This Is So Moving: Elite School Tells Sixth Graders The Swastika Is A Symbol Of Peace

The Swastika was ripped off and inverted from an ancient Indian symbol of peace. But... if memory serves, I think the symbolism took a bit of a beating when it stood as a Leftist standard over the death of 10s of millions of innocent people.

Never heard of that, but there was a guy named Hitler that used it. His thugs turned it to point to the right though.

American Indians refer to it as the whirling log and was a symbol of peace. In Sanskrit it means "well being", and was associated with order and stability, and is at least 2,600 years old.


Thank you. I've seen dozen examples of this figure on Native American artifacts from just about every tribe.

If you really want to screw with people like Pogo, this was the shoulder patch for the US Army 45th Infantry Division prior to 1940.


45th Infantry Division (United States) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I don't follow. Two things it should be obvious by now that I appreciate are anthropology and finding out the true sources of things.

These may have been posted before too... ?


These are historical. Not sure how that amounts to "screwing". :dunno:

So is this by the way --


I find symbols and the evolution of their meanings fasinating. For the same reason I find language fascinating.
...that was never the intent of the 2nd amendment...
We do not know this.

It is not safe to merely rely upon literalism at a distance of 230-ish years.

Custom and usage - precedent - and prior SCOTUS and lower court rulings - have long-since settled the matter.

We actually DO stand on the literal words of the 2nd amendment... there is nothing in the amendment which reasonably conveys a desire to arm the government... The Amendment rests within the BILL OF INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS. Setting an example for the need of the individual to be rightfully armed, as such being essential to the free state... which is to say such is essential to the state of freedom... this in NO WAY conveys, on ANY LEVEL that the right being defended is ONE OF THE STATE. As the state, being comprised of individuals, can possess NO RIGHT, which is not possessed by the LEAST of its members. And this because RIGHTS can neither be multiplied, nor divided.

Now you can argue that the collective enjoys the protections naturally afforded by armed individuals... as such is absolutely true and such is indeed the intent of the author.

The SINGULAR advantage that a state enjoys over an individual is the power that comes in the summing of individuals... thus multiplying their respective POWER.

Now here's the ugly part... The SECOND you buy the idiots rationalization... you strip the individual of its means to exercise its right, thus stripping the state of its power, WHICH IS WHAT SHE CLAIMS AS THE POINT! ... thus empowering EVIL that seeks to do BOTH.

And as an American... my position on that is quite simply: FUCK THAT! And Fuck anyone who accepts THAT!
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So... what you're trying not to say, is that you have no means to explain what it is you're trying to say?

I mean I see you've taken to deceitfully applying a swastika and a "fuck you" to the Georgia State Flag... as if to say that Georgia is somehow connected to the National Socialists German Workers Party from the 1930s-40s.

Which is of course... ludicrous.

So is your point to establish yourself as a person prone toward being foolish, unreasonable, so out of place as to be amusing; thoroughly ridiculous? Because if that is what you're going for, I have to tell ya...


No, I'm writing that the swastika and the confederate flag didn't start out as symbols of hate, but adopted by the element.
And as an American... my position on that is quite simply: FUCK THAT! And Fuck anyone who accepts THAT!
You are not a liberal

I am not a Prog, who needs to claim themself a 'liberal' as a means to cloak their nefarious, anti-American intent.

I am an American... which is to say that I am one who recognizes, respect, defends and adheres to the principles that define America.

Now understand scamp... because Nature precludes the means for one to simultaneously adhere to BOTH the thesis and the antithesis: THERE ARE NO LEFTIST AMERICANS.

Thus there are no
liberal Americans, no Progressive Americans, no Socialist Americans, no Communist Americans... because all of those things are just one thing... collectivist claptrap, OKA: Foreign Ideas that are Hostile to American Principle. AKA: ANTI-AMERICAN.

The only means by which you, or any other anti-American can claim to be an American, scamp... is to define the concept of America... down to that which is roughly meaningless; which is usually geographic in nature. "I was born here!", "I'm in the Americas, therefore I am an American!", blah, blah, blah.

Now I know you like to play your little word game, wherein you conflate the word 'liberal' and what it represents today; socialism... with the antithetical, etymological root meaning of the word. And I encourage you to do so, because when you do so, you only humiliate yourself, discrediting everything you stand for... and I get to explain reality to you again... and to the Reader, as well.

So, keep it coming... there are many to educate and the world needs delusional sots like you to help inspire us to do so, the easy way.
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I am an America... which is to say that I am one who recognizes, respect, defends and adheres to the principles that define America.
Actually you don't, hence the problem. You want a heavily armed Jesusland, with no darkies. That's nothing like America. When you join the ACLU, which you hate, and understand why they do what they do, then you'll be on your way to being an American.

