This is the cost of having a President who has sold out to China.

China is now holding military exercises including missile launches in an obvious show of military force with Pelosi on her way to the region. What does Grasshopper Joe say? Nothing. After the 2 hour tongue lashing he received from Master Xi he has bowed and apologized. Now Pelosi is headed for "Asia" with no plans to visit Taiwan. The world sees America cowering from China. That's a REALLY bad place to be.
San Fran Nan has bailed on Taiwan to please MC Master Xi, lol. Not surprised.
As opposed to the Republican party that has sold out to the alt-right..and has ZERO solutions to the issues facing the country...while at the same time trying to destroy the country from within...or..the whackiest conspiracy theory.

Soros really is your boogeyman..isn't he? :)
It's a possibility, but if that's true, they why the anti Republican (Trump), anti conservative crap pumped out by the media? And there's then the Congressional Jan. 6th "hearings" dog & pony show fiasco. Its doesn't add up.
( Side note: Soros would be your boogeyman too, if you had any god damned brains.)
1) You obviously don't understand the Opium Wars and their significance as the beginning of the "Century of Humiliation" for China at the hands of western powers (and later Japan). to give you a clue. It would like China sent its military to enforce the continued selling of Fentanyl, and made Washington sign a humiliating treaty giving extraterritoriality to it's citizens.
2) George Floyd died because a racist cop strangled him for nine minutes.

It's kind of simple. the Geo. Floyd riots weren't an attempt to overthrow the government. They were demonstrations against police brutality, and they ONLY happened because TEN YEARS of peaceful protests didn't solve the problem.

Uh, China didn't "unleash" a virus, buddy. You can't "unleash" a virus. Viruses happen. If we lost a million people, it was because of Trump's incompetence.

You read it.
You clearly didn't understand it.
Please get someone to explain the big words to you and try again.
Hold up there, hoss. China is exporting HUGE amounts of Fentanyl into this country. Fact. Secondly: George Floyd died from HYPOXIA. Coincidentally, fentanyl overdose causes death by HYPOXIA. It's science fiction that Chauvin's knee, shoulder blade or any other body part hurt anyone. (The coroner and Chauvin's defense team caved into mob rule and threats of violence. That was cowardly beyond words. And, last : Covid was sort of like a virial version of Chernobyl meltdown , they didn't intend it to happen either. But HERE WE ARE. China was at the root of these issues.
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You’re done with me because I laugh at people being over dramatic? Perhaps then, you are one of those being over dramatic. Every thing is going to be ok Mary. Sending you hugs and support

As usual you troll. Do you drink?

You threw down a big number. Was it bluster or bullshit?

1) You obviously don't understand the Opium Wars and their significance as the beginning of the "Century of Humiliation" for China at the hands of western powers (and later Japan). to give you a clue. It would like China sent its military to enforce the continued selling of Fentanyl, and made Washington sign a humiliating treaty giving extraterritoriality to it's citizens.
2) George Floyd died because a racist cop strangled him for nine minutes.

It's kind of simple. the Geo. Floyd riots weren't an attempt to overthrow the government. They were demonstrations against police brutality, and they ONLY happened because TEN YEARS of peaceful protests didn't solve the problem.

Uh, China didn't "unleash" a virus, buddy. You can't "unleash" a virus. Viruses happen. If we lost a million people, it was because of Trump's incompetence.

You read it.
You clearly didn't understand it.
Please get someone to explain the big words to you and try again.
Or, YOU could shut the fuck up and get a dictionary. I am done with trash like you because you accuse anyone of being troll whilst TROLLING. And, the kicker? YOU will be gone a month, a week or year from now. Rinse, wash repeat, you assholes are a dime dozen. Fuck off.
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listen to the idiot defend his chicom masters ! are all homosexuals as cowardly as you are ? everyone with a brain knows what your communist allies did !

Threw out foreign exploiters and made their country a major economic and military power? Yes. Yes, they did.

Now, if you want to get down to cases, some of that was pretty awful. The Great Leap Forward was a disaster, as was the policy of selling rice while there were famines to raise capital.

But as I often say, you can read the history of ANY country and find equally awful stuff. If you read history and feel good, you aren't reading history, you are reading propaganda.

China spends way more than we do.... and that nation is our number one enemy....
Google is your friend.

