This Is Not Supposed to be happening in 2021 according to the Far Right.

BrokeLoser has this opinion, that the only people of color that are worthy of respect are those that have lots of money.

Folks of color that weren't born with a silver spoon in their mouth, from prestigious families, or that don't have money? In his world? Fuck 'em.

I have no clue why you even bother with this cat, he is as hypocritical as any leftist. :71:

He's astonishingly ignorant of history.

The entire post-war period of the 20th century is written in the collapse of White colonial rule across the globe from South America to Africa to India to SE Asia.

The idea that POC didn't deeply resent this rule, and make their resentment known in no uncertain terms during this time, makes his meme particularly ridiculous, but his mindless derailing inability to defend it in any way is an even deeper embarrassment to himself.
We find the strongest discriminatory constraints facing African Americans in


Los Angeles, CA LEFTISTS

Louisville, KY. LEFTISTS

We find the strongest constraints facing Hispanic/LatinX renters in

Louisville, KY LEFTISTS


Providence, RI. LEFTISTS
Liberals, not leftists.

Confusing the two is like thinking the Nazis were Jews.
No, YOU would see snow as racist because it's white. I am talking abouT a nationwde problem with racism in housIng. Calling out some rubes on the internet is not enough. It's time you went to those you elect and support to call ttem and their policies out.
I sincerely don't think the racists want things to get better because then they lose their scapegoat.

Who will they have to look down on and ascribe all the woes of the white racist to, if race relations improve and the world sees black people as we truly are, a people who have overcome and are still overcoming some of the most evil and treacherous things that can be done to another human being and still persevere.
Most of my friends are white democrats and they all live in all-white neighborhoods. All of the blacks I know are also democrats and live in black neighborhoods.
Take it up with democrats.
What do you recommend?

He posts crap like this, week in, week out, but never really has a good solution.
Have you ever actually researched or verified any of the things he posts? He is one of the most knowledgeable people I know when it comes to U.S. history in terms of our treaties, and policies and acts, etc as well as African American history and how all of the previous impacts us from the inception of this country to today.

IM2 is not a racist, he's black man who knows of what he speaks and I don't know if you've noticed this or not, but on this boards, you get called all types of names - racist, black extremists, terrorists, etc. - if you correct the misconceptions of the white racists here (that's giving them the benefit of the doubt that they are not just knowingly lying) or disagree with them. All of that hostility, nastiness and vitriol is completely unnecessary and doesn't forest communication which is why for the most time, he doesn't bother making his words or comments more palatable to the reader. They respond the same way whether we're being nice, civil, snarky, sarcastic, nasty to them in turn - it's always the same lying bs so why bother? (this is my speculation, not anything he's ever said to me).

I generally start off civil but there is only so much "willful ignorance" I can take because I start losing my patience and responses begin to get more curt, ill-tempered, etc.

As far as him not having a good solution, he posts the solution ALL OF THE TIME, yet you all act as if you don't even see it, not that it's his place to find a solution. The problem that causes the most ills for African Americans is white racism, in all of it's incarnations, past, presence and future.

On a fairly regular basis we hear "you all have had affirmative action for 55 years now, it's time to abolish it". 55 years out of the 254 years that the United States has been in existence. That like driving along at 60 miles per hour, someone saying STOP! and expecting the car to immediately come to a standstill instead of taking the 6 seconds it needs to decelerate back down to zero. By the laws of physics, it's not possible and by way of analogy, it's not possible to reverse more than 3 decades of racial discrimination against people of African descent in the equivalent of less than 1 second.

The solution is twofold but it can't be done by black people.
1. If you're white and you're a racist, stop being a racist
2. If you're white and you're not a racist, don't let those who are do or say things in your presence that are racist without calling them out.

I realize that may be uncomfortable and/or awkward for many of you to do so if you don't want to work on it on the personal level you can always

1. Become a legislative on the local level and do what you can to ensure that the laws that are passed and equitable for everyone, do what you can to ensure that the laws are enforced fairly and equitably, etc.
2. Go to a city council meeting, find out what you government and police brass are up to these days
3. And this touched me the most - many of my white friends, colleagues, and associates called me up and told me that they were there for me if there was anything I needed after the George Floyd video hit the media. I was especially touched when many of Jewish friends and associates reached out to let me know that they support me and if there was anything I needed to let them know and many of them openly support Black Lives Matter.