Defend the Burka here. That would be a start.
So... what you're trying not to say, is that you have no means to explain what it is you're trying to say?

I mean I see you've taken to deceitfully applying a swastika and a "fuck you" to the Georgia State Flag... as if to say that Georgia is somehow connected to the National Socialists German Workers Party from the 1930s-40s.

Which is of course... ludicrous.

So is your point to establish yourself as a person prone toward being foolish, unreasonable, so out of place as to be amusing; thoroughly ridiculous? Because if that is what you're going for, I have to tell ya...


No, I'm writing that the swastika and the confederate flag didn't start out as symbols of hate, but adopted by the element.

Oh... then we agree.
I am an American... which is to say that I am one who recognizes, respect, defends and adheres to the principles that define America.
Actually you don't, hence the problem.

Well... the record; sadly for your point, establishes otherwise. But... if YOUR BASELESS ASSERTION in any way stood superior to the record! MAN! THAT would have been a great point!

You want a heavily armed Jesusland, with no darkies. That's nothing like America.



When you join the ACLU, which you hate, and understand why they do what they do, then you'll be on your way to being an American.

Defend the Burka here. That would be a start.

So to be an American, I need to stand against American Principle and tolerate that which is intent upon destroying the kinship and connection of those in the US, with those principles?


Reader... you should know that the above cited individual is a mouthy British Socialist, posing as a US Citizen. As are most of the Leftists on this board. It's a degenerate manifestation of evil and a menace to the human species, on the whole.

As I said:
Reader... you should know that the above cited individual is a mouthy British Socialist, posing as a US Citizen. As are most of the Leftists on this board. It's a degenerate manifestation of evil and a menace to the human species, on the whole.
Defend what the ACLU does, and women wearing burkas in America? Go on...
Hitler and I would not have gotten along. He hated liberals.

LOL! Hitler was a Liberal. But like every other Liberal, he was only comfortable with himself in charge. What Histler hated, was any liberal that wasn't kissing his ass; vis a vis his hatred of jews. They're not strong prostrators of laughable fools. So... naturally, Histler took offense.
"Liberalism is a disease of the mind that weakens and corrupts human beings." Adolf Hitler, 1939
Hitler was talking about liberalism, not leftism. You twisted statist fucks have no idea what liberalism is.
What are you talking about?
Reader... you should know that the above cited individual is a mouthy British Socialist, posing as a US Citizen. As are most of the Leftists on this board. It's a degenerate manifestation of evil and a menace to the human species, on the whole.
Defend what the ACLU does, and women wearing burkas in America? Go on...

I will never defend what the ACLU does. They were founded to destroy the US.

"From its very beginning, the ACLU had strong socialist and communist ties. As early as 1931, the U.S. Congress was alarmed by the ACLU’s devotion to communism. A report by the Special House Committee to Investigate Communist Activities stated

The American Civil Liberties Union is closely affiliated with the communist movement in the United States, and fully 90 percent of its efforts are on behalf of communists who have come into conflict with the law. It claims to stand for free speech, free press and free assembly, but it is quite apparent that the main function of the ACLU is an attempt to protect the communists.

Roger Baldwin and Crystal Eastman founded the ACLU in 1920 along with three other organizations dedicated to the most leftist of causes. The histories of these two individuals belie their claims of patriotism and respect for the Constitution.

Baldwin openly sought the utter destruction of American society. Fifteen years after the founding of the ACLU, Baldwin wrote:

I am for Socialism, disarmament and ultimately, for the abolishing of the State itself … I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class and sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal.

Read more at The ACLU’s shocking legacy
Hitler and I would not have gotten along. He hated liberals.

LOL! Hitler was a Liberal. But like every other Liberal, he was only comfortable with himself in charge. What Histler hated, was any liberal that wasn't kissing his ass; vis a vis his hatred of jews. They're not strong prostrators of laughable fools. So... naturally, Histler took offense.
"Liberalism is a disease of the mind that weakens and corrupts human beings." Adolf Hitler, 1939
Hitler was talking about liberalism, not leftism. You twisted statist fucks have no idea what liberalism is.
What are you talking about?
Reader... you should know that the above cited individual is a mouthy British Socialist, posing as a US Citizen. As are most of the Leftists on this board. It's a degenerate manifestation of evil and a menace to the human species, on the whole.
Defend what the ACLU does, and women wearing burkas in America? Go on...
I will never defend what the ACLU does. They were founded to destroy the US.
That is why you are not a liberal, therefore not an American since all they do is defend the rights of Americans. They could have been founded by Satan, and it wouldn't matter. Once again, your inability to be rational.

