This is not racist or screwed up at all. Palestinians to be removed from Jerusalem census.

Israel did not consider Jerusalem to be part of the West Bank and attacked Jordan to take it.

Look at the Map of the West Bank. Israel made a bee line to Jerusalem even before the war.

It is their holy city

Israelis wanted to pray at the wall as they did under Ottomans
I know that is what they wanted. Israel was attacking Jerusalem and expelling the Palestinians living there before the war.

Jihad Muqqadis attacked jews

jordan and other arab armies attacked Israel within minutes of their independence

did you get your information from Khalidi?
About 300,000 Palestinians were expelled before the war. The Palestinians in Jerusalem were a part of that.

Left at arab urging. Some left in panic as the fighting started. Only a few were forced to leave because they were involve in terrorism.

I, and others, have provided proof many times from a dozen arab and palestinian sources.

To say the bulk of the palestinians left because they were forced is a lie. Palestinian propaganda they want people to believe.

I've been to the camps. Most I talked to left because they were unsure and afraid or were told to leave by their own or arab radio. Not at the point of an Israeli gun.

Israel appealed to town mayors, leaders and groups to tell palestinians they should stay.

Many were forced to leave by the Israeli militias as part of a plan. It's also dishonest to claim most left at Arab urging - fear of conflict and deliberate expulsions account for most of it.
It is their holy city

Israelis wanted to pray at the wall as they did under Ottomans
I know that is what they wanted. Israel was attacking Jerusalem and expelling the Palestinians living there before the war.

Jihad Muqqadis attacked jews

jordan and other arab armies attacked Israel within minutes of their independence

did you get your information from Khalidi?
About 300,000 Palestinians were expelled before the war. The Palestinians in Jerusalem were a part of that.

Left at arab urging. Some left in panic as the fighting started. Only a few were forced to leave because they were involve in terrorism.

I, and others, have provided proof many times from a dozen arab and palestinian sources.

To say the bulk of the palestinians left because they were forced is a lie. Palestinian propaganda they want people to believe.

I've been to the camps. Most I talked to left because they were unsure and afraid or were told to leave by their own or arab radio. Not at the point of an Israeli gun.

Israel appealed to town mayors, leaders and groups to tell palestinians they should stay.

Many were forced to leave by the Israeli militias as part of a plan. It's also dishonest to claim most left at Arab urging - fear of conflict and deliberate expulsions account for most of it.

>>Historians skeptical of the "Master Plan" emphasize that no central directive has surfaced from the archives and argue that, had such an understanding been widespread, it would have left a mark in the vast documentation produced by the Zionist leadership at the time. Furthermore, Yosef Weitz, who was strongly in favor of expulsion, had explicitly asked Ben-Gurion for such a directive and was turned down. <<
>>There was no Zionist "plan" or blanket policy of evicting the Arab population, or of "ethnic cleansing". <<
>>Yoav Gelber notes that documentation exists showing that David Ben-Gurion "regarded the escape as a calculated withdrawal of non-combatant population upon the orders of Arab commanders and out of military considerations", which is contradictory to the hypothesis of a master plan he may have drawn up<<
>>Most of Palestine's 700,000 "refugees" fled their homes because of the flail of war (and in the expectation that they would shortly return to their homes on the backs of victorious Arab invaders). <<
>>Yoav Gelber notes that documentation exists showing that David Ben-Gurion "regarded the escape as a calculated withdrawal of non-combatant population upon the orders of Arab commanders and out of military considerations", which is contradictory to the hypothesis of a master plan he may have drawn up<<
Studies show that only a few percent of the people left due to the instructions of the leaders.
Let's look at the past as context for what is likely to happen in the future, should we go to war again (which is looking more and more likely).

What is the right thing to do, in war, when you have a hostile enemy in your population? While we can all likely agree that ethnic cleansing is not morally permissible, how can we address the reality in wartime?

It seems to me there is more peace in places which are ethnically homogeneous. Wouldn't that be a better long term solution than endless conflict?
Let's look at the past as context for what is likely to happen in the future, should we go to war again (which is looking more and more likely).

What is the right thing to do, in war, when you have a hostile enemy in your population? While we can all likely agree that ethnic cleansing is not morally permissible, how can we address the reality in wartime?

It seems to me there is more peace in places which are ethnically homogeneous. Wouldn't that be a better long term solution than endless conflict?
Typical illiteracy from you as this is thread on the
Palestinians to be removed from Jerusalem census.