Anyone who has been isolated, marginalized or targeted knows how amazing it is when people who are not of your tribe make a point to let you know that your fight is their fight as well and that they will stand next to you in it.
Even with the flawed testing, the discrepancy was basically within margin of error.

In the full sample, inquiries sent from white renter identities receive an average response rate of 60%. We find that response rates to inquiries sent from African American and Hispanic/LatinX identities were 5.6 and 2.8 percentage points lower, respectively (Table SM2.1). These magnitudes imply a 54.4% average response rate to inquiries sent from an African American identity and a 57.2% average response rate to to inquiries from Hispanic/LatinX identities to the same set of listings.

They also admit the following.
their key limitation is that the researcher never directly observes the effects of constraints faced by fictitious applicants on actual housing outcomes (11).

They also mention that they use names to dictate the race of an applicant which is impossible to do. In other words they didn't say what race the applicant was when sending the information out.
For each listing, the bot then initiated a three day sequence of inquiries, sending one inquiry per day using fictitious identities drawn in random sequence from a set of 18 first/last name pairs that were selected to elicit cognitive associations with one of three racial/ethnic categories: African American, Hispanic/LatinX, and white.
No one can assume someone's race based on their name.

Take a look at the most popular names in the black community. There is no way one could assume the race of the person based on their name.

I laughed when I saw "Brandon" on the list ;).

Edit: One example, they used Lamar. This name is used both in the white and black community, so why would anyone assume this to be a black applicant? And Nia is used in almost every race, so that shouldn't be assumed either.
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Have you ever actually researched or verified any of the things he posts? He is one of the most knowledgeable people I know when it comes to U.S. history in terms of our treaties, and policies and acts, etc as well as African American history and how all of the previous impacts us from the inception of this country to today.

IM2 is not a racist, he's black man who knows of what he speaks and I don't know if you've noticed this or not, but on this boards, you get called all types of names - racist, black extremists, terrorists, etc. - if you correct the misconceptions of the white racists here (that's giving them the benefit of the doubt that they are not just knowingly lying) or disagree with them. All of that hostility, nastiness and vitriol is completely unnecessary and doesn't forest communication which is why for the most time, he doesn't bother making his words or comments more palatable to the reader. They respond the same way whether we're being nice, civil, snarky, sarcastic, nasty to them in turn - it's always the same lying bs so why bother? (this is my speculation, not anything he's ever said to me).

I generally start off civil but there is only so much "willful ignorance" I can take because I start losing my patience and responses begin to get more curt, ill-tempered, etc.

As far as him not having a good solution, he posts the solution ALL OF THE TIME, yet you all act as if you don't even see it, not that it's his place to find a solution. The problem that causes the most ills for African Americans is white racism, in all of it's incarnations, past, presence and future.

On a fairly regular basis we hear "you all have had affirmative action for 55 years now, it's time to abolish it". 55 years out of the 254 years that the United States has been in existence. That like driving along at 60 miles per hour, someone saying STOP! and expecting the car to immediately come to a standstill instead of taking the 6 seconds it needs to decelerate back down to zero. By the laws of physics, it's not possible and by way of analogy, it's not possible to reverse more than 3 decades of racial discrimination against people of African descent in the equivalent of less than 1 second.

The solution is twofold but it can't be done by black people.
1. If you're white and you're a racist, stop being a racist
2. If you're white and you're not a racist, don't let those who are do or say things in your presence that are racist without calling them out.

I realize that may be uncomfortable and/or awkward for many of you to do so if you don't want to work on it on the personal level you can always

1. Become a legislative on the local level and do what you can to ensure that the laws that are passed and equitable for everyone, do what you can to ensure that the laws are enforced fairly and equitably, etc.
2. Go to a city council meeting, find out what you government and police brass are up to these days
3. And this touched me the most - many of my white friends, colleagues, and associates called me up and told me that they were there for me if there was anything I needed after the George Floyd video hit the media. I was especially touched when many of Jewish friends and associates reached out to let me know that they support me and if there was anything I needed to let them know and many of them openly support Black Lives Matter.

