This Is Proof That People Hate The Truth

Yeah,.. umm,.. actually reading the Bible has made me question it multiple times, even though I still rely on my faith as that's what makes me believe in it, but it doesn't stop my doubts and questions about a lot of things from time to time though.

People / modern culture / whatever / believes the Bible is a book meant to extol the perfection of God in every single word, every line. And that is there. But also....

In truth the Bible is gritty, real, exquisitely human. It reflects back to us just exactly how we are. This does not change depending on whether we invented cars and television and whatever. We are still human.

So much of what people oppose in the Bible is really human nature. In our nature, we expect that God will accept us no matter what. And again this is in the Bible from the beginning.
Lindell plays to religious right winger's fears the same way that Dimond and Silk plays to black stereotypes.
That's how they can ignore all the predictions he's made that never happened, all the claims he's made that never could be proven.

It doesn't matter. Mr. Pillow, the Kraken Lady, Trump, MTG, Palin -- the bigger the clown, the more they love 'em.

Just incredible.
Because it takes one to know one.

But it is a worthy question of being asked. Not just because of the importance of assuring there is integrity, fairness and honesty in our elections, but because despite being told by the media and DC from mere days out from the election on a million times that any question of the honesty of the election was not only BASELESS, but absolutely DEBUNKED-- -- to the point of LAUGHABILITY to even question it!

Yet, despite asking over 1,000 rimes all such people proffering that smugness about the 2020 election what evidence they have seen or proof that convinced them so absolutely beyond all doubt,

NOT ONE OF THEM, including Taz here just now, has ever given me any kind of clear, cogent, graphable, traceable, provable answer--- IF ANY ANSWER AT ALL.

Most of them feign superiority and an attitude that you are just below contempt for even asking to hide the fact that NONE OF THEM HAVE ANY GOOD ANSWER which can justify their assuredness.

Almost like a used car salesman trying to sell me a car with a loud noise in the engine telling me I don't hear anything!

And well, gee, color me odd, but I'm kinda funny about being conned and I can smell a con a mile away. That just makes me believe all these people are full of it and the election WAS a ruse, EVEN MORE. I'm still waiting for someone to prove me OR the mountain of evidence WRONG.
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I don’t think he should be canceled. The guy is a political hack, but so what? What does that have to with him advertising his “products”? I used products in quotes because if there are enough people stupid enough to think his pillows are magical and whatnot , and they’re willing to spend big money on them, then God bless everyone involved. God bless him making millions off off stupid people and God bless the stupid for being stupid enough to thinking they are getting something of value in return for their hard earned money.
No, this is proof that Mike Lindell is not believable and he has no evidence to back his outlandish claims up.
So people aren't giving him air time even for his product because they don't want to be associated with that kind of crazy.
You will find that many drug addicts become much more religious when cleaning up. It is a battle for them and faith in religious principles and a deity helps them. There are people who may not need it, but not as many.
I have mixed feelings about the guy. To me, if everyone else can have a place on the TV, he should have one as well if he wants one. That said, I keep running into his commercials enough to where I have gotten sick of them which can only mean one thing. How much does he have to complain about exactly? Perhaps he should be happy that anyone gives him the time of day. Apparently, he has yet to learn that not everyone is going to be a fan of him or that it isn't the end of the world if not everyone is.

God bless you and him always!!!

He's escalated his rhetoric to the point where he has to have 24/7 confrontation. If the left was even half as bad as he has claimed for so long, defeating them would be the only logical thing to do. I know I would be on high alert if I thought more than half the country wanted to destroy the USA

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