior actions (which are delineated below) went by with meager questioning and virtually no accusations of impropriety.
  3. They assumed Hillary was going to win and thus the improper actions would never be reviewed. They had to go to Plan B on this once she lost and accuse Trump and his people of gross negligence and then their spying on Trump would be buried in the hysteria regarding Russian Collusion.
  4. The biggest, boldest reason was the Black Card. The Obama Administration had used this so many times it became de rigueur. The whimpering press would never question the Black President, the Black Attorney General nor the Black White House Adviser because of their white guilt. This is a form of reverse racism. If you did question them you would automatically be branded a racist. In fact, me just pointing this out opens me up to being branded by the Obama acolytes as a racist.}
Of Course, Obama Knew of the Spying on the Trump Campaign

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