This is one of the saddest things I've ever seen

The depth, breadth and cost of government is a fascinating conversation, one that I have often with my friends, family and professional peers.

Unfortunately, most of you here simply lack the intellectual horsepower to take part in such a conversation.

You can choose to remain arrogant and ignorant, but I'm not required to participate.

My "ignorance" serves me very well. My self-managed portfolio is earning about 65%/yr. I know you and the intellectual giants that you work with are certainly doing better than that. A big crash is coming, but I do well on the shorts too. If you need some advice, let me know.

My former professors in school thought they were brilliant, after all, they did have Ph.Ds., yet they have never managed to do quite a well as this student who openly challenged much of their ideology. Many of the theories in which they so ardently professed to be factual, were merely Utopian ideals that don't work when put into practice. What more can you expect from folks who have been in school, sheltered from the real world, their entire lives.
My "ignorance" serves me very well. My self-managed portfolio is earning about 65%/yr. I know you and the intellectual giants that you work with are certainly doing better than that. A big crash is coming, but I do well on the shorts too. If you need some advice, let me know.

My former professors in school thought they were brilliant, after all, they did have Ph.Ds., yet they have never managed to do quite a well as this student who openly challenged much of their ideology. Many of the theories in which they so ardently professed to be factual, were merely Utopian ideals that don't work when put into practice. What more can you expect from folks who have been in school, sheltered from the real world, their entire lives.
It's a shame your unique investing brilliance doesn't translate to an accurate understanding of the perspectives of others.

If you really think that the Democrats want communism, you've been trusting the wrong voices.
My "ignorance" serves me very well. My self-managed portfolio is earning about 65%/yr. I know you and the intellectual giants that you work with are certainly doing better than that. A big crash is coming, but I do well on the shorts too. If you need some advice, let me know.

My former professors in school thought they were brilliant, after all, they did have Ph.Ds., yet they have never managed to do quite a well as this student who openly challenged much of their ideology. Many of the theories in which they so ardently professed to be factual, were merely Utopian ideals that don't work when put into practice. What more can you expect from folks who have been in school, sheltered from the real world, their entire lives.
Sure...tell us what your portfolio consists the names of what companies you're invested in.

Let me wouldn't dare do that (for some reason). We'll add you to the long list of self made gazillionaires on this board.

I'm thinking of buying another platinum mine... good idea?
You know what I am saying. You were played.
And were the pictures of those flying the American flag in Hong Kong fake as well, while liberal goons like Lebron dissed them as well?
And were the pictures of those flying the American flag in Hong Kong fake as well, while liberal goons like Lebron dissed them as well?

No they were not fake but the lesson here is that you were played and you might consider how many other times you were played.
Living in your mom's basement off her social security check isn't a "stateless state" butt boi.
You wished I had a live Ma because you are a low life and suck at trolling a thread, I have given your address to the Cubans that want to play refugee in yer back yard like the boat lift in 1980.
The Confederates were a pretty unified, likeminded know, like prosperous, quality nations are.
Are you against those things?

Neither side was all that unified. There were a few strong pockets of union sympathizers in the South. Plus its war effort was hindered with Jefferson Davis and the new country having limited national power operating under the principle of states' rights. On the Northern side, Lincoln had to deal with public opinion that it was, "a rich man's war and a poor man's fight".
That is mac1958’s security blanket

According to him his beloved democrats cant be marxists aka socialists because they do not want government ownership of production


Instead dems want private ownership but total government control of the wealth that private producers produce

Which makes sense because its difficult to imagine public sector pinheads like obama or AOC creating and operating a company that didnt go bankrupt in a free market

So what libs embrace is the fascist economic model of nazi germany or modern china

Now why didnt the Soviets think of that?

They want government to dictate what can be posted on Facebook and phone messaging about the vaccine. Isn't China doing stuff like that? But they're offended when we use the word Communism to describe what they are.
Sure...tell us what your portfolio consists the names of what companies you're invested in.

Let me wouldn't dare do that (for some reason). We'll add you to the long list of self made gazillionaires on this board.

I'm thinking of buying another platinum mine... good idea?

Believe what you will. I never said I was a gazillionaire. I do however likely fair better than you, which is why I am a Republican and not a Democrat. The ultra-wealthy aside, that seems to be the trend and has been for decades.

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