This is one of the saddest things I've ever seen

I am not playing your stupid word games. My pastor was a Cuban immigrant, now a US citizen, and his father is the Methodist Bishop of Cuba, You should have a conversation with them about what life is like for the average Cuban.
Yes, it's horrible, as is all communism and socialism.

Good thing we won't see it here.
I am not playing your stupid word games. My pastor was a Cuban immigrant, now a US citizen, and his father is the Methodist Bishop of Cuba, You should have a conversation with them about what life is like for the average Cuban.

Democrats need to have a conversation with just about anyone in the US that escaped Communism. They are by and large ardent Republicans here in the US. I wonder why?
Think of it, the people you see in that picture are risking their very lives to raise a flag of a nation that would do NOTHING to save them, including letting them seek refuge in that country.

Biden would sooner seem them all drown in the ocean trying to reach a country they adore.

This is what you voted for Mac. You would rather see them all dead as well, wouldn't you.

Cuz you know what happens if the reach the states and are allowed to vote.

And worse yet, all the various testimonies as to how horrific it really is there to want to risk your life to oppose it.
You think Biden should just let them in??
I want to usurp totalitarians no matter where they are, while you're dopey enough to believe that a few flimsy "reforms" magically makes them no longer totalitarians.

You're either a total dope or you're gaslighting.

I don't think Americans have any particular right to dictate to other countries whether that's about their government or religion or traditions.
I am not playing your stupid word games. My pastor was a Cuban immigrant, now a US citizen, and his father is the Methodist Bishop of Cuba, You should have a conversation with them about what life is like for the average Cuban.

Did he tell you what it was like under Batista?
for the past 60 years America has been bending over to help the Cubans
No other refugees have had it so good.
The US is fine in spite of Trump's violent rhetoric. Why don't you take a minute and read the new Cuban Constitution they voted in in 2019, before the fat slob re issued the sanctions against Cuba???
You're insane. The Cuban people haven't voted on anything in over 60 years.

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