This is one of the saddest things I've ever seen

Haha...well, we all know that only LefTists have access to Websters.
The thing is, neither Hannity or Tucker need to “go that deep” to expose the fools who beg for others shit is the beggers trying to spin and sell a new version of socialism/communism/marxism who “go deep” in their attempt to polish and repackage socialism.
The depth, breadth and cost of government is a fascinating conversation, one that I have often with my friends, family and professional peers.

Unfortunately, most of you here simply lack the intellectual horsepower to take part in such a conversation.

You can choose to remain arrogant and ignorant, but I'm not required to participate.
The depth, breadth and cost of government is a fascinating conversation, one that I have often with my friends, family and professional peers.

Unfortunately, most of you lack the intellectual horsepower to take part in such a conversation.

You can choose to remain arrogant and ignorant, but I'm not required to participate.
Talk about arrogance....Thanks for the example.
The depth, breadth and cost of government is a fascinating conversation, one that I have often with my friends, family and professional peers.

Unfortunately, most of you lack the intellectual horsepower to take part in such a conversation.

You can choose to remain arrogant and ignorant, but I'm not required to participate.

Mac, anyone wanting to know your thoughts on this, or any subject, need only log on to DailyKOS.
Democrats need to have a conversation with just about anyone in the US that escaped Communism. They are by and large ardent Republicans here in the US. I wonder why?

The problem is Democrats never learn anything. They keep making the same stupid mistakes over and over again. They keep voting Democrat and when their state goes to hell, move to a Republican state and continue voting the same way. They think guns are responsible for shootings and murders and not the individual. They think global warming is going to end the earth in 10 years. They think if they virtually make shoplifting legal, stores won't close down.

Their claim is they are much more educated than Republicans, but if that's so, have zero in the common sense department.
The depth, breadth and cost of government is a fascinating conversation, one that I have often with my friends, family and professional peers.

Unfortunately, most of you here simply lack the intellectual horsepower to take part in such a conversation.

You can choose to remain arrogant and ignorant, but I'm not required to participate.
There it is again folks...megalomania used as a defense mechanism. We always seem to see this from those who can’t logically and rationally defend their positions...when they’re starting to feel stupid as they’re backed into a corner they throw their hands up and make the declaration...”I’m far too smart to explain this to you...only those as smart as myself can understand.”
Then they usually follow with like/love emojis on further posts hoping the dialogue exchange will slowly fade away.
I’m not making this for the Mac1958
View attachment 515836

This is a picture of Cubans waving the American flag in protest of Communism.

They are risking their very lives to do so.

However, these people don't realize that the country they adore no longer exists.

That's Hong Kong, idiot -- not Cuba.


The new Cuban Constitution was affirmed by 87% of the country’s voting public on February 24, 2019, following an extensive process of public debate and popular participation. It is largely an aspirational document that seeks to move the country forward, economically and socially, while retaining socialism as the ideology of the revolution.
Lol, yeah and Biden got more votes than any president in history. I know you believe that, so there is no need in trying to explain about voting in a communist country.
Think of it, the people you see in that picture are risking their very lives to raise a flag of a nation that would do NOTHING to save them, including letting them seek refuge in that country.

Biden would sooner seem them all drown in the ocean trying to reach a country they adore.

This is what you voted for Mac. You would rather see them all dead as well, wouldn't you.

Cuz you know what happens if the reach the states and are allowed to vote.

And worse yet, all the various testimonies as to how horrific it really is there to want to risk your life to oppose it.

Why do you guys even bother responding to that insufferable loser Mac? I've had him and his fellow dolts Candycorn, Lakhota, Crepitus, IM2, et al on ignore for a while and it makes for a much more enjoyable experience. That keeps them from dragging down the few dems on here who you can actually engage in productive discussion.
Look, mac is vomiting out the fascist hate points.
Now, demonstrate for us that the Democrats either want control of means of production and distribution by the state or have instituted it.

No private ownership of production and distribution.
That is mac1958’s security blanket

According to him his beloved democrats cant be marxists aka socialists because they do not want government ownership of production


Instead dems want private ownership but total government control of the wealth that private producers produce

Which makes sense because its difficult to imagine public sector pinheads like obama or AOC creating and operating a company that didnt go bankrupt in a free market

So what libs embrace is the fascist economic model of nazi germany or modern china

Now why didnt the Soviets think of that?

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