Anyone who has been isolated, marginalized or targeted knows how amazing it is when people who are not of your tribe make a point to let you know that your fight is their fight as well and that they will stand next to you in it.
The OP is an idiot, and BLM is a disaster.
No, not necessarily. You really need to study in-group, out-group relations. This is a natural thing, that folks are raised with, and need to be educated OUT of.

It is nothing to be ashamed of, and everyone has IMPLICIT BIAS, regardless of their race, age, religion, etc. Blaming one race, or gender is a practice by the establishment to divide and rule.

I remember when I was twelve, my uncle called my house, at 3pm in the afternoon. This was before answering machines, and cell phones. He wanted me to give a message to my folks, I had a new cousin. They had named her, "Keisha." I had never, in my life heard this name before. Sounded sort of strange, but, O.K.

Fast forward, twenty-three years, after she graduated from a teacher collage with honors and had placed applications in with many different places for teaching positions, a few places called her up for interviews.

Some of them showed visible disappointment, that. . . she was NOT black. As they thought she would fill their AA quota, since she is from a predominantly white rural area of the nation.


You should read the thread and gain understanding of the context instead of reading individual posts and commenting stupidly.
None of the applicants were real. The whole thing was a simulation, to prove a hypothesis that the researchers had already assumed.

It was all simulated based off sounds of names. The researchers just made the assumption that property owners and rental managers would make assumptions about the race of prospects based on the names of "hypothetical," rental prospects.

The hypothesis was unfortunately proven to be valid. The assumptions were made by those who denied the phantom applicants based on nothing but their own prejudice.

Your criticisms of the study are irrelevant to the results and the very real people who face this garbage thinking regularly in their lives. No doubt in more arenas than housing.
That's funny that you don't seem to know that white racists are the dregs of society.

You should read more.
That’s why they hide their identities in public. They know how society will respond to them. They don’t care. Their personal bias is well understood to themselves. Nothing unconscious there.
People choose to be racist.


Racial Discrimination and Housing Outcomes in the United States Rental Market​

Peter Christensen, Ignacio Sarmiento-Barbieri & Christopher Timmins

"We report evidence on discriminatory behavior from the largest correspondence study conducted to date in the rental housing market. Using more than 25,000 interactions with rental property managers across the 50 largest U.S. cities, the study reveals that African American and Hispanic/LatinX renters continue to face discriminatory constraints in the majority of U.S. cities although there are important regional differences. Stronger discriminatory constraints on renters of color (particularly African Americans) are also associated with higher levels of residential segregation and larger gaps in intergenerational income mobility. Using matched evidence on the actual rental outcomes at the properties in our experiment, we show that correspondence study measurements of discrimination do indeed predict actual outcomes."

This report speaks for itself. But you guys won't read it then you will try to argue.
Several things:

1. "Inquiries sent from African American identities received response rates that were approximately 12% lower (than response rates to comparison white identities) in the Midwest and in the Northeast, 7.9% lower in the West, and 7.6% lower in the South. Trials in the Midwest and South indicate a statistically significant difference in the level of discriminatory constraints facing African Americans in the two regions. Hispanic/LatinX renters faced stronger constrains in the Northeast (8.1%), followed by the South and Midwest (5.2% and 3.6%) and then the West (2.6%)". This would indicate to me that minorities faced more discrimination in the Midwest and Northeast, and less in the South. If that is correct, it would seem that attention needs to be focused on those areas and the South is not the hotbed of racism that the narrative tries to project.

2. I did not see in the report anything about the racial identity of the property managers or lenders. This then leaves wide open the question, Is this a white people problem or a universal problem? IOW, are minority manager and lenders ALSO falling into the racist abyss?
Have you ever actually researched or verified any of the things he posts? He is one of the most knowledgeable people I know when it comes to U.S. history in terms of our treaties, and policies and acts, etc as well as African American history and how all of the previous impacts us from the inception of this country to today.

Yes, I have, many many times. And I do agree with you, he is very well educated, and he does know what he is talking about. . . but, OTH, I disagree with you, as many times, he, like many in the black community, he employs disingenuous tactics that have nothing to do with race, but have to do with politics, but he wishes to conflate them WITH race, to make the dominate culture feel a sense of guilt or responsibility.

