This is not a pandemic of the unvaccinated

Its remarkable that whomever runs this joint cites that idiot as one of the "grown ups" here.
No, truth is that the Omicron variant may be going nuts because it’s dealing with both negroid and caucasoid genomes as well as vaxxed and unvaxxed genoms. We can see precisely where it inserts or deletes. It seems to be confused as to what to do. No doubt, mutation N969K must be addressed by vaccine makers attempting to counter it. But two new deletions in addition to an insertion, which we haven’t yet seen on the SARS-CoV-2 spike, looks like it is going bananas.
I get it...You actually like being lied to and gaslighted.

Sucks to be you.
They eat the food the left give them. No need to question the food or where it comes from. Just eat it and be happy and let them herd you in the direction they want to herd you.
Lets see…

The vaccinated have 95 percent protection
The unvaccinated have zero protection
That's a stupid comment to make.

The unvaccinated often have natural immunity---
The disease doesn't affect most people significantly.
Most people who are affected report very little issues with Covid.
That's a stupid comment to make.

The unvaccinated often have natural immunity---

And the unvaccinated often DON'T have natural immunity. Even somebody who got COVID depending on the severity, depends the level of immunity they have afterward. After all, there were people who caught COVID, and then months later caught it AGAIN.
That's a stupid comment to make.

The unvaccinated often have natural immunity---
The disease doesn't affect most people significantly.
Most people who are affected report very little issues with Covid.

And those who report issues end up clogging the ER and the ICU's so that people with real medical problems die waiting for an opening.

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