The ACLU Fights for Christians
Reader... you should know that the above cited individual is a mouthy British Socialist, posing as a US Citizen. As are most of the Leftists on this board. It's a degenerate manifestation of evil and a menace to the human species, on the whole.
Defend what the ACLU does, and women wearing burkas in America? Go on...

There's nothing to defend. The ACLU is an abuser of the American Legal System, using SUBJECTIVISM, to attack objective law.

Law which is not objective, cannot serve justice.

Islam, is NOT a religion. It is a murderous political cult.
Hitler and I would not have gotten along. He hated liberals.

LOL! Hitler was a Liberal. But like every other Liberal, he was only comfortable with himself in charge. What Histler hated, was any liberal that wasn't kissing his ass; vis a vis his hatred of jews. They're not strong prostrators of laughable fools. So... naturally, Histler took offense.
"Liberalism is a disease of the mind that weakens and corrupts human beings." Adolf Hitler, 1939
Hitler was talking about liberalism, not leftism. You twisted statist fucks have no idea what liberalism is.
What are you talking about?
I understand now.
LOL! Hitler was a Liberal. But like every other Liberal, he was only comfortable with himself in charge. What Histler hated, was any liberal that wasn't kissing his ass; vis a vis his hatred of jews. They're not strong prostrators of laughable fools. So... naturally, Histler took offense.
"Liberalism is a disease of the mind that weakens and corrupts human beings." Adolf Hitler, 1939
Hitler was talking about liberalism, not leftism. You twisted statist fucks have no idea what liberalism is.
What are you talking about?
I understand now.


You really don't.

Hitler wasn't talking about you state worshipping fucks, he was talking about liberals. He liked your kind very much.
Reader... you should know that the above cited individual is a mouthy British Socialist, posing as a US Citizen. As are most of the Leftists on this board. It's a degenerate manifestation of evil and a menace to the human species, on the whole.
Defend what the ACLU does, and women wearing burkas in America? Go on...

I will never defend what the ACLU does. They were founded to destroy the US.

"From its very beginning, the ACLU had strong socialist and communist ties. As early as 1931, the U.S. Congress was alarmed by the ACLU’s devotion to communism. A report by the Special House Committee to Investigate Communist Activities stated

The American Civil Liberties Union is closely affiliated with the communist movement in the United States, and fully 90 percent of its efforts are on behalf of communists who have come into conflict with the law. It claims to stand for free speech, free press and free assembly, but it is quite apparent that the main function of the ACLU is an attempt to protect the communists.

Roger Baldwin and Crystal Eastman founded the ACLU in 1920 along with three other organizations dedicated to the most leftist of causes. The histories of these two individuals belie their claims of patriotism and respect for the Constitution.

Baldwin openly sought the utter destruction of American society. Fifteen years after the founding of the ACLU, Baldwin wrote:

I am for Socialism, disarmament and ultimately, for the abolishing of the State itself … I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class and sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal.

Read more at The ACLU’s shocking legacy

It's been nearly 40 years since I was in High School. But the acronym ACLU is actually the result of a Russian phrase. American Civil Liberties Union, merely matched up.

The ACLU is an overt attack upon the US Legal System, by the Soviets.

That's not to say that the work-a-day commies down at the local office are in direct contact with KGB handlers... or the post Soviet variant of such, the system is self sustaining, as the obscurant nature of communist reasoning, OKA: Relativism has now thoroughly inculcated most of the US cultural infrastructure.

Which is why I say, that it is very unlikely that the US will avoid civil war.
Reader... you should know that the above cited individual is a mouthy British Socialist, posing as a US Citizen. As are most of the Leftists on this board. It's a degenerate manifestation of evil and a menace to the human species, on the whole.
Defend what the ACLU does, and women wearing burkas in America? Go on...

There's nothing to defend. The ACLU is an abuser of the American Legal System, using SUBJECTIVISM, to attack objective law.

Law which is not objective, cannot serve justice.

Islam, is NOT a religion. It is a murderous political cult.
Christianity was a cult once, but like Islam it hung around. Now it's a faith, like Islam.

And: The ACLU Fights for Christians
"Liberalism is a disease of the mind that weakens and corrupts human beings." Adolf Hitler, 1939
Hitler was talking about liberalism, not leftism. You twisted statist fucks have no idea what liberalism is.
What are you talking about?
I understand now.


You really don't.

Hitler wasn't talking about you state worshipping fucks, he was talking about liberals. He liked your kind very much.
Yes, I know he was talking about Liberals...he mentioned them by name.
In fact, he mentioned them in the very quote that I posted.
What are you talking about now?

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