IM2 is not a racist, he's black man who knows of what he speaks and I don't know if you've noticed this or not, but on this boards, you get called all types of names - racist, black extremists, terrorists, etc. - if you correct the misconceptions of the white racists here (that's giving them the benefit of the doubt that they are not just knowingly lying) or disagree with them. All of that hostility, nastiness and vitriol is completely unnecessary and doesn't forest communication which is why for the most time, he doesn't bother making his words or comments more palatable to the reader. They respond the same way whether we're being nice, civil, snarky, sarcastic, nasty to them in turn - it's always the same lying bs so why bother? (this is my speculation, not anything he's ever said to me).

Ah. . . see? This is where we disagree, and you refuse to look at, or take any of the research I have done seriously... . you show YOUR implicit bias. We all have it. I have absolutely no doubt, all his life, he has been called names, been discriminated against, and otherwise been treated poorly. OTH, he also has very, VERY, left-wing politics. Almost to the point of standing against the very tenets of what the nation was founded on. He can't sit here on this forum and post, that HIS politics represent the only politics of the black community, and then, when challenged by other posters of this forum that there, ARE, indeed, other highly respected members of the black community who do not share he POV, he just slanders those thinkers, and declares, that these are "sell-outs," or "house n*****s," etc. When a person conflates a political POV, with the VERY serious issue of race relations? We, in America, are NEVER, EVER, going to solve this issue.

I generally start off civil but there is only so much "willful ignorance" I can take because I start losing my patience and responses begin to get more curt, ill-tempered, etc.

I agree with that. And? I do too. Unfortunately? IM2 NEVER DOES. He always equates anyone that does not support leftist politics as RACISTS. There can be no conversation with such a position. I have studied both philosophy, so I am well educated in critical theory, and I have studied cultural anthropology, so, I am also aware, that, in the main, the American Indian Community, the American Hispanic Community, and the American Black Community, all have different mores than the general White community. One thing that is never addressed in the MSM, is. . . why, when you are in a major city, is, that nine times out of ten, when you see someone that is homeless, hungry, destitute, etc.? It is always going to be a white person? Did you ever wonder about that? All other ethnic communities besides the white communities they have stronger ethics of "communiartianism," which is to say, the social bonds, and the expectation that you will help your own kind when they are in trouble. This is a corollary, just as in white, Asian and Jewish communities there is a lot of this, networking tradition. But? If you screw up, and if you fail and preform poorly and disgrace yourself in these white, Asian, or Jewish cultures? YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN. This? Informs our politics in this nation, but is NOT talked about in the schools or the media. . .

As far as him not having a good solution, he posts the solution ALL OF THE TIME, yet you all act as if you don't even see it, not that it's his place to find a solution. The problem that causes the most ills for African Americans is white racism, in all of it's incarnations, past, presence and future.

No. . the solution he always tends to have in mind is redistribution. This is the solution of the far-left. I have worked and lived in low income and black communities that lived off the government. White? Black? Hispanic? It doesn't matter. Unless you change the culture and educate the public? Unless folks obtain this success for themselves? UBI, redistribution? That won't work. What the schools and the state talk about as, "white privledge," as being an economic start, ahead of either American Indian, or Hispanics or Black Americans? This is a false paradigm in the material world. What it really is? IS KNOWLEDGE. It is a culture. It is knowledge and values about how this type of system operates. It is a set of values, and why America is the number one destination for immigrants who want to have agency to make something of their lives.

Believe it or not, there are many highly respected black leaders, and have been since reconstruction, that DO NOT believe redistribution is the way to bring dignity and equality to the black American community. When he stops equating RACISM with Leftism? Then folks will take him seriously. Do I agree that government policies have unfairly treated the black community in the past? OF COURSE. But is that what is holding them back now? Of course not. If you look at the Chinese American community that built our trans-American railroads, they had the exact same discriminations. Yet? Because of their community values? They have no problems blending and getting ahead. There terrible truth, which you refuse to acknowledge, is the culture that was fostered within slave communities, which is a sharing/communitarian culture, which continues to this day. It discourages folks from getting ahead, and it also does not teach folks the basic of individualism and money management.

