This is telling: American attitudes toward Big Gov and Big Business

It makes me wonder about those individuals who identify with a certain ideolology.
The difference is that I have the option to patronize a company that offers a good or service at a lower price or better product. With the govt there is no opt out option. We're left with shitty service and constant fleecing.
Americans Anti-Big Business, Big Gov't

Apparently, the public isn't happy with both.

The way your poll question is phrased is deliberately misleading. By a two to one margin people are more concerned about big government than they are about big business


Your poll only asked people if they were concerned about them, not how concerned they were.
If you can't see Pubs are more in bed with greedy, unethical big business/Wall St., you're blind. Teapot Dome, the Great Depressions, the S+L scandal...Deregulated cronyism, boom and bust and total small gov't/family values BULLSHYTTE while polluting and screwing the workers is their game. Pub dupes!!
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If you can't see Pubs are more in bed with greedy, unethical big business/Wall St., you're blind. Teapot Dome, the Great Depressions, the S+L scandal...Deregulated cronyism, boom and bust and total small gov't/family values BULLSHYTTE while polluting and screwing the workers is their game. Pub dupes!!

"more in bed" as if corruption can ever be quantified. Between LBJ and Obama alone the left have done more than their fair share of whoring out to big business. (R) and (D) partisanship is the vehicle of individual politicians while $ is the destination.
If you can't see Pubs are more in bed with greedy, unethical big business/Wall St., you're blind. Teapot Dome, the Great Depressions, the S+L scandal...Deregulated cronyism, boom and bust and total small gov't/family values BULLSHYTTE while polluting and screwing the workers is their game. Pub dupes!!

Yep, Democrats don't do that, and when they do it is neither greedy nor unethical.

They added that they plan to host an online event “to get more input” on the matter. But Hollywood moguls told me they “didn’t know it was going to be as over the top as it was” and took this as a declaration of war. “We just feel very let down by the administration and Obama for not supporting us,” one studio chief explained to me. “At least let him remain neutral and not go against it until we can get the legislation right. But Obama went against it. I’m personally not going to support him anymore and not give a dime anymore,” another movie mogul who’s also a well-known Obama supporter told me this week.

The moguls are reminding Obama et al that, in the words of one studio chief, “God knows how much money we’ve given to Obama and the Democrats and yet they’re not supporting our interests. There’s been no greater supporters of him than we’ve been from the first day and the first fundraisers continuing until he was elected. We all were pleased. And, at its heart institutionally, Hollywood supports the Democrats. Now we need the administration to support us. This is a very important time for Hollywood. The issue at hand — piracy — is a legitimate concern. But Google and those Internet guys have been swiftboating the entertainment industry by saying we’re trying to shut down the Internet just because we don’t want them to advertise pirated movies. As for other claims, we make 24. We don’t make national security problems.”

Hollywood's Obama Donors On President's Piracy Stand: Not Give A Dime Anymore

I know, it is different, I just don't understand it because I am stupid and cling to guns and religion.
Republicans aren't conservatives, they are regressives. They want to repeal the gains of the 60's and 70's (EPA, Medicare, Medicaid), the New Deal (Social Security, unemployment insurance, the minimum wage), and even the Progressive Era (income tax, antitrust laws, the Federal Reserve). Republicans want to take us back to the 19th century and turn America into Dickinsean England.

Buy a flower, guvnuh?
It makes me wonder about those individuals who identify with a certain ideolology.

Yea, the 'anti-big gov' has got to worry the left.

And the right. Did you see any Republicans leaving center stage during or following George W. Bush's government expansion phase? In fact, did you ever hear as much as a peep out of them? Guess it really depends on whose feeding the kitty.
Whenever I want to experience government at it's finest, I visit the DMV or Post Office. If I really want to get a hard on, I call the IRS.
Both ends of the political spectrum are so full of themselves that they're ignoring and avoiding the obvious.

The Left is seen as the defender of big government, the Right is seen as the defender of big business, and both wonder why we continue to see such wild swings at the polls. BOTH parties are failing us, and we're now seeing the results. Congratulations on that.

Keep fooling yourselves.

Maybe big business should go galt for about 10 years, then see what happens and how people feel about it.

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