This is pathetic!

Sharknado 2 Sets Record With Nearly 4 Million Viewers - Today s News Our Take

4 million people would rather watch this trash than a well written drama? Are we witnessing the downfall of civilization? What SyFy needs is a BSG for this generation.
You know, the first one has been available to stream on my Netflix. I just haven't been able to see clear to think that is worth the time to sit down and watch. I read the description. Watching paint dry, or even going to troll in the flame zone seems like a better use of time. . . .

television shows....:rolleyes:

...and this is in "politics", why?

Because it demonstrates Americans' increasing disengagement from reality, which is also shown at the polls. Low voter turnout used to be our salvation, but modern political turnout operations are marching us ever more quickly towards idiocracy.
Sharknado 2 Sets Record With Nearly 4 Million Viewers - Today s News Our Take

4 million people would rather watch this trash than a well written drama? Are we witnessing the downfall of civilization? What SyFy needs is a BSG for this generation.

Have likened Sci-Fis' cheap movies to the early days of porn. From a strictly business perspective, if they can make them in a few days for about twenty bucks (hehe) and they then earn however much it's a successful movie and they'll make more. :)
I saw part of the first Sharknado and fell asleep due to boredom. I will, however, watch documentaries and other, more intelligent films/shows. I am currently watching American Horror Story, Call The Midwife, and Orange Is the New Black.
Maybe people watched it to make fun of it. Something like an Ed Wood movie. Nothing else makes much sense.
Sharks, extreme weather, and a guy being swallowed whole then escaping from its' stomach with a chainsaw - that's good tv. :)
Sharknado 2 Sets Record With Nearly 4 Million Viewers - Today s News Our Take

4 million people would rather watch this trash than a well written drama? Are we witnessing the downfall of civilization? What SyFy needs is a BSG for this generation.

Maybe it is the transparency -- the fact that Sharknado makes no qualms about being bad,
but openly admitting it and capitalizing on it. The hype about it is BECAUSE it is deliberately bad
and playing that up openly as its selling factor.

For this to be under politics, maybe political leaders and parties should take note of this strategy.

what if groups quit denying problems and projecting blame,
and openly ADMIT their faults and offer to correct them?

Why can't we usher in completely transparent politics?

Admit X Y Z is a sham to get votes and look good in the media,
and admit it is really going to take REAL STEPS A B C to fix the problems,
not X Y Z which is just media hype and sound bytes that sound good.

Why can't we be as honest as the people pushing bad movies like Sharknado
admitting that is the whole hype and the whole point! At least they are honest
and maybe that's what people like, is they KNOW it's bad and can all talk about it and share in that.

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