This is the best political ad I have ever seen in my life.

While some of you are masturbating to leftist propaganda, consider:

Women genetically lack the potential to compete with top men in physical (strength) and mechanical (e.g. fighter pilots) aspects.

As for women in combat, history has already shown what everyone should already know, women are a very poor military investment. Not only are they not the equals of men when they show up for military service, they're far less likely to show up. A relatively large number of women play the hardship card of pregnancy and motherhood when they're called for action.

Libtards are a joke, boasting about the ability of inferior classes to compete with the top people, and all the while demanding lower standards (preferences) for those inferior classes. Also, bombing people in their own third-world countries on the other side of the world is hardly a qualification to serve in Congress.
When did you serve as a pilot? Apparently you don't know that women handle g-forces better than men do on average.
While some of you are masturbating to leftist propaganda, consider:

Women genetically lack the potential to compete with top men in physical (strength) and mechanical (e.g. fighter pilots) aspects.

As for women in combat, history has already shown what everyone should already know, women are a very poor military investment. Not only are they not the equals of men when they show up for military service, they're far less likely to show up. A relatively large number of women play the hardship card of pregnancy and motherhood when they're called for action.

Libtards are a joke, boasting about the ability of inferior classes to compete with the top people, and all the while demanding lower standards (preferences) for those inferior classes. Also, bombing people in their own third-world countries on the other side of the world is hardly a qualification to serve in Congress.
She doesn't have a chance in hell of winning anyway.
We'll see about that.
She lies in her ad, wow shocker a lying Democrat. I have friends in Kentucky, she sounds like a northern Yankee.
Instead of running on her mother's illness and her woes getting to fly jets, which she achieved, why not run on her ideas? Nah, "feel sorry for me, I've been persecuted".
Instead of running on her mother's illness and her woes getting to fly jets, which she achieved, why not run on her ideas? Nah, "feel sorry for me, I've been persecuted".
What kind of ideas? Like Mexico is going to pay for the wall?
Like Trump is going to repeal and replace Obamacare on DAY ONE and everyone will be covered?
Instead of running on her mother's illness and her woes getting to fly jets, which she achieved, why not run on her ideas? Nah, "feel sorry for me, I've been persecuted".

shes running on keeping ACA in Kentucky and Turtleboy is doing everything he can to repeal it. The people in KY highly approve of having health insurance .

Like I said Turtleboy better tighten his flight harness a notch or two. Madam Fighter Pilot is going to put his old ass through a series of rolls.

Two dislikes. Who could dislike an ad like this?

That's the problem with Obamacare it forces people that cannot afford any such thing to pay For other people that can not afford it.
It forces people in shit they don't want, and to pay for other peoples shit...
she has very little understanding of the issue
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While some of you are masturbating to leftist propaganda, consider:

Women genetically lack the potential to compete with top men in physical (strength) and mechanical (e.g. fighter pilots) aspects.

As for women in combat, history has already shown what everyone should already know, women are a very poor military investment. Not only are they not the equals of men when they show up for military service, they're far less likely to show up. A relatively large number of women play the hardship card of pregnancy and motherhood when they're called for action.

Libtards are a joke, boasting about the ability of inferior classes to compete with the top people, and all the while demanding lower standards (preferences) for those inferior classes. Also, bombing people in their own third-world countries on the other side of the world is hardly a qualification to serve in Congress.
She doesn't have a chance in hell of winning anyway.
Lexington area might be smarter...

Two dislikes. Who could dislike an ad like this?

That's the problem with Obamacare it forces people that cannot afford any such thing to pay For other people that can not afford it.
It forces people in this shit they don't want, and to pay for other peoples shit...
she has very little understanding of the issue

Of course, the courts said you had to pay for the poor BEFORE ACA, just in the stupidest way possible, ER care.

Two dislikes. Who could dislike an ad like this?

That's the problem with Obamacare it forces people that cannot afford any such thing to pay For other people that can not afford it.
It forces people in this shit they don't want, and to pay for other peoples shit...
she has very little understanding of the issue

Of course, the courts said you had to pay for the poor BEFORE ACA, just in the stupidest way possible, ER care.

Shit happens, at least that way the fucking federal government is not ruling over everybody's lives. LOL

Two dislikes. Who could dislike an ad like this?

That's the problem with Obamacare it forces people that cannot afford any such thing to pay For other people that can not afford it.
It forces people in this shit they don't want, and to pay for other peoples shit...
she has very little understanding of the issue

Of course, the courts said you had to pay for the poor BEFORE ACA, just in the stupidest way possible, ER care.

Shit happens, at least that way the fucking federal government is not ruling over everybody's lives. LOL

ACA is the US way of getting health care fixed. The GOP plan. Gets everyone covered and has the solution for costs...

Two dislikes. Who could dislike an ad like this?

That's the problem with Obamacare it forces people that cannot afford any such thing to pay For other people that can not afford it.
It forces people in this shit they don't want, and to pay for other peoples shit...
she has very little understanding of the issue

Of course, the courts said you had to pay for the poor BEFORE ACA, just in the stupidest way possible, ER care.

Shit happens, at least that way the fucking federal government is not ruling over everybody's lives. LOL

ACA is the US way of getting health care fixed. The GOP plan. Gets everyone covered and has the solution for costs...

Insurance is not healthcare… I think a fourth grader knows that, usually. Lol

Two dislikes. Who could dislike an ad like this?

That's the problem with Obamacare it forces people that cannot afford any such thing to pay For other people that can not afford it.
It forces people in this shit they don't want, and to pay for other peoples shit...
she has very little understanding of the issue

Of course, the courts said you had to pay for the poor BEFORE ACA, just in the stupidest way possible, ER care.

Shit happens, at least that way the fucking federal government is not ruling over everybody's lives. LOL

ACA is the US way of getting health care fixed. The GOP plan. Gets everyone covered and has the solution for costs...

Needs implementation, tinkering, and a little time.

Two dislikes. Who could dislike an ad like this?

That's the problem with Obamacare it forces people that cannot afford any such thing to pay For other people that can not afford it.
It forces people in this shit they don't want, and to pay for other peoples shit...
she has very little understanding of the issue

Of course, the courts said you had to pay for the poor BEFORE ACA, just in the stupidest way possible, ER care.

Shit happens, at least that way the fucking federal government is not ruling over everybody's lives. LOL

ACA is the US way of getting health care fixed. The GOP plan. Gets everyone covered and has the solution for costs...

Insurance is not healthcare… I think a fourth grader knows that, usually. Lol

Insurance is what you need to pay for it if there's a hospitalization. Good luck to you.

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