US military spending amounted to $801 billion in 2021, a drop of 1.4 per cent from 2020. The US military burden decreased slightly from 3.7 per cent of GDP in 2020 to 3.5 per cent in 2021. This comprised 38% of the year's total military spending worldwide

China will spend $229.47 billion on defense this year, according to estimates presented to the National People's Congress, the Chinese parliament, by the country's premier, Li Keqiang. Its defense budget rose 6.8% in 2021 and 6.6% in 2020

How is China our enemy, exactly?
They are an economic rival, but they are also an economic partner. The worst thing Trump did was impose tariffs on China, because it screwed just about every manufacturer in this country that depends on Chinese components. Not to mention, when they imposed their own tariffs, the US Government had to pay farmers for lost sales of pork and soy beans, where China is the top customer.

The US has been making war in the Middle East for the last 20 years... um, where is China "making war" right now? The last time China invaded another country was in 1979, when they invaded Vietnam for about a month in retaliation for Vietnam toppling their ally in Cambodia. Then the world saw what a horror show Cambodia was and China was like, "Never mind!"

Since 1979, the US has taken military action in Lebanon, Libya, Grenada, Iran, Panama, Iraq, Somalia, Bosnia, Kosovo, Haiti, Afghanistan, Yemem, the Philippines, Iraq, Syria... probably a few more that I'm forgetting.
No, it wasn't . Fuck that . Actually, after months of race riots democrats supported in 2020, are you a complete idiot? Why are you ignoring the elephant in the room, the DEMOCRAT supported race riot's of 2020? A far larger and more cogent. But we a get a one sided Democrat run one-sided taxpayer funded which hunt. But Nothing about the months of race riots. Why is that? Is this STILL a Democratic Republic? You'd never know it.

Trump was president. He never addressed the problem of police brutality.
Or, YOU could shut the fuck up and get a dictionary. I am done with trash like you because you accuse anyone of being troll whilst TROLLING. And, the kicker? YOU will be gone a month, a week or year from now. Rinse, wash repeat, you assholes are a dime dozen. Fuck off.

Don't you understand what he wrote?
Hold up there, hoss. China is exporting HUGE amounts of Fentanyl into this country. Fact. Secondly: George Floyd died from HYPOXIA. Coincidentally, fentanyl overdose causes death by HYPOXIA. It's science fiction that Chauvin's knee, shoulder blade or any other body part hurt anyone. (The coroner and Chauvin's defense team caved into mob rule and threats of violence. That was cowardly beyond words.

First, three cornorers and a jury found Chauvin guilty of murdering Floyd. Don't try to rewrite history.

As for China's role in Fentanyl... here's what the DEA says.


As Beijing and the Hong Kong Special Autonomous Region (SAR) place restrictions on more precursor chemicals, Mexican transnational criminal organizations (TCOs) are diversifying their sources of supply. This is evidenced by fentanyl shipments from India allegedly destined for Mexico. On May 4, 2018, the Hong Kong SAR updated their drug law to control the fentanyl precursors 4-anilino-N-phenethyl-4- piperidine (ANPP) and N-phenethyl-4-piperidone (NPP) as well as the synthetic opioid U-47700. This matches China’s scheduling of ANPP and NPP on July 1, 2017. The move by the Hong Kong SAR is considerable, since synthetic opioids produced and shipped from China may transit the Hong Kong SAR en route to the United States. Effective May 1, 2019, China officially controlled all forms of fentanyl as a class of drugs. This fulfilled the commitment that President Xi made during the G-20 Summit. The implementation of the new measure includes investigations of known fentanyl manufacturing areas, stricter control of internet sites advertising fentanyl, stricter enforcement of shipping regulations, and the creation of special teams to investigate leads on fentanyl trafficking. These new restrictions have the potential to severely limit fentanyl production and trafficking from China. This could alter China’s position as a supplier to both the United States and Mexico.

Wow, sounds to me like China is making an effort to help us with OUR problem.

And, last : Covid was sort of like a virial version of Chernobyl meltdown , they didn't intend it to happen either. But HERE WE ARE. China was at the root of these issues.

Actually, there's no evidence that Covid came from a lab or escaped from a lab.

The Chinese did what we REFUSED to do. Completely locked down the effected areas to prevent the spread. Instead, we have an orange blob who lied about the danger, undermined other officials trying to control the thing, held super spreader events and made virus control a political and cultural issue instead of a medical one.

Or, YOU could shut the fuck up and get a dictionary. I am done with trash like you because you accuse anyone of being troll whilst TROLLING. And, the kicker? YOU will be gone a month, a week or year from now. Rinse, wash repeat, you assholes are a dime dozen. Fuck off.

Sweetie, I've been here for 11 years, and currently rank 5th in total number of posts made. I think in all that time, I got suspended once.
It's a possibility, but if that's true, they why the anti Republican (Trump), anti conservative crap pumped out by the media? And there's then the Congressional Jan. 6th "hearings" dog & pony show fiasco. Its doesn't add up.
( Side note: Soros would be your boogeyman too, if you had any god damned brains.)
Trump pumps his own crap out. It's part of his personality. The media just reported what he did. They didn't have to make anything up. Just like the January 6th hearings. None of it is made up. It happened. And Trump helped orchestrate it. He should answer for what he did. But...that aside, I love the fact that this wrinkled, old prune is the right wing's personal boogeyman. :) When you have literally dozens of right wing dark money outfits (Koch for example) that dwarf the spending of left wing groups, you need a distraction. The right wing is literally rolling in distractions. Nothing in the way of substantive policy initiatives, but enough "SQUIRREL!!" to keep people like you frightened and outraged...about one left wing old man. :)
China is now holding military exercises including missile launches in an obvious show of military force with Pelosi on her way to the region. What does Grasshopper Joe say? Nothing. After the 2 hour tongue lashing he received from Master Xi he has bowed and apologized. Now Pelosi is headed for "Asia" with no plans to visit Taiwan. The world sees America cowering from China. That's a REALLY bad place to be.
I know you love China and hate the US, but your lies are so obvious they are asinine.
All the Righties moaning about Pelosi going to Taiwan. They rather the U.S. bow to China on this.
Some people don't think we are ready to challenge China... we should have never allowed them access to the world bank and the free enterprise system... they cheat and lie and steal... we should have kept our boot on their necks until the CCP failed and went away....
Trump pumps his own crap out. It's part of his personality. The media just reported what he did. They didn't have to make anything up. Just like the January 6th hearings. None of it is made up. It happened. And Trump helped orchestrate it. He should answer for what he did. But...that aside, I love the fact that this wrinkled, old prune is the right wing's personal boogeyman. :) When you have literally dozens of right wing dark money outfits (Koch for example) that dwarf the spending of left wing groups, you need a distraction. The right wing is literally rolling in distractions. Nothing in the way of substantive policy initiatives, but enough "SQUIRREL!!" to keep people like you frightened and outraged...about one left wing old man. :)
Perhaps you missed the democrat sponsored race riots of 2020. The ones that democrats tacitly or openly supported, paid for bail of those rioters. (or, Democrat leaders just sat on their hands and did NOTHING as their cities BURNED. They did NOTHING to stop it.) AND all that SHIT you conveniently overlook cost billions and killed god knows how many because they won't release statistics on it. January 6th was peanuts compared to all that. Yet here YOU libs are, yammering away about Trump the BAD GUY? YOU PEOPLE ARE OUT OF TOUCH.
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First, three cornorers and a jury found Chauvin guilty of murdering Floyd. Don't try to rewrite history.

As for China's role in Fentanyl... here's what the DEA says.


As Beijing and the Hong Kong Special Autonomous Region (SAR) place restrictions on more precursor chemicals, Mexican transnational criminal organizations (TCOs) are diversifying their sources of supply. This is evidenced by fentanyl shipments from India allegedly destined for Mexico. On May 4, 2018, the Hong Kong SAR updated their drug law to control the fentanyl precursors 4-anilino-N-phenethyl-4- piperidine (ANPP) and N-phenethyl-4-piperidone (NPP) as well as the synthetic opioid U-47700. This matches China’s scheduling of ANPP and NPP on July 1, 2017. The move by the Hong Kong SAR is considerable, since synthetic opioids produced and shipped from China may transit the Hong Kong SAR en route to the United States. Effective May 1, 2019, China officially controlled all forms of fentanyl as a class of drugs. This fulfilled the commitment that President Xi made during the G-20 Summit. The implementation of the new measure includes investigations of known fentanyl manufacturing areas, stricter control of internet sites advertising fentanyl, stricter enforcement of shipping regulations, and the creation of special teams to investigate leads on fentanyl trafficking. These new restrictions have the potential to severely limit fentanyl production and trafficking from China. This could alter China’s position as a supplier to both the United States and Mexico.

Wow, sounds to me like China is making an effort to help us with OUR problem.

Actually, there's no evidence that Covid came from a lab or escaped from a lab.

The Chinese did what we REFUSED to do. Completely locked down the effected areas to prevent the spread. Instead, we have an orange blob who lied about the danger, undermined other officials trying to control the thing, held super spreader events and made virus control a political and cultural issue instead of a medical one.

Sweetie, I've been here for 11 years, and currently rank 5th in total number of posts made. I think in all that time, I got suspended once.
Hmm, after careful consideration, and hours of head scratching I came to an epiphany: you missed the bloody point like a perfect idiot. Your last reply/comment just came off as TMI gaslighting. So many things going on here. I will stick to one issue: George Floyd. First of all I can only find evidence of 2 examinations of Floyd. Both found that Floyd had twice the level that would cause fatal overdose. A rather suspicious private funded examination that found Floyd died from a knee on the neck. Surprise surprise. Secondly, and more authoritatively":
Chief medical examiner Dr. Andrew Baker, who listed Floyd’s death as a homicide, thought the amount of fentanyl in Floyd’s blood was “pretty high” and could be “a fatal level of fentanyl under normal circumstances.”
[Dr. Baker] said that if Mr. Floyd had been found dead in his home (or anywhere else) and there were no other contributing factors he would conclude that it was an overdose death.”
Now, on video evidence that Floyd during his arrest, (You can see it on the video) George Floyd was in the midst of exited delirium brought on by a drug overdose. (fentanyl). He even said : "I can't breath" BEFORE anyone laid a finger on him. HE was already SUFFOCATING before anyone touched him! That can not be overlooked. (Floyd also had heart disease AND COVID19, which also cause HYPOXIA). AND, most DAMNING OF ALL, the coroner admitted his conclusion was based NOT ON THE OVERALL FACTS, but on the "OPTICS' of that video. Really? OPTICS, not a scientific independent conclusion? Penn and Teller use "optics" when they pull a rabbit out of fucking hat, too. This is more about mob justice. Because violent mob threatens to burn down shit, not because of actual independent verifiable facts obtained scientifically. This is what you support?
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Or, YOU could shut the fuck up and get a dictionary. I am done with trash like you because you accuse anyone of being troll whilst TROLLING. And, the kicker? YOU will be gone a month, a week or year from now. Rinse, wash repeat, you assholes are a dime dozen. Fuck off.
When someone agrees with you your bubble gets bigger.
When someone says something you disagree with, your bubble explodes.

It would be easier if you actually posted facts and answered with some intelligence. Maybe you could act civilized.

"Or, YOU could shut the fuck up" altogether.
When someone agrees with you your bubble gets bigger.
When someone says something you disagree with, your bubble explodes.

It would be easier if you actually posted facts and answered with some intelligence. Maybe you could act civilized.

"Or, YOU could shut the fuck up" altogether.
That's good, I will use that. "Your little bubble gets bigger". Post #55. Despite I just just posted some facts, YOU never bothered to answer. This cheap crap? Really?
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Threw out foreign exploiters and made their country a major economic and military power? Yes. Yes, they did.

Now, if you want to get down to cases, some of that was pretty awful. The Great Leap Forward was a disaster, as was the policy of selling rice while there were famines to raise capital.

But as I often say, you can read the history of ANY country and find equally awful stuff. If you read history and feel good, you aren't reading history, you are reading propaganda.

Google is your friend.

US military spending amounted to $801 billion in 2021, a drop of 1.4 per cent from 2020. The US military burden decreased slightly from 3.7 per cent of GDP in 2020 to 3.5 per cent in 2021. This comprised 38% of the year's total military spending worldwide

China will spend $229.47 billion on defense this year, according to estimates presented to the National People's Congress, the Chinese parliament, by the country's premier, Li Keqiang. Its defense budget rose 6.8% in 2021 and 6.6% in 2020

How is China our enemy, exactly?
They are an economic rival, but they are also an economic partner. The worst thing Trump did was impose tariffs on China, because it screwed just about every manufacturer in this country that depends on Chinese components. Not to mention, when they imposed their own tariffs, the US Government had to pay farmers for lost sales of pork and soy beans, where China is the top customer.

The US has been making war in the Middle East for the last 20 years... um, where is China "making war" right now? The last time China invaded another country was in 1979, when they invaded Vietnam for about a month in retaliation for Vietnam toppling their ally in Cambodia. Then the world saw what a horror show Cambodia was and China was like, "Never mind!"

Since 1979, the US has taken military action in Lebanon, Libya, Grenada, Iran, Panama, Iraq, Somalia, Bosnia, Kosovo, Haiti, Afghanistan, Yemem, the Philippines, Iraq, Syria... probably a few more that I'm forgetting.
That's just goofy!

If you do not see China as our enemy, you're a few fries short of a Happy Meal.

It probably hasn't dawned on you but we cannot win a hot war with Communist China.
That's good, I will use that. "Your little bubble gets bigger". Post #55. Despite I just just posted some facts, YOU never bothered to answer. This cheap crap? Really?
Narcissistic as all get out. That's YOU.

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