On a fairly regular basis we hear "you all have had affirmative action for 55 years now, it's time to abolish it". 55 years out of the 254 years that the United States has been in existence. That like driving along at 60 miles per hour, someone saying STOP! and expecting the car to immediately come to a standstill instead of taking the 6 seconds it needs to decelerate back down to zero. By the laws of physics, it's not possible and by way of analogy, it's not possible to reverse more than 3 decades of racial discrimination against people of African descent in the equivalent of less than 1 second.

Most reasonable and logical conservatives, DO NOT, have a problem with AA. Why? Because they are educated in, as I have posted on here many times, into the concepts of IN-GROUP, OUT-GROUP biases, and implicit bias. If you were not born into the dominate group, OF COURSE, you are born with a disadvantage. WE DO NEED programs to level the playing fields so that some of our societies geniuses from minority groups can be given a fair chance. I am not sure that many folks have problem with this. This has nothing to do with politics. I don't disagree with that.

The solution is twofold but it can't be done by black people.
1. If you're white and you're a racist, stop being a racist
2. If you're white and you're not a racist, don't let those who are do or say things in your presence that are racist without calling them out.

I think folks will do that. . . but when people bring up anyone on this list? Famous Black Conservatives List

He decides? Oh, well, "race traitor" :rolleyes:

That does not solve the problem of race in America. . He ISN'T HERE TO DISCUSS RACE, he is using the race card as a cover for politics!

I realize that may be uncomfortable and/or awkward for many of you to do so if you don't want to work on it on the personal level you can always

1. Become a legislative on the local level and do what you can to ensure that the laws that are passed and equitable for everyone, do what you can to ensure that the laws are enforced fairly and equitably, etc.
2. Go to a city council meeting, find out what you government and police brass are up to these days
3. And this touched me the most - many of my white friends, colleagues, and associates called me up and told me that they were there for me if there was anything I needed after the George Floyd video hit the media. I was especially touched when many of Jewish friends and associates reached out to let me know that they support me and if there was anything I needed to let them know and many of them openly support Black Lives Matter.

. . . as has been pointed out, on this site, several times, BLM has no legitimacy, for the same reason, IM2 has lost legitimacy. This racial issue is a serious issue for America, and IT SHOULD NOT BE A PARTISAN ISSUE! For BLM to ally itself with one party or another? :rolleyes:

That makes it clearly, neo-marxism masquerading for racial equity. It was used as a tool for the Great Reset and global technocratic oligarchs. Nothing more.

Anyone who has been isolated, marginalized or targeted knows how amazing it is when people who are not of your tribe make a point to let you know that your fight is their fight as well and that they will stand next to you in it.

Agreed. Most of the folks I know, that aren't college educated, that are also minorities? They have no use for either party. Politics are bullshit. They are done with this all. They just want a fair, equal America.

They care more about when I help them in their everyday lives, then any of this bullshit. We agree with each other, Trump and Biden are both fools, so is everyone in D.C. And so is anyone else that tells us how to live our lives, or to hate each other. We are all in the same boat now, poor, struggling, and oppress by the establishment - and told that the other is the cause of our suffering, we know who the cause of our suffering really is at this point. . .

Inflation? The price of gas? The price of food? Are these racial issue? :dunno:
I don't hate anyone.

I am just pointing out errors in thinking.

What the OP is posting about? BrokeLoser is guilty of as well...

There are no solutions as long as folks do not recognize our own implicit biases.


This is the root of all of our failure to come to common ground.

I am just pointing out errors in thinking?

WTF does that even mean? who are you to make any determination on anyone's point of view. YOu may disagree with it, then disagree with it, and point to what you disagree with. Pointing out errors? hahahahahahahha you really are full of yourself I see.
Yes, I have, many many times. And I do agree with you, he is very well educated, and he does know what he is talking about. . . but, OTH, I disagree with you, as many times, he, like many in the black community, he employs disingenuous tactics that have nothing to do with race, but have to do with politics, but he wishes to conflate them WITH race, to make the dominate culture feel a sense of guilt or responsibility.
the entire race story is political. Everything is now racist. Everything. You seem to feed into the politics of it as well. So you haven't excluded yourself from your own points.

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