This about wiping whatever memory is left of them being erased. This is what jews there do.
Palestinians to be removed from Jerusalem census.

This about wiping whatever memory is left of them being erased. This is what jews there do.

No. Its about separating those who wish to be Palestinians from those who wish to be Israelis. Its a difficult choice, but soon to be a necessary one, I think.
Palestinians to be removed from Jerusalem census.

This about wiping whatever memory is left of them being erased. This is what jews there do.

No. Its about separating those who wish to be Palestinians from those who wish to be Israelis. Its a difficult choice, but soon to be a necessary one, I think.
It defines genocide as you continue to wipe the memory of a people off this earth.
Its about separating those who wish to be Palestinians from those who wish to be Israelis. Its a difficult choice, but soon to be a necessary one, I think.

Shusha, do you think the Palestinians in Jerusalem should get a vote on this land swap to establish what they want, or are you afraid of discovering that you've been mislead by lying zionists?

If what the lying zionists tell you is true, why don't the Jews in the occupied land just move to Israel, and the Palestinians in Jerusalem move out? The evil government of Israel will allow Jews to move in, but not Palestinians, including the ones who were displace from there in 1948. Why are you on the side of evil?
It seems to me there is more peace in places which are ethnically homogeneous. Wouldn't that be a better long term solution than endless conflict?

Diversity is weakness because it causes conflict. The USA is an inflamed example of the damage of diversity. But, Palestinians and Jews are mostly racially identical. The Israel-Palestinian conflict is intractable because of the Talmudic Supremacy of Israel. Jews hate Christians and Muslims.

The Devil's Useful Idiots will hypocritically chime in that Palestinians won't recognize the right of Israel to exist. But, that's irrelevant. Israel is the only sovereign state there and the only government there that has the power to change things.
There can be peace with diversity, as long as diversity is ignored. If Liberals weren't always racial agitators, we could have racial peace because then people wouldn't think about race. Israel could have peace if they would tolerate Christians and Muslims, instead of insisting on oppressing them.
That was bulletproof, lol.
Shusha, do you think the Palestinians in Jerusalem should get a vote on this land swap to establish what they want, ....

Thank you for this part asked as a respectful question. Generally, no. I don't think individual citizens should be permitted to "vote" on land swaps or which territory ends up under whose sovereignty. Why? Because sovereignty over territory involves considerations which can only be addressed on the level of State Parties, including security, long term interests, resources, economic viability, etc.

I also believe that the purpose of land swaps is a almost entirely a swapping of populations and not actually a swapping of land. The POINT is to end up (mostly) with the Arab Palestinians on "their" side and the Israeli Jews on "their" side. That's what land swaps are for.

That said, I believe individual citizens should absolutely have the right to determine their own citizenship and residency in any sort of agreement. And that they should be compensated for any voluntary resettlement.

Israel does not want a hostile population within its sovereign territory (that is really not working out), so most places with a high Arab population should be swapped out.

With respect to Jerusalem, it is my belief that Israel MUST retain the Old City and the Temple Mount, with generous access accorded to Muslims (as long as they are peaceful) and with co-operation of Jordan. But the outlying mainly Arab neighborhoods can be swapped out.

I think this will cause some short term distress, but will be a fair and equitable solution to the conflict.
why don't the Jews in the occupied land just move to Israel, and the Palestinians in Jerusalem move out? The evil government of Israel will allow Jews to move in, but not Palestinians, including the ones who were displace from there in 1948. Why are you on the side of evil?

You seem to be confusing many different issues here.

Are you proposing a population exchange? Once it has been determined which land is Israel and which is Palestine?
Palestinians to be removed from Jerusalem census.

This about wiping whatever memory is left of them being erased. This is what jews there do.

No. Its about separating those who wish to be Palestinians from those who wish to be Israelis. Its a difficult choice, but soon to be a necessary one, I think.
It defines genocide as you continue to wipe the memory of a people off this earth.

Do you realize the silly "genocide" slogan is just pointless?
Wiping the memory of a people out of existence defines genocide to many.
Thread topic is LIMITED to the disposition of Palestinians in Jerusalem. Don't go beyond that SPECIFIC topic.
No diversions or deflections. The history of CONTROL of Jerusalem is germane. All other history is not..

Not gonna be ANOTHER unfocused brawl or shouting match in the I/P forum..
According to resolution 181, Jerusalem (And surrounding territory including Bethlehem.) was to be an international city governed by the UN.

Did Israel win Jerusalem in a defensive war with